Home > Privacy Policy


Provisional new version revised in the light of the General Data Protection Regulation (regulation EU 2016/679), pending the legislative decree adapting Italian legislation to European Regulations.
Data controller
The data controller is Edizioni Minerva Medica (hereinafter Minerva Medica) Corso Bramante 83-85 10126 Torino, telephone +39-011-678282, e-mail: [email protected]
Personal data and purposes of the processing
Personal data are information that identify or make it possible to identify, directly or indirectly, a natural person.
Minerva Medica is anxious to protect the personal data of the natural persons with whom it comes into contact during the performance of its editorial activities and in this document we describe how these data are processed.
We would therefore ask you to read this document carefully before forwarding any type of personal information.
This document may be updated, so we would invite you to consult this page periodically.
Minerva Medica collects, uses, protects and possibly deletes personal data (processes collectively) exclusively for the performance of its editorial activity; it does not collect data for other purposes.
Minerva Medica does not process sensitive data, namely personal data on racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, or the religious, philosophical, health and sexual orientation of individuals.
Minerva Medica acquires personal data of individuals through digital means or other forms of communication and processes them all in the same way.
For its data processing, Minerva Medica uses its own employees or collaborators (natural or legal persons) who have signed a contract with Minerva Medica that obliges them to follow the instructions of Minerva Medica in matters of the processing of data.
Minerva Medica does not request unnecessary information and does not create profiles of its users, except for what is based on the data provided.
Personal data voluntarily provided by users of the sites minervamedica.it and minervamedicaonlinesubmission.it
Minerva Medica collects the personal data of users (name, surname, username, password, e-mail address and in certain cases affiliation) during registration at the websites minervamedica.it and minerva medicaonlinesubmission.it. Access to most sections on the site minervamedica.it does not require any form of registration and navigation is permitted without the user having to identify him or herself. Registration at the minervamedica.it website is required for processing orders for books and journals, activating online subscriptions and sending out requested information about new publications. Registration with the site also makes it possible to consult order history and modify personal details.
Access to the minerva medicaonlinesubmission.it website requires registration. The data collected are used exclusively for the submission and online peer review of scientific papers so that authors, publishers and reviewers can carry out the assignments entrusted to them and be updated on the progress of the peer review. The data of any other co-authors will be requested for the same purposes in addition to the contact author's data.
The files of the scientific papers accepted after peer review will be edited, laid out and published in printed format and/or online.
The website minervamedicaonlinesubmission.it does not use cookies to collect personal data.
Providing data when requested is not compulsory, but it is essential if one wants to use the services offered.
In case of online sale of products or services with payment by credit card, the payment data are not processed by Minerva Medica but by Mercury Payment Services S.p.A.
For further information please consult http://www.mercurypayments.it/PortaleIstituzionale/file/privacy_policy.pdf.
Lawfulness of the processing
The legal justification for the processing of data by Minerva Medica is Article 6 of the GDPR of the European Union (letters, a, b, c, f) which states:
The processing is lawful only if and to the extent that at least one of the following conditions is met:
a) the data subject has given his/her consent to the processing of his/her personal data;
b) the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party;
c) the processing is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject (e.g. preservation for tax purposes of data relating to payments made and received);
f) the processing is necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the controller.
The data subject shall have the right to obtain from the controller confirmation as to whether or not personal data relating to him/her are being processed and, if so, to obtain access to the personal data and to the following information: (a) the purposes of the processing; (b) the categories of personal data concerned; (c) the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed, in particular if they are recipients from third countries or international organizations; (d) where possible, the intended retention period for the personal data or, if that is not possible, the criteria used to determine that period; (e) the existence of the right of the data subject to request the controller to rectify or erase personal data or to restrict the processing of personal data concerning him/her or to object to their processing; (f) the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority; (g) where data are not collected from the data subject, any available information on their source; (h) the existence of an automated decision-making process, including profiling.
The controller shall provide a copy of the personal data being processed.
What type of information is collected online by Minerva Medica?
Session data

Minerva Medica uses its own session and persistent cookies for the correct functioning of certain parts of the site and the data collected are not used for advertising purposes and are not passed on to third parties
General navigation data
Minerva Medica monitors general navigation data through Google Analytics cookies: it collects information about the number of visitors to the site, the pages visited, the type of research carried out. This process does not make any use of identifiable personal data and is absolutely anonymous.
How is the information provided online used?
Minerva Medica uses the data collected for specific, limited purposes. Information on general navigation data is used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to improve its function. Information on the personal data of users is used by Minerva Medica exclusively for the operations necessary to process orders, activate subscriptions online, send out information about new publications and submit and peer review scientific papers online.
Definition of cookies
Cookies are small quantities of data that are sent to the user’s browser by a server and are saved on the user’s hard disk.
Cookies are recognized by the website that sends them every time a connection is made. Cookies have no damaging effect on the user’s computer and they have the advantage of personalizing and speeding up contact with the user.
Types of cookies
Session cookies
. Cookies that are automatically deleted when the user closes the browser.
Persistent cookies. Cookies that are stored in the device until they expire or are deleted by users/visitors. The minervamedica.it website uses session cookies and its own persistent cookies for the proper functioning of some parts of the site and the data collected are not used for advertising and are not passed on to third parties.
Third party cookies. Cookies that are stored on behalf of third parties divided into:
Analitycs. These are cookies used to collect and analyze statistical information on accesses and visits to the site. The minervamedica.it website uses Google Inc. cookies for aggregate statistical information that is useful for assessing how the site is used and what activities are carried out by visitors, and stores the information collected by cookies on servers that may be located in the United States or in other countries. Google will transfer the information collected with its cookies to third parties where required by law or where the third party processes information on its behalf. Google will not associate the user’s IP address with any other data in its possession for the purpose of obtaining a more detailed profile of the user. Further information on privacy and on the use of cookies can be found directly on the sites of each organization.
Widgets. This category takes in all those graphic components of a program’s user interface, the purpose of which is to help the user interact with the program. Examples are Facebook, Google+ and Twitter cookies. Further information on privacy and on the use of cookies can be found directly on the sites of each organization.
At the moment, the minervamedica.it website does not use its own or third party widgets.
Advertising. This category takes in cookies used for advertising purposes on a site. Google and Tradedoubler fall into this category. Further information on privacy and on the use of cookies can be found directly on the sites of each organization. The minervamedica.it website does not use its own or third party cookies for advertising activities.
Web beacons. This category takes in snippets of code that enable a site to transfer or collect information through the request for a graphic image. Websites can use them for a variety of reasons, including analysis of the use of websites, monitoring and reporting on advertising and the personalization of advertising and content. The minervamedica.it website does not use its own or third party web beacons.
Individual cookies can be monitored and deleted by changing the settings on most browsers. An action of this kind could, however, prevent you from using certain features of our website correctly.
For more information about cookies please visit http://www.aboutcookies.org.
To remove cookies from the internet browser of your smartphone or tablet, please consult the device’s user manual.
Data security
Minerva Medica undertakes not to disclose or communicate to third parties any personal data collected. Minerva Medica uses security measures, in accordance with current legislation, to protect personal data from accidental loss or unauthorized access and use.
Minerva Medica is not responsible for managing the privacy of other sites connected through specific links to the site minervamedica.it.
Storage of data
Personal data will be stored for the period of time necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected.
Deletion of data
Minerva Medica guarantees the confidentiality of the data and the possibility to modify or delete them by written request to [email protected] specifying the intention to cancel the account.

For further information contact:

Minerva Medica

Privacy policy

Corso Bramante 83-85 10126 Torino

Telefono 011-678282

Fax 011-674502

Email [email protected]

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