The President's Honorary Citation
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Terms of Reference

1. Purpose
The President's Honorary Citation is a certificate of recognition, presented by the President of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), to one or more officers (chairperson, co-chairperson or secretary) of one working group, from each ISPRS Technical Commission. The citation is to recognize special, personal and meritorious contributions to the operation of the relevant Technical Commission's activities and advancement of its interests, during the quadrennial term of the Society.

2. Nomination
Only Technical Commission Presidents have the right to nominate, and only officers of one single working group shall be nominated. Each individual may receive the citation only once. Neither, the Technical Commission President, the Vice-President, nor the Secretary, is eligible for nomination. The nomination shall consist of a brief written citation, submitted to the ISPRS President by the Technical Commission President six months prior to the ISPRS Congress.

3. Decision
The final decision of the recipients is made by the President of ISPRS, in consultation with the ISPRS Council.

4. Certificate
The President's Honorary Citation is in the form of a certificate signed by the President and the Secretary General of the Society.

5. Presentation
The President's Honorary Citation shall be presented by the President of the Society to the recipients at the closing Plenary Session of the Congress.

Approved by the ISPRS Council on March 19, 2017

The winners of the award

TC I: Petros Patias (Greece)
TC II: Jeff Labonte (Canada)
TC III: Ismael Colomina (Spain)
TC IV: Ryutaro Tateishi (Japan)
TC V: Mark Shortis (Australia)
TC VI: Kohei Cho (Japan)
TC VII: Gerard Guyot (France)

TC I: K. Jacobsen (Germany)
TC II: C. Heipke (Germany)
TC III: B. Csatho (USA)
TC IV: E. Baltsavias (Switzerland)
TC V: S. El- Hakim (Canada)
TC VI: T. M. Sausen (Brazil)
TC VII: A. Rosenqvist (Sweden)

TC I: Karsten Jacobsen (Germany)
TC II: Christian Heipke (Germany)
TC III: Helmut Mayer (Germany)
TC IV: Monika Sester (Germany)
TC V: Gabriele Fangi (Italy)
TC VI: Manos Baltsavias (Switzerland)
TC VII: Karl Staenz (Canada)

TC I: Karsten Jacobsen (Germany)
TC II: Monika Sester (Germany)
TC III: Juha Hyyppa (Finland) and Volker Roderhort (Germany)
TC IV: Christian Heipke (Germany)
TC V: Derek Lichti (Australia) and Norbert Pfeiffer (Austria)
TC VI: Mojca Fras (Slovenia)
TC VII: Zhang Jixia (China)
TC VIII: Piero Boccardo (Italy) and AmeliaBudge (USA)

TC I: Ayman Habib, Canada
TC II: Cheng Tao, UK
TC III: Franz Rottensteiner, Germany
TC IV: Jie Jiang, China
TC V: Fabio Remondino, Italy
TC VI: Manos Baltsavias, Switzerland
TC VII: Uwe Sörgel, Germany
TC VIII: Amelia Budge, USA

TC I: Görres Grenzdörffer (Germany), Costas Armenakis (Canada)
TC II: Monika Sester (Germany)
TC III: Michael Yang (Germany)
TC IV: Sisi Zlatanova (The Netherlands)
TC V: Mark Shortis (Australia)
TC VI: Anyana Vyas (India)
TC VII: Batuhan Osmanoğlu (USA)
TC VIII: Fazlay Faruque (USA)

TC I: Francesco Nex (The Netherlands)
TC II: Diego Gonzalez-Aguilera (Spain)
TC III: Eija Honkavaara (Finland)
TC IV: Maria Antonia Brovelli (Italy)
TC V: Vladimir A. Seredovich (Russia)

TC I: Rupert Müller (Germany)
TC II: Devis Tuia (China)
TC III: Mitsunori Yoshimura (Japan)
TC IV: Zhizhong Kang (China), Kourosh Khoshelham (Australia), Lucía Díaz Vilariño (Spain)
TC V: Sultan Kocaman (Turkey)



The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing is a non-governmental organization devoted to the development of international cooperation for the advancement of photogrammetry and remote sensing and their applications. The Society operates without any discrimination on grounds of race, religion, nationality, or political philosophy.

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Leibniz University Hannover
Institute of Photogrammetry and GeoInformation
Nienburger Str. 1
D-30167 Hannover
Email: [email protected]