The Order (TV Series 2019–2020) Poster


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The crazier it got the better it became
KOOLAIDBRO8 March 2019
Not gonna lie. When this started I was rolling my eyes so hard I almost gave myself a concussion. It started getting weirder and crazier with each minute and I became hooked. Seemed like the acting got better, but I'm not sure if it was just me enjoying the show. If you like the magicians, or underworld I say give it a shot. If you don't? Leave it be.
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Dont get why so many low reviews.
marykingston8 March 2019
I am really enjoying this show so far. If you liked shows like Vampire Diaries, Originals, Supernatural, and the like I think you will enjoy this show. It has laughs and I really like Pops. I say give it a chance and you wont be disappointed.
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Loved it!
corvettgirl0087 March 2019
I must be the only one that actually loves this new show. I love everything about it. The story, the characters, and twists and turns.
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Not great not bad
aalmazidi7 March 2019
10 years ago this show would have been a hit, but today with the quality bar is this high this show comes as a mediacor experience, the characters are almost 2 dimensional and they don't bring much to the table, the cliches are almost tired and the story is a repeat at best, but it is quite watchable and I don't see it as not coming as a cult tv. Maybe season 2 will bring a much more depth to the plot , hopefully
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Very much looking forward to a new season of The Order . Good TV
robfollower27 March 2019
Out to avenge his mother's death, a college student pledges to a secret order and lands in a war between werewolves and practitioners of dark magic.

Supernatural teen drama blends genres well, is entertaining. The story line is awesome between revenge and life, love and hate, war and peace. Two sides working for the same cause without trust.

The goofy humor is interwoven into the plot to produce stories that are not just surprisingly funny, but genuinely surprising.

With engaging characters and with several compelling paths set before its protagonist, this show has legs if it plays its cards right. Very much looking forward to a new season of The Order . Good TV
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It's Really Good But...
Brattsy7 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Don't expect Magicians-caliber writing. Honestly, when I saw the trailer, I looked at my husband and said , the acting will be awful, the sfx awesome, and the story meh. But, I was wrong. It's less pithy than Magicians, less clever, but it's well written, most of the acting was good-some really good (the villain is outstanding).


The lead characters have no chemistry.

The lead female character is bland and boring.

The lead male needs more of a character development. He starts off more interesting and then a couple of really big plot points that could have been a major development stages just sort of...changed behavior not the character himself. As in, it felt like he was acting a certain way because that was the script not because of these life changing events. Missed opportunity on the writers' part.

The ending made me nearly throw something at my TV. Rawr.
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Not the worst, not the best either
rubendh12 December 2020
Despite being a series that caught my attention (I, who generally I'm not a fan of vampire nor werewolf stories), that featured its good tension and comedic moments, and a good music score, I feel that The Order suffered from several shortcomings since the outset.

The series' major flaw is related to the plot development, given the fact that during the two seasons, it was painfully clear that the pacing was struggling to settle firmly and was not done in the best way (especially in Season 2's finale, which was very anti-climatic). Consequently, it left more questions than answers, as well as a very bittersweet experience.

Another problem with the series is the chemistry and relationship factors between the characters, because although the main characters had a solid interaction, the same cannot be said when coming to the recurring ones, because it was lagging at times.

And last but not least, although I have a moderate stance regarding the social agenda, it seemed to me that it was not a good idea to implement too much of it in the series, since a balance must be maintained with respect to the audiences, mostly because not all will have the same convictions or opinions regarding certain topics.

Only time will determine if The Order gets rescued by another TV network and renewed for a third season...But for now, I doubt it.
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Actually really good.
shcoleman27 June 2020
I have absolutely no idea why I started watching this. When it comes to some of Netflix's most recent supernatural sci-fi shows, they just weren't doing it for me. I had completely lost interest. So yeah, not sure why I even clicked on it. But I'm sure glad I did. The story has been done before but some of the details are quite unique. I absolutely love the concept of The Knights of Saint Christopher! Such a cool spin on things. The characters are clever and witty, which I appreciate greatly. And the drama isn't "CW style", if you get what I'm saying. It's actually pretty complex. So yeah, I enjoy this show a lot. Now a fan of Dennis Heaton and his crew 👍
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Good fun, gnosticism, werewolves, and plot twists...
jeremyyelvington8 March 2019
It is fun, I like it, not going to get into a long winded was a great binge watch, hoping for next season!
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Guilty pleasure
Kiiroi-kaminari2 July 2020
This show is mediocre at best. I only keep watching because I'm a big supernatural/fantasy fan. Other than that, the acting is horrible, the two main characters are so f annoying, writing is low quality and plot is one big hole itself.

All in all, it's a nice dark fantasy ride with a LOT of nonsense.
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Funniest supernatural show I have ever seen!!
Hope-Earl14 March 2019
Reminds me of vampire suck. Lol . I like that this tv show doesn't take itself too seriously and gave me a good laugh every now and then. I loved the werewolf hide concept and found all the werewolves likeable. Like game of thrones it's not afraid to kill off some characters when you least expect it!!!
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Campy. You will love it or hate it.
Amani8 March 2019
If you skim the reviews, people either love it(10) or hate it(1). There is not a 5 in the bunch. There is a good over arch plot with small twists along the way. No where as serious as The Magicians. But not overly soap opera. It doesn't take itself to seriously, but it is serious to the jaundra.
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Solid fun premise. Destroyed by crappy script
nikitasanjay925 July 2020
I enjoy supernatural themed shows and am willing to give leeway to the campy like Buffy so long as it's worth the watch. This took an interesting premise and effed it up. The characters are all moronic. The acting... even more so. I stopped listening to the dialogue and kept this on as background noise, just to see where it went.

The twist right at the end of the series was a good move! It was doubly shocking given how incredibly stupid the rest of the series was. It was the only thing that will get me to check out season 2. Hopefully they hire better writers and an acting coach. Also this show is proof being pretty is not enough to keep a show afloat.
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Should be an 8/10 if the ending did not ruin the show's potential
cameron99745613 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This show has a good mix of supernatural, revenge, teen drama etc... All the normal characteristics of these type of shows and does it fairly well but is not the best. Certain parts are smart, werewolves being made from hides, and magic taking years and years to really do much with it. It makes more sense than most other shows in this respect. My 2 real problem is a lot of the plot is easily guessable. Such as the "hero" wins and the villain loses. No real surprise there and it was not outdone in any crazy fashion. The biggest kick is the ending. yes it was surprising, making sure everyone forgets everything but to me this almost killed the show instantly. It basically made the entire 1st season USELESS. The entire season was a waste to watch if it is thrown away right in the end. Even though there is a 99% chance everyone will remember somehow half the season will probably be focused on this, the other half on everyone being pissed at each other and then season 2 will most likely be a wash. In reality, I feel that this season's ending is a cop-out that makes the next season's plot fairly predictable without many avenues they can climb through.

I feel the acting is overall very good, the story is fast but it is tolerable but if season 2 goes into an annoyed as hell Jack I feel that it is just too predictable and will not be enjoyable to watch. Others may like the ending but for what it brings next season will probably hurt the show a lot. I am guessing the next season will also be somewhere around a 6/10 if it makes it around. Hopefully I will be wrong but I still think this show is ruined.

*Lastly I feel the ending was also like a show ending finale, if you washed everyone's memory so they could live a happy life it would have been ok but this was not the case*
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Ending ruined the show
jmv-7593310 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The ending to the show absolutely ruined the entire season for me. It felt like a cop-out and just plain lazy writing. Memory loss, in my opinion, is the worst thing for a show to do and usually signifies that the creators are out of ideas and want to repeat previous material. Even if that is not what happened in this situation, instead you totally betray all the work you put into a main charecter. All season it is reinforced that Alyssa is someone who believes everyone can be redeemed, than you have her go and betray the one person she is closest to? It is not something that her charecter would have done. It doesn't make sense and completely ruined what I found to be an enjoyable season.
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Actually quite good, kinda.
LegendaryFang566 July 2021
This show is cheesy, cringe-worthy, and the humorous/witty moments aren't on-point. It's the whole package. Some people may like the show for exactly that, and to be fair, it wasn't as bad as some people may say/found it to be, in their opinion. But for those who don't and didn't, well, that's the case with the first season. All of that changes in the second season.

And maybe it is due to hindsight, but I look back at the first season in a different light. My ratings for the episodes of the first season were all over the place, as was what I wrote up for each one, but I do somewhat remember that I found it enjoyable but I didn't like it.

But the first season was merely an introduction and establishment phase of what's to come. And there was a lot of improvement with the second season. The humorous and/or the witty moments were all of a sudden on-point and not cheesy or cringe-worthy. Plus, they were much smoother and effortless. I got immersed and invested very quickly. It was great. Oh, and the quality increased a lot. That seems to be how Netflix rolls. They use an average budget for every individual show, which probably varies depending on the show, to test the waters and if they're satisfied, they hand out a renewal along with an increased budget. In some cases, depending on the show, the difference can be significant. So, if one of the issues you had with the first season is about that, you'll be pleasantly surprised with the second season.

Honestly, now that I think about it, the concept of the show is pretty cool. Not to mention, there are a lot of cool aspects to the show. The mythology surrounding everything. The characters that are easy to grow attached/grow a liking to or accustomed to, and in the opposite sense, as well. I've grown attached and accustomed to the characters and the show itself so much after watching the second season, I'm surprised at myself. It made me raise my rating of the show to an eight when I gave it a seven that was closer to a six back when I finished watching the first season. The second season was that good.

The only downside is that the show, as a whole, comes off as cheesy and whatnot. If that wasn't enough, it's the type of show where its demographic aim is at a younger audience or whatever, like a teen drama, which I don't think this show is, technically, because the setting is in college. And that ends up sticking and becomes a turn-off to where you won't continue watching it if there were more seasons. But if you were to give the second season a shot, you may change your mind.
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It's Good but can be better
tripnirhoville9 March 2019
I think this show could do better. I like this show, it's enjoyable, the actors are good (i might have a crush on Alyssa 😂) but the storytelling is too fast and too convenient. Maybe a clear background story may help the audience understand the characters more. Oh, and the ending is so heartbreaking. Looking forward for a season 2.
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Fantastic series
morrislcheryl10 March 2019
Loving this series. It has it all, action, werewolves, witches, magic etc. Highly recommend.
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Reminds me of other shows or movies
subwmn7 March 2019
I give Netflix an E for effort. The school reminds me of Brakebills in The Magicians, but instead of being a school where everyone is magical and different ages are accepted, Belgraves is a normal college, except for a few students who can do magic. It is about an Order and the new members cater to the older ones, just like in a frat or a sorority. The difference is the main character, Jack, who wants to expose the order as the cause of his mother's death, but gets caught in the middle of something he didn't expect when the primary mission was to get into Belgraves and the order. The show is different, but yet similar to the other shows and movies about magic where the main character or characters enter into a school to learn magic or already know how to do it and refine their abilities.
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I wanted it to be good.
sparvcarro7 March 2019
It has all the ingredients to lure me in. But the storytelling is so lazy, the dialogue bad and the acting basic. They could have upped the campyness and created something amusing, or tightened the story and not rely so heavily on the stereotypes to create something interesting. As it is now it falls in the middle, not campy enough to be fun and not well done enough to be taken seriously.
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A LOT better than the trailer!
renwaynecooper8 March 2019
I have to admit after seeing the trailer I wasn't expecting much but decided I would at least give it a chance, at least 1 episode. Well....1 episode turned to 2 episodes...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10. I binged the whole season in 1 sitting and I have to say between this and The Umbrella Academy, I don't know which has been the biggest surprise for me.
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average story
raimatasnim9 January 2021
I loved Randall and Lilith more than the main characters. They are the reason why i finished this show.
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Don't watch it because of the trailer
zachary-wander13 March 2019
Netflix seems to be doing this a lot, but the trailer doesn't represent this show at all. It makes it seem like it's a completely different genre of show, and attracts the wrong audience.

The show itself isn't bad. There's overacting, weird plot developments, and all that stuff, but it is at least engaging, if you like things like the current Supernatural episodes. The trailer just completely misrepresented what it is.
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I kinda like it but it lacks depth
Asulgard20 June 2020
This show has great potential but it lacks a lot in the writing department. Things like motive of the characters, two dimensional characters is just plain silly in this era and could have been done much better and in more depth. There is no character development. No world building.

I mean we are in 2020, its not 1990s anymore. I am in awe that how script writers still cant see that there are tons of well done shows around and this kind of mediocre writing doesnt fly anymore especially after the average viewer's expectations from series like this is much higher than what these bad writers can come up with. Please open your eyes Netflix.
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If you want "happy ever after", then this is not for you!
tpinki-3162721 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I binged the first season and LOVED the ending! What is the point of making everything nice and happy and settled? That's not entertaining! It's action, fantasy, a bit horror, kinda Buffy esque... And very witty! It doesn't take itself seriously, and that's what makes it stand apart from the rest for me. Ignore the low raters, they have no sense of humour!
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