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Found 15 result(s)
The European Variation Archive is an open-access database of all types of genetic variation data from all species. The EVA provides access to highly detailed, granular, raw variant data from human, with other species to follow. As of September 2017, EMBL-EBI will maintain reliable accessions for non-human genetic variation data through the European Variation Archive (EVA). NCBI's dbSNP database will continue to maintain stable identifiers for human genetic variation data only. This change will enable a more rapid turnaround for data sharing in this burgeoning field.
The Human Genetic Variation Database (HGVD) aims to provide a central resource to archive and display Japanese genetic variation and association between the variation and transcription level of genes. The database currently contains genetic variations determined by exome sequencing of 1,208 individuals and genotyping data of common variations obtained from a cohort of 3,248 individuals.
<<<!!!<<< The repository is no longer available. >>>!!!>>> Indian Genetic Disease Database (IGDD) is an initiative of CSIR Indian Institute of Chemical Biology. It is supported by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and Department of Biotechnology (DBT) of India. The Indian people represent one-sixth of the world population and consists of a ethnically, geographically, and genetically diverse population. In some communities the ratio of genetic disorder is relatively high due to consanguineous marriage practiced in the community. This database has been created to keep track of mutations in the causal genes for genetic diseases common in India and help the physicians, geneticists, and other professionals retrieve and use the information for the benefit of the public. The database includes scientific information about these genetic diseases and disabilities, but also statistical information about these diseases in today's society. Data is categorized by body part affected and then by title of the disease.
<<<!!!<<< OFFLINE >>>!!!>>> A recent computer security audit has revealed security flaws in the legacy HapMap site that require NCBI to take it down immediately. We regret the inconvenience, but we are required to do this. That said, NCBI was planning to decommission this site in the near future anyway (although not quite so suddenly), as the 1,000 genomes (1KG) project has established itself as a research standard for population genetics and genomics. NCBI has observed a decline in usage of the HapMap dataset and website with its available resources over the past five years and it has come to the end of its useful life. The International HapMap Project is a multi-country effort to identify and catalog genetic similarities and differences in human beings. Using the information in the HapMap, researchers will be able to find genes that affect health, disease, and individual responses to medications and environmental factors. The Project is a collaboration among scientists and funding agencies from Japan, the United Kingdom, Canada, China, Nigeria, and the United States. All of the information generated by the Project will be released into the public domain. The goal of the International HapMap Project is to compare the genetic sequences of different individuals to identify chromosomal regions where genetic variants are shared. By making this information freely available, the Project will help biomedical researchers find genes involved in disease and responses to therapeutic drugs. In the initial phase of the Project, genetic data are being gathered from four populations with African, Asian, and European ancestry. Ongoing interactions with members of these populations are addressing potential ethical issues and providing valuable experience in conducting research with identified populations. Public and private organizations in six countries are participating in the International HapMap Project. Data generated by the Project can be downloaded with minimal constraints. The Project officially started with a meeting in October 2002 ( and is expected to take about three years.
The Cystic Fibrosis Mutation Database (CFTR1) was initiated by the Cystic Fibrosis Genetic Analysis Consortium in 1989 to increase and facilitate communications among CF researchers, and is maintained by the Cystic Fibrosis Centre at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. The specific aim of the database is to provide up to date information about individual mutations in the CFTR gene. In a major upgrade in 2010, all known CFTR mutations and sequence variants have been converted to the standard nomenclature recommended by the Human Genome Variation Society.
The dbVar is a database of genomic structural variation containing data from multiple gene studies. Users can browse data containing the number of variant cells from each study, and filter studies by organism, study type, method and genomic variant. Organisms include human, mouse, cattle and several additional animals. ***NCBI will phase out support for non-human organism data in dbSNP and dbVar beginning on September 1, 2017 ***
The GWAS Catalog is an open access repository of all human genome wide association studies. It is considered the “go-to” resource for genetic evidence of associations between common genetic variation and diseases or phenotypes, is accessed by scientists, clinicians and other users worldwide, and is integrated with numerous other resources. Association data and metadata are identified and extracted from the scientific literature by expert data curators. Submissions of full genome wide summary data can be made directly by authors, either before or after journal publication.
AmoebaDB belongs to the EuPathDB family of databases and is an integrated genomic and functional genomic database for Entamoeba and Acanthamoeba parasites. In its first iteration (released in early 2010), AmoebaDB contains the genomes of three Entamoeba species (see below). AmoebaDB integrates whole genome sequence and annotation and will rapidly expand to include experimental data and environmental isolate sequences provided by community researchers . The database includes supplemental bioinformatics analyses and a web interface for data-mining.
PharmGKB is a comprehensive resource that curates knowledge about the impact of genetic variation on drug response for clinicians and researchers. PharmGKB brings together the relevant data in a single place and adds value by combining disparate data on the same relationship, making it easier to search and easier to view the key aspects and by interpreting the data.PharmGKB provide clinical interpretations of this data, curated pathways and VIP summaries which are not found elsewhere.
The China National GeneBank database (CNGBdb) is a unified platform for biological big data sharing and application services. CNGBdb has now integrated a large amount of internal and external biological data from resources such as CNGB, NCBI, and the EBI. There are several sub-databases in CNGBdb, including literature, variation, gene, genome, protein, sequence, organism, project, sample, experiment, run, and assembly. Based on underlying big data and cloud computing technologies, it provides various data services, including archive, analysis, knowledge search, and management authorization of biological data. CNGBdb adopts data structures and standards of international omics, health, and medicine, such as The International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC), The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health GA4GH (GA4GH), Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN), American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG), and constructs standardized data and structures with wide compatibility. All public data and services provided by CNGBdb are freely available to all users worldwide. CNGB Sequence Archive (CNSA) is the bionomics data repository of CNGBdb. CNGB Sequence Archive (CNSA) is a convenient and efficient archiving system of multi-omics data in life science, which provides archiving services for raw sequencing reads and further analyzed results. CNSA follows the international data standards for omics data, and supports online and batch submission of multiple data types such as Project, Sample, Experiment/Run, Assembly, Variation, Metabolism, Single cell, and Sequence. Moreover, CNSA has achieved the correlation of sample entities, sample information, and analyzed data on some projects. Its data submission service can be used as a supplement to the literature publishing process to support early data sharing.CNGB Sequence Archive (CNSA) is a convenient and efficient archiving system of multi-omics data in the life science of CNGBdb, which provides archiving services for raw sequencing reads and further analyzed results. CNSA follows the international data standards for omics data, and supports online and batch submission of multiple data types such as Project, Sample, Experiment/Run, Assembly, Variation, Metabolism, Single cell, Sequence. Its data submission service can be used as a supplement to the literature publishing process to support early data sharing.
GWAS Central (previously the Human Genome Variation database of Genotype-to-Phenotype information) is a database of summary level findings from genetic association studies, both large and small. We actively gather datasets from public domain projects, and encourage direct data submission from the community.
The Mansfeld's World Database of Agriculture and Horticultural Crops is an online database. As a contribution to the project "Federal Information System on Genetic Resources" (BIG, It reflects the contents of "Mansfeld's Encyclopedia of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops" (Hanelt and IPK 2001) and contains information on 6,100 crop plant species, excluding forestry and ornamental plants. Each species entry provides nomenclature and synonymy, common names in different languages, spontaneous distribution and regions of cultivation, uses, images, references, but also the ancestral species and notes on the phylogeny, variation and history.
<<<!!!<<< The ExAC browser is no longer available ExAC data is available in the gnomAD browser or for download >>>!!!>>>
The Cellosaurus is a knowledge resource on cell lines. It attempts to describe all cell lines used in biomedical research. Its scope includes: Immortalized cell lines, Naturally immortal cell lines (example: stem cell lines), Finite life cell lines when those are distributed and used widely, Vertebrate cell line with an emphasis on human, mouse and rat cell lines, Invertebrate (insects and ticks) cell lines. Its scope does not include: Primary cell lines (with the exception of the finite life cell lines described above), Plant cell lines. Cellosaurus was initiated to be used as a cell line controlled vocabulary in the context of the neXtProt knowledgebase, but it quickly become apparent that there was a need for a cell line knowledge resource that would serve the needs of individual researchers, cell line distributors and bioinformatic resources. This leads to an increase of the scope and depth of the content of the Cellosaurus. The Cellosaurus is a participant of the Resource Identification Initiative and contributes actively to the work of the International Cell Line Authentication Committee (ICLAC). It is a Global Core Biodata Resource, an ELIXIR Core Data Resource and an IRDiRC Recognized Resource.
The 1000 Genomes Project is an international collaboration to produce an extensive public catalog of human genetic variation, including SNPs and structural variants, and their haplotype contexts. This resource will support genome-wide association studies and other medical research studies. The genomes of about 2500 unidentified people from about 25 populations around the world will be sequenced using next-generation sequencing technologies. The results of the study will be freely and publicly accessible to researchers worldwide. The International Genome Sample Resource (IGSR) has been established at EMBL-EBI to continue supporting data generated by the 1000 Genomes Project, supplemented with new data and new analysis.