The Alienist (TV Series 2018–2020) Poster


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Entertaining Enough
Rob133118 January 2023
The Alienist is a psychological thriller that will keep you at the edge of seat and glued to your tv throughout the series! Each season has an unnerving murder mystery that is so smart and detailed that it'll keep you entertained and guessing to the very end. Every episode starts to reveal more and more of that mystery and it's fascinating where the story takes you. It has Jack the Ripper type feel to it. What makes this show so good is the writing and acting. The cast is just so good that they keep you very interested in what happens to their characters. Like some here have already said, it can be a little dark for some but if you can handle it it's definitely worth watching. As good as Season 1 was, I thought Season 2 was just as good.
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It's great!
freshy23 April 2018
Surprised at how many people are putting this show down because they read the book and its translation to the screen doesn't meet their expectations. When will we understand that literature and movies (or TV series) are different media, therefore need to be judged independently? I'm a fan, a big fan of Caleb Carr's Laszlo Kreizler novels and read them some 8 years ago. I've been waiting since then for someone to make a movie outta them and now that they have, I love the result! Daniel Brühl plays Kreizler perfectly! When I read the book I had envisioned Laszlo as a young Sean Connery but Daniel is perfect for the role. Yes, the Serial killer theme has been done before. But when the story is well developed and well told the repeating of a subject falls second. The script, the atmosphere, even the camera work are great. Give this show a chance
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Definitely Worth Watching!
Supermanfan-1317 May 2022
I thought The Alienist was a pretty good murder mystery thriller that is definitely worth watching. The main cast (Daniel Bruhl, Luke Evans, Dakota Fanning) is absolutely terrific and they are what separate this show from others like it. The three of them chase serial killers in 19th century New York City. I don't understand why the reviews are so mixed, what were you expecting that you didn't get? I guess most of the negative reviews are from people who thought it was too gruesome and others who thought it was too feminist. It's neither. If you're looking for a good murder mystery then give this a try. You won't be disappointed!
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Dark Intriguing Mystery
ksweatman927 February 2018
I can't understand the negative reviews. I love the time period, it adds to the dark foreboding atmosphere that can't be captured in a modern era. The acting is superb. The story line frightful, yet realistic. Geraghty as Roosevelt is wonderful. I watch each episode a couple times. I really love the series, but like many other shows I've enjoyed, many others didn't share my enthusiasm and they were eventually canceled. Hopefully, that won't be the case with The Alienist.
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Probably lucky I never read the book.
paul-214828 March 2018
I've noticed a pattern in the reviews. Fans of the book seem to really hate the series. I think that's always the case except maybe for Jaws. So I had no expectations. I didn't know anything about the characters or the plot. So I was able to really enjoy watching the arc of the characters and the plot unfold. They did a fantastic job of immersing the viewer into the time period. You really got a sense of what life was like back then for both the poor and the privileged. I thought the chase of the killer played out perfectly. The last episode was very tense and suspenseful. I saw that John Sales was a producer on this, which makes sense because all his films seem to have period and setting as characters. All the performances were spot on. All the young boys were terrific and I though Dakota Fanning was sublime.
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Very Interesting
kbouloy10 February 2018
I've read the book and as a psych major I have to say that I really like this show. The people writing the rude reviews need to relax and realize that absolutely no show follows its book down the last detail. Freakin relax and watch a different show, it's only on its third episode.
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Reference to Newton, MA- that is my Family
haberlandhope13 March 2018
I am hooked to this show, but to make my head spin, John brought up in the carriage ride the mention of a plant that created biscuits that were made of figs and his grandmother love them. That was my Family. It was Kennedy Biscuits of Cambridge, MA. My Great, great Grandfather was the creator of the biscuits then created the Fig Newton, which he then sold off to Nabisco. I could not believe the reference I sat there on the couch with my jaw dropped. Thank you so very much. I know I will never hear from anyone but I wanted you to know that the reference you made will never be forgotten. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. I love the show and sad that it is about over. I am looking forward to the last 2 episodes. Thanks again, and I will be letting my family know so they can watch the episode and hear the reference. Hope Kennedy
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Season 2. Why has Sara Howard now become a Mary Sue in Season 2 ?
buickman-2024531 July 2020
I do not get it? They had the perfect strong female character in Season One. Now Sara knows all and does it all. She is even doing the Psychological profiling of possible motives, and possible suspects instead of Dr. Kreizler. They have given the lines actually written for Kreizler, and give them to Sara's character instead.

John Moore has mostly been reduced to a weak character, who spends all his time getting push around constantly by either his fiancee, Sara, and William Randolph Hearst.

Dr. Kreizler just stands around and gabs most of the time since Sara now does almost everything important.
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Geniuenly good show
kiranchacko20 March 2018
Honestly just binged through 5 episodes. It's obviously not unique, but it is well worth the watch. Now I haven't read the book or anything so this is my review just based on the episodes I have seen not from any books and comparing them to the show. So if you're like me - who likes; crime, a psycho, bit of weirdness and a good story. Then this is definitely for you.
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Brilliant first season but painful second season sidelining the Alienist himself ?
jayeshdave781 November 2020
Great first season with the lead character in full flow but then a spectacularly offshoot type second season - ideally should have been called "The Sara Howard detective agency show"-totally sidelining the main character and theme and name of the serial and the main essence ion dwelling into human mind and figuring out the riddle, per say. Very sad deviation in season 2.
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Keeps getting better
Tegwyn67413 March 2018
After watching the first episode I wasn't sure I would continue, but I am glad I did. Each week it gets better and now I can't wait for Monday nights to watch it. I think part of it has to do with becoming more familiar with the characters, but it's also the fact that they are getting closer to solving the mystery, (there are only two episodes left.) In this case my loyalty is paying off.
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Daniel Brühl...
carlitarodriguez-459381 November 2020
Seing Dakota Fanning in the cast was one of my motivations for watching the show. I've been very unimpressed by her performance, though. The plot itself sparks interest and is entertaining, but Daniel Brühl is the real reason I've kept up with it. He's outstanding as Dr. Kreizler. Inexplicably, he became Sara Howard's sidekick on season 2, which is a tiring feminist cliché... And I'm a woman.
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8*for the 1st season 2* for the 2nd
katharina-muellner25 October 2020
How did the Alienist become a sidekick in his own show? And Sara a profiler? And a detective? And even more annoying? NO ONE would have given her any case. Let alone all the cringeworthy misrepresentation of feminism in the late 19th century - if you choose to set a show in this time, you should stick to what it was. Costumes alone aren't enough. Even John was a shadow of himself.... Really liked the 1st season, but the 2nd is a hard no. Unfortunately.
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Great series but season 2 might as well be called "Detective Sara Howard Show".
twfe-951263 August 2020
I'm writing this having only seen 5 episodes of the second season but so far the Alienist himself has had little part to play. Instead Fanning's character Sara Howard has taken to the front and, while she does well and the show is still entertaining, it brings me to the question of why is the show even called "The Alienist" anymore? I'm not mad, it's still a good show after all.
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How can you hate this?
deloudelouvain12 April 2018
I didn't expect much of this series as I saw a lot of negative reviews. But I know better now, to never trust negative reviewers, because some people just could not see quality if you would rub their face in it. The Alienist surprised me, with a good intriguing mystery story, with some excellent acting, and with very good filming and decor. The surroundings made you feel like you were back in the 19th century, where the posh elite meets the filth, where the righteous fight the corrupted. Class acting by Daniel Brühl, Dakota Fanning, Luke Evans, Brian Geraghty, Douglas Smith and Matthew Shear, the 'good' people trying to solve the mystery of a perverted child murderer. The rest of the cast was also very good, nothing bad to say about any of the actors actually. I don't know if there will be another season, with another mystery to solve, but I'm already a big fan if they continue with the same cast. I will probably binge watching that one as well as I did with this season.
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jentribue6 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Like many, I read the book while I was enthusiastically waiting for the show to premier and I became so captivated that I read the second as well. I have loved the show. People romanticize the Victorian period and our history and this show shines a light on the realities of that time, the seedy underbelly, the corruption, ignorance and greed. I struggle sometimes with the acting and relating to the characters but the book isn't about over the top characters emoting over the pages. It's a psychological drama about what occurs in the mind. I would assume emoting everywhere each week isn't an accurate portrayal of the story. For instance, many say that Dakota Fanning's portrayal is monotone. Think about this: Her character is the FIRST woman to work at the NY Police. How far would her character get if she was super emotional? To achieve that, you would have to constantly be on guard, no react emotionally to avoid the dismissal she would get for being a "hysterical woman." Kriezler lives in his head, so how emotional can he be? As of episode seven, he's starting to take inventory and learn to reach out, but until now, he's been so deep into his study of others, it hasn't occurred to him to reflect on himself or his own feelings. Would an emotional over the top performance be accurate of him? And John? He is the most open of the characters, in my opinion, but he's drugged, knocked out and accosted repeatedly. That's got to weight on him. He's also trying to fit in with the group and establish his own credibility so being overtly emotional wouldn't seem to gain that end. While we have become accustomed to being "entertained" with over the top emotional responses that create edge of our seats voyeuristic drama (cough reality shows cough), that's not this story. This story is about what makes a person do what the killer does and how far do we need to go to think as they do.

I have enjoyed this series. I do wish to see more of the detective brothers but the series isn't over yet. We are just getting to the real drama of the story so buckle up because you haven't even MET the real killer. What has happened up until now has just been a small taste of what's to come (according to the book). You'll get your drama.
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2nd season should be renamed " The Detective"
veedess26 October 2020
First season great but the second season focused a lot on Sara Howard so the season should be renamed "detective Sahara Howard" as the antagonists in the series seems to be her.
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Promising, professional -high class!
leon-smoothy25 August 2018
I avoided this series at Netflix because of the name. "The Alienist" is maybe not a selling title for those liking serious criminal thrillers with great actors...

But after now having watched the first episode, man, was I wrong!

This is an intriguing and gruesome Jack the Ripper-style thriller in a turn of the century New York, it's main character the brilliant Daniel Brühl as an "Alienist" - an early title of a Psychologist. No aliens here. He gets involved in solving a series of horrible gruesome murders on young runaway boys, which the often bribed police are not so inclined to really solve.

This is a high class production from top to bottom, and I can't wait to see the rest of the series, but you'll probably as I did get hooked from the first minutes. One of few really good series on Netflix now.
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Failing me...
msorik10 August 2020
I liked S1, let's be clear I watch it for DB, NOT LE or DF!! Season two was okay but like another commentators view, it's taken such liberties with history it's boring me. The strong female hear me roar thing and her female detective agency was the theme, a black woman walking into a high class whites only restaurant as if it nothing, right (I'm black FYI)! I hate history re-writers! It is what it was, work with it! I don't know if they know who their audience is even...DF was VERY MISCAST, her face has no range her acting at best okay, she is just wrong person for this role!
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Great to look at
jvanl14 February 2018
Seriously beautiful cinematography, art design, costumes, and acting. The show sticks with you.
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Season 1: 8/10, Season 2: 4/10
jurisbarro5 October 2020
The 2nd season is not about Alienist, he has no use in this show. Instead its all about detective Sara, which would not be a bad thing, if only the whole plot wasn't forcefully bent around her and done almost laughably bad.

Everything that even seems like would be a bad thing for her, finally a struggle that could make this somewhat believable, magically turns out to be even better for her.

If You have not seen first season, watch it - its really great, but don't ruin it for you and stop at season 1.
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Why is it still named the Alienist?
danyb5527 October 2020
I loved the first season when the Alienist was the center of the story. Now it's Dakota Fanning's show, a detective show. Off subject. What a mistake!
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Enjoyable. Great cast.
dachsiehome20 July 2020
I enjoy the interaction between the all the cast. The story is good - I do hope that, on occasion, they let someone other than Dakota Fanning save the day.
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Jack the Ripper in New York, and better
DLochner27 June 2020
An unexpectedly good series that lives not least from the fantastic atmospheric music by Rupert Gregson-Williamsen.

The German actor Daniel Brühl fits almost perfectly into the role of the psychiatrist, who, together with the New York police, searches for a bloody murderer. The series is one of genre kings such as From Hell, Wolfman or Penny Dreadful, which capture the mood of the last century with an outstanding scene. The darkness and dirt in the streets is everywhere. The actors are fantastic and credibly cast. The story follows a logical sequence and is well researched in history. A series couldn't be better.
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