American Association for Physician Leadership

The Healthcare Administration Leadership & Management Journal, delivers results-oriented guidance for a healthcare industry moving towards inter-professional teams in a way that can create a positive impact on patient care outcomes and population health.

HALM Journal is among your AAPL Membership benefits.

HALM Journal Launched Its Inaugural Issue
Volume 1, Issue 1, March/April 2023

Today’s physician and non-physician healthcare leaders face a changing economic landscape. Fee schedules, income limitations, value-based reimbursement, escalating overhead, alternative delivery systems, and the federal government’s intensifying efforts to curb costs, increase compliance, and promote health IT – all have become evolving demands on both physician and non-physician administrators of healthcare. 

From the editors at the American Association for Physician Leadership, HALM Journal is a guide to sound fiscal practice, physician and non-physician leadership issues, human resources, health IT, patient-centric care, health law and malpractice topics, and secrets of the best-run healthcare practices. 

Submit an Article

We are available to discuss your writing plans, provide guidance on topics, manuscript structure, and any other assistance you may need.

Review our submission guidelines or email us at [email protected].

For over 45 years.

The American Association for Physician Leadership has helped physicians develop their leadership skills through education, career development, thought leadership and community building.

The American Association for Physician Leadership (AAPL) changed its name from the American College of Physician Executives (ACPE) in 2014. We may have changed our name, but we are the same organization that has been serving physician leaders since 1975.


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AAPL providers leadership development programs designed to retain valuable team members and improve patient outcomes.

American Association for Physician Leadership®

formerly known as the American College of Physician Executives (ACPE)