Through My Window: Looking at You (2024) Poster

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A year ends with the end of this trilogy
Elvis-Del-Valle9 March 2024
The "A Través De Mi Ventana" trilogy comes to an end with this film that is better than the second installment, but makes almost the same mistakes as the previous film. This movie is also an original story that is not related to the last book in the trilogy and presents many situations without much development. It has a couple of ideas that make the film more interesting, but they haven't been explored in depth or fully explained.

It all starts with Raquel, having launched her novel inspired by what she experienced in the first film. That is a clear representation towards Ariana Godoy when she wrote the original novel, since she herself admitted that she was based on a real experience that she had with a neighbor, but she never got to have with him what happened with Raquel and Ares . This quite corroborates the hypothesis that Wattpad novels are an explicit reflection of the authors' fantasies and dreams and they live them through an alter ego who is the protagonist of the story. Normally, many of us tend to express our dreams, desires and fantasies through writing and what Godoy did in her book is totally valid, no matter how questionable it may be. Although many say that Ariana and other Wattpad authors are not real writers, there is no denying the fact that some of them have been university students who at least know a little about literature. Godoy's own biography corroborates that she has studied at the university and has even been a teacher. If there is something that the Wattpad stories have made clear, it is that today you can be a writer without having to have studied. It is thanks to social networks that they have now given us free rein to be any type of popular figure without the need to have had prior knowledge about any subject. That is neither a good nor a bad thing. It is something totally neutral and valid.

Ares now has a problem regarding Raquel and that is that now he must maintain a commitment to Vera for a family business matter. This is the case where a couple must commit to being united for the economic good of both families. That's the most interesting conflict this movie has, although there was a lot that needed to be detailed. Among other conflicts involving the Hidalgo brothers, Artemis is about to become a father and there is the question of whether he will be able to be a good father because his own father never taught him what paternal love is. There is also the secret affair that Apolo begins to have with another boy and that worries Daniela, although it is a bit absurd for her to worry about it, since she had an affair with another girl in the presence of Apolo. Logically, if Daniela could be with another person in the middle of her relationship with Apolo, then Apolo also had every right to see someone else. These subplots occurring with Apollo and Artemis could have contributed quite a bit to the plot, but it's a shame they didn't delve deeper. Anna is almost invisible in the film and like in the second, she is only there to lead to what happens at the end.

It is curious that they have decided that the plot takes place at Christmas and the end of the year, as if it were a symbolism about how Rachel and Ares' stage in the trilogy ends to begin a new stage. What can be seen is that the film is the least cliché of the trilogy, with a more realistic approach oriented towards the characters' emotions. Taking into account the target audience for Wattpad stories, the film may be pleasing for its drama, but not so pleasing for not having the level of youthful clichés that make Wattpad stories so popular. You could say that clichés are the essence of Wattpad stories and are what their audience always expects to see. Ariana Godoy participated again as a consultant and this time she managed to contribute something because the film has something of her feel. This could have been the best film of the trilogy, but it is not due to the lack of structure in the script. Nothing more was needed to better coordinate the ideas and subplots. Although much of the film feels quite average, the best thing is the ending that manages to give a very good conclusion to the story arc of Rachel and Ares. There are still more loose ends to tie up, but it is clear that for fans of this work, only Raquel and Ares matter, not the others.

In conclusion, "A Través De Tu Mirada" is not that different from the second film because both were made just to replicate the success of the first film, but at least it gives a good ending to the love story of Raquel and Ares. The toxicity that many accused the novel and the first film of does not exist in this latest installment and that at least gives Raquel and Ares that ending that many young girls dream of. If it had had a better structure and more development, it would have been a great film. My final rating for this movie is a 6/10.
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A Teen Casual Romance Trilogy
jhamanimuskan31 August 2024
The whole trilogy was all about the casual romance between the two leads. They had good chemistry but somehow seems to be wasted. Starting of with the first movie it didn't turned to be what I expected after watching My Fault. But still tried to give it a shot with the 2nd and 3rd part. 2nd part was the worst of all the three.

Talking about the third part I find it better than the other two because in this part atleast they showed some depth in their relationship other than just getting physical with each other.

If you are someone looking to watch something steamy. You can try it. But if you are someone who is not a teen and looking for a good plot than you shouldn't watch it it will be a waste of time.

Talking about actors they did their best when it comes to acting but storyline felt short.

Although I did liked the eldest son's relationship more than the main leads.
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Highly Disappointed !
catyeo-3937123 February 2024
The first two movies were awsome, loved them.

I was excited they were releasing the final in the trilogy just be completely let down. The storyline is just plain awful, its too predictable, very corny, super creepy at times. Have to admit its pretty stupid, not realistic, the Banter was almost intolerable. They could have done so much with it i just cant understand how they couldnt see that it was a bad script and continue with it and then release it . Werid. I mean ares is sexy af but that all this 3rd movie was good for was eye candy . Aside from that it was a Epic failure! Horrible Horrible !!!
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For sure the last part is the most unsuccessful and it is not because of the ending
mihaela-7193624 February 2024
The biggest waste of time, if the first two episodes were just fine, this one is pathetic! It seems that all the events are done just to fill time, the narrative threads are not coherent or important, we cannot see an evolution in the true sense of the word in people, it is true, it is a Netflix movie in the romance category, but that does not mean that it is not there must be coherence and evolution for people. Many scenes and narrative threads are not finished or have no purpose, as I said, done just to fill time. It is also noticeable how certain mandatory topics are introduced in cinematography such as gay relationships, but which in my opinion had no place in the current story because, apart from a few sexual shots, they fail to convey absolutely any message. It feels like the director and the production had a list of what they had to defend in a modern screening that would catch all categories and they said let's put everything in but without following a logic or without showing a story or useful information .

Unfortunately, the story does not come with a new plot, it is full of clichés and the ending is totally predictable.
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Just awful
hvahed1329 February 2024
I do not recommend watching this disastrous movie at all. The third episode was absolutely awful. No story, no good acting and only clichéd events. In the first few minutes of the movie, you can guess the story of the movie. The movie was full of awful clichéd situations. The director of the film wants to attract the teenage audience by showing only a few romantic erotic scenes and does not have any new words or stories at all. I hope Netflix doesn't make the next part of this movie because it will definitely fail worse than the third part. I advise you not to waste your time watching this movie.
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Cinematic nonsense
rokoskalog20 April 2024
ZERO CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. The first movie was good but 2 and 3 are very nonsensical. The characters are doing stuff out of logic continiously. The characters seem to forget a lot of things about how their life changed because of some people. "Through My Window 3" disappoints on every level. The plot is as thin as tissue paper, with characters as lifeless as cardboard cutouts. The dialogue feels forced and unnatural, leaving audiences cringing at every line. Even the cinematography fails to salvage this mess, with uninspired shots that do nothing to enhance the viewing experience. Save your time and money, and steer clear of this cinematic disaster.
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Loved this ending to the trilogy
YouAreGonnaMissThatPlane24 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie was a clever conclusion to the trilogy, and the director, crew, and actors gave it more respect and care than most other teen/college romance movies are given. Movies like this don't normally have such clever foley mixing and gorgeous camerawork, I have to say.

Ares is so well played here by Julio Peña, who moves effortlessly between being a troublemaker and a grown-up; between scared and confident. For example, a cute little eyebrow wag at the end when he's looking at Instagram with Raquel - he knows exactly what Ares would do. (If you're stuck in a hospital bed but you have to flirt, use your damn eyebrows, I guess!) Clara Galle also brings so many layers and subtlety to Raquel, like her face-drop when she realizes she was daydreaming about Ares while with Gregory. Loved the minor character reappearances, like Andrea from Raquel's carnival job and Sami from the Never Have I Ever game.

Like the other ATDMV movies, the cinematography was so skillful. (E.g., The clever shot during Raquel's holiday party where one couple kisses, and then you see the reflection of the other couple kissing in the wall mirror.) Fantastic soundtrack as always - I've found so much cool music through this trilogy. Particularly loved the Foals song and the song Ares and Raquel sing during their cute ice skating scene. (By the way, such a charming callback to Raquel's choreographed dance in ATDMV with Yoshi and Dani - now she does this nerdy, sweet thing with Ares, and it's set to another older, kinda cheesy song their parents would know.) And in that ice skating scene alone, they pack in whimsy, character growth, a cool song choice, great camerawork, and effervescent choreography - I think it's a good example of how much the director and screenwriter managed to do in one movie. They keep so many storylines and characters moving forward and make every moment count. I loved this series and thought these characters were so fun. This was a satisfying, clever ending to a love story I find really compelling. These are my comfort movies - I just feel like the director and the whole team respected the audience more than ever happens when making movies about teenagers.
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jacquelineteak24 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Omg LOVE IT you need to watch it if you haven't because it's so sweet and the end part so cute I love you witch"awww AND they finally move in together LIKE FINALLY !but It's a shame that it's the last sequel in the "Through My Window" series. I'm gonna miss those hot scene between them but remember when Ares's used to sneak into Raquel bedroom LIKE I NEED SOME OF THAT FROM ARES TO NOT GOING TO LIE but the actors did amazing job and it's just a amazing story line but I really need to know if Ares's and Raquel have kids because if they did THAT WOULD BE so adorable but this can not be the end of Through My Window .
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Best movie
ndayishimiyeadeline21 July 2024
This movie is the best movie ever.because it makes the day of the couple.and also it teaches people. Sfghjjkiuuiillllppppnhgdvbnnnnjjuuhhhgfffrrfgggyuiio .this movie is best djjdnf forever your phone number and I will be there in about the same as last time I was there to help you out with your phone number and I will be there in about the same as last time I was there to help you out with your mom today is best movie to train alpha Sapphire ring the door to help with m I tried but couldn't you my home office my way back from you out with your mom or sister I tried to call you back from a run for.
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You know what you expect to watch, so why not?
lavredianas31 March 2024
I loved it. I knew I wasn't going to watch a masterpiece and I didn't get one but for a romantic film it is worth your time. I don't mind the clichés, besides that's what you watch romance for. The director's work is remarkable, the acting is more than adequate, the chemistry between the leads is undeniable, so much that you'd think they are a couple in real life. Some scenes could be omitted and I didn't like the way Claudia's role developed, but that's trivial. My measure of how much I appreciated a movie is whether I'd rewatch and it is an absolute yes! Don't be put off by overdemanding viewers, just enjoy!
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