Raising Dion (TV Series 2019–2022) Poster


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Perfect ? No, But Awful ? Absolutely Not
enhawj-096828 October 2019
This show is kind of complicated. Of course, Dion can come off as annoying, or difficult to deal with, and while his acting isn't the greatest, the way they write his character makes sense. I never get the feeling that he's bratty, and though maybe spoiled, he's still just a kid. This is how kids act like. They do things you don't want to do, because they just don't understand, and perhaps he's unbearable for others, I think he develops well, because he eventually starts listening, and starts paying attention, and it's strange because it was genuinely so subtle and natural to me, especially as he starts to understand his powers more.

Moving on, the mother, Nicole, is extremely emotional, and might get on people's nerves, especially with how she deals with situations. But the fact of the matter is, is that she clearly cares. She's scared of her son, and rightfully so, because as amazing as Dion's powers are, he's still just a child, and yet he has so much responsibility at his age. She's fearful of him, but no matter what, she still loves him, and though she's a helicopter parent, it's not without reason. She's emotional, but she does have some good moments with her more emotional moments. She does have a lot of flashbacks, especially in the first episode, and while I'm desensitized to it, others may find the excessive use of flashbacks annoying, and I do agree they weren't needed since there wasn't anything else of substance to their relationship other than it was a healthy one. There's nothing to be noted or taken away from them excelt for one of them in the later episodes.

The plot itself is easy to follow, and though they briefly touch on racial issues, it's only for one episode and is briefly mentioned in another episode. It's nothing preachy, just there. I think that this too might get on people's nerves, but I promise, it's not unbearable.

That being said, I really enjoyed this show, flaws and all. This is really one of those shows where you should watch it before you judge it too harshly though, but it's up to you considering each episode is about 40-50 minutes.
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Fresh, Fierce and plentiful
josiekay19826 October 2019
Amazing, Beautiful and Genius. Originality with deep routes of cultural, social, economical and sheer human obstacle. Adulting is never easy, nor is childhood this comes together with great integrity. Visually flawless, with decent tempo, structure and story arc fulfillment. We could knit pick at the little things, but why bother when you can sit back and enjoy. Waiting for Netflix to approve season 2 of this binge worthy delight.
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Dissing Dion
Martipee21 April 2020
A story about a young boy with unusual abilities & the struggles the mother has. Seems like an interesting plot and it is. But!!! The kid is a spoilt brat whi is basically undisciplined and uncontrollable. The mother is an emotional timebomb continually having meltdowns everytime she cant get her own way. Her best friend is a childlike moron woth OCD. And the young boys isdues seem to be a sideline to the mothers problems. Great plot, but more like a soapie! If you dont like annoying characters, then tune out.
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Kid Friendly!!!
hannaheharr5 October 2019
The storyline is great. Setting is great. Relatable characters. So hard to find kid friendly shows without eyerolls at the cheezy content. Great series to watch with Family.
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Could have been good
WeWatchMovies23 May 2020
BUT there were so many plot holes and bad acting and dumb writing that it's hard to take. It takes forever to get anywhere and therefore boring in between parts of interest. Watch at your own risk.
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Give it a chance
missp-688244 October 2019
I don't understand why this show scores a 5,7. It starts slows but give it a chance. Doesn't deserve a low rating.
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Giving it a 10 for doing something special...Read on
immmyh7 October 2019
Ok I have given this a 10 because I'm reviewing it from a different perspective.

It also has done something very unique and special. Please let me explain. No other series has allowed me to watch a TV show with my children which we are all able to enjoy. My children are so invested and intrigued by what will happen next. To experience a TV show with them is magical. They are full of anticpation, theories and we discuss it at meal times.

To see Thier faces light up when we decide to watch the next episode is really something special.

I wish more TV shows would do this. Normally they watch thier cartoons a d then we watch our shows. But now we are enjoying it together.

For this reason I'm giving it a 10, no other show has done this before and therefore a 10 is well deserved. Thank you.
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Watch the whole season before judging!
chantalroxanne4 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Some reviews are ridiculous. People quit after one or two episodes and judge the entire show based on that.

Okay, that said, I thought this show was good, but not outstanding. There are a few things that are great about it and a few things that kinda bug me. Let's start with the good things. The show is really suitable for a big audience. Kids (above the age of 9), teenagers and adults will be able to enjoy it. This show has, without spoiling too much, an AMAZING plot twist in episode 8 which I had never seen coming. I really loved that. The story is exciting and original.

Now, there's a few things I didn't like that much. The acting could've been better. A few actors are good, others are not that great and that's kind of distracting. Another thing I didn't like is that the show starts off a little slow, so I get why some people are not intrigued to continue. The mom in this story is not a likeable person in my opinion. She takes some getting used to and there were a few moments when I sighed because she was being unreasonable and unkind. Luckily it all works out in the end and as you watch her character grows on you. Last thing I didn't like is how dark the set/lighting is most of the time, but this is really a personal preference. It bugs me when living rooms are really dark during broad daylight. Again, this is something I don't like but others might not mind this at all.

Overall this show might not be a must-see, but it's definitely worth watching! I enjoyed it and despite the negative things it was exciting enough to binge-watch, which says a lot because I usually don't really do that.
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Very easy to watch
georgecanmb5 October 2019
I sat down today the 4th of October and didn't realize how much time had passed that I was on episode 8 and I was like damn I had got to go to bed
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Hate the boy!!!!
pguadalix19 August 2021
This serie is not bad, but the boy is unbearable because his mother treat him like the king of the world. I hate this kind of children.
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Season 1 was awesome, season 2 was not
jannahjoy8 February 2022
We (adult and teen boys) loved season 1. So much suspense, we binge watched it. Have been waiting season 2 for ages!

And what a disappointment it was. The story went in a weird angle, Dion was exceptionally annoying, and there were major plot holes all throughout. Felt like it was a waste of my time watching.

Would give season 1 a 9/10, and season 2 a 1/10.
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Fun for kids and adults
sceaduwolfsson13 October 2019
Okay. It's not really suitable for small kids without parental attendance. Some scenes might cause nightmares. But altogether it's for the whole family. Sometimes funny, some scenes a little bit scary. It's exciting and entertaining. I hope more of Dion will follow. The cast is doing a real good job and watching beautiful Alisha Wainwright (Maia from "Shadow Hunters") is always a pleasure.

Hoping there are no bad mistakes in my review. I'm German and 68 yrs. old.
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Only the first season worth watching
apaksoy6 March 2022
It's more of a kids show but also for adults. It has reminded me of Stranger Things but not as good. I watched all of the first season but could bear only the first 3.5 episodes of the second season. The first season has some original ideas but the novelty wears off in the second season with no new ideas or concepts. Acting is OK including the kids and I thought Alisha Wainwright looked stunning in the first season. My rating of 7 is only for the first season. I would rate the second season with 5 stars only if I could rate each season separately but as a whole.
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Season 2 is complete garbage
Ateballz12 February 2022
I wish I could get the time back that I wasted watching session 2. But then, I ended up fast forwarding big chunks of the later episodes. So boring! And it wasn't even worth it to see what would happen in the end. Just skip it.
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Really good
berraksisman-199795 November 2019
I love this series, a strong mother with a son who has superpowers. There is also the scientific component that makes you feel curious. It deserves more than 8 for sure. I literally screamed few times during the last 2 episodes! Wait for the surprises! I finished all the episodes 2 days. :)
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Has a lot of potential
salinaqvi11 October 2019
For the most part, this is an excellent superhero tv series that shows us a different take on the genre. The story itself from premise does not seem too different from the array of media we have available, but the series has enough suspense and twist and turns to keep you interested. Now since you have quite a lot of children, the acting does at time get under your nerves but for the most part, its good and if you forgive some parts of it; you will have a more enjoyable experience. Some of the dialogue at times is also quite CW-esque which can be good or bad thing depending on if you like those type of shows. For the most part, however, you will enjoy the time you will have with raising dion if you forgive and ignore certain aspects of the acting and dialogue.
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Complex topics beautifully weaved together for children and adults alike
laceydelrae6 October 2019
I've been reading the other comments on here and I think I can help explain why there's such a disconnect between people who either love it or hate it.

It's taken me several days to find the words to describe why this show has made such an emotional impact on me.

My daughter actually found this show on her Netflix kids account and it came at such a perfect time in our lives.

The reason is because the show takes the most complex and difficult emotions, feelings and situations (such as racism, disability, death of a parent, loneliness) that as parents and adults we deal with every single day, while simultaneously showing how these same feelings and situations are being perceived and felt from the child's perspective.

My daughter kept saying she was surprised it was on the kids network. I've never seen a show so perfectly explain the view point of the adult and child and connect it together so that my daughter and I were able to understand both the mother and son so perfectly at the same time.

The show helped me understand myself in ways I've been struggling with so i could finally slow down, focus and actually listen to what my daughters has been trying to tell me for months.

This is why the show is either going to connect with you or it's not. I appreciated the fact that they chose to go with a sci-fi theme. Specifically superheroes, because without this fun child like component I don't think children would have related to this so perfectly.

I'm very grateful The show came out when I was needing it the most. It is very rare to find something that helps you understand yourself so deeply let alone from a TV series.

I highly recommend the show for everyone but especially for children and their parents.
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Decent series
ameliaortega6 October 2019
Honestly I wish they had kept the original actors from the short film. But this series is good in it's own way. And it really starts to pick up when you get a few episodes in.The child actor who plays Dion is really cute and he does a great job with the role. As do the other children actors. And I do like how they address real life issues in the show as well. So even though it might've been a lot better if they had kept the original actors and the original plot from the short film, this was a pretty decent show in itself.
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First 5 episodes in and I freaking LOVE this show.
adbarfield4 October 2019
Characters are all likable and the story line is really strong. Give it a try, you won't regret it.
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Decent tv show with one major drawback
kokomo1235 October 2019
Children and everything about them on tv is written, directed and played very differently for mature and very young audience. And I guess people behind this show tried to cater to everybody but they did it very poorly. So although this one is within my genre preferences I had to abstract from main character. Otherwise I would see a spoiled ADD kid and that is not what I find entertaining. Overall this show is pretty decent and mainstream.
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Season 1 is OK, Season 2 is just weak.
Nico2000-nl5 February 2022
I accidently stumbled onto this show last week and binged the two seasons. The first one was a pleasant surprise. A simple, but fun show to watch with likable characters and an decent plot with a few fun twists.

The second season however was a huge disappointment. Apart from all the gigantic plot holes, the story went downhill fast and the last three episodes turned into a weird copy of an eighties A-Team zombie flick, or something. With a new problem every twenty minutes being resolved in the twenty minutes following. The "end fight" was completely ridiculous, a five year old wouldn't buy that.

With all that and the fact that the plot just repeats itself, characters that develop a new power every ten minutes, (how convenient) and the diversity obsession of the writers, or the casting agency, I more or less have given up on this show.

Season three, if it happens, will have to do al lot better than this.
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socalheart-97-747935 October 2019
I caught myself yelling at the people on the TV more than a few times. Finally just stopped stopping myself. My cats are accustomed to my crazy. The story is a little back and forth but not excessively. The character development is well-rounded. The science is interesting without being dull, but I don't know how sound it is.

Wainwright was cute in Shadowhunters but nails the over protective mother bit here. She's growing a solid pair of acting chops. Young is adorable and a surprisingly strong actor. Together, there is nothing the two can't do. Haney is a solid little actress with unwavering moxie. Everyone needs a BFF like her, at least when they're a kid. She is the glue and supporting wall of a group.

I found Munn's Jonathan the most interesting though. He starts out as one dimensional with little merit. Even the acting is simple; nothing special, regular mean kid in school. An unrelated incident later, and we get to see more of Jonathan, including his positive potential. I'd like to see what happens to him, if the series continues.

The villain tries to be interesting, but is sadly generic for most of the season. It has an opportunity to be interesting next season though. I like how it doesn't rely on fancy CGI gimmicks every time it does its thing.

If you enjoy a clean, sci-fi "who dun'it" with more story than action, then you might enjoy this show as much as I did. I look forward to at least one more season; more if possible.
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Woke Warning
Tom547353 February 2022
I managed to get through Season one. But the second episode of season 2 was pure Torture. I literally forced myself and couldn't take any more.

Too much brainwash to list but luckily ice checked the comments and sure enough im reassured others think the same and have listed them already.
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4 problems and 4 reasons to watch anyway
guinevereredux11 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So I'll start by saying this is definitely worth watching. I love the fact that it dealt with real-world problems and real people problems in a superhero origin story. The show does have a few issues: 1. The main characters age is super unclear. I don't mean that they don't tell you what age he is (they tell you that he's 8, almost 9, and younger than most of the kids in his class because of school age cutoffs, etc.) I mean that the writing/directing is kind of all over the map in how he acts and speaks and how that portrays his age. I think that's the problem a lot of people are having with the acting. 2. The final twist is a little too abrupt. I know there are only 9 episodes to the series, but the final spin and reveal doesn't really start until halfway through the 8th episode, and brings about a very severe attitude change in one of the characters. There are some hints and inconsistencies that give you clues before this, but the abrupt attitude change is definitely jarring and makes you feel a little bit like they're trying to hit you over the head with the moral of the story (which wasn't really the moral of the story for the first 7 and 1/2 episodes). I think it's great to put some moral and ethical messages into family-friendly TV shows, and it's a large part of what makes the superhero genre so appealing to me, but I don't think they did the best job with it. I agree with the moral they present. And I even appreciate the fact that although you end up agreeing with the message completely, you still see a little bit of that gray area that you need in a good superhero story to make the villains relatable as well. They just don't spend enough time on it. I think this could have benefited from another one or two episodes to draw out that change and that finale a little more naturally. 3. The family relationships are underdeveloped. You're walking into a group of people who have all known each other for many years and therefore should have set dynamics, but you really can't tell who trusts whom and what the nature of each relationship is, and you kind of feel like they're starting all of these longstanding relationships from scratch. For a while I thought maybe everybody was just shaken up because the dad had just recently died, but I was never even really clear about how long ago that had happened. And even if that was the case, you think that maybe they would be leaning on each other more, not having these weird tense relationships they're all having. 4. The super power use is inconsistent. It's nitpicky, but it bothers me when somebody could solve their problems with powers they have established, and then they don't, and no reason is given. This happens at least once or twice in the show. Despite all this, I still think the show is worth watching. Here are some reasons why: 1. The number one reason above all else is Sammi Haney. She is absolutely adorable, lovable, strong, and 100% necessary on TV right now. I love the fact that the main girl in a male superhero's life is not "miss teen perfect and popular", but the smart, witty, disabled girl. I love the fact that they actually have a little girl with disabilities playing her, and not somebody who is of typical health and body type sitting in a wheelchair. I say this as somebody who is disabled and uses a wheelchair some of the time myself. We need more representation in TV shows. And not just characters who are looked down on and pitied, but characters who are fully rounded individuals and actually have something to offer. We need people with disabilities normalized for both children and adults. I only hope they develop her character more in future seasons, and give her more to contribute to the actual plot, as opposed to just being a likeable character, who is a good influence on Dion. 2. Real world problems. As I said in the beginning the show deals with real-world problems, which I really appreciate. So many of our superheroes are so distanced from society it makes them hard to relate to. This family deals with financial struggles, racism, bullying, complex family relationships, etc. These struggles add to the development of the characters, and helps you see where the positive traits and relationships that will make Dion a superhero (instead of a supervillain) are coming from. This is not well done in a lot of shows, but it's really well done in this one. 3. Something for everybody. This isn't really a show for little kids (maybe ages 9+ depending on the kid?), but I think it would be great for older kids through adults. I like the fact that it weaves in a family show with a superhero show. The struggles of the mom are relatable, the struggles of the kids are relatable, and each segment of the family really gets enough screen time and plot to let you get fully engaged in what they're going through. 4. First season struggles aren't rare and they don't mean the show won't end up being good. A lot of really good shows, specifically fantasy shows, struggled to figure out what they are and where they are headed in the first season. I kind of get that feeling from this. I hope that Netflix gets a lot of good feedback on this, takes it to heart, and comes back with a second season that has more solid footing. I will definitely be watching for it, and if they release the second season I will definitely be excited to see what they do with it. 5. It's a lot of fun. All the pros and cons that we can analyze won't change the fact that we watch TV for entertainment. With the effects of the villain, and the dancing scenes, and the little kid discovering his powers, the show is just a lot of fun to watch. Isn't that the point?
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Long on potential...
This show had plenty of potential, but the acting is horrible at best. I somehow managed to watch the first season, bit there's no way I can handle a second season of Dion. The casting director should be ashamed.
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