The Rain (TV Series 2018–2020) Poster


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If you want a show with antismart characters, this one is for you...
aarongnr14 June 2019
In literally EVERY SINGLE episode the main protagonists make stupid decisions after stupid decisions. And when they're not making stupid decisions they are having stupid conversations.

Funny thing is: It's still somehow enjoyable xd
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Promising premise...annoying characters that don't deserve to live.
trulahn15 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have patiently watched seasons 1 & 2 of the show before making my judgment. Frankly, none of the characters deserve to survive.

*Spoiler alert*

Simone & Rasmus: In the very first episode, the two defied their mother and opened the bunker door insisting the possibility that the pounding on the door was made by their father, who just few minutes ago saved their lives by opening the bunker door and let them in before the deadly rain started. These two little brats led to the death of their mother from their stupidity. Both of them constantly risk the safety of the group for very selfish reasons. Rasmus, being trapped for 6 years in a bunker with his sister, falls in love with just about every girl he meets. And when they die or get hurt, he looses all reason to live. WTF!?

Martin: He had one job and one job only, shoot anyone attempting to enter the restricted area. Not only did he allow an infected woman and her infant through. He didn't even bother to radio his colleagues to give them a heads up that someone is coming their way. He is the sentry, that's the job. His whole platoon died and their death is on him.

Patrick: Actually, this formerly useless looser who couldn't hold a job is the most deserving to survive. But his group constantly disagrees with his very logical choices of actions in a post-apocalyptic world. He actually deserve to live. I am rooting for him.

Lea: Took her just a few hours to fully drank the Coolaid of a cannibal cult.

Jean: Betrays his whole group because his girl died.

Put this group of people in any other post-apocalyptic world they would have become instant zombie food. How they had survived 2 seasons is beyond belief.
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Drinking Game
Madeline-Rose23 November 2021
Drink every time someone says Rasmus, but don't blame me when you get alcohol poisoning. Every third sentence begins with Rasmus. It's grating because it happens even when he's not on screen. He's absolutely insufferable as a character, adding insult to injury.

Please take the mic out of their mouths when various characters smooch. Macaroni in a pot.
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First episode is bad, but it really gets much better after that!
fabiocarvalho77727 May 2018
After I watched the first episode I got very mad and frustrated. Plot and dialogues were terrible, it is almost like they wanted to make sure we really disliked the main characters for all the silly things they did.

However, my girlfriend convinced me to give it another try, then we watched the second episode. The second episode also had some really dumb moments, but it was much less than the first. Same for the third, until you get to a point when you feel very into it, and surprised, considering how terrible the first episode was.

Long story short, I don't blame all the 1 star reviewers here who didn't make past first episode. However, trust me, this is one of those rare cases where IT IS WORTH IT to be patient, and keep watching.

Like happened to, I bet you will be surprised how much you like it after just a few episodes.
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tallpaul16124 May 2019
Rasmus? Rasmus? Never have I seen a series where one name is half of the dialogue. A fast paced and enjoyable series though with some surprisingly good acting.
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How Can Two Seasons of the Same Show Be So Different?
Zoltanko26 November 2019
I got hooked on The Rain when season one came to Netflix. It was a unique take on a post-apocalyptic world in which survival becomes the primary focus of your existence. There is some diabolical mystery behind what's happened to the world and it drew me in trying to figure out just what will be the fate of humanity. There was an interesting cast of characters and intricate relationships.

Then season two launched and someone decided the show should be more about teenage angst and hoping someone some day will fall in love with you. Yeah, death and evil are all around you, but getting a good kiss is really the only reason to survive anymore. I could barely watch every episode, kept hoping it would get better, and rolled my eyes repeatedly. I was going to explode if one more character blamed him- or herself for the latest tragedy that befell them and launched into a dialogue about their feelings for someone else in the group.Plus the plot simply became a series of go there, come back, go there again, come back, go again...

Season one was good, gripping SciFi. Season two was a YA romantic wannabe. It ended on a definite teaser for season three, so I hope someone with some dramatic, adult sense can steer it back on course.
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Ditch the kid
bgochal-100-54722715 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In the first 10 minutes, the young boy first causes a multi car pile up which nearly kills them, followed up with opening the bunker door when told not to, which kills the mother. This kid will be the downfall of humanity. If he's not dead by the end of episode two, I'm out
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What's with the bad reviews?!
sscholte037 May 2018
Ok this isn't the best thing I've watched this year but wow..

This series is pretty good. I'm not sure why people are complaining about the acting so vehemently. There are a lot of seasoned actors in this and they bring a presence and realism. Around eps 4-6 there are some touching and poignant moments. And they are created by the actors.

The script Is mildly loose at times. And the pace is at times recklessly fast. I would like to see characters develop more slowly and stay for longer.

I would recommend this to a friend with the above caveats. The hyperbolic vitriole on this site, in hand with senselessly low scores are confusing and not well supported. Save that rubbish for Facebook.
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Try a different perspective and you will enjoy this series. Warning: Spoilers
This series has had mixed reviews, mostly bad. But this may be more due to the misplaced expectations of some viewers than faults in the series.

At first sight this's a standard post apocalyptic horror series, a genre so beaten to death by both U.S and British producers that it seems as if each new offering is just a mishmash of previous efforts.

But there are several key elements that make this series innovative and refreshing: for a start there are no zombies, people just become ill and die, andt here are very few shock cuts, creepy POV etc. This is because the focus of the series is not so much on its crude impact as on the moral issues raised by the endless balance in human life between the way that trying to help may be a weakness, that makes things worse or the only way that a problem can be solved. Many turning points in the plot depend on human error, fussing about your son's seatbelt, rushing to open a door to the only source of safety etc, but other key points come when doing what you believe to be right even at peril to yourself is the only way forward.

This series is aimed at young people. The most frightening sequences are those designed to show them that human beings are often shortsighted, that the world may contain almost unbearable horrors: being locked up for years, being left to starve to death, or shot abruptly to protect others and so on, but also that there is a way to meet these challenges if you are true to yourself. And that's a rare and valuable perspective.

Best of all it's not American, there are very few horrible images. It's Danish, and anyone who has spent time in the Scandinavian countries knows that the rhythms and themes in their culture are not at all like those expressed though conventional outputs from the big media producers. ( hence the success, for example, of ' Scandinoir').

So have a look at this series with these issues in mind and despite its shortcomings I believe you will enjoy it.
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mary-179-67738313 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm in stage 4 lockdown meaning I can only leave my house for one hour a day for exercise, food or medical. So I'm bored. I'm looking for a good show to watch and a friend recommends The Rain. How anyone could rate this higher than 1 is beyond me. Every episode I watch, I hate the characters more and more. The script is just so stupid. I'm now in season 2 and it is even worse than season 1. If I wasn't in lockdown I would have moved on but the days are long the nights are longer. The best episode so far is when the high school student that was locked in a bunker for 6 years she's figured out the cure that scientists have been working on for the last 6 years in 5 mins. The absurdity. I will watch out of boredom and in hope that the characters die, except for maybe Patrick, he may live. How this has 20 episodes but containment only had 13 episodes and was much more interesting and better done is beyond me.
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Let it rain,,,,,
s32761696 May 2018
In spite of the fact its not aimed at my age demographic The Rain really is inherently watchable. I've read some rather stupid reviews of this series and my advice is, ignore them.

This is an excellent, inherently honest series that has an emotional and intellectual maturity you do not often see in series of this kind. The characters are real people, not the juvenile, shallow card board cut outs, you find in many US series cast in a similar vein.

The key characters have flaws, they make mistakes and sometimes they die. Indeed this series does not shy away from harming or killing off pivotal characters and its all the more interesting for it.

The pacing is fast and it never really slows. Indeed I raced through the first short season in two sittings and I really, really hope a second season is in the offing. The action is well done too and its balanced nicely by the human stories, that evolve as we get to know more about the key characters.

All in all a really polished, highly entertaining, post apocalyptic drama pitched at twenty somethings but also accessible by the rest of us. 8/10 from me.
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Off to a rough start... But worth sticking with
WakeyBakey4 May 2018
I'm a couple of episodes in... And it's pretty good.

The first episode isn't very good but sets the scene alright. The few extras we see in the first couple of minutes seems to have been pulled straight from a school play. Their acting is cringy at best. But the two main characters does a good job with what they have. That is, the writing is terrible at times. In the first episode, "show, don't tell" is thrown completely out door. The female lead talks to herself (Disguised as talking to her missing father) and explains what is going on and how she feels. Something that is very easy to figure out for yourself without an explanation. Something terrible happens but doesn't seem to have any impact on the characters other than a short scene later on. Also, and I'm sure this isn't a big problem for people using subtitles, but at times they talk in a very proper way. Which is VERY strange for young people. Like any other language, Danish words have been spelled the same way for a long time... But the way words are pronounced change over time. It's feels forced, out of character and pulls you out of the moment.

Episode two and onwards gets a lot better though. It reminds me of the first season of The Walking Dead. With the two main characters trying to navigate this new world. With very different obstacles. The new group of diverse (If not a bit one dimensional) characters helps the story move along and makes for some interesting interactions. It would seem they could learn from each other. The main characters, how to survive in a new world. And many from the group, how to remain humane and not become full blown baddies.

All in all, I'll give it a 7/10. A rocky start but gets better. I'll be watching the few remaining episodes over the next couple of days.
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Judge it by the 1st episode..
hazard11127 August 2020
I watched til the season 3 ending...and I just felt like I wasted my time. 1st episode spoke volumes. I disliked the children immediately but I love apocalypse themes and you never know if they have some character development later on. Turns out shouldn't have put that much hope.

If you're watching this and didn't like the 1st episode already..skip it. It's just gonna be bonkers and stupidity til the end. If you liked it then um all I can say is that the plot just goes all over the place..especially the 3rd season. Lol that was laughable and a bit sad.
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Not the best but not horrible
savindri26 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start off by saying this is a very flawed tv show. Season 1 was bearable but season 2 really stepped up it's game. However from an overall perspective, this show left more plot holes than it did solve them. A lot of the content in this show didn't make sense. Not just the virus and the cure, but how it didn't affect any of the characters when they were around him or the environment. I couldn't wrap my head around most of this show's logic. But season 2 delivered with better acting and more intense scenes which allowed me to binge watch it. The last episode of season 2 was what earned this show a 7/10 from me. Nevertheless I'm excited to see where they take season 3 if it's renewed.
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Decent Mash-up of All Things Post-Apocalyptic
spookdier5 May 2018
Entertaining, but not very original. It is heavily influenced by other post apocalyptic productions, and it shows. 28 days later, The Road, The Walking Dead, Children of Men, The Last of Us, Half-Life 2. Elements of all these movies and games are in The Rain. Of course, this doesn't have to be a problem, but I repeatedly found myself thinking: "Ah, they took this concept from Half-Life 2" and "This setting is a combination of The Walking Dead and 28 Days Later". Entertaining, but because of the blatant (sometimes on actual shot level) copying of other productions, The Rain will probably go down in history as something good, but not great.
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I don't quite understand the hate...
scrich99996 May 2018
I have only watched the first two episodes but I am finding it reasonably engaging. The complaints about the acting are absurd. There is nothing wrong here in that department. Perhaps the haters should watch some other Danish television for perspective. Also, compare it to the crap SyFy was putting out during the aughts. This acting is just fine as far as I am concerned.

The other complaint seems to be that the characters do stupid things, but having suffered though the first six seasons of The Walking Dead before I gave up over the stupidity of the writing, (I only made it through one season of Fear the Walking Dead) I have so far seen nothing that is inconsistent with what kids, locked up when they were quite young, would do when they were released into a devastated world.

I plan on continuing watching. It is far better than much of what is currently available on TV or streaming, in the sci fi genre.
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It was good at the begining
halithanakbulut7 August 2020
First season was really keeping you interest, making you wonder. Season 2 had some problems but not terrible. But season 3 was compeletly terrible, and could have ended in two episodes.
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See the whole seasons before rating
pcornejoz11 August 2019
This is the kind of show you need to see it completely before rating. The first two episodes won't catch you right away. As a matter of fact, the first one was terrible in my opinion. However, as the plot goes on it gets more interesting in every episode. has several downs from time to time in the plot. But overall will end being a great experience. Not the best I've ever seen, but worth it. You'll see.
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Watch all episodes before rating
dittebi5 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched all episodes. It's a ok (not so scary) might-going-to-happen-soon story and good entertainment with somewhat descreet amoral detours. As a dane, I'm often not very comfortable watching danish films/series/acting, as I feel there's generally a bit of overacting or not so believable characters - but they'll kind of grow on you in this one (and the swedes!). I was especially very impressed with the cinematography and the over all story - everything was shot and cut beautifully, production design great and characters developed nicely along the episodes. Just enjoy the ride (and don't think too much about medicine, vira and watercontamination), or there might be a few things you'll end up wondering about - like me.
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Annoying and stupid characters
luzmago_799 August 2020
If you think you hate Rasmus and Simone by the end of season 2, wait for season 3, you are just hoping they die by the end of every episode... that was what kept me watching it, waiting to see them both dead.
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It's no masterpiece, but it might be worth it if you watch it all.
jabandrade7 May 2018
I don't understand why there are such radical people. They come up here, post a review and their own words show that the series isn't so bad, but they stamp there a rate 1.0 or 2.0. It's not so extreme. I have written about this before: we find movies and series much worse than this and the rate is not so low. Be more reasonable. Besides, I don't know if they watch all the episodes. I think at most watch 1 or 2 eps and come here to discount the anger. The series is not bad. The production is OK, the actors committed and the story follows a relevant and interesting logic. Although not brilliant. Perhaps because it is a DANISH series, it doesn't follow the accelerated, unreal and appealing line of American works. It's no masterpiece, but anyone who has an interest in this genre, watch the whole season, it will be worth it.
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Watchable post apocalyptic drama
derekvs12 May 2018
Seems a little strange that a lot of reviewers seem frustrated that 2 people locked up in a bunker for 6 years lack the skills to maximise their survival and make some stupid decisions. I felt the storyline was OK through most of the series though was a little disappointed with the ending. I felt the flashbacks added to your understanding of the characters and gave them a little depth. The acting probably was a little wooden in parts and I didn't like that Netflix dubbed it rather than use subtitles. It probably would have been better as a movie than a miniseries, some episodes definitely didn't add to the story arc and were a waste of time. Overall though, it was enjoyable to watch and reasonably well executed for the genre.
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Painfully predictable drivel with characters too stupid to live
nataliess25 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The characters are literally the most inane, irrational, worthless human beings you end up hoping that they will die. One boy holds a key to the salvation of all humanity, yet he and his sister are happy to keep watching others die to keep him safe. He isn't a love-able charming heroic boy either, just a sniveling little snot. So two seasons worth of watching these two completely worthless characters kill everyone around them with stupidity or ignorance. There are no redeeming qualities about either of them. In some ways it makes sense kids raised completely alone would be so self-centered they believe one life is worth more than the entire world. It doesn't address this though or ever attempt to form them into some sort of actual human-type character. Oh, Yet somehow they are intelligent enough to attempt to bio-engineer a cure for a virus in a basement ? Really ?
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Watchable but painful
hanaahbraan13 August 2020
Still figuring out why I watched all 3 seasons of this. The plot has more holes in it than Swiss cheese. I found myself eagerly wanting it to end. Bad dialogue, irritating characters in terrible wardrobe, patchy acting, too much crying over one dimensional love interests, and a weird fixation with burial scenes throughout. Puzzling stuff.
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Season 2 not so great
cconnelly125 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There were times characters did things that made no sense. When Rasmus was having hallucinations and told Simone this, she just tells him to go to his room. He's so important to survival of human race, having trouble, and he's constantly being left alone. Why not have someone stay with him (with easy access to door if needed?) Then every 2 seconds it's like, we have to find Rasmus. Well why not have someone keep their eyes on him at all times? How about when Simone tells Grie (? Scientist lady?) That she has found the cure. Grie tells her it's too late, they have to go.Why can't Simone scream STUPID, there are TWO ACTIVATION molecules (or whatever it was)!!! Instead she just walks off with them. Later when Grie says she's found the cure and there's 2...whatevers, Simone says, what does that mean? As if she's never heard of this concept. Of course never mind that Simone is not a scientist so why would she be able to solve this problem? Also whenever a bunch of the bad guys died, like from that thing that makes an earsplitting sound, Martin and Patrick (?if I have names right) walk by without even taking their guns. Why not take them?? When Simone sees her dad, it is annoying that she immediately doesn't scream WHY THE F did you leave us??? It takes her forever to ask this simple question. There are so many more issues but those are a sample. Still watchable but need more realistic characters doing more realistic things.
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