Core Indicators 2023


PAHO Core Indicators include data for 49 countries and territories of the Region of the Americas from 1995-2023 or latest available year.

The regional core indicators data set provides information from a combination of different data sources that allow a wide health situation perspective.

The Regional Core Health Data and Country Profile Initiative (RCHDI) was launched by the Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) in 1995 to monitor the attainment of health goals and compliance with the mandates adopted by the Member States and the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (PASB). The principal goal of Core Indicators is to monitor the population health in the Americas over time, by country, by subregions and by the Region of the Americas. Moreover, core indicators serve to measure the progress towards agreed upon commitments such as the country adopted PAHO mandates and strategies and the health and health related Sustainable Development Indicators.

The latest data may be accessed here

Suggested Citation:Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization. Core Indicators Portal. Region of the Americas. Washington D.C. [Consulted: DATE]. Available from:

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