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Trait Writing Model : Math Relfections and Summaries

Teacher Name: Ms. Lowe

Student Name: ________________________________________


Flow & Rhythm


Word Choice

The introduction is
The introduction clearly The introduction states There is no clear
inviting, states the main states the main topic the main topic, but
introduction of the
topic and previews the and previews the
does not adequately
main topic or structure
structure of the paper. structure of the paper, preview the structure of the paper.
but is not particularly of the paper nor is it
inviting to the reader. particularly inviting to
the reader.
All sentences sound
Almost all sentences Most sentences sound The sentences are
natural and are easy-on- sound natural and are natural and are easy-on- difficult to read aloud
the-ear when read
easy-on-the-ear when the-ear when read
because they sound
aloud. Each sentence is read aloud, but 1 or 2 aloud, but several are awkward, are
clear and has an
are stiff and awkward stiff and awkward or distractingly repetitive,
obvious emphasis.
or difficult to
are difficult to
or difficult to

Writer uses vivid words Writer uses vivid words Writer uses words that Writer uses a limited
and phrases that linger and phrases that linger communicate clearly, vocabulary that does
or draw pictures in the or draw pictures in the but the writing lacks
not communicate
reader\'s mind, and the reader\'s mind, but
variety, punch or flair. strongly or capture the
choice and placement occasionally the words
reader\'s interest.
of the words seems
are used inaccurately or
Jargon or cliches may
accurate, natural and seem overdone.
be present and detract
not forced.
from the meaning.
Support for Topic Relevant, telling,
Supporting details and Supporting details and Supporting details and
quality details give the information are
information are
information are
reader important
relevant, but one key relevant, but several typically unclear or not
information that goes issue or portion of the key issues or portions related to the topic.
beyond the obvious or storyline is
of the storyline are
Grammar &
Writer makes no errors Writer makes 1-2 errors Writer makes 3-4 errors Writer makes more
in grammar or spelling in grammar or spelling in grammar or spelling than 4 errors in
that distract the reader that distract the reader that distract the reader grammar or spelling
from the content. All from the content.
from the content.
that distract the reader
mathematical terms are
from the content.
used correctly.
The conclusion is strong The conclusion is
The conclusion is
There is no clear
and leaves the reader recognizable and ties recognizable, but does conclusion, the paper
with a feeling that they up almost all the loose not tie up several loose just ends.
understand what the ends.
writer is \"getting at.\"
This can include an

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