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مساعدة:التفويض المفتوح

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Help:OAuth and the translation is 42% complete.
PD ملاحظة: بتعديلك هذه الصفحة فإنك توافق على وضع مساهمتك في الملكية العامة وفق CC0. راجع صفحات مساعدة الملكية العامة للمزيد من المعلومات. PD
شعار التفويض المفتوح

OAuth (short for open authorization) is a means of giving outside ("connected") applications the ability to perform edits and other actions on your behalf. Using this authentication protocol, you can authorize ("grant") a connected application the ability to act using your account without the need to divulge your password, and without getting access to functionality it is not supposed to use. The OAuth protocol is widely used by other websites, including major sites such as Google and Flickr.

An example of how OAuth can be used on Wikimedia wikis is the image editing helper CropTool.

أسئلة متكررة

إذا لم تجد الإجابة على أسألتك هنا، فلا تتردد بالسؤال في صفحة المساعدة وسيقوم شخص ما بالاجابة عن سؤالك.

هل المؤلف الآخر آمن

نعم، بروتوكول OAuth مصمم لتكون طريقة آمنة للتصريح من طرف ثالث.

أولاً، يسمح OAuth بمواقع طرف ثالث للوصول إلى حسابك دون الحاجة إلى إعطائهم كلمة المرور الخاصة بك. يمكن للطلبات الوصول إلى حسابك إذا و فقط إذا سمحت لهم بذلك، وإذا سحبت هذا الحق، فإن الطلب لن يكون قادرا على اتخاذ إجراءات نيابة عنك على الفور.

Secondly, each third-party website you authorize is allowed to take only the specific actions you authorized it to. This means that, for example, if you are an administrator, and you authorize an application that asks only for "Basic rights", if the application tries to delete a page (which requires admin rights) then that wiki will reject the request. Previously, if an application had your password, you were relying on the assurances of the author of the application that it would not use your advanced rights.

كيف يؤثر ذلك علي الآن؟

Applications cannot take any actions on your behalf without authorization, so until you decide you want to use an application that uses OAuth, you're not affected at all.

كيف يمكنني ربط تطبيق بحسابي؟

This dialog is presented to you when you are asked to authorize an application to access your account.

If an application wishes to use OAuth to take actions on your behalf, you will have to authorize it to do so. Applications cannot take any actions on your behalf without authorization.

When an application asks you to authorize it, you will be presented with a dialog that tells you what rights the application has asked for (see image on the right). If you click "Cancel", the authorization process is declined. If you click "Allow", the application will be authorized to take the actions listed in the dialog. The authorization will remain in effect until you revoke it.

A list of currently available applications is available at Special:OAuthListConsumers.

كيف يمكنني معرفة ما هي التطبيقات المرتبطة بحسابي؟

The page Special:OAuthManageMyGrants (which is also accessible from the "User profile" tab in your preferences) lists all the applications you have authorized to access your account. From this page, you can also adjust and revoke grants.

كيف يمكنني إزالة تطبيق موصول بحسابي؟

Go to Special:OAuthManageMyGrants, find the application you want to remove access for, and click "revoke access". Then, on the page that opens, click the "Deauthorize" button.

Once an application is deauthorized, it will no longer be able to access your account or take any actions on your behalf. You will have to go through that application's authorization process again in order for it to access your account.

The management interface is global—it will show the same applications, no matter which Wikimedia wiki you are on.

How do I change what actions an application can take with my account?

Go to Special:OAuthManageMyGrants, find the application you want to modify the permissions for, and click "manage access". From here you can revoke any individual permissions, excluding "Basic rights", which are the minimal rights required by all connected applications to function.

Altering or removing permissions from an application's grant may cause the application to stop working properly for you.

هل يمكنني أن أرى مثالا عن كيفية عمل المؤلف الآخر؟

Brad Jorsch has put together an example of how OAuth works called "OAuth Hello World!". To try it, go to https://oauth-hello-world.toolforge.org/.

كيف يمكنني استخدام OAuth في التطبيق الخاص بي؟

Please see the developer documentation.

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