Through My Window: Across the Sea (2023) Poster

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Not as good as the first one
bethelles_now24 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't like the way the characters were portrayed in this chapter of the story. Both main characters completely changing to insecure boneheads didn't seem like who they were in the first movie. Then they kill off Yoshi? I mean he's finally moving on from Raquel and then he dies..... After stealing a motorcycle..... who are these kids? The best part of the whole movie was the Claudia storyline and Artemis reaching over to grab her hand at the funeral and speaking of funeral...... what was up with that ulogy? And why was Ares to blame for Yoshis death....? I don't think CPR would really help after a fall like that.
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I must say I liked the first movie better.
ceilia-lucas30 June 2023
Through my window - a Spanish romantic teen drama based on a book with the same title, hit Netflix like a storm last year, as another Kissing Booth wanna be. Now it tries to flare up the flame by bringing a sequel.

The story continues where it was left by Ares studying in Stockholm while Raquel stayed behind with all their friends and family. It is a big adjustment for both of them. Can their relationship survive the test?

I must say that the beautiful beaches of Costa Brava made me feel like I was too on a holiday, and the drama between the friends gave just enough entertainment to keep on watching. But do they must force these makeshift problems and hilarious intimate scenes on the viewers?

The story line doesn't feel realistic and by the end of the movie it stretches too far into trying to be serious and dramatic with a tragic ending.

I must say I liked the first movie better, because it didn't want to be anything else than it is, while the second one was just trying too hard.

Fans will be happy to know that a third part of the trilogy Through My Window: Looking at You should arrive in 2024.
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I won't lie, I was not thrilled with where this film ends...but I am hoping movie three brings it all home.
cgvsluis24 June 2023
I absolutely loved Through my Window (A través de mi ventana), so I was super excited to watch the second film based on the book series by Ariana Godoy. I knew it would be a little problematic in that part of what made the first film so good was the great hate to love romance. Here in book/film #2 the couple is together just separated by distance, with Ares studying medicine at a school in Stockholm and Raquel studying literature at home in Barcelona. The conflict came in the form of Ares being adrift, questioning why he is studying medicine at all and really just missing Raquel. Raquel is also spending far too much time on her phone with Ares, but she does have an opportunity to send her manuscript to a publisher. (I really liked that it ended up being Yoshi's legacy.) Ares comes home for a break and whisks Raquel off for a seaside get reacquainted vacation...but his two brothers (Apollo and Artemis) end up crashing the vacation with their various friends.

I didn't enjoy this film nearly as much as the first suffered from the midst of the story as it ends not where fans will want it to end...feeling undone, or as the narrator says broken. I did enjoy some of the sun, sand and sex that I would want in a summer film, but personally I can't wait for the third and final film. Is this a recommendation...yes, I still love the characters of Raquel and Ares and as a romantic, I still find myself rooting for them. I also think you need to see this in order to watch the third film. I wouldn't recommend this as a stand alone film however, you definitely need the context of the first film...even though that could be watched as a stand alone film. I find myself upset with Artemis and wanting to beat him with my shoe, and I am actually feeling sorry for Apollo as he seems to be a good kid...Raquel's friend Daniella probably needs to be hit a few times with a shoe for the way she treats him.
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Melodramatic mess
jmalby28 June 2023
If you thought it couldn't get worse than the first movie, you're in for a ride. This sequel tries to justify its existence with a lot of forced conflict, but it just comes across as uninteresting and downright pointless. The dialogue is, once again, awfully written and conversations throughout almost every scene feel extremely unnatural. A lot of the scenes are just very awkward and some are even slightly creepy. The movie tries way too hard to be erotic and that's where I'm lost on the presumed demographic for this movie. It's way too childish, even for teenagers, but it's also very sexual. However it may be, it is just, objectively, very poorly executed.
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Not up to expectations
amayiamccants23 June 2023
I do understand that this story was a watt pad story but being as it was made into a movie if should have been way better. The movie could have had a great continuation of the story but it was not. The movie was very poorly executed, all over the place and did not make sense for half of the movie. If you watch the first like I did you would be very disappointed how rushed and poorly made movie was. As well as a lot of the so called "plot" was not made understandable by really anyone in my opinion. For someone who has watch made movies similar to this and has not really likened those, this movie falls even under those movies. I would still recommend you watch it to get your own opinion but this was mine..
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alabrithuraia26 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed the first one and was looking forward for this sequel but to say it was a disappointment would be an understatement... IT SUCKED i was bored the whole time watching it and we didn't get the tension between raquel and ares that we love. The whole plot was silly..he didn't even cheat and till the end she didn't find that out, It wasn't even about them which is strange because they're supposed to be the main characters and the whole time it was focused on the side characters that i couldn't care less about lol. The way yoshi died?? SO UNNECESSARY. Overall, it didn't meet my expectations.
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was not the best
meilmowhugs2 July 2023
Too sum it up i did not enjoy this movie whats so ever.i barely understood is and i was not hooked at all.i constantly found myself not paying attention to the movie cause it was just so incredibly boring i do recommend the movie but only because the first one was good and i have faith in the 3rd one. The end of the movie leading into the third one seemed interesting and i am happy to see it once it comes out. I hope it is not like the 365 days franchise where they rushed the 3rd movie and so it ended up not being the best.i hope that they do there best work in the 3rd movie through my window:looking at you.
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"Across the sea" is so boring, nothing like the first
topsi912 July 2023
We all know, that the whole story was kinda toxic since the beginning.. but the first film was interesting, exciting, there was stuff happening.. in the second part alas, nothing really happens. The film is long nearly 2 hours and all you will see are lame montages like it's a music video.. i hate when netflix do that.. we don't want to see a music video, we want to be able to relate to the story.. So literally, it was so boring, nothing happens, even their acting was a lot worse than the first film.. the actress lost some weight in this one, but charisma is also missing... I was waiting for this second part for so long and i was so disappointed.. the plot is missing, the ending is depressing and honestly I don't get how it's helping the whole story.. the chemistry between them was so much in the first film, now is literally gone? What happened.. why they ruined the series? You can't even follow the storyline because there is no storyline at all, it is a hot mess... it's so dull, lacking in every aspect.. I am sad they ruined the potential this series had.. you will see only sexually suggestive scenes where they eat ice-cream lol like we care... no passion, no love..
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Getting back together
kosmasp5 July 2023
No pun intended as always. This is a direct sequel to a teenage movie from last year. A movie that was quite daring - and had interesting fast paced dialog. I'd say this tries to emulate that, but it's added some extra drama to the mix. New characters who might be able to use the distance (physical wise) to get in between our two main characters! If they allow it that is - this is were it gets quite predictable.

And that predictability may break the movie for you. A movie that seems in line with a very big theme this year - setting up another sequel that is. There are worse cliffhangers, but I don't know if you are up for more of this ... I reckon viewing numbers will determine if this will get a conclusion ... whether that is a satisfying one or not is a different story all together. I reckon this based on some novels, but I couldn't be bothered reading any of them - apologies if you have read them and love them. Couldn't tell you how close this is to them - if at all (there are books/novels)
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bwasko-339712 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I could have watched that first movie over and over and over .... This one? Yikes I might even dare say to skip it. Wtf happened in that writers room? Giving it a 3 because the angst - at least somewhat - is still present kind of, but sadly that's really about it. The main characters are both brats (mostly Raquel) with zero show of maturity. I'd almost say they have their ish together in the first movie more. Why did we reinvent the wheel here? Meh, really bummed out.

I thought this would be another cute summer rom com like the first but sadly not even close. Maybe the third movie can be redeemed- but when you spend the entire first movie pining after a couple that becomes a fan favorite, only to watch them entirely implode the entire second movie from the actual beginning with zero hope for really NO reason at all, it's pretty much a total letdown.
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Harsh reviews! Loved it
mxdtfc24 June 2023
If you like films such as After, and Culpa Mia (My Fault) or the first film for this sequel you will love this! I understand it's not for those who don't love the intense romances as it does belong to a very specific genre of fairly simple and repeated plots that many have grown to love.

This is the first film from this 'watt pad' conversion genre that has put me through an emotional rollercoaster in such a way, whilst being unpredictable and far more realistic than most. Even with all these additional factors it maintained romantic, thrilling and of course, entertaining.

So if you loved the first film, I highly recommend the sequel. Cannot wait for the next one to come out!
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i made imdb account just to say how bad the movie was
jelisavetailicjoja6 October 2023
After the first part which was ok (classic teen love story with few plots, not a masterpiece but decent), this was is such a disappointment.

The relationships between people are confusing, the dialogue is weird and unrealistic, no story was actually covered deeply - is this a story about struggles of long distance relationships? Faithfulness? Friendship? They tried to have several points, but the realisation is just weak.

The 'event' in the end - so so unnecessary. It is like they have created a movie for us to watch something while we wait for the final plot in the 3rd part. This could have been done so much better.
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Do not bother
emily_nicholson28 June 2023
This film is an utter mess from start to finish. It makes no sense. There are multiple plot lines that have no meaning or resolution which renders them completely pointless. I love a mindless rom-com as much as the next gal, but this is beyond the pale. Really enjoyed the first one, but whoever allowed this script to be developed needs sacking immediately. I have a degree in film and tv and I've seen student films way better than this. After having worked in the industry for years I can tell you from experience t's not hard to make a basic coherent script. Child could do it. Honestly, make it into a drinking game how many times it fails to make sense and you'll get hammered.
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Teen porn
dragana-gagulic18 August 2023
This is a movie with some sex and many plots that are all over the place (the 2 brothers and their problems), the best friend, the "new" girl from school, Yoshi, etc Feels like teen porn for me, 50 shades for teenagers.

Their dialogue is just awful. Okay, Im in my 30's, but the dialogue is not realistic and do teenagers really talk like that? (almost nothing meaningful at all was said, they didnt discussed anything that happened to them)

Its missing the vibe from the first movie, and let me tell you - love me some good trashy teen movie. This aint it. Will watch the third movie, though.

Dont like the actress, to basic for me.
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Teenage love and nothing more
primm-8548217 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wasted time to keep watching and skip many scenes. Very disappointed with the storyline since the 1st ep. Watch to kill times or when you have no fav lists. Teenage love can be more and deeper. The movie is good at express teenage emotional and passion but still loose of logical in many ways....

Spoiled>> In the end of this ep, Raqale was really hell, reckless. She thew all fault to her boyfriend and stomped on his heart cuz he couldn't safe her best friend! I love that Ares push the fault back to her as she left her best friend to join the other guy. I give up for the next ep already.........
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Too random and inconsistent
Elvis-Del-Valle24 February 2024
"A Través De Mi Ventana" has left opinions divided because it is considered a work that does not honor literature and is only a manuscript with no authentic literary or cultural value. But since it is something that belongs to internet culture where it has a large number of followers and defenders, the reality is that internet culture proved to be more powerful than traditional culture, as happened with the Five Nights At Freddy's movie and It is thanks to this that "A Través De Mi Ventana" managed to transcend the audiovisual medium. The film managed to demonstrate that success is currently defined solely by popularity, without giving importance to the quality that the product may have and letting the box office numbers have more relevance than the reviews. After this, Netflix decided to take advantage of this opportunity to bring us a new trilogy. Finally, "A Través Del Mar" arrived and it was expected that this sequel would adapt the second book, but Netflix preferred to invent a new story and it must be admitted that doing that was a mistake.

"A Través Del Mar" has a story that continues the relationship of Ares and Raquel while they are on vacation. One good thing that this story has is that Ares is now more mature and has this conflict about whether studying Medicine is his true future. Everything could be fine there despite having the typical romantic clichés, but the film has a serious problem that lies in the script. There are good shots, good photography and even an acceptable soundtrack, but all that would be only 50 percent of what is good in this film. The plot feels empty and lacking substance. As much as the first movie is a typical Wattpad story that certain people disapprove of, you have to admit that it is much better and has better substance with a good pace. In this sequel, on the other hand, the writing is a mess and everything that happens here feels very random with a lack of development. There are scenes that feel mixed together or are pure filler. Everything in the first hour is inconsistent until the moment comes when Raquel begins to wonder if Ares was cheating on her and at least that sparked a little interest in what happens next.

Introducing the relationships of Ares' brothers may have added something, but it turns out they are also filler. The subplots with Ares' borthers and Yoshi are not well developed and have no coordination with the main plot. The relationship between Claudia and Artemis could have been good with more development because it is clear that Artemis wanted to follow Ares' example. The thing about Apollo and his partner was only an ornament to later provide a delightful scene that in the end was not necessary. Yoshi's couple, Anna, is a character that feels like she came out of nowhere and only served as a common thread for Yoshi to fulfill a role in the final moments of the film. The good thing is that this helped the film conclude in a more decent way after so many inconsistencies. The bad thing is that it generates some pity for Yoshi because he felt like a fairly wasted character.

In conclusion, "A Través Del Mar" is one of those sequels that does not honor the original film and feels like a product that was made just to take advantage of the popularity of the Wattpad novel and its adaptation. Ariana Godoy had collaborated as a consultant on this film and that should have contributed something positive, but it was quite the opposite. You can feel the air of Godoy's work, but expressed in a very inconsistent way. Not only the people who rejected the first movie had the same opinion about this sequel, even the majority of female fans who defend the book and the first movie have also been disappointed with this movie. It is not something strange and perhaps the best thing would have been to have used the plot of the second book instead of inventing a new one. There are few people who were satisfied with this new proposal, so making this sequel without taking into account the second book was not a good idea. My final rating for this movie is a 5/10.
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silencebreaker711 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
JUSTICE FOR YOSHI. His death, completely unnecessary..his friends loved him but not enough to help him move on from Raquel? What a shame.

These older Hidalgo boys better work for these women, it's the least they deserve.

This review is already too short. So ignore the fluff text....the movie is fine. If you're looking to watch a teen romance to distract your from it all, this one's it. Kissing both imo is much worse. There was one non English film where the love interest dies b/c her love un-alived her. Now that was a weird one. This one is tame and enjoyable but 2 was definitely a "trouble in paradises, let's stretch it out to bring it home for movie 3."
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Superb follow up to a fantastic 1st installment!
therealtruth-2195126 June 2023
You will be taken on an emotional rollercoaster throughout this 2nd installment of the mini series. The characters remain the dame we with a few more scene stealers thrown in to good effect. This episode is deep and may have put off some of the younger viewers. Each of the characters reveal true feelings as well as their character flaws. The cast has matured and that comes across beautifully on film. The scenery is superb as usual with the location shoots a must see. The ending of this one is a huge surprise but I won't give it away. Bottom line is I loved it and can't wait for the next story to unfold!
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Hard to watch and doesn't match up to first film.
mftmiami20 February 2024
I have to say the first movie was well done and team did a great job with pacing, visual story and tasteful erotic material. However "Across the Sea" although visually stunning but lacks character development, digestible story and connection with the audience . It was such a hard to watch breakdown of the story, it was jerky and shallow. They skipped parts where the nature of the relationships could have been deepened or have given actors more time to shine in their craft and draw the audience into the story but instead gave us a display almost pointless sex scenes that at times just felt pushed into the audiences face that missed the depths. I must point out that in this film the failure to cast the right actors for roles really is spotlighted out with supporting characters coming more into the frontline in this film and just felt outright tacky. Yoshi feels like such a miscast. It's hard to watch. Enjoy!
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david-0637429 June 2023
Comments are Harsh it does have intersting storyline ,different from the first book , that being said its an adaptaion , the orginal book author mantioned that it will be different stories \ untold stories and wont follow the books exactly.

I think the acting was pretty good aspecialy towards the end of the movie .

The filming location, Costa Brave is beautiful during St Juan festival

i have read the book in Wattpad , and honestly im not that disappointed from the movie, its different but its fresh in my opinion

Every fan of the book should watch it with open mind .

Honstly it was nice overall . Looking foward for the third one.
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Did the screenwriter and producer forget the plot or is it a mandala effect?
sunmikmtz20 July 2024
I remember that it had a general plot and I was excited to see the continuation of "Through my window", "Across the Sea" came out and I realized that the sea takes away good things, that's what happened with this production, it took How good the first movie was.

It didn't even meet 5% of my expectations, it was terrible for my taste, it was boring and total chaos, it went to ruin! I passed him so as not to fall asleep, was it a plot fading, did they fire the person in charge of the first one? It could have been good, but it wasn't.

In a certain part it was ridiculous, I no longer saw the emotion or feeling they conveyed like in the first one, they looked dull, without desire, it wasn't the same, period.
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Great well thought-out sequel that expands from the first movie
VH0765428 February 2024
The writers of the sequel did a great job in terms of pushing the story of Raquel and Ares forward and focused on dramatic character development. The great thing about this movie is that the sequel is not a replica/repeat of the first movie. It grows beyond the first one, moving out of teenage puppy love into adulthood

The first movie is a teen rom-com while the second movie expands into what it means to be a grown-up, the weight of your actions and dire consequences of making wrong decisions as an adult. The movie deals with growth post the couple's "honeymoon phase" where things are no longer rosy. With adulthood comes struggles, growth for each of the characters and the lessons they learn from their mistakes

The best part of the sequel is the storyline of Ares. He is the one who endures the most change, faces struggles and holds the most responsibility. He is no longer the alpha male in his protected high school environment but ventures out to the next phase in his life where stakes are higher. The movie ends with a renewed dedication to his cause (saving lives) and determination to make a difference. We also see his love for Raquel deepening in the second movie. He truly loves her in a mature manner. He is no longer a teenager but is transitioning to a mature intelligent responsible alpha adult. The actor Julio Peña who plays Ares did a greath job in this sequel showing Ares struggles and eventual maturity

I also love the movie pace. The challenges and problems are built in an ascending crescendo with each problem in Raquel and Ares relationship piling up on top of the previous, culminating in a disastrous event

This sequel is well-thought out in terms of characters, relationships and dramatic development, significantly much better than the sequels of other sagas (which are largely repetition of their first movie)
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