The Little Panda Fighter (Video 2008) Poster

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Better than Kung fu Panda ahhaha
alansabljakovic-390442 November 2018
Oh wait maybe this one is the worst animated movie. I can't decide. Animation is horrible and Panda is dancing just randomly. There is one Rocky stlyle training montage that lasts over 3 minutes with some shots reprising. One amazing scene was when polar bear was laughing for one minute hahah.
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Almost as bad as Ratatoing!
TheLittleSongbird22 December 2013
It is very difficult to decide which is worse between Ratatoing and The Little Panda Fighter because they are both so terrible. And it is very easy to see why they are considered Video Brinquedo's- who have to be The Asylum of animated studios- worst movies. Ratatoing perhaps is slightly worse but that is saying next to nothing because The Little Panda Fighter shares exactly the same problems. It has been billed as a rip-off of Dreamworks' Kung Fu Panda(not one of their absolute best films but still highly entertaining and well-made, everything The Little Panda Fighter is not) and it is, however that isn't even the worst of the problems, perhaps even the least. The animation is really hideous, again with forced character designs, flat colours(even badly coloured crayon pictures have more refinement) and backgrounds that are lacking in any kind of fluidity coming across as static instead. The action set pieces have no impact, awkwardly animated and no excitement in the movements. There is some terrible writing too, the wit/humour is juvenile and sometimes crude and the amount of heart, fun and charm is next to nothing. The story is basically Kung Fu Panda but much more predictable(making absolutely no effort at originality), Kung Fu Panda didn't feel heavy-handed, it was funny and had heart and at least it didn't bore. The Little Panda Fighter only succeeded in being dull and a chore to watch. The characters have no appeal at all from their personalities to how they look and act and the voice actors sound as though they didn't even try, they sound so lifeless. All in all, awful and one of the worst animated movies there is, and this is coming from a life-long fan of the animation medium. 0/10 Bethany Cox
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BigChungie29 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Man, I'm not sure whether to sh*t or wind my watch. This is one of the best animes I've ever seen. The way they wrote a story about a panda's struggle with complex mental issues combined with heroin is simply breathtaking. Loved the beautiful animation, soundtrack, and deep storyline. 10/10, would watch completely stoned again.
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Mutant creatures gamble on fights in a post apocalyptic future.
shaolinmasterkev11 June 2018
Horribly deformed mutant creatures gamble on fights in a post apocalyptic future. After World War 3 devastated the world with nuclear hellfire, society was born anew as mankind's DNA mutated and the result was horrendous looking bear creatures.
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The Actual Heck?
batmanlover-2455422 October 2016
Why was this ever made? Oh yea, all it's for is to ripoff children by having parents buy this thinking it's a Kung Fu Panda DVD. But once they put the disc in and play the movie, they realized they messed up and bought a ripoff. Seriously, just why? The animation is atrocious, the characters are bad, the whole thing is a atrocity, and there is absolutely nothing good about this movie. Plus, this isn't the only mockbuster this company has made. They have made a ripoff of Ratatouille, Up, and others. Seriously, this company needs to get copyrighted by the companies who originally made the movies. This needs to stop NOW.
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Apparently, some Brazilians hate mankind...and this 'film' is proof!
planktonrules19 June 2018
Video Brinquedo in Brazil is responsible for bringing us "Urshinho da Pesada" ("The Little Panda Fighter") and it only makes me wonder if these folks truly hate children. After all, I cannot imagine any child enjoying this cheap mess of a film...and it will be even tougher for parents to suffer through this monstrosity. Avoid it like the plague!!

Like their other film, "Ratatoing", this movie is a deliberate attempt to piggyback on the success of a GOOD Hollywood blockbuster, "Kung Fu Panda". This sort of thing isn't unheard of....there are several companies that regularly come out with ultra-cheap films with titles and plots similar to the blockbusters and which hope to fool viewers into watching the ersatz versions. But the sheer awfulness and cheapness of this Brazilian film is hard to really have to see this for yourself to see how badly it's made. For instance, while "Kung Fu Panda" and "Ratatouille" are gorgeously animated, this CGI film truly looks as if it was made many years earlier....and isn't even close to being as nice looking as "Toy Story" from 1995!! It seems like an experiment made back in the 1980s...or perhaps a project created by a semi-talented 7 year-old! While animation alone might not ruin the film, horrible dialog, a dull story and nothing which would interest any child guarantee it will be listed among the worst children's movies of all time. Yes,'s THAT bad! If given a choice of watching this movie again or eating my own foot, I'd say "Pass the ketchup"!
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A miserable experience.
jamesfeu3 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This "movie" is dreadful. Absolutely dreadful. When the characters aren't talking so fast you can barely understand them, they take long unnecessary pauses that serve no purpose but to pad out runtime. Speaking of, thankfully it's only around 50 minutes long. I don't think the average human can bear watching this for any longer than that. The plot is so strange. Basically a bear named Pancada who is a dancer works in a bar/boxing ring and his boss used to be a pro boxer, but can't get back in the ring for some unimportant reason. So, he wears a disguise that got shrunk in the washing machine so he ends up looking like Pancada. He wins the fight and people mistake the boss for the main character. Pancada then says he wants to fight the guy himself and gets his ass kicked. He then gives up and pursues his dancing career. The end. So not only is this plot boring and pointless, there isn't even a moral! Never buy this... product. It's not even a movie at this point. It only exists to cash in on Kung Fu Panda. Anyways, the voice acting is awful. As mention earlier, they're either talking exteremly fast or extremely slow, there's no in between. Overall, this product is an insult to the art form. Never buy it.
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The worst thing I've ever seen in my life, but that's why I love it so much
nickscheetz19 April 2017
The animation is dreadful, none of the characters look alive, their lip syncing doesn't match up with what they say, there's little variety of the landscapes and locations, the characters are annoying and talk way too fast all the time whilst never shutting up no matter how much you demand them to and are so unbelievably ugly looking that the children watching this may have night terrors. The story is a mess, it's so random and confusing I can barely tell what's even happening, nothing about it makes sense and this clearly had no thought put into it. But like I said, that's what I like about it so much, I'm calling this a textbook definition of "so bad it's good" by a landslide.
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briceharlan11 October 2018
Hello there, Fightthony Beartano here. Wow. Second best anime to ever exist, right behind Cory is the House. Love it. I'm feeling a decent to strong 10.
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Ungodly abomination
blueflamefilms5 July 2016
This movie is terrible, God-awful and should be used as a torture device for terrorists.

That being said, I highly recommend you watch it. The hilarity of viewing the mistakes and goof ups are all you need for an alarmingly awful time. The acting is abysmal, the graphics are horrendous, and this is the most nice I can be. Actually, (well to be fair), the plot is not that bad. But...... WHY ARE THE CHARACTERS BEARS?!?!?! I'll answer myself. They are bears because Video BridWANKda wanted to cash in.

SIMPLIFIED PLOT PanCOCKa is a bear who wants to be a dancer, but for some reason he works at the dojo that pretty much everyone worships. Some guy is always winning, and the boss wants him out. So he dresses up as a mysterious fighter because for some reason is not allowed to fight even though he owns the dump. But because Pancada sucks at his job, the suit is too small and it looks like him. Cue a 3 minute dance scene, (yes) a huge montage scene, and Pancada fights the guy and loses. The owner (who suspiciously looks like Ice Bears drunk deformed cousin) knew Pancada wouldn't win and tripled the bets on the other guy. The owner leaves, Pancada gets the places, and everyone still hates him.


This movie is honestly one of the worst movie I have ever seen, but left me dying of laughter in the process.

Yeah, this is the most detailed review I have ever done.
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What a fun mess
alexbeaumontpokemon6 September 2019
Actually, this isn't fun. It was spawned in purgatory and is probably the video from 'the ring'
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kenneally13 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Little Panda Fighter is a touching tale of a young panda force into the military. The story follows our hero as he tries to survive the tough jungles of Vietnam and find the true meaning of freedom.

On his way to Laos he meets a polar bear from South Carolina. The polar bear, Ace, tells him stories of his time as a kung-fu master in the US. The stories are incredibly exciting with great high- quality action scenes.

In a (SPOILERS) tragic attack on their base, Ace is taken by the Viet Cong and thrown in a POW camp. Our hero sets out on a quest to find him.

On his way there he too is taken by the Viet Cong and is brought to a camp not so far from Ace's. With the help of a few other animals he escapes and heads through the Jungle to find Ace

Once he finds Ace, he is caught yet again and forced to play Russian roulette by the VC.

Ace nobly sacrifices himself and our Hero gets away and survives the rest of the war to meet his wife and 3 children.

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Better than the average action flick
KaiserBasileus27 July 2020
The story is entertaining, written Way better than a lot of stuff that gets a-list reviews these days, and the voice acting is remarkable for the apparently sub-zero budget. The animation sucks really badly, but it gets the job of telling the story done. If your kid make it you'd be exceptionally proud. If you did it with no resources to speak of, you'd be proud.

Don't judge this by normal movie standards, it can't be that, and doesn't try to be that. Does the story entertain? More than the average multi-million dollar action flick.
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kaiserh-6140220 March 2016
This movie was absolutely dreadful to watch and doesn't even live up to it's title, if the bear wanted to be a dancer instead of a fighter, why is it named "The little panda fighter"? It just doesn't make sense, neither does the plot or the speech of the movie, can someone even remind me what the plot was? I don't even know...the speech...well that's all been explained in the description, the bear looks like he almost missed a line and suddenly said "That jerk." The worst thing about this movie and almost made me sick to my stomach was the gut- wrenching animation, it looks like some newbie in Blender decided it would be a good idea to put together a movie, despite having barely any animation skills, the animation looks sickening, as you can tell that the joints are barely connected together, which comes down to this:

What's the purpose of this movie...?
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Rushed out, sloppy and just a way to grab Kung Fu Panda Sales
rickycattermole14 July 2016
This movie was bad, but let's go over the plot first. A panda works at some fight club and bar, he wants to be a dancer but accidentally gets in a fight. In my opinion pretty bad. The Pros: I think the Panda voice is pretty appealing, and suitable for maybe, how do i put this... A movie with actual thought put into the lines and how they should be used. That's it. That is the only good thing about it. Now... The Cons: The animation is poor it isn't synced with the lines, a bad plot and a misleading title, he isn't even a fighter, he gets the crap beat out of him in the only fight he did, and he isn't little, he looks rather fat to me, also, it reuses a few shots. Overall, the movie could be half decent if you rewrote the plot and got a better animating crew. It is however, a kids film, so a child does not have a critics eye, they'll like it if it's bright and full of happy useless story, so an easily pleased child would like it.
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Not much to say except...
richiesburgers17 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah this film is dumb, but there are two things that are good: The fight between Pancoda and Teddy was epic! Better than Kirito Vs Sugou! And the plot twist where Polaris actually bet on the antagonist knowing that Pancoda couldn't win even at his peak.

The rest is just bootleg nonsense.
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does this even count as a movie???!!
ellacxin20 April 2023
As a fellow Chinese person I feel disgusted that the directors of this excuse of a cinematic experience actually thought they could get clout from this. The so called animation literally looks like that one clay stop motion I made for STEM in the 2nd grade.

And there is no way they thought that the "piano" could actually pass as pleasing music. It vaguely reminded me of back then when my sister was 6 months old and screamed for our birth giver as she released creamy feces in her diaper.

I would also like to have a talk with whoever reviewed this movie and decided, "Yup! This movie is the one!" because they clearly need to be fired from their job and put into a life sentence at jail. Not to mention how the panda looks like my ex from 5th grade.

If you are looking for money to waste and time to kill, then this movie is GREAT! Other than that, do NOT watch!!!
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This movie is full of lies, and the worst animation in history.
yololivewell-868965 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I have never seen a movie just as bad as this. The characters look like abominations, very dull colors, and really bad artists. (I'm talking about the background paintings). So I don't even know where to start on this review. This would be left to CinemaSins, or MrEnter, or whoever reviews movies.

So first off, this is a rip off of Kung Fu Panda. A film made in 2008. That movie was EXCELLENT. So this animated movie has animation that has NO form of rendering. And the animation is so bad, the items go THROUGH the model's skin.

The actual plot is about this panda that wants to be a dancer. Even though the title says FIGHTER. And there is a polar bear that likes to beat people up. It's like they made a production error, or Video Briquendo is just trying to lie for people to watch the movie.

I have seen pretty bad films like The Last Airbender, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and a lot more. AND EVEN THEY KNOW HOW TO CORRECTLY USE CGI. Hell, even Fanboy and Chum Chum does.

This film made me cringe so badly, It made me NOT to ever watch another movie from this company again.
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One of the worst.
theduoverband28 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Only once in my life have I watched a worse movie than this, and that was Leo the Lion.

First things first, I must point out that my "friend" Logan Jones, whose reviews you can currently find on Leo the Lion and Ivan the Incredible, led me to this garbage movie. I have never known a worse person in my life. Watching this movie was the worst 50 minutes of my entire life, with the worst 80 minutes being those of Leo the Lion.

I'm just going to jump right into my many complaints. Starting off, animation-wise, I could have done better in my garage. Essentially, this movie is animated like a terrible computer game created by a classroom of high school students somewhere. No, no it isn't. That would be a major insult to every high school student who has ever tried computer animation even once. This movie exhibits slow, stiff animation which is capitalized upon by characters with three fingers, pixelated shadows, repetitive elevator music playing through the entire thing, Polaris's chest changing shape three times, and three, count 'em, three scenes in which Pancada clocks in at a trim fourteen seconds to get from Polaris's door to his desk. Also, the movie makes a point of filming Pancada as he takes a long twenty-one seconds to cross a small bridge.

Now, word on the acting and script writing. The script sounds like it was written in about thirty minutes and is acted out with zero emotion. The gap between lines is either non-existent or five seconds long. They also use off-brand expressions such as 'no skin off my back' and 'what a cry and shame' which I have only used conversationally with Logan Jones since watching this movie. The script is extremely predictable and yet you'll find yourself hating it even more for how non-chalantly it is delivered. Of course, to truly understand how disgusting this script and acting are, you'll have to watch it yourself, but at your own risk.

Finally, I must point out the movie's many plot deficiencies. This bear Pancada goes through the whole movie talking about how 'I want to be a dancer' and he plays this 'dancer caught in a fighter's world' kind of part, so he tries out for dancing and fails, moving on to learning to box, (and on a side note, why have it in this martial arts setting and make it all about boxing and dancing???) which leaves you wondering what that whole dance fiasco was about, and then that Sheafoo guy tells him that 'fight how you dance' stuff which makes no sense since his dancing evidently sucked. So then he goes to fight in a match Polaris had no reason not to fight (because somehow everyone thought his entire stature changed and that Polaris dressed as him was now him) and loses that as well. So we know he's a complete loser at this point when we learn that Polaris had bet all his money AGAINST him, making Polaris rich. Finally I must ask: What sick, twisted message does THAT send to whatever kid watches this? So by looking at the DVD cover and even hearing the title you know this is trying to rip off Kung Fu Panda, using the exact same misty valley imagery as in Kung Fu Panda (which, by the way, never appears in this movie itself) and having Pancada striking virtually the same pose on the cover, but, I ask you, just how well did this cheap ripoff live up to the original?
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Not as bad as Ratatoing but that's not saying a lot.
Achoo4223 May 2016
Seeing how Ratatoing is probably the worst animated film ever, saying that Little Panda Fighter isn't as bad is saying nothing at all.

Let's start with the good: With a little work (I mean, a lot of work), the plot of the movie could actually be plausible as a real movie. But get rid of the bears. Why would you have bears? Just to copy Kung Fu Panda?

Bad: Yet again Video Brinquedo just shows how talent-less it's animators are. Oh, God. If cancer were a show, this would be it.

Verdict: Although this is undoubtedly a kids film, don't even show it to your kids, unless you want to stunt their growth and ruin their childhood. And in that case the CPS will be over you in a jiffy.
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Worst movie ever....
juancolon-5932611 December 2022
Do I have to explain all of this mess? But the answer is yes, but let me tell you something. Why is there a a bootleg panda and all of the characters look sloppy, the animation is bit poor but quite useless is to be exact, and everything that I seen was one of the worst of the worst movies in the history of movies and television. Why would anyone make this garbage and threw it all away because of this horrible movie? Did the Brazilians make this kind of junk that no one watch. Despite the fact that I've seen this, I will never want to watch this again for the rest of my life. I will smash it into pieces, and never see the light of day.
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Better love story then Twilight
rhys-4325619 February 2017
This movie cured my cancer, my depression, saved my marriage, fixed my drinking problem, paid off my student loans and my mortgage, also it brought my receding hairline back, cleared all my acne up and brought my dog back to life best movie ever please watch. This movie is an absolute pleasure take your kids and view this movie with them. Take it to the next Mom's club meeting everyone is sure to enjoy it it's a great laugh for the whole family!!!
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Ursinho da Pesada (2008)
oskakalud16 September 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Ursinho da Pesada (2008)

Movie Watched #183

Rating: 1/10.

Film watched on September 16, 2024.

Previous Film: South Park: Entrando no Panderverso (2023)

Next Film: Abelhinhas (2007)

There's no way to watch this film (and other films from Video Brinquedo) at normal speed, it's torturous, so I watched it at 1.5x speed.

I'm going to try to marathon some films from Video Brinquedo and I've already watched Ratatoing, Os Carros and the film based on Up that I forgot the name of.

This studio is too horrible and unfortunately it's Brazilian, I hope that one day we Brazilians will have a high quality animation studio besides Turma da Mônica.

The original voices are calm, it doesn't ruin it but it doesn't save it either.

Conclusion, terrible, but one of Video Brinquedo's best.
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The stupidest set of characters in any movie
thesterlingweaver31 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's another mockbuster by video briquendo, and this time it's based on one of the greatest animated movies of all time, Kung Fu Panda, I don't understand how this movie is legal, the story may be somewhat different, but the way progresses is SO STUPID, some idiot named pancetta (idk how to spell it) gets mistaken for a TALL AND MUSCULAR POLAR BEAR WINNING A FIGHT EVEN THOUGH PANCETTA IS SHORT AND FAT AND EVEN HATES FIGHTING AND EVERYONE KNOWS THAT, heck, there is a picture of the real pancetta winning the fight, WHICH HAS NOT HAPPENED YET, plus he wants to be a dancer so he goes to a fake shifu to learn how to, and the judges think he's good but won't let him into the academy because he somehow floated over them, so he does something stupid, because Mr Polaris beat teddy, he wants a rematch and pancetta wants the one fighting him for real for no reason, so we get this 2 minute not-rocky training scene where some of the animation is repeated to get to the 50 minute mark, and so pancetta fights teddy and completely lost it, but it's ok, because his boss knew that he would lose so he bet all his money that teddy would win, and because of that, he moves to middle of nowhere Antarctica, what a waste of his money, so the moral of the story is, if you lose, it's okay because your boss will bet against you, the animation is awful and even repeated at times, every single joke falls flat on its face, and it's just a waste of time and I hope the people that have already watch it will remain the only people that have watched it.
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Worst movie ever.
novaklosinski23 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The main character Pancada the "little" panda is a grown adult panda. He doesn't even fight until the last 5 minutes of the movie! Even though Pancada is the main character he barely does anything in the movie. Bad world building as there's barely no one around. Very bad soundtrack for example, in one scene the music score sounds more like a piano literally being smashed by a sledgehammer than attempting to play a coherent tune. I would rage on but I've said enough.
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