The Austrian Archaeological Institute has a comprehensive publication portfolio that covers all the Institute's core areas of content. The Publications Department coordinates the editing, proofreading and book production of all journals and publication series published by the Institute. Furthermore, the publications team supports authors in the preparation of manuscripts, both in administrative matters and in the acquisition of funding. In close cooperation with the publishers, this ensures an efficient production process.

All publication series and journals are subject to a peer review process according to international standards, which, in addition to the respective editorial boards, guarantees the high scientific quality of the manuscripts.


All publications of the OeAI are subject to the rules of good scientific practice as developed and published by the Austrian Agency for Scientific Integrity. Furthermore, the OeAI is subject to the international practice and the recommendations of the Archaeological Council at the OeAW to refrain from first publication of ancient objects of unknown origin.


oeai‑[email protected]