Final Space (TV Series 2018–2021) Poster


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So I started this show honestly finding it annoying and stupid. HOW WRONG I WAS.
Starting "Final Space", I found the lead characters oddly annoying and obnoxious, even though i generally like stupid silly, yet oddly witty humor, it was just too much too soon. But the more the main plot-line proceeded, the better the characters became. The character development in this show is brilliant. Towards the end, one cant help but really feel part of the squad and understand the relations and struggles the characters have towards another.

The plot of "Final Space" is a little bit all over the place. However moving on through the episodes, one couldn't help but feel like it some how all made sense, the different cliche's and scenarios were all the right ingredients which in turn are what gave it a true Science Fiction feel.

THE MUSIC IS SPOT ON. Oh in my opinion by far the greatest aspect of the show. Firstly congratulate who ever selected the sound track and audio. The music hit the scene perfectly almost every time and really added that final touch to make it truly feel like a sci-fi show rather than just another animation.

If you can get past the initial 3-4 episodes, I assure you, you will want to know what will happen next.
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Chookity POK!
stuartmcgraw14 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Chookity chook chook chookity pok, pok chookity chookity POK! Chook chookity, chookity pok pok. Pok chookity, chook chook chookity pok. Pok pop chook POK POK CHOOKITY POOOOOOOOOK!
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Annoying at first but turned into something AMAZING
hbrackley26 July 2018
First episode I thought it was an annoying, try hard, Futurama wannabe. But the character and story development is amazing, "Chookity".
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Oops I accidentally stumbled on one of the best animated series I've ever watched!
kyletc28 July 2018
I hated the first 5 minutes. Seriously, I thought here we go again another lifeless satire show of the space genre... Boy was I ever wrong. It was 2am, I was tired and the show sucked me in so much that I stayed up all night binging the entire thing. What an experience.

The voice acting is stellar, and animation is on point and interesting. The story sucks you in and makes you invest yourself in the characters.

The humour takes a little bit to become funny. The show has a particular brand of comedy and satire but they absolutely nail it.

The plot is pretty interesting too. Aspects from the first episode are still relevant in the last episode. Seriously, great great great show. WATCH THIS!
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You'll finish it in a day.
benb-403941 August 2018
When bored on Netflix your tempted with a lot of films and tv shows. As a fan of rick and morty, "final space" looked something I would probably watch with ease and maybe even enjoy. The first episode leaves you wanting more and by episode 4 you're a fan. Despite only 20 minute episodes the series does well in introducing all the characters and creating an intriguing storyline, but what surprised me most about this series is the emotional effect it had on me as a viewer. The humour is great, character development is on point and the storyline twists surprise you. A great little series to get involved in for a day until you've finished it.
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Mandalorian should apologize for stealing from this show...
guasco-227 April 2021
Bounty hunter and Co have to protect a small powerful green baby from an evil overlord trying to track it down?
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Music: OMG, the music!
calicucu-1192325 August 2018
That is what kept me in the moment. The story telling was good, the character development also good; but the music was great and kept me in my chair.
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At 56 Age I enjoyed this thank you
inciter26 March 2018
It was fun... Crisp and exciting awaiting for more excitement. The room to expand is in place go.....
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Sci-Fi and Emotion with a Dash of Hilarity
alejandromyers17 April 2018
While some episodes struggle to maintain the balance of the show's multiple genres, I can't help but feel that "Final Space" is a perfect example of Western animation and science fiction as a whole.

This show manages to represent a vastly unrepresented genre: the heartfelt comedy. Something that can make you laugh without shame or insult, but only until you realize how much you feel for the almost absurdly relatable struggles we feel alongside it's well-developed characters.

I would highly recommend "Final Space" to anyone looking for a pleasant and meaningful introduction to the sci-fi genre, and will happily follow Gary, Quinn, Mooncake, Hugh, and yes, even Kevin, into any and every future story Olan Rogers has to offer.

TL;DR, 11/10, will definitely own on Blu-Ray
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The Gary
marcresto24 May 2021
Wonderfully creative show Intelligence stimulating and above all else fun.
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3 Seasons into Final Space, It has potential.
BrickRival9 August 2021
DISCLAIMER: This is my review currently for the 3 seasons of Final Space so my ratings will most likely change for the future seasons.

I started watching this show recently and I'll admit this show does has its ups and downs with some of the plots and the comedy of this show but it's one of those animated shows were you have to watch it until the very end to have your full ratings of this show.

When you start this show, keep in mind that it's NOT a perfect show, there were some problems I had with season 1, especially the main protagonist of the show Gary, he is annoying and irritating at first even though I found the humor quite oddly enough funny. The character development in this show was quiet astounding as the seasons progresses. The plot in season 1 was all over the place but that didn't stop me from watching season 2.

Season 2 was a bit of a hit or miss for me, I didn't really like a lot of stuff from that season, especially some plots and characters that I still quite honestly still found irritating but that didn't stop me from liking some of the dark and emotional tones they had for me in season 2. The plot in season 2 REALLY went all over the place with me which led to some confusion that I ended up just brushing it off but it did lead me on edge on watching season 3 of Final Space.

Season 3 came along and let's just say, 100% WAY BETTER than season 2 (tied with season 1 for my ratings). I appreciate the tone down of the main protagonist and the show's humor in general BUT I'll say this, there were a couple of plot arcs that did feel a little rushed to be honest and really wished they could've dive deeper into but let's see how this goes in the later seasons. The character development in season 3 by the way is amazing, especially the main protagonist of this show. The dark and emotional tones even took it to ANOTHER level which gets me hype for the upcoming seasons!

Also the MUSIC in this show is SPOT ON by the way!

Will I recommend this show? Yeah, honestly I would recommend this show for anyone that loves Sci-fi adventures and comedy shows!

7/10 so far.
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Something new!
koglamogla19 March 2018
I was looking for something like Rick and Morty and were plesently surprised that it's different! With every episode it's geting more and more interesting. Great show!
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First season 8, second 4
chrispacheco-739-26594018 December 2019
The first season is superb. Great characters and a great story. Actually didn't think a second season was coming but when I seen that it was I was excited. Wish I wasn't! The second season is terrible, only 5 episodes in And I think I'm going to give up. Story is crap, characters are crap. Watch the first season then live happily ever after because it's, you guessed it crap after that.
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From curiously amazing season 1, to a chaotic non-sense fiesta on season 2
pedrocebola24 January 2020
I really enjoyed this series diferent aproach, with some comic and sentimental moments blended together.

Season 2 its just something completely new. characters die, ressurect, turn evil, turn good, turn evil again, new protagonists are introduced for no reason, old protagonists get a 180 degree character shift for no reason.

If i was close to the creator of this show, i would definitely be worried that he banged his head somewhere sometime between seasons.
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Very rare is under the radar accurately used.. This series is really great
MoistMovies13 September 2018
I have not binge watched anything in a single session in along, long time. I have seen almost everything science fiction thats ever been made since 1970ish. Its my crack. This was like the feeling of smoking crack for the first time, even tho ive been a scifi junkie for 25+ years. Its some super space crack. And i liked it. Allot. Dont get deterred by the first couple eps, it picks up major steam after them. I did not expect to like the characters and connect with them on any level.. Its just not something that happens with any animated series to me very often. And im a big anime watcher. But i almost felt myself laughing out loud, and then getting a big ol' hold back a tear lump in the back of my throat within the same episodes. So rare for a something animated to make you feel that kinda of range of emotions, and care for the character. Do yourself a big favor and watch this series. I still cant believe its made by a simple youtuber either. Whos content is very mediocre to me. But most youtube persons are to me. I guess The great red man Conan saw something in this guy that meant he was destined for much greater things. And he was on the money with this guy. Far out. So good. In some ways its even better than rick and morty.
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Fun, Refreshing show!
aonenaqvee31 July 2018
These days, apart from the notoriously annoying kids shows, there are no animated shows that aren't excessively vulgar, with a good storyline and animation. However with final space, that all changes. Final space is like a play on guardians of the galaxy and every mature animated show you've ever seen, however manages to do that without being crude or vulgar, The story starts off with Gary, an intergalactic prisoner finding a green alien, who he names Mooncake. The first five episodes are fun, but a bit off putting due to the lack of character and story development. However, starting from the sixth episode, that all changes, and the story takes off. I highly recommend this show, so stick with it for the first few episodes, and you'll have the time of your life after that.
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eliora-6647822 July 2018
Honestly a masterpiece. Everthing is perfectly put together. The character buildup is amazing. Thank you Olan Rogers for one of your knew masterpieces. I hope to see more of it in the futures!!
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1st episode didn't really like it...
Mcduff360130 August 2018
...but by the 2nd I was hooked. Once I realized this wasn't really a comedy and more like an action sci fi show with some comedy sprinkled in that just happened to be animated I couldn't get enough.

The music really helps set the stage for some sad/intense moments. I was really pleasantly surprised by this show and for that alone it deserves a 10. But the character development and story line are also really great. I got emotionally attached to most of the characters... except KVN ugh he is the worst!

I am really looking forward to more of this show, I hope they don't change a thing... well maybe a little... how about this, I hope they stick with the formula that made Season 1 so good. CHOOKITY POK!!!!
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This show is literally one of the best I've seen in years.
Shevy-Chan22 September 2021
I'm a big Rick & Morty fan, and started watching this show at a time when it felt like I watched everything good the genre can offer.... so my expectations weren't very high. Skip to 3 seasons later and this is in my top 5 all-time favorite shows. My first impression was that it was just an awkwardly hilarious type like Futurama, but it evolved to have such a powerful and well thought-out story development. Unlike many other shows, Final Space assumes the audience is intelligent, and it pulls so many different emotions out of you as you uncover the complex layers behind some of the main characters.

I gave this show 10/10 because it isn't possible to give it 11/10.
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Second season doesn't quite live up to the same standards
muamba_eats_toast22 January 2020
First season was pretty much perfection and a solid 10/10 the most fun I'd had with a series in a while. Season 2 felt a lot less original and didn't reach the same heights whilst still being reasonably amusing and better than most would give 8/10 so 9/10 overall.
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First season amazing
tsby8 September 2019
First season was absolutely amazing and fantastic. But the second season .... this is exactly how you can turn a great idea into craps. Don't like season two at all.
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A refreshing take on Western Adult Animation
writingabout19 April 2018
So let me say off, I just finished watching Episode 6, and holy guacamolee it blew my socks. The amount of detail and care that has gone into this series is incredible, from music to direction to humor (although, Gary does get a bit on my nerves sometimes), every aspect of the series has been carefully crafted.

It is so refreshing to see a plot coherent series like this that feels more like an epic than just another animation.

I have not enjoyed animation like this since Regular Show, so, in a nutshell, give it a chance, you will NOT regret it.
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Great start, but down the hill since
yoav-moran25 September 2021
A typical episode in the final season contains: several teary moments, multiple cliches, some grand standings with crescendoing music in the background - all in 30 minutes. It's tiring.

Good story needs building. It can't be made of only high moments - but that's what this show tries to do, and my heart simply can't get into it. When sometime cries there I no longer feel it, and it starts to annoy - and that's a bad sign.

Loved it's freshness at the start but now I'm glad it's the final season. Can't handle any more cliches, sorry.
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Brilliant first season 10/10, horrible second season 1/10.
Garrrry12349 April 2020
Aaargh, it's so hard to write this review given how great the first season was and how awesome it was compared to the disaster that is it's second season. The first season was just great. With superb character development focusing on the relationship Gary has with each of the shows characters that all have complex, believable and most importantly, interesting backgrounds that you want to know more about while they turn from being mere strangers into a group of people who will do anything for each other. Combine this with excellent writing and a great soundtrack, you got an animated masterpiece that most people loved. The second season is what you get when a new group of writers take over, understanding nothing about the characters and why people love them. A group of writers who merely read the synopsis on each character, watched one episode, misunderstood the entire reason why it has such a solid following and convinced themselves that they could do it better by changing every aspect of what makes it great. It really is that bad. Gross out humour has replaced intelligent humour. Incoherent storylines with no clear path of rhyme or reason replaces smart, story driven coherent and purposeful episodes. And vapid, uninteresting and expendable characters replace lovable and necessary people you want to learn more about. Seriously, the characters are so polar opposite to what they were in the first season compared to the second that they weren't even recognisable as from the same universe. Season 2 is what anyone with intelligence dislikes about the majority of animated series. They're just noise, chaos and anarchy with sound bites of adult humour thrown in that just results in white noise. Completely empty and 100% expendable. I'd still recommend watching season 1 atleast. If you love it like most did. Do yourself a favour and don't even try season 2 so that you don't have to experience the pain we all just did.
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Looks like we're all in for a space treat
Amthermandes27 February 2018
Only one episode in (just finished the series premiere), and already I'm a fan. Show seems to have great potential!

It's about Gary, a prisoner on some sort of free-range, lonely space jail with little to no privileges or commodities. He finds a cute green blob that seems anime-inspired, and appears to be quite easily underestimated based on appearance alone. First episode sets the tone that Gary and his new jellybean-pal is set for various adventures, accompanied by a smart chick Gary has an ill-fated crush on, a cat-dude who seems kinda like Boba Fett, and who knows who else, this is just the start!

It's like they crossed various modern adult animated shows with space movies like "Moon" and "Inception." It has enough originality to stand on its own, so you shouldn't feel like it's a rehash of anything, and contains some excellent references to tv/movie culture.

Gary himself can be a little annoying. He talks too much, has some corny lines, and occasionally spouts desperate-for-attention jokes that only middle-school aged children and younger must laugh at, but for the most part he's funny, likable, and pleasantly obnoxious. He has a tenancy to over-react, and his screams are as shrill and hilarious as Steve's from American Dad, makes for some good moments.

The animation appears simple at first, but judging from a few scenes in the first episode, I'd say we're in for a gorgeous and aesthetically pleasing ride for the eyes.

There are other pros/cons, but it may be too early to give too much praise or nit-pick, so an edit to this review will come after the whole season has aired.

I'm sure the remainder of the show will quickly gain a cult following, and we may have a new late-night animated fun fest for adults to join alongside "Rick and Morty," "Bob's Burgers," and others (although at the moment isn't nearly at those other show's levels, but we shall see!).

So grab a cookie and give it a try, cuz it's fun fun fun in the sun sun sun!

EDIT: It still holds up after a few seasons. It's nothing ground-breaking, but it sure if entertaining. It knows how, and when, to be funny, and when (and how), to be serious. It does a decent job balancing both emotions. Animation is still pretty awesome, and I'm glad certain characters weren't written off for good (or were they?). Still a solid show, roller-coaster of emotions, a deep show despite the immature humor that is rampant through-out. May not be for everyone, but certainly is worth a try for everyone.

And c'mon, it's got Keith David!! Dude's been a stud since being in John Carpenter's "The Thing," totally deserves some recognition for his work in this show.
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