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Contributions at NorwAI Innovate Conference

Contributions at NorwAI Innovate Conference


NorwAI Innovate 2024, Trondheim

Andreassen, E. (Digital Norway). What does it take for private and public companies to succeed in adopting AI technologies as part of their business model?

Bach, K. (NTNU). Research Update from NorwAI.

Borsch, R. (NHO). How do we speed up the use and development of AI in Norwegian Businesses?

Brasethvik, T. (NTNU). Safe applications of large language models.

Eide, S. (Schibsted Media). Building AI-tech all over the place: Innovation is chaos.

Grønnevet, G. (Telenor). How to integrate research in business.

Gundersen, O. E. (Aneo). Operative explainable artificial intelligence.

Hafver, A. (DNV). Safe and responsible use of LLMs in industry.

Hoel, O. (Regjeringen). AI: What will it take for Norway to succeed? 

Łajewska, W. (UiS). Answering Complex Open-ended Questions in the Era of Generative LLMs.

Lech, T. C. (SINTEF Digital). Regulations for the Digital Economy – Impact on Industry.

Lervik, J. M.; Casolo, Simone (Cognite). Energy Transition powered by Industrial Data & AI.

Lie, H. W. (YesLogic). Why laws must be freely readable and reusable.

Lund, H. (Statnett). Hybrid modelling in the power sector.

Myhre, A. S. (Nation Library of Norway). The machines must speak Norwegian and the algorithms must understand Norway – why the National Library of Norway is training generative language models.

Nedregotten, P. (NRK). How NRK transforms LLMs into real-life value.

Nguyen, N. (NTNU). NorwAI Innovation 2.0 – A conversation with Nhien Nguyen, NorwAI - INNOECO WP leader and Associate professor.

Pettersen, S. H. (Ræder Bing). Navigating the AI Act: Strategic Compliance and Contractual Obligations.

Råd, O. (Norwegian Research Council). 122 ideas for National AI Centers – where do we go from here? Status, and the way forward for the AI research- and innovation investments at the Research Council of Norway

Sauter, R. (Kongsberg Digital). Bridging the gap between process simulators and real data with Hybrid ML.

Schultz, A. (Norwegian Digitalization Agency). What will the AI-act mean for you?

Thaulow, J.; Ingvaldsen, J. E. (Medbric). Introducing Medbric: Pioneering AI Agents for Healthcare.

Undheim, A. (Sparebank 1 SMN). Transforming the finance industry through AI.

Van den Abeele, J. P. (Telenor Research and Innovation). Responsible AI from research to practice.


NorwAI Innovate 2023, Trondheim

Almeland, G. (Norwegian politician and Parliament member representing the Liberal party (Venstre)). AI regulations  – a political perspective.

Bach, K. (NTNU). NorwAI update- what has been happening in NorwAI? Research contributions from NorwAI.

Bendiksen, C. (Bull & Co Advokatfirma AS). Using AI legally – today and when the AI acts arrive.

Casolo, S. (Cognite); Stasik, A. (SINTEF). Matching simulations to the real world

Downing, K. (NTNU). AI & I: A Personal Perspective on the Field.

Eriksen, R. (DNV). Keynote Speach: Building trust into industrial AI.

Gropengiesser, V. (ETH AI Center, Zürich). Enabling entrepreneurship and venture creation at the ETH AI Center.

Heintz, F. (Linköping University). Towards Factual and Trustworthy Large Language Models.

Ingvaldsen, J. E. (NTNU). Responsible Norwegian Language Models.

Kummervold, P. E. (National Library of Norway). LLM work of the national library.

Pettersen, K. Y. (NTNU). A New Class of Marine Robots: from Nature, through University, into Industry.

Pleus, D. (Schibsted). Frontrunner Schibsted on language models.

Sandvik, T. O. (Norwegian politician, Labour Party (Arbeiderpartiet)).

Tennøe, T. (The Norwegian Board of Technology). AI Regulation: The state of play

Thelle, N. J. W. T (Oslo Met). Creatively breaking models: A perspective from the arts

Ugland, Y. (DNB). New Tech is good money.

Walsø, C. L. (Th Police IT Unit). Data and AI in the Norwegian police.

Östman, J. (AI Sweden). Anti-money laundering via federated learning between banks


NorwAI Innovate 2022, Trondheim

Berre, A. J. (SINTEF). NorwAI Achievements. 

Coath, F. (Thoughtworks). Meet the people fighting surveillance capitalism.

Dahl, J. L. R. (Cognite). Solving the industrial data problem. NorwAI Achievements. 

Eide, S. (Schibsted). Recommender systems, cold start and language models @Schibsted. 

Gjersvold, S., Gundersen, O. E. (Aneo). Aneo - a new player in the Nordic greren energy market. 

Mocialov, B., Euthorsson, E. T. (Aize). Aize - making heavy assets feel lighter

Nakajima, H. (Nikkei). Transformation of text, audio and video

Hoyer, F. (AI Sweden). The Swedish model GPT-SW3. 

Ramallo, A. P. (Zalando). What should I wear? Personalized outfit recommendations. 

Rosso, P. (Technical University of Valencia). Language models and NLP for the detection of fake news and conspiracy theories. 

Sandberg, B. T. (DNA). AI in the land of the Moomin.

Stavrum, K. L. (Tinius Trust, Freedom of Expression Comission). An open conversation.

Svensson, M. (AI Sweden). Collaboration and bold leadership

Thaulow, S. S. (Schibsted). Schibsted - a Nordic player. 

NorwAI Innovate 2021, Trondheim

de Rijke, M. (University of Amsterdam). Unifying Online and Counterfactual Learning.

Dignum, V. (Umeå University). Social and Ethical Artificial Intelligence

Engdahl, G. (Cognite). Key challenges to benefiting from AI in assets heavy industries. NorwAI Innovate Tutorial.

Engø-Monsen, K. (Telenor). Becoming Data-Driven: DATA, PTBS and PEOPLE. NorwAI Innovate Tutorial.

Festø, K., A. (DNB). Kunstig intelligens i DNB. NorwAI Innovate Tutorial. 

Gulla, J. A., et al. (NTNU). New language models. 

Gundersen, O-E. (TrønderEnergi). TrønderEnergi.  NorwAI Innovate Tutorial.

Holmsen, T., L. (NTNU). Understanding Organizations' Adoptation of AI Technologies. NorwAI Innovate Tutorial.

Holter, T. (NTNU). Startups, and the role they play in the European AI landscape

Jenssen, R. (UiT the Arctic University of Norway). Visual Intelligence - Solving research challenges in deep learning to enable innovations.

Lervik, J., M. (Cognite). Asset industry: To build an industrial iPhone moment. 

Martinkenaite, I. (Telenor). From hype to hard work. Is AI (still) cool? 

Njølstad, P-C. (Spacemaker). Designing better, more sustainable cities with AI

Risvik, K. M. (Microsoft). Search and next-generation AI - How large pre-trained language models are transforming the worlds biggest AI application.

Thaulow, S., S. (Schibsted). The use of use cases - How Schibsted works to deliver value from data. NorwAI Innovate Tutorial.

Traiger, E., A. (DNV). Risks, opportunities, ethics and AI impact.

Poster and demo contributions

Poster and demo contributions

NorwAI Innovate 2023, Trondheim

Agarwal, R. (2023). Handling Dimension Varying Inputs in Online Learning. Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Baumgartner, D. (2023). mTADS: Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection Benchmark Suites. Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Doan, T. M., Kille, B, Gulla, J. A. (2023). SP-BERT: A Language Model for Political Texts in Scandinavian Languages. Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Eidnes, S., Stasik, A. Lye, K., Sterud, C., Bøhn, E. and Riemer-Sørensen, S. (2023). Pseudo-Hamiltonian neural networks for learning ODEs and PDEs. Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Firouzjaei, H. A. (2023). A deep learning-based approach for identifying unresolved questions on Stack Exchange Q&A communities through graph-based communication modelling. Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Fuchs, F. G., Stasik, A., Miao, S. (2023). QuantumReservoirPy: A Software Package for Time Series Prediction. Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Jayawardene, I. Elvesæter, B. (2023). Identifying Defects in Fishnets in Fish Farms. Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Khalitov, R. Yu, T., Cheng, L and Yang, Z. (2023). ChordMixer: A Scalable Neural Attention Model for Sequences with Different Lengths. Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Knaus, T. (2023). DECODING THE SOCIAL SIGNAL IN VOICE DATA – The emergence of computational methods to read human sociality. Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Løkkeborg, T. (2023). Deep Reinforcement Learning for International Diplomacy: Learning to Play Map Variants. Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Michalowska, K., Goswami, S., Karniadakis, G. E., Riemer-Sørensen, S. (2023). Multi-resolution learning with operator- and recurrent neural networks. Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Rønningstad, E. (2023). NorwAI Innovate Poster Abstract: New Entity-centric Insights for Norwegian Sentiment Analysis. Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Sánchez-Díaz, X. F. C., Mengshoel, O. J. (2023). EvoLP.jl: Modular Optimisation in Julia using Evolutionary Computation. Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Shamsaliei, S., Gundersen, O. E., Kjærnli, H., Langseth, H. (2023). On Reliable Reporting of Conclusions in Model Comparison Studies of Deep Neural Networks

Singh, A. (2023). Deep Reinforcement Learning for Spatio-Temporal Wildlife Management. Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Song, E., Li, T. (2023). Kaia- the Social Robot. Demo at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Treuillier, C., Castagnos, S., Brun, A. (2023). How a Multi-factorial Analysis of Polarization Paves the Way for Innovative Recommendation Strategies. Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Vassøy, B., Langseth, H. and Kille, B. (2023). Providing Previously Unseen Users Fair Recommendations Using Variational Autoencoders. Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.


NorwAI Innovate 2022, Trondheim

Ali, R., Sarmad, M., Tayyub, J., Vogel, A. (2022). Accurate Detection of Weld Seams for Laser Welding in Real-World Manufacturing. Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Bayrak, B., Veites, P. M., Bach, K. (2022). Explaining Black-Box Models Using a Multi-agent CBR System. Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Doan, T. M., Kille, B., Gulla, J. A. (2022). Using Language Models for Classifying the Party Affiliation of Political Texts. Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Elfarri, E., Rasheed,A. (2022). Digital Twin of a Building Powered by Artificial Intelligence and Demonstrated in Virtual Reality, Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Hammersborg, P., von Brandis, A., Strümke, I. (2022). Comparing explanations from DNN-generated wine score predictions with expert opinions. Demo at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Hirsch, J. et al. (2022) LIACI - Lifecycle Inspection, Analysis and Condition Information System. Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Hukkelås, H., Lindseth, F., Mester, R. (2022). DeepPrivacy: A Framework for Realistic Image Anonymization. Demo at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Høyset, H. B., Eggen, M., Ås, A. M. (2022). Kaia- the Social Robot. Demo at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Lam, A. N., Peter, T., Skjuve, M. B., Waszak, M. (2022). Chat with your factory: A Knowledge Graph Based Conversational AI Agent. Demo at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Logacjov, A., Herland, S., Ustad, A., Bach, K. (2022). SelfPAB: Self-supervised Physical Activity Representation Learning Based on Accelerometer Data. Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Lorenz, E. A., Xiaomeng, S. (2022). Real-time Human Motion Capture for Clinical Multi-Modal Brain-Computer-Interfaces, Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Maropaki, S., Chester, S., Doulkeridis, C., Nørvåg, K. (2022). Diversifying Top-k Point-of-Interest Queries via Collective Social Reach. Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Nystad E. J., Roman, D., Martin-Recuerda, F., Waszak, M. (2022). Dashboard and Data Pipeline for Academic Network. Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Peter, T., Lam, A. N., Bauer, B., Waszak, M. (2022). Spread your Wisdom — Cross-Asset Pattern Matching for Digital Twins through Knowledge Graphs and Similarity Measures. Demo at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.Sarmad, M., Fatima, M., Tayyub, J. (2022) Reducing Energy Consumption of Pressure Sensor Calibration Using Polynomial HyperNetworks with

Fourier Features. Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Tayyub, J., Sarmad, M., Schönborn, N. (2022). Explaining Deep Neural Networks for Point Clouds using Gradient-based Visualisations. Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.


NorwAI Innovate 2021, Trondheim

Barlaug, N. (2021). LEMON: Explainable Entity Matching, Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Bekkemoen, Y., Langseth, H. (2021). Correcting Classification: A Bayesian Framework Using Explanation Feedback to Improve Classification Abilities,  Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Blakseth, S. S., Rasheed, A., Kvamsdal, T., San, O. (2021). Deep Neural Network Enabled Corrective Source Term Approach Applied to Heat Diffusion Modelling, Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

de Souza da Silva, E., Vassøy, B., Ruocco, M., Aune, E. (2021). Joint point process models and recurrent neural networks for sequential recommendations and time prediction,  Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Flogard, E. L., Mengshoel, O. J., Bach, K. (2021). Demonstration of Smart Checklist for Labour Inspections using Case-Based Reasoning and Bayesian Inference, Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Måløy, H. (2021). Leveraging Temporal Perception for Increased Performance in Real-World Applications, Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Rehm, J., Gundersen, O., E., Reshodko, I., Bach, K. (2021). Utilizing Driving Context to Increase the Annotation Efficiency of Imbalanced Gaze Image Data, Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Rønningstad, E. (2021). Targeted Sentiment Analysis for Norwegian Text, Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Shamsaliei, S., Dalsgård, A., Gundersen, O., E., Alfredsen, K., Halleraker, J., H. (2021). Semantic segmentation of black and white aerial photography of riverscapes in Norway,   Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.

Xing, Y. (2021). Balancing Multi-domain Corpora Learning for Open-Domain Response Generation, Poster at NorwAI Innovate Conference, Trondheim.