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The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

Platinum 2012
E Schoeman, S M Bradshaw, G Akdogan, J J Eksteen


E. Schoeman

University of Stellenbosch

S.M. Bradshaw

University of Stellenbosch

G. Akdogan

University of Stellenbosch

J.J. Eksteen

Western Australian School of Mines, Curtin University

Ion exchange resins were investigated for the effective recovery of platinum, palladium, and
gold from a pregnant cyanide heap leach solution. Screening results indicated that strong-base
anion exchange resins proved to be most effective in the recovery of these metal cyanides.
Gold was selectively recovered with the use of Minix, while effective recovery of gold, platinum,
and palladium over the base metals, copper, and iron, was achieved with Amberlite PWA-5.
Successful elution of these metal cyanides was possible from both Minix and Amberlite PWA-5,
using a 2M potassium thiocyanate solution at ambient temperature. Acidic thiourea was unable
to elute platinum from either Minix or Amberlite PWA-5. Effective elution of palladium and gold
were, however, achieved with use of acidic thiourea. Using these results, two conceptual flow
diagrams for the recovery of these metals from cyanide solutions are proposed.
The use of ion exchange resins for the recovery of gold and silver from pregnant cyanide leach
solutions has been widely investigated over the past three decades as an alternative to the
carbon-in-pulp (CIP) recovery process1-7. Most of these investigations involved researching ion
exchange resins, as an alternative to conventional activated carbon. Resins are superior to
activated carbon with respect to loading capacity and adsorption kinetics, and and they can also
be modified for specific applications.
Leaching platinum group metals with cyanide, however, is a new concept and process option.
The research available is very much limited to the recovery of platinum group metals from
recycled automotive catalyst using cyanide8-14. The concentration of platinum group metals in
these solutions is typically between 150 ppm and 500 ppm8, 12-14, compared with 1 ppm when
ore or concentrate is heap-leached with cyanide 15. Other proposed processes to treat pregnant
cyanide solutions that contain precious and platinum group metals include thermal hydrolysis,
electrowinning, and zinc cementation8, 15.

The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

Platinum 2012

However, the operation of these processes is optimal when using high-strength solution, and
they would prove ineffective in treating solutions originating from heap leach operations.
Ion exchange technology, however, has proved able to recover metals selectively in-low
strength solutions, achieving fast adsorption kinetics and high equilibrium loadings, with low
energy requirements2-4, 16-19. The success of ion exchange in the gold industry for recovering
gold from cyanide solutions can thus provide a basis for recovering platinum and palladium
from these solutions using ion exchange resins.
Background and theory
The solution investigated comes from the second stage of a 2-stage heap leach of ore or lowgrade concentrate; it is not yet established which material will be used. The first stage involves
a bioleach, in which the majority of copper, iron, nickel, zinc, and cobalt are extracted from the
material using a sulphuric acid solution containing thermophiles and iron (II). The second stage
consists of a dilute cyanide leach, in which the platinum and palladium, as well as gold, are
extracted from the bioleach residue material.
As in the case of gold, the cyanide leaching reactions of platinum and palladium can take place
at ambient conditions, and follow kinetics similar to those described by gold dissolution into
cyanide media to form the aurocyanide, Au(CN)2-, complex in solution15, 20. Platinum and
palladium will thus be present in the pregnant leach solution in their cyanide complexes as
Pt(CN)42- and Pd(CN)42- respectively.
If is known from cyanide leaching practice and research that base metals such as copper, iron,
zinc, cobalt, and nickel, are readily dissolved into the cyanide leach solution. The concentrations
of these base metals in the pregnant solution, in most cases, are much higher than that of the
gold, platinum, and palladium15, 21. Thus the base metals can have a large impact on the
downstream processes to recover the precious and platinum group metals selectively from the
pregnant leach solution.
Resin pre-treatment
The ion exchange resins used in the study were transferred to a column and first back-washed
with distilled water to remove the smaller particles from the bed, then washed again with an
excess amount of water for a period of 2 hours.
Next, the bed was treated with 6 bed volumes of a 2M sodium chloride solution over a period
of 2 hours. This was done to ensure that all the active groups on the resin were in the chloride

The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

Platinum 2012

After the sodium chloride pre-treatment, the bed was again washed with an excess amount of
water over a 2-hour period to remove excess sodium chloride solution from the bed.
In the case when weak-base and chelating resins were used, the resin was washed with 5 bedvolumes of a 1M HCl solution prior to the sodium chloride pre-treatment. This was done to
ensure that all the functional groups on these resins were protonated.
Stock solution preparation
Synthetic solutions were prepared using K2Pd(CN)4.H2O (99%, Sigma-Aldrich), K2Pt(CN)4.H2O
(98%, Sigma-Aldrich), KAu(CN)2 (99%, Sigma-Aldrich), CuCN (99%, Sigma-Aldrich), K2Ni(CN)4.H2O
(Sigma-Aldrich), K4Fe(CN)6.3H2O (98.5%, Sigma Aldrich) and ZnSO4.H2O (98%, Merck). The metal
salts were mixed together as they were needed, in water. In the cases when ZnSO4.H2O and
CuCN were used, the molar ratios of cyanide to metal salts used were 4 to 1. In the majority of
experiments, the free cyanide concentration of the stock solutions was adjusted to 150 ppm, to
keep the metal cyanide complexes in their most stable form, as Fe(CN)46-, Cu(CN)43-, Cu(CN)32-,
Zn(CN)42-, Ni(CN)42-, Pd(CN)42-, Pt(CN)42- and Au(CN)2-.
Eluant solution preparation
The two eluting agents investigated were acidic thiourea and thiocyanate. In the case of acidic
thiourea, thiourea (99%, Sigma-Aldrich) was mixed with concentrated HCl (32%, Ajax
Laboratories), to create a solution containing 0.5 M thiourea and 0.1 M H2SO4. The thiocyanate
eluant was prepared using KSCN (99%, Sigma-Aldrich). The free cyanide concentration of the
thiocyanate eluant was adjusted to 150 ppm by the addition of NaCN. A 2M solution of
thiocyanate having a pH of 12 was used in the investigation.
Analytical methods
The concentrations of metals in the stock solutions were measured using inductively coupled
plasma mass spectroscopy (ICPMS. Metal cyanide solutions were prepared as described
earlier, and were used as metal calibration standards in all experimental results reported in this
Silver nitrate titration was used for the measurement of free cyanide in solutions. Silver reacts
with free cyanide in solution, to form Ag(CN)2-, the end point of the titration is reached when a
silver-sensitive indicator detects an excess of silver in solution. The end point was taken to be
the final colour change from canary yellow to salmon.


The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

Platinum 2012

Results and discussion

Resin screening
The adsorption test work involved two screenings tests. In the first screening test 12 different
resins, which included weak base, chelating and strong base resins were screened, to evaluate
their platinum, palladium, and gold adsorption potentials, under the conditions of the leach
solution. The composition of the leach solution used in the majority of adsorption test work,
was derived from leaching work reported elsewhere15, as shown in Table I.
The solution was made up synthetically, and had a free cyanide concentration of 150 ppm, pH
of 10.5, and temperature of approximately 22C.
Table I-Composition of synthetic leach solution

Metal Concentration (mg/l)













The first screening test involved contacting the different resins with the one litre of solution in
rolling bottles, at a resin-to-solution ratio of 1:2000, for 24 hours. The large resin-to-solution
ratio was chosen to create a competitive environment between the active sites and the
different metal anions in solution. The percentage recovery of each metal was then used to
evaluate the anion exchange potential and selectivity of each resin for the respective metal
cyanide anions after 24 hours of contact.
From the preliminary screening test, the four resins presented in Table II were selected for
further experimentation. The selection was made on the basis of high recovery of platinum,
palladium, and gold, as well as low base metal recovery.
Table II-Selected anion exchange resins

Dowex 21K XLT

Strong Base

Amberjet 4600

Strong Base

Amberlite PWA-5
XZ - 91419 (Minix)

Strong Base
Strong Base


Trimethyl Ammonium
Dimethyl Ethanol
Tri-ethyl Ammonium
Tri-butyl Ammonium

Capacity (eq/l)

The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

Platinum 2012

From Table II, it can be observed that all four resins selected were strong-base anionic resins,
with different functionalities and exchange capacities. This was done specifically to evaluate the
effect of exchange capacity and functionality on the recovery of platinum, palladium, and gold
during subsequent test work.
The second adsorption test work involved batch kinetic evaluations and discontinuous loading
test, performed on all four resins, to select only the resins that performed most favourably,
when considering process development.
Batch kinetic test work involved contacting the four resins with solution in rolling bottles, at a
resin-to-solution ratio of 1:1000, for 48 hours. Samples were collected at predetermined time
intervals to generate kinetic loading data for each metal on each resin. The percentage recovery
and loading of each metal after 48 hours on each resin are presented in Table III.
Table III-Percentage recovery and loading of metals after 48 hours

Dowex 21K XLT
Amberjet 4600
Amberlite PWA-5



Dowex 21K XLT

Amberjet 4600
Amberlite PWA-5



% Metal Extraction
Metal Loading (g/l)





From Table III it can be seen that high recoveries of gold (>80 per cent), platinum (>98 per cent)
and palladium (>99 per cent), were obtained with Dowex 21K XLT, Amberjet 4600, and
Amberlite PWA-5. Minix showed moderate recoveries for platinum and palladium (72 per cent
and 61 per cent respectively), with a high recovery of gold (>95 per cent).
High recoveries of base metals were observed onto Dowex 21K XLT and Amberjet 4600. During
the initial screening test the recoveries of base metals onto these two resins were also higher
than for Amberlite PWA-5 and Minix. Amberlite PWA-5, on the other hand, showed lower iron
recovery than both Dowex 21K XLT and Amberjet 4600, with higher recoveries of copper,
nickel, and zinc. Minix showed low base metal recovery potential, with the exception of zinc, for
which the recovery was 64 per cent, which was similar to the recoveries obtained for platinum
and palladium.

The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

Platinum 2012

Comparing the recovery with the loading of each metal on the four4 respective resins, an
immediate concern was noticed. The low concentrations of platinum, palladium, and gold in the
synthetic leach solution (Table I) caused their loadings to be much lower than those of the base
metals, despite their high recoveries. For example, even if 98 per cent of the gold and 3 per
cent of the iron are recovered using Minix, the iron loading (0.34 g/l) on the resin is still three
times higher than the gold loading (0.1 g/l).
Thus to have an effective process, the resins selected should have low base metal loading
potential, in order to produce a process stream that contains high amounts of platinum,
palladium, and gold, with lower amounts of base metals.
A cumulative loading test was performed to determine the loading of each metal onto the four
resins under discontinuous loading conditions. The experiment involved contacting fresh
synthetic solution with resin, in a ratio of 1:1000, for 24 hours. After each contact, the resin was
filtered under vacuum from the solution and re-introduced into fresh solution for another 24
hours on rolling bottles. This process was repeated nine times, and at each contact a sample
was taken for analysis, from which the loading of each metal could be determined by a mass
balance. The cumulative loading results of all four resins, after nine contacts, are presented in
Table IV.
Table IV-Cumulative loading results after nine contacts


Dowex 21K XLT


Loading (g/l)
Amberjet 4600 Cl
Amberlite PWA-5


From Table IV, it is clear that Dowex 21K XLT and Amberjet 4600 loaded significant amounts of
base metals, up to 20 g/l of iron and 7.1 g/l of nickel. This observation is consistent with the
literature2,4,5,16, which states that non-selective adsorption occurs when using anion exchange
resins containing high exchange capacities and small functional groups. These resins are able to
load significant amounts of multivalent metal cyanide anions such as those of Fe(CN)46-,
Cu(CN)43-, Cu(CN)32-, Zn(CN)42-, and Ni(CN)42-.

The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

Platinum 2012

The reason for this is the high ionic density of these resins, which have a high affinity for higher
charged anions such as those mentioned previously, as opposed to a monovalent anion such as
Au(CN)2-. This is clear from Table IV, with Dowex 21K XLT and Amberjet 4600 both having low
gold loadings of 0.1 g/l.
Amberlite PWA-5, on the other hand, contains a larger functional group and has a lower
exchange capacity than both Dowex 21K XLT and Amberjet 4600. This effect of this can be seen
from Table IV, with no iron loading and low copper loading onto Amberlite PWA-5 after nine
The lower exchange capacity and larger functional group of Amberlite PWA-5 makes the resin
unable to compensate the loading of the multivalent Fe(CN)46- and Cu(CN)43- anions. Riveros et
al.16, concluded that anion exchange resins containing tri-ethyl functionality, had high affinity
towards lower-valent metal cyanide anions. This explain the high loadings obtained for
Zn(CN)42- and Ni(CN)42- Pd(CN)42- ,Pt(CN)42-, and Au(CN)2- onto Amberlite PWA-5.
Minix proved to be very selective towards the monovalent Au(CN)2- anion. The highest gold
loading of all the resins investigated, 0.7 g/l, was obtained with Minix. This was expected,
because Minix were developed specifically as a gold-selective resin for use in cyanide solutions.
It can also be seen that no base metals except for zinc (1.6 g/l), were present on Minix at the
end of the nine contacts.
From the batch kinetics and continuous loading results, it was concluded that non-selective
adsorption occurred onto both Dowex 21K XLT and Amberjet 4600, and that these two resins
had high base and precious metal loading potentials. Amberlite PWA-5, however, achieved high
loadings of palladium (1.6 g/l), platinum (0.8 g/l), and gold (0.3 g/l), with little to no loading of
copper and iron. Minix selectively recovered all the gold from the solution over all other metal
cyanides in solution. Thus from these results it was decided to continue experimentation with
only Amberlite PWA-5 and Minix, because of the non-selective nature of Dowex 21K XLT and
Amberjet 4600.
Effect of different parameters on adsorption
The effect of pH, platinum, palladium, and gold concentrations and base metal concentration
on the adsorption potential of Amberlite PWA-5 and Minix was investigated. The test was
performed in rolling bottles contacting resin with solution in a ratio of 1:1000 for 48 hours. In
this section the results found will only be discussed in a qualitative manner, with no
presentation of results in graph or table form.


The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

Platinum 2012

Effect of pH
The effect of pH on the loading of platinum, palladium, and gold onto both Minix and Amberlite
PWA-5 over the pH range 9 to 11 was minimal. The observation was consistent with findings in
the literature2, that pH had little effect on the adsorption of anions onto strong-base anionic
Effect of base metal concentration
The investigation of the effect of base metal concentration, was performed using only the base
metals nickel and zinc in their cyanide complexes as Ni(CN)42- and Zn(CN)42-. This was done
because of the higher loadings obtained for these metals onto both Minix and Amberlite PWA-5
compared with copper and iron. The concentrations of platinum, palladium, and gold were kept
constant, while the concentrations of zinc and nickel were varied between 5 mg/l and 20 mg/l.
The loading of Pt(CN)42- and Pd(CN)42- on Minix decreased by 45 per cent and 40 per cent,
respectively, decreasing from 5 mg/l of nickel and zinc in solution to 10 mg/l. However, no
further decrease in the loading of platinum and palladium was observed as the zinc and nickel
concentration were increased above 10 mg/l. The Au(CN)2- loading on Minix, however, was not
affected over the entire zinc and nickel concentration range investigated. Similar decreases in
the initial loading rates of Pt(CN)42- and Pd(CN)42- onto Minix were also observed up to a
concentration of 10 mg/l zinc and nickel in solution, after which the initial loading rate stayed
constant as the base metal concentration was increased above 10 mg/l. Although the loading of
Au(CN)2- was not affected by zinc and nickel concentration, a 20 per cent decrease in the initial
loading rate of Au(CN)2-, was observed as the concentration of nickel and zinc were increased
from 10 mg/l to 20 mg/l in solution.
Loading of Pt(CN)42-, Pd(CN)42-, and Au(CN)2- onto Amberlite PWA-5 was not affected up to a
concentration of 10 mg/l of nickel and zinc. However, as the concentration of nickel and zinc
was increased to 20 mg/l, a slight decrease in loading was observed for all three anions. A linear
decrease in the initial loading rates of Pt(CN)42-, Pd(CN)42-, and Au(CN)2-, was also observed as
the concentrations of nickel and zinc were increased from 5 mg/l to 20 mg/l. Thus it can be
concluded that zinc and nickel concentrations have a significant effect on both the loadings and
initial loading rates of Pt(CN)42-, Pd(CN)42-, and Au(CN)2- onto both Minix and Amberlite PWA-5.
Effect of precious and platinum group metals concentration
The effect of platinum, palladium, and gold concentration was investigated by keeping the
concentrations of the base metals shown in Table I constant, and only increasing the platinum,
palladium and gold concentrations to 2-3 times their concentrations in Table I.


The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

Platinum 2012

Increasing the platinum, palladium, and gold concentration resulted in a linear increase in both
loading and initial loading rates of these three metals. Platinum, palladium, and gold loading
increased by 0.27 g/l, 0.60 g/l, and 0.20 g/l respectively, with increases in their initial loading
rates of 100 per cent, 100 per cent, and 95 per cent respectively.
Similar trends in both the loading and initial loading rates of platinum, palladium, and gold
were observed for Amberlite PWA-5. Platinum, palladium, and gold loadings increased by
0.30 g/l, 0.85 g/l, and 0.2 g/l respectively, with a 200 per cent increase in the initial loading rate
of all three anions.
Two eluting agents, potassium thiocyanate and acidic thiourea, were investigated for the
elution of platinum, palladium, and gold cyanides from both Minix and Amberlite PWA-5. The
elution conditions that were used are shown in Table V.
Table V-Eluting vonditions

Eluting Agent
Acidic thiourea

0.5 M Thiourea,
0.1M HCl









The resins were eluted with 20 bed volumes of each eluting agent undert the conditions
described in Table V. The percentage elution of each metal after 5, 10, 15, and 20 bed volumes
are presented in Table VI.
Table VI-Percentage elution of metals with the respective eluting agents

Amberlite PWA-5

BV 5
Au Pd Pt
32 80 88
17 61 50

Amberlite PWA-5

BV 5
Au Pd Pt
31 63 0
27 29 0



% Elution
Potassium thiocyanate
BV 10
BV 15
Pd Pt Au
85 93 74
96 94 68 100 100
Acidic thiourea
BV 10
BV 15
Pd Pt Au
93 0 100 98
80 0

BV 20
81 100 100
BV 20
100 100


The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

Platinum 2012

From Table VI, it can be seen that potassium thiocyanate was unable to fully elute all the metals
from Minix within 20 bed volumes. The elution of platinum and palladium, however, was rapid,
with 80 per centof palladium and 88 per cent of platinum eluted within the first five bed
volumes. From bed volume five onwards, however, only the elution of gold increased, with little
improvement in the elution of platinum and palladium.
The elution from Amberlite PWA-5 with potassium thiocyanate was more complete than was
observed for Minix. After only 15 bed volumes, platinum and palladium were completely eluted
from the resin, with 81 per cent elution of gold after 20 bed volumes.
From Table VI, it can be seen that acidic thiourea was not able to elute platinum from either
Minix or Amberlite PWA-5 after 20 bed volumes, at the conditions used for the elution. The
reason for this is unclear, and should be investigated further.
Complete elution of gold and palladium from Minix, however, was achieved within 20 bed
volumes of acidic thiourea. The elution of these two metals from Minix was fast, with almost
complete elution of both metals after 15 bed volumes.
The elution of palladium and gold from Amberlite PWA-5 was slower than for Minix and the
metals could not be eluted fully after 20 bed volumes of acidic thiourea. After 20 bed volumes,
98 per cent of the gold and 95 per cent of the palladium were eluted from Amberlite PWA-5.
The problematic elution of the platinum cyanide complex from both resins when using acidic
thiourea is being investigated further, with changes in both the thiourea and hydrochloric acid
concentration during the elution process.
Conceptual flow diagrams
From a process development view, when considering both the adsorption and elution results,
two possible flow diagrams could be drawn up. The first flow diagram involves a lead-lag
configuration, where the gold is selectively recovered from the leach solution using Minix, and
the platinum and palladium are then recovered from the Minix column effluent using Amberlite
PWA-5. Literature on gold recovery using Minix indicated that effective elution of gold from the
resin could be achieved with acidic thiourea. Although the elution of the platinum cyanide
complex is problematic when using acidic thiourea, this complex loads poorly onto Minix, and
thus minimal losses can be expected. Efforts to find an effective elution method for the
recovery of metals from Amberlite PWA-5 are still ongoing. The flow diagram for the first
conceptual configuration is presented in Figure 1.


The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

Platinum 2012

Figure 1-Conceptual flow diagram 1

The flow diagram in Figure 1 provides a means where a high-grade gold stream could be
produced that can then be processed using electrowinning. From the second adsorption stage,
a process stream containing the majority of platinum and palladium will be produced, which
can be treated by a number of recovery processes, ultimately producing a stream that can be
sent directly to a precious metals refinery.
The second conceptual flow diagram involves the recovery of all three metals, i.e. platinum,
palladium, and gold, using only Amberlite PWA-5. Adsorption results indicated that gold can
also be recovered effectively with the use of Amberlite PWA-5. The second conceptual flow
diagram is presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2-Conceptual flow diagram 2


The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

Platinum 2012

This flow sheet will produce a process stream containing the majority of gold, platinum, and
platinum coming from the cyanide heap leach. The metals can be recovered by a number of
processes, including zinc cementation, electrowinning. and thermal hydrolysis.
The use of strong-base anion exchange resins for the recovery of platinum, palladium, and gold
from cyanide solutions has generated promising results. Both the adsorption and elution of
these metals could be performed selectively from a dilute solution, using different kinds of
strong-base resins.
Much research, however, is still needed to be able to compare this process, technically and
financially, with existing PGM and gold recovery processes. Additional research into possible
process alternatives, especially for the recovery of platinum and palladium from high-strength
eluate solutions, is also required.

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The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

Platinum 2012


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The Author

Ebon Schoeman, Master Student, University of Stellenbosch


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