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Cs2255-Database Management Systems: Qbank For Unit - I

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1. What is database?
2. List any four applications of database
3. What are the different types of database?
4. Define DBMS
5. What are the various data languages supported by DBMS?
6. What is database system? What is its objective?
7. Define schema
8. What is meta data?
9. What is data dictionary?
10. What is database instance?
11. What are the disadvantages of file processing system?
12. What are the advantages of database system?
13. Define data abstraction
14. What are the various levels of data abstraction?
15. Define – logical schema, Physical schema & External schema
16. What is Data Independence? What are its types?
17. Define logical & physical data independence
18. What is mapping?
19. What are the functional components of database system?
20. What are the components of Storage Manager and explain each one?
21. What are the components of Query Processor and explain each one?
22. List the various DBMS languages
23. What is DDL? List the DDL Commands
24. What is DML? List the DML Commands
25. What is data model? List the various data models
26. Define the following
• Entity & Entity set
• Relationship & Relationship set
• Attribute & their types
• Strong & Weak entity
27. What is mapping cardinality?
28. What is total & partial participation constraint?
29. What are the differences between Hierarchical & Network data model?
30. What is primary key & foreign key?
31. What is super key & candidate key?
32. What is Integrity constraint? List the various constraints specified on data.
33. What are the differences between unique & primary key?
34. What is Relation?
35. What are laws formulated by E.F.Codd for RDMS?
36. What is the difference between procedural & non-procedural query language?
37. What are the operations defined in relation algebra?
38. What is Join operation?
39. What is the difference between join & outer join?
40. What is aggregate function? List the various aggregate functions.
41. What is Tuple & Domain Relational calculus?


1. With neat sketch explain the database system structure (16)

2. Explain two-tier & three-tier DBMS architecture (10)
3. Discuss the merits & demerits of database system over traditional file processing
system (16)
4. Write notes on
(a) Hierarchical (6) and (b) Network Model(6)
5. Draw an E-R diagram for
• Banking system
• Airline Reservation system
• XYZ Company
6. Explain the operations in relational algebra with examples (10)
7. Explain Tuple Relational Calculus & Domain Relational Calculus.(8)

1. Difference between Drop and Truncate.
2. Difference between Drop and Delete.
3. What are Aggregate functions?
4. What is the use of Group by and Order by Clause?
5. What do you meant by table aliasing?
6. What is View? List its advantages.
7. What are the difference between Static and Dynamic SQL?
8. What is Embedded SQL?
9. Define trigger and its types.
10. What are the different types of Authorization?
11. Write syntax for Grant and Revoke Commands.
12. Why do we go for Normalization?
13. What are the different types of Anomalies?
14. What are the pitfalls in bad design of relational db system?
15. Difference between 3NF and BCNF.
16. What is Lossless decomposition?
17. What is F+ and Fc
18. What is Functional Dependency?
19. What is Multivalued Dependency?
20. Difference between Partial and full functional dependency.

1. Explain Join operation with its types.

2. Explain in detail about Security.
3. What is Normalization ? Explain the following Normal Forms
4. Explain the properties of Decomposition with suitable examples.
5. What is Functional Dependency? Explain F+ and Fc

Question Bank-3,4,5 units

1. What are the factors considered in estimating the cost of evaluation plan?
2. What is index ?List out the types.
3. Difference between sparse and dense index.
4. Give any two advantages of Sparse over dense index
5. Difference between B-Tree and B+ Tree .
6. What is Heap file? How are pages organized in a heap file?
7. Why do we go for Multilevel Indices?
8. How Clustering file organization differs from other file organization ?
9. What is the index structure of a file?
10. What is Bucket Skew? When are they occur?
11. Difference between Open and Closed static hashing.
12. List out the conditions under which bucket overflow occurs.
13. What is execution plan?
14. What is meant by query processing?
15. What is transaction?
16. Give the meaning of the expression ACID transaction.
17. Explain the phases of the protocol which ensures serializability.
18. Classify the various types of System failure.
19. State the advantages and disadvantages of data replication.
20. Describe the importance of Data Mining.
21. What is Data Warehousing?
22. What are the applications of Data Warehouse?
23. What are the applications of Data Mining?
24. How can you define a Structural type?
25. When are two schedules said to be conflict equivalent?
26. Define the terms Replication and Fragmentation, in terms of where data is stored.
27. What are Structural types and collection types?
28. What is need for concurrent execution of transactions?
29. What is deadlock? What are the various methods used to prevent deadlock?
30. What is redo and undo?
31. Give a comparison of object oriented and object relational DBMS.
32. What is Persistent programming Language?
33. What are the various approaches used to make the object persistent?
34. What schemas are used in data warehouse?
35. What is Recoverable and cascadeless Rollback?
36. How deferred update recovery technique differs from immediate update?
37. What are the types of transparencies that a distributed database must support?
38. What is Xpath and Xqurey?
39. What is XML Schema definition?
40. What is DTD?

1. a) Compare B-Tree and B+ Tree
b) Explain Hashing Techniques in detail

2. a) Why do we need control over Concurrent transactions?

b) How deadlocks can be detected and recovered?

3. a) Explain the various steps involved in query processing with neat sketch
b) Explain various algorithms used for join operation & estimate the cost of each

4. a) Write short notes on Conflict & View serializability.

b) Explain the four important properties of transaction that a dbms must ensure to
maintain database

5. Explain in detail the Lock based concurrency control techniques with examples

6. a) Explain timestamp ordering concurrency control protocol and the modifications

implemented in it.
b)Write short notes on Shadow paging

7. a) Explain Log based recovery techniques with examples

b) List the different levels in RAID technology and explain it features

8. a) Compare OODBMS & ORDBMS

b) Describe the anatomy of XML Document

c) Describe X path and X query with an example

9. Explain Data mining and Data Warehousing

10. a) Discuss various approaches in which the data can be fragmented in a
distributed DB. Explain with an example.
b) Explain the various approaches in File organization

11 . a) Explain Object oriented data model

b) Explain the various Complex data types with example

12. a) Write short notes on persistent programming language

b) Write short notes on type and table inheritance

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