Sugar (TV Series 2024– ) Poster

(2024– )

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Hope the do multiple seasons
Supermanfan-138 April 2024
I wasn't really sure what to expect going into Sugar, I wasn't familiar with the story at all but Colin Farrell was starring in it so I was definitely going to at least give it a chance. I'm glad I did because I really enjoyed it. Anytime a A-list actor like Farrell does a tv show I'm usually going to give it a chance because if it's good enough to get a big name like that it must be worth watching. There are a ton of detective shows to choose from out there, it seems like even more so this year, so a show must be good enough to stick out from the bunch to get people to watch and Sugar is. The acting & writing aren't the only good things going for this show, it's also beautifully shot. It has a real stylish throwback to classic noir films to it. Bottom line, Sugar is worth your time.
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Nice modern noir
artgrowden16 April 2024
It seems like some people here should expose themselves to classic noir films and books this series finds its inspiration in. Folks criticizing the internal dialogue, that's a time-honored device of the genre as is, a slow burn pace and flashbacks. Maybe people these days are too accustomed to explosions and car chases to appreciate a little mystery. Read some Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammett or watch a Robert Mitchum or Humphrey Bogart movie in the genre. Farrell is definitely well cast and the cinematography is sumptuous. I'm excited to see where this series takes us. We were glued to the screen and can't wait for me.
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Farrell is as terrific as always
Rob13317 April 2024
Apple TV keeps putting out great television shows and Sugar is no different. It kept me entertained the entire way through and Colin Farrell is as terrific as always as the lead. He plays John Sugar, a kind of loner who gets hired by rich people to find missing people. He's hired to find the missing granddaughter of a big time movie producer (James Cromwell) which leads him into a lot of danger and mysteries. There are plenty of good twists and mysteries to see if you can solve along the way. I'll be shocked if Farrell isn't nominated for a bunch of awards for his role in this. I don't think this is a limited series so I hope they plan on doing several seasons of this because I'm in.
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I knew it wouldn't be just another detective show
scottmcparker5 May 2024
Since episode 1 I've been intrigued by the mix of different styles and the wonky tone sitting within what on the surface appears to be a modern noir. What's with the mysterious bag of drugs Sugar carries around, why the utter lack of fear and the calmness throughout, the anti-violence and difficulty sleeping, there just seemed to be something else going on. What about the clandestine gathering of 'spies' and the feeling that there was something either supernatural or psychological at play. To think that it is a simple detective show would be to underestimate Colin Farrell and his willingness to take chances. I'm sure it's going to divide people, good. I for one am loving the combination of old school story with a plot twist unlike anything you may have seen before. It's great, it could go in so many directions from here, I'm hooked!
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Amazing tip of the cap to the 50's detective movies
eoinjward11 April 2024
Colin Farrell is simply perfect in this role. Vulnerable yet strong, serious yet fun, and mysterious yet open. Really stellar supporting cast with beautiful scenery of LA. A real trip back in time to the old style self-narrated private directive genre. Apple hasn't disappointed and continues its excellent record of releasing excellent limited series like this one. The only negative is in a world of instant gratification, waiting for a whole week for a new episode is torturous! But this is most certainly work the wait. Finally, I also love the embedded black and white clips from old detective movies throughout. It adds to the intrigue for me.
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Great at First
yevhenyia22 May 2024
Slow pace, troubled private detective, references to old movies... I thought that I was watching a cliched yet stylish noir detective. I stayed for Farrell's acting because the first episode was not particularly appealing. However, later, when the show developed a more intriguing narrative, I decided to continue watching until episode 6. The plot twist was a massive disappointment. Not that it was not original, but rather that it does not comply with the overall vibe of the show whatsoever. As if you are making traditional pasta with tomato sauce and basilic and suddenly decide to add chocolate syrup on top. These genres are great apart but never together. Won't be watching the next season if Sugar has one. In this case, Farrell's acting won't be enough for me.
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Delightful integration of hardboiled genre into a softball era
Someguyinparis12 April 2024
"Sugar" is a commendable series that skillfully incorporates elements of classic hardboiled detective stories into a contemporary setting. The show strikes a balance between paying homage to the genre's traditions and adapting them for today's audience.

The lead character, reminiscent of the archetypal private eye, brings a certain charm and authenticity to the role, making the series engaging for both aficionados of the genre and new viewers. The dialogue is sharp, and the plot is well-crafted, with enough twists to maintain interest without being overly complex.

The modern take on the genre is evident in the show's approach to character diversity and social issues, which adds depth and relevance to the narrative. The visual style nods to the noir roots while maintaining a current aesthetic that suits the show's tone.

Overall, "Sugar" is a solid series that offers a fresh take on the detective genre, and it's worth watching for its clever writing, strong performances, and thoughtful update of classic tropes.
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Original script, interesting plot, great casting, great acting, great writing.
mikelicari13 April 2024
Interesting to see Colin Farrell so slimmed down. He looks and acts like a 1940s private eye. He really portrays the character like he was born for this role. His accent is perfect, even when speaking Arabic, French Spanish, Japanese or Swahili.

The story is good right from the start and never gets predictable. I like the black and white scenes, the spliced in scenes from old movies, the realistic characters, the quirky story line that keeps you on your toes. The photography is interesting for a TV show. Adam Arkin does a great job directing. Only three episodes in and I'm hooked. One of the best shows on TV today.
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Pretty good took a strange turn
tplibby4 June 2024
It was a great story, and while not a deal breaker, it seemed to have taken an unexpected and unnecessary turn. Like the story would be the same without the twist that seemed completely unneeded and just a distraction mostly. I just dont understand why at that point you'd make that kind of major change to the story. Like I said, even if it were true it's totally tertiary to the story, if it were never revealed the story doesn't change at all. I almost just stopped watching at that point just because it was such an unnecessary distraction. I'm still scratching my head over the point of it. No spoilers, just watch it and you'll see.
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You know a show is good when you're ticked that you have to wait for episodes.
This show caught me totally by surprise. I am not typically overly impressed by pseudo-noir style shows, but I'm hooked. Only reason it's not a 9 or 10 is due to the cliffhanger-esque ending of episode 6 without 7 being immediately available. :p

The acting is superb, casting is perfect, and I'm eager to see exactly wth is going on. I'm usually very good at seeing things coming in shows/movies (to the point where during certain films *coughNun2cough* I am legit saying what's going to happen before it does), and several times already I've had to "wait, what?" and back up a few scenes.

Really interested to see where this show goes. Don't eff it up, Apple.
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I didn't plan to check out Sugar, but...
nireh-613997 April 2024
I didn't plan to check out "Sugar," a neo-noir TV series about a private detective, which didn't sound interesting at all.

There were many red flags suggesting it would be subpar, including the name "Sugar," which follows the cliché of having a name that also has another meaning, like "Monk," "Magnum," or "Castle," among others.

It started in black and white, which, in my opinion, should only be used for flashbacks and is narrated in the first person.

Nonetheless, I gave it a chance, and it somehow started growing on me.

This production definitely tries to incorporate every trick and cliché in the book. The private eye is sick, dislikes guns, drives a vintage car, dresses the same every day, and only searches for missing persons. There are even meta jokes, including the hero entering a bar named 007.

At the same time, it tries to be different with some unusual cinematography angles, like those from a TikTok video shot with Insta360 cameras. Despite the scant information provided about his background, past, and personality, the main character is almost paper-thin, yet you find yourself starting to like him and wanting to follow his story.

This is an advantageous role for Colin Farrell, but he owns it well. Amy Ryan also delivers a strong performance as a lonely alcoholic.

Overall, I will keep watching, even though I hadn't planned to. It's a 'construct,' not a solid series-too many clichés thrown together, but somehow, I didn't change the channel.
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Both a hommage and a parody
francis0078 April 2024
Sugar is a new LA noir private detective show that works both as a hommage to the genre and a self serious meta parody with all the cliches imaginable. After 2 episodes it's difficult to tell where it will go but I like it for the moment.

Colin Farrell is great as usual and succeeds in giving gravitas to a character that for the moment is paper thin. We feel he has a past and relationships and traumas and an inner life.

I reserve the right to revise my note according to the evolution of the next episodes. Many shows started great and collapsed very fast (the Apple TV+ Godzilla show for example). Let's wait and see.
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Where did you go, Sugar?
keefuskimball14 May 2024
After the first five episodes I was giving this show a solid 9. Good acting. Great NOIR ambiance and identifiable characters. But the last two episodes - WTF? I feel lost and even hoodwinked. It's like they took the show I was so invested in and just changed it mid stream. I am tempted to abandon it but I have decided to watch it to the end - I have to see how it ends and I hope I was wrong about the last two episodes. I think they would have been better served to do the "big reveal" much earlier. It being so late it has really thrown me off. I don't remember feeling this way about a show or movie before. Wow.
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Twist and shout
ztiyjepa11 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm utterly stunned by the twist in episode 6 of 'Sugar.' As a die-hard fan of film noir, I was deeply immersed and thoroughly enjoying every aspect of the series-from the superb acting and atmospheric settings to the stylish cinematography and the perfectly moody music that heightened the intrigue. I had originally rated the series a solid 8. But then came the 'aliens' twist-seriously? I had to pause and wonder if it was just a figure of speech. How could such a finely crafted series take such a bizarre turn? And here I thought, 'Maybe if Sugar turned out to be a dog, it'd still be less outlandish than aliens!' At least that would have given 'barking up the wrong tree' a whole new meaning in the detective genre!
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If The Guardian hates it you know it'll be good
northernpaladin7 April 2024
I admit I have a soft spot for private detective drama's whatever the time frame and this looks to be a good one. The genre relies on a strong male lead with some kind of vulnerability and Colin Farrell as Sugar completely embodies the requirement. All the cool you expect from the genre is on display, the car, the suits, the neon, every box ticked. The plot conforms to all the requirements, wealthy man hires private eye to find granddaughter, money is no object, all is not as it seems, dark secrets, etc. The directorial style and cinematography really lift this piece and the referencing to classic noir enhances the look. We're only two episodes in so it could go badly off the rails but as I say, if the reviewer at The Guardian hates it then it is going to be good.
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Really good. Just watch the entire season.
evanessan9 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Has a timeless quality of "Hollywood" past and present coexisting: the more things change the more they stay the same in a scintillating "noir is forever" kind of ambiance. Sugar is your classic private eye specializing in missing people. He's aware that seeing some evil people doing horrible stuff out there he wants to put some kindness out there to balance out the human suffering in this world. Amazing casting. Interesting cinematography angles. Beautiful color: whoever worked on that in post did a gorgeous job. Locations are quintessential Los Angeles. Cast of characters well done in leading up to seeing what happens in future episodes. Anyone upset that the entire mystery was not solved in the first episode: that's not how episodic mysteries work: give this racehorse time to circle the track. It's got a good story pacing building up for a first episode. Give it a chance. See it through to the last episode. Amy Ryan is amazing in this. That woman is a chameleon with her range of characters.
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The twist forced me to think about the past episodes and left me impressed.
christopherhandley22 May 2024
I likee the show well enough at first but noticed there was something a little off with the whole thing. It wasn't glaring and didn't give anything away or anything but it left me curious. When the twist revealed itself I thought it was maybe kind of dumb. As the show went on and I thought more about the past episodes I began to see how delicately and intricately the early episodes had been and how the things I felt now made sense. The whole thing is very impressive and emotional on many levels and it's absolutely brilliant how it made me go back and revisit the earlier episodes inside my head. It does all of these things without force feeding it to us or having a character break down the plot. It respects the viewer and allows us to take in the small details and nuances of it all. I got so much more from the first few episodes just by recalling them, it's amazing that so much of them stuck with me that it didn't require a rewatch.
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Oh No!
douglasmcbroom3 May 2024
Well, it was going so well. Colin Farrell was in fine form. The noir detective genre and writing were both great. Directors Fernando Meirelles and Adam Arkin were excellent. The supporting cast: Amy Ryan, Dennis Boutsikaris, James Cromwell, Anna Gunn, Eric Lange were all top notch. Then, Episode 6: Go Home happened and everything went fatally wrong for me. Now, clearly, we knew they were holding back a major plot point. We knew there was another big shoe yet to fall. But when it was revealed, it turned me right off this series. I audibly said: Oh no!

So, I'm done with this series 6 episodes in!
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Much better than you think.
lazymagic5 May 2024
I have to be honest, I wasn't inspecting much however everything about this series is perfect. It's a masterclass in ad-lib, photography, direction and plot. The chemistry on screen between the characters is palpable. And there are quite a few cinematic surprises hidden in there too! I had gotten to the point where I thought that Apple TV was doing too much middle of the road content to please the Netflix masses however it comes back with something like this to prove it is a class above.

It's a really easy lovely binge watch so what are you waiting for? Snuggle up on the sofa, grab a beer and enjoy the storytelling.
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jeroen-10623 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Apple TV+ series "Sugar," starring Colin Farrell, promises an engaging detective drama but ultimately disappoints with its unexpected sci-fi twist in episode six. The reveal of an alien plot feels jarring and poorly integrated, undermining the detective story built over the first five episodes. This abrupt genre shift frustrates rather than intrigues, highlighting a lack of cohesive storytelling.

Farrell's performance is a notable draw, yet it can't salvage the weak screenplay and clunky dialogue that persist throughout the series. The recurring homage to old movies, likely a nod from the director's personal interests, feels out of place and forced, failing to enhance the narrative or character depth.

The series' climax falls flat with predictable tropes such as the "friend-turned-villain" twist and implausible plot devices like the conveniently hidden dress. These elements contribute to an ending that feels contrived and unsatisfying.

Overall, "Sugar" struggles to blend its ambitious elements into a coherent and compelling story, leaving viewers more perplexed than pleased.
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Wow what a great show
terrylarosa5 April 2024
Revelation and a lot better than I'd thought it would be; especially after trying to watch the absolutely awful Ripley. Somewhat reminiscent to the show Dream On where they instill footage from old movies. Except that was a comedy. The show is set like a fast paced film noir; not boring us with endless scenes of people aimlessly puttering about. Each scene has purpose and meaning. Farrell as always is superb as is most of the supporting cast. And while Sugar seems a bit too extraordinary, excelling at many things his illness brings him down a notch. With the mystery of the supposed disappearance, murders and plenty of nefarious characters about, there's plenty of plot to last a season. And finally just before they revealed the car I was hoping it would be a Corvette Stingray and lo and behold.........this show is a complete winner.
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It Just Jumped the Shark
cheryllauer13 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was mostly enjoying this film noir starring Colin Farrell. Interesting cast pulled from a lot of good character actors. I really enjoyed the old film noir clips inserted appropriately within certain scenes. And he had a cool classic car too. But then this week they revealed he and his group are aliens from another planet!?!? Give me a break. Totally ruined the show for me. Why must everything involves science fiction, super heroes or zombies these days??? I actually had to check my ears when they said "we'll take it off-planet..." Why couldn't they simply be VIA or something? I guess that's too mundane for millennials or something. That silly plot twist lowered my rating by two points.
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could be the most passionate show on tv this year
A_Different_Drummer15 April 2024
Not passion, as in romance. Passion as in, I love what I am doing and I am going to get every bit of it perfect. Creator Mark Protosevich loves film, loves LA, loves the old hardboiled shamus films -- clearly not the case with the team behind Monsieur Spade! -- loves people, dogs, rare alcohol, fine cars .... you get the picture. Sometimes, it's rare, you find a production that overflows with such passion for detail you can get lost in the process instead of the content. Sugar has great content too, and Farrell, having landed the role of a lifetime, puts everything he has has into it. Special entertainment. Sip it. Savor it. ((Designated "IMDb Top Reviewer." Please check out my list "167+ Nearly-Perfect Movies (with the occasional Anime or TV miniseries) you can/should see again and again (1932 to the present))
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I'm Furious....
wxsmbbtag19 May 2024
So I was rather enjoying this series, started off pretty solid, albeit it, some of the scenes/dialogue were a bit outlandish. Loved the cinematography and the inner dialogue of Sugar- a nod to the great detective films of times past. But, NOTHING could have prepared me for how outlandish it really got in episode 6. I didn't even see it's so left field and as the title of my review states; I'm furious! I plodded on until the end because I'd already invested so much time watching episodes 1-6 but I was totally uninvested by that point and had to watch with my expectations severely lowered. What a shame, it could have been great and I know we have many detective shows already; all pretty similar but this really did stand out from the rest, so there was no need for the twist at all!
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Seems a lotof the reviews are for the onset of the season?
MK_Ultra_1 June 2024
Looks like a lot of the reviews are left early on in the series, and I tend to agree, it's stylishly noir and holds your (my) interest.

Until it doesn't. It starts to get tedious as the writing stumbles to the finish line. To say the beginning of the series is great is spot on. To include the middle episodes start to show the ideas and kitsch is starting to get old would also be spot on.

The final act (last two episodes) the wheels fell off, would also be spot on. People think they are helpful jumping on with reviews after the first two episodes seriously isn't helpful, so yes, after the finale---would love for people to come back, because to discuss it involved spoilers---but it pulls a major "Shyamalan" which I have zero patience or need for. It basically insults the viewers intellect to basically turn this from a neo noir PI premise that was working and seemed fresh in its retrograde, but to flip the switch into something so psedo-edgy was comically terrible and the first 6 episodes are basically a waste of everyones time invested: because convoluted science fiction "enters the chat"

Hard to recommend because of the lame stunt.
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