
Driving performance across equities, from end to end.

Creating opportunities within equities

Realise your goals of becoming a public company by working with us to raise capital for growth, both at time of admission and through further capital raisings. Increase your company’s profile, access an international investor network and open the door of opportunity for growth and innovation.

Analyse equity trading opportunities, formulate strategy, discover liquidity across markets, and optimise your workflow. We give you the power to customise our equity trading platform to fit your trading style and workflow from pre-trade research, at-trade execution and post-trade reporting.

The London Stock Exchange also provides access to robust, safe and efficient electronic platforms for secondary markets trading of securities, connecting investors with unrivalled access to UK, European and global investment opportunities underpinned by the innovation that moves markets forward.

Plus, comprehensive clearing solutions for cash equities, cash equities equivalents and equity derivative products transacted on exchanges and trading venues located throughout Europe; designed to mitigate systemic risk and enhance customers’ risk management processes, while delivering operational and settlement efficiencies.

How We Help

Make fully informed equity decisions

Providing you with access to comprehensive and unique data, insights, analytics, and capabilities.