Cbse Test Paper-02 CLASS - XII CHEMISTRY (The Solid State) (Answers)
Cbse Test Paper-02 CLASS - XII CHEMISTRY (The Solid State) (Answers)
Cbse Test Paper-02 CLASS - XII CHEMISTRY (The Solid State) (Answers)
Ans 02:
Ans 03:
Axial angles,
Ans 04:
Ans 05:
Ans 06:
(a) FCC = 4
(b) BCC = 2
Ans 07:
(a) When atom is at the corner of the cube, the contribution is 1/8 atom.
(b) When the atom is on the face of the cube, its contribution is atom.
(c) If the atom is in the centre of the cube, its contribution is 1 atom.
Ans 08:
Ans 09:
Contribution of atom A per unit cell = 8 = 1 atom
Contribution of atom B per unit cell = 6 = 3 atom
Ratio of A & B = 1:3
Formula = AB3.
No. of atoms contributed by 8 corners per unit cell =
8 = 1 atom.
No. of octahedral voids present in a lattice is equal to the no. of close packed
particles and the number of tetrahedral voids is twice the no. of close packed