Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine

Print ISSN: 1530-6550 | Electronic ISSN: 2153-8174
Editor-in-Chief: Giuseppe Boriani View Editorial Board

Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine (RCM) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal. RCM publishes research articles, review papers and short communications on cardiovascular medicine as well as research on cardiovascular disease. We aim to provide a forum for publishing papers which explore the pathogenesis and promote the progression of cardiac and vascular diseases. We also seek to establish an interdisciplinary platform to facilitate the advancement of research, clinical treatment and diagnostic procedures. Heart surgery, cardiovascular imaging, risk factors and various clinical cardiac & vascular research will be considered.

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Your research will go through a fair, transparent and constructive peer review process.  

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Indexed within SCIE (Web of Science), PMC (PubMed Central), Scopus, DOAJ, EBSCO, Embase, J-Gate, CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) and other databases.

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