Corporate Ratings and Bonds

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    Corporate Ratings

    Our corporate ratings are shown below.

    Rating Agency Long-term Short-term
    Standard &Poor's BBB+ -
    Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. AA- J-1+
    Rating and Investment Information, Inc. A+ -

    Please inquire at the rating agency about details.

    • -: No Rating

    Corporate Bonds

    Series No. Date of Issue Outstanding balance Interest Rate Secured / Unsecured Date of Redemption
    The 45th series Sep. 5, 2024 20,000 million yen 1.302% Unsecured Sep. 5, 2034
    The 44th series(3rd Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Transition Bond) Sep. 5, 2024 10,000 million yen 0.700% Unsecured Sep. 5, 2029
    The 43rd series Aug. 31, 2023 15,000 million yen 0.962% Unsecured Aug. 31, 2033
    The 42nd series(2nd Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Transition Bond) Aug. 31, 2023 10,000 million yen 0.459% Unsecured Aug. 31, 2028
    The 41st series Sep. 8, 2022 10,000 million yen 0.629% Unsecured Sep. 8, 2032
    The 40th series(1st Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Transition Bond) Sep. 8, 2022 10,000 million yen 0.310% Unsecured Sep. 8, 2027
    The 39th series Sep. 1, 2021 40,000 million yen 0.270% Unsecured Sep. 1, 2031
    The 38th series
    (2nd Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Green Bond)
    Sep. 1, 2021 15,000 million yen 0.090% Unsecured Sep. 1, 2026
    The 37th series Nov. 24, 2020 40,000 million yen 0.390% Unsecured Nov. 22, 2030
    The 36th series
    (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Green Bond)
    Nov. 24, 2020 25,000 million yen 0.140% Unsecured Nov. 21, 2025
    The 35th series Aug. 29, 2017 10,000 million yen 0.330% Unsecured Aug. 27, 2027
    The 33rd series Aug. 31, 2016 10,000 million yen 0.240% Unsecured Aug. 31, 2026
    The 31st series Sep. 2, 2015 10,000 million yen 0.630% Unsecured Sep. 2, 2025