
Global Families OPINION

Family offices must focus on risk management to safeguard generational wealth

By Sergei Grechkin

Most family offices are not yet implementing effective risk management strategies, but...
Global Families OPINION

The rise of the integrated adviser for wealthy families

By Tom McCullough

Integrated advice is vital in today’s increasingly complex financial environment, with wealthy...
Digital and Tech OPINION

Cyber security in wealth management: protecting client data in a digital age

By Patrick Chown

As custodians of highly sensitive financial data, wealth management firms are prime...

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Digital and Tech
September 2, 2024

Leveraging AI in the ultra-high net worth and family office segment

By Alison Ebbage

How can artificial intelligence best be used in a segment that demands a white glove...
Digital and Tech
August 29, 2024

The final frontier: private banks look to benefit from the space race

By Ali Al-Enazi

The space economy is set to experience an explosion in growth, and the arrival of...
August 28, 2024

The impact of the UK's changing non-dom landscape on wealthy Africans

By Julie Howard

The UK’s non-dom regime has attracted HNW individuals from Africa in particular, but with reforms...
Business models OPINION
August 23, 2024

Diversity both a moral imperative and a business necessity for private banks

By Derek Laud

Established processes prevent wealth management firms from tapping into diverse candidate pools, but failure to...
Business models
August 22, 2024

Fear of missing out drives GenAI race in wealth management

By Elisa Battaglia Trovato

Not wanting to lag the competition, wealth management firms have been rolling out new GenAI...
August 21, 2024

Could the tide be turning for ESG investing?

By Alison Ebbage

Leaders in the UK and US may have cooled on ESG but returns have been...
Business models OPINION
August 16, 2024

Purposeful digitalisation essential to future of wealth management

By Matthew Lonsdale

Those firms resistant to modernisation will not survive, while companies that embrace the challenge will...