Lady Voyeur (TV Mini Series 2023) Poster


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kosmasp16 January 2023
No pun intended of course. The international title being quite ... well sassy I suppose. The show itself being steamy to a point (with some nudity), but also full of cliches too. There's so much backstabbing and so many twists your head will surely not sit right after watching this (and no I did not call you Shirley).

That all being said, I've seen better but also worse thrillers. Don't expect this to be too titilating I suppose or too clever for that matter. Actually after episode 1 you can almost skip to the last episode - because you get a recap of almost everything important anyway - with an explanation ... if that helps ... still you have to dig the premise and all that ... otherwise you will be bored I assume.
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Believe it or not, but I watched the entire first season.
tildiz14920 January 2023
Yes, you read the headline correctly. I actually watched the entire first season of "Lady Voyeur". I don´t know if there is going to be a second season. But if it comes my interest would be mild. Some of the sex scenes in this TV series were unnecessary in my opinion. The other sex scenes were okay or quite good. Some plot twists were a bit too complicated if you ask me. And other plot twists were suprising.

Miranda. How should I describe her? She´s beautiful and brave. I don´t know anything about hacking computers, so I can´t say if the hacking scenes are realistic. But it seems like Miranda knows enough about the subject. I also think that she was a bit gullible.

If there is going to be a second season I would wish for a better written plot, more courtship before the sex scenes and more clarity.
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Way To Confusing Mystery Story
PalmBeachG16 November 2023
So let's separate the soft porn from the mystery story. First yes there is much sex in this series that Netflix keeps pushing the envelope with and many customers have been complaining. It's what made me switch from US dramas to Korean dramas since they can express sex scenes or love stories so much more romantically. I got this for a suggestion since it was foreign i presume. Here the FL watches her neighbor out her window, (who is a prostitute or high class call girl) having sex and also hacks into her security system to save all the videos. The FL meets the clients coincidently in the building snd ends up with the clients as well. Then there are sex parties reminiscent of 50 Shades of Grey.

As far as the mystery goes I found it confusing to keep track of all the different characters - this person is related to that person and that person is related to this person. Too much to sort out as there are time jumps forward and backward frequently. The only thing that saved this is that the last episode divulged everything and explained it in detail. But should you have to explain it?
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abbywol-274172 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, yes there was a warning. What did you think a film called Lady Voyeur was about?? It was definitely salacious, steamy, and sexy. But that's about it. It's ultimately ruined by a convoluted plot and characters who do stupid things. Do not stay up until 6am watching this like I did. Unless, of course, you want to watch a bunch of irredeemable characters betray each other imbetween raunchy sexcapades. Or choosing to do stupid things that I hope no person would ever really do if they were to find themselves in the situations taking place in Lady Voyeur. Also the time hops were very annoying.
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50 Shades of Grey with "hacking"
JoaoJose919 January 2023
Lazy writing. The series follows a "50 Shades of Grey" kind of formula where the plot and characters are poorly developed and are there just to unsuccessfully connect a bunch of mediocre erotic clips while some random music plays in the background, completely leaving aside the thriller proposal.

Even if you forget about it and just try to give a chance to the erotical foccus of the series, Lady Voyeur also fails in delivering a good experience: the bad acting, misplaced catchphrases and the constantly attempts to create a sexual tension between the characters (almost every scene, even in the most akward situations) results in secondhand embarrassment only.
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Neither great nor terrible, it's entertaining.
qbtgqqf1 January 2023
Some actions are not the best possible, but in a police thriller series, such excellent acting is not needed.

I didn't exactly understood the hacking scenes, I don't think they're pretty accurate, but for people who don't understand much about hacking, the fake scenes ain't obvious.

Débora Nascimento stands out from the other actors, she seems to be on another level in relation to them.

For Brazilian standards, Lady Devoyeur stands out for its production and photography.

Summing up, if you just want to spend some time watching a police series that entertains you in a satisfactory way, Lady Devoyeur is a correct choice.
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Soap opera dream.
jgoedhart-226169 January 2023
I stuck it out till ep 5 because it has a good story line and it did grab me for a while, but I dont think I could sit through the next 5 episodes because of the sex scenes and the plot getting thicker and thicker and dragging on. Who has that much sex in their life? Who has that much drama in their lives? No one. The men and women are like Ken and Barby and the sexy computer hacker just touches a key and everything is magically opened to her. There is no such thing as security in voyuerland. This is a soap opera like 'Days of our lives'. If you like soapies, watch it. If not, then avoid it like the plague.
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Not the best thing I've watched but still not terrible
sofiaggeorg16 January 2023
For me the story was very interesting and related. The production isn't 10/10 but it's still worth it. There is no lack of tension or thrill at any moment. As many say that is something like a porn but I don't agree. It's normal to have sex in movies and tv series. The series were balanced with love story and criminal story at the same time which is one of my favorite combinations for movies or tv series. It's kind of sad that almost all of the main characters died during the series but at least the ending was very satisfying. If you have some time to kill for example on the plane I recommend you these series.
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Meh with gorgeous women
anthony-7425 January 2023
An ultimately silly and repetitious series feature one gorgeous woman after another. While I was drawn in at first, the writing's mediocrity became quickly apparent. It doesn't make sense that the protagonist, presented as THE voyeur, herself enjoys normal sex...a lot! To title a series after a pathology would do better to focus on it, otherwise it has no essential function to character development, only to launch the ho-hum plot, whose dreary, predictable coincidences seem contrived as opposed to spicy. Watched two episodes in one sitting, realized the next day that any residual curiosity had totally vanished. Note to self: visit Brazil soon on a "business trip", send wife on cruise with her friends. Just kidding, but those women ARE beautiful.
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Not too good but not too bad.
DrDumb28 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The reason I rated 6 is because I don't really like the erotic scenes .

As the genre is mystery with a suspense. Who murdered Diana and Zoe is the focus for this tv series. The season finale gives all the answer to the mysteries. Don't be misled by irrelevant information (i.e. Helena's multiple relationships; Zoe's relationship with Diana.) as they have nothing to do with the cases. For the murders of Diana and Zoe, I actually had some assumptions about who did them and what motivated the offender(s) but they couldn't stand because the show didn't show me any solid evidence to back them up. So therefore, stick till the end where you will find out what really happened in the previous episodes. Best advice, prepare a piece of paper and a pen to write down all possible leads and evidence when it comes to solving a mystery. When a lead that makes scene in every aspect, that's the answer, in most cases.

One thing which is very annoying to me is Miranda's grievance about her grandmother's demise which was overly played. Yeah I feel the pain when you lose your loved ones but you don't need to spend too much time on it and the over-reaction of Miranda was a bit excruciating (not the actress's fault but a bad script for this part). One or two minutes would be good enough, because the grandma's demise wasn't the focus of the show and she wasn't a main character.

We know Miranda loves peeping into other people's lives and she seems to be a predator looking for her prey. But when it has gone too far, a predator may become a prey for somebody else.

Overall speaking, the script wasn't too bad for the mystery part. But the sensual scenes, I couldn't really enjoy them.
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Soft-core porn on Netflix
sherripadgitt-555361 January 2023
I was astonished that this was even a choice on netflix. I thought maybe there was a good story here, but it is soft core porn, period. Not impressed at all. There is a lady who talks softly about how hot things are with viewing into other apartments across her way. She hacks into their computers to watch? But yet it shows that she lives right across and can see in without using a computer. So far the first 15 minutes is filled with her describing hot sex, then her friend comes over to got it: hot sex. As if that is all people talk about. This is so fake and messed up. And there are no warnings you are about to watch a soft-core porn flick. I'm getting really tiresome of Netflix lately. It seems I can find better movies on Amazon prime or Hulu.
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Muy Caliente!
OceanGirl94113 March 2023
It feels like a lot of reviewers know very little about the culture from whence this series came. Thankfully this is not a Hollywood creation. The series is not obliged to conform to the expectations of an American audience, nor is it reliant on the American audience to measure its success. This isn't the first foreign series to get review bombed and still be mega successful on the global level, as indicated elsewhere on the world wide web where people are already asking for a second season.

Let's clarify a couple things. There wasn't as much sex in the series as some of the reviewers would have you believe. They make it sound like it's every 5 minutes. It's not. There are plenty of other things going on.

To be fair, the "voyeur" instances were few. Some were repeated via flashbacks to add additional details that set up upcoming plot twists. Based on that I don't feel feel that the title fit the series overall, but it's a catchy title nonetheless.

Two stars off. One for Ingrid Klug being cast as Rita, and the second star off for the writing for Rita. I've said this in a lot of my reviews: voice inflection and body language are important. Her characterization as Rita was corny, cheesy, and immersion breaking, but that was, in part, because of really bad writing for the character. Since Rita doesn't have much relevance to the overall story to have such a big part in it. I fast forwarded through most of the scenes with her in them.

The beauty in this type of storytelling is that just when you think you've figured out the plot, and who did what, you find out that you haven't figured out anything at all. The story twists and turns with murder, danger, sex, romance, betrayal and intrigue. It keeps you engaged, which is the kind of storytelling that I have grown to love in telenovelas. This one was one of the most complex and detailed that I've ever watched.

If you're familiar with Latin American and Iberian style storytelling you'll enjoy this thoroughly. It's not perfect, but it's really good.
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Is it me or does it feel like there's too many stories happening simultaneously?
xxmisssvxx2 April 2023
This foreign limited series caught my attention in the preview so I decided to watch it. What started off as a good beginning somehow feels like it loses itself as what's actually going on while the series plays on. Honestly, it feels like there's so many different elements happening that you don't really know what to focus on exactly.

We're introduced to Miranda, smart very tech savvy woman who has a taste. A taste for lust, a taste for wonder, a taste for answers, a taste for research, and a curiosity to explore all of it by accident with a purpose. At this point, it's where the story seems to go all over the place without making much sense as to why. Is this a story about Miranda or stories about each person Miranda is involved with? I suppose we learn about everyone in their own weird way.

It gives some element of "fifth shades" with all of the soft sex scenes but even the sexual encounters make no sense other than simply being BDSM. The series fails to add subtitles during all of the information Miranda digs up. By the last episode, there is a couple of small shockers but we learn this weird confusion is all based on revenge. Mental revenge.

Overall, it's not the worst but it does have holes in the storyline, so for me it's a 6/10 rating.
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qui_j2 January 2023
Within the first 15 minutes of this offering from Brazil, viewers immediately know that this will be garbage! It consists of a woman spying on her neighbor with a myriad of computers and cameras, and talking to herself while the camera focuses on her eyes, lips, face etc. The dialog is like the ramblings of a demented person as she mumbles words. The rest is just soft porn that all looks very staged. What on earth would possess Netflix to even consider this as a streaming option? It must have been something meant only for the Brazilian market. If that's the case, then restrict streaming to that country as the global appeal is zilch!
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Bad everything
almendaryluciano9 November 2023
The series has one of the most unlikely scripts in recent times. They wanted to navigate all the so-called modern narratives of relationships, mainly sexual ones. The locations are few and poor. The actors, almost all of them have a poor. Acting. The comings and goings in time are now a cliché and, in this case, they confuse the story a little. The plot fails to create an atmosphere of tension, primarily due to the temporal spoilers, also due to the actors' unconvincing performance, which in my opinion were poorly directed. Not even the sex scenes manage to create an erotic atmosphere. In short, a tremendous catastrophe.
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A completely sad story 😔
megaverse-706174 January 2024
I am avoiding melodrama, but during the holidays, we'll it's tempting to watch some romance, mystery plot going. This was what took my attention to this series. Unfortunately there's no romance and no mystery!!! There's no love or attraction between the characters. I couldn't see a real friendship going. Meaningless sex with no further development of any relationship. Main character a guy who doesn't believe in love because of his mother suicide, the main character woman blaming herself of her mother's death trying to live her life as a third person. All the characters needs deep physiatrist treatment, starting from the writers. Creating a story must come with some end- bad or good. Here we have nothing - no love, no friendship, no family respect. As all the families described in the plot are miserable, lying, cheating, sex obsessed and no real feelings showed!!! Wow! You need a nerve to watch such sad human beings for 10 episodes! I am glad I didn't!
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Telenovela melodrama
laduqesa8 March 2024
Well, phew, I got to the end of the ten episodes. I'm not quite sure how. It really is one of those productions where the plot, action and acting all get so bad that there's a sort of horrid fascination in seeing more.

Tucked into the storyline were a couple of soft porn scenes per episode, one of them portraying gay sex. I have to say that the actor portraying Fernando looked more convincing here with Bernardo than in his scenes with Miranda. Poor Rafael drew the short straw with portly Rita. Hunky Heitor was the most convincing lover but then who wouldn't be thrown off their feet by him?

As for the plot, it was devastatingly easy to grasp by the end of episode two who the baddies and who the goodies were. In fact, I'd worked out why all the machinations were going on by the end of episode four. The person behind the events didn't make a convincing nutcase. In fact their attempted evil and manic laughter and storytelling in the final episode were hilarious rather than convincing.

I actually didn't have anything better to watch due to a laptop malfunction. If I'd been able to get something else, I'd have dropped this like a ton of bricks.
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If you talk Portuguese don't even waste your time
B7prado10 August 2023
I could've rated ZERO but it worth 1 star due to the plot.

It's hard to say what's worse: the performances, the unbelievable situations (for a movie), the lack of direction, the bad cuts between scenes or the lack of naturalness of the actors.

It looks like a soup opera.

Something that bothered me a lot is the lie in the title. Supposedly it should be a voyeur person but what is least seen in the series is voyeurism! Just a single chapter and nothing more.

Despite the lie in the title, I must confess, the story is good and engaging. Point to the screenwriter.

It's a shame that his work has been given into the hands of such bad people, such bad actors. Everything is so bad that it looks like the work of elementary school children making their first film in a cinema class.

If you don't speak Portuguese it might improve your experience a bit. Maybe voice actors in your language can improve the tone of conversations and convince you that they really are characters and not people repeating memorized text.
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Oh My God...
momirko14 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
...what a rubbish!

This is my first contact with Brazilian TV, and this is what I have learned so far: 1) All Brazilian women are made of plastic. I caught a glimpse of a natural breast from Tóia Ferraz, and seriously overweight actress who plays Rita, who does not need implants to be big breasted, but every other actress has implants, so obvious ones, and show them regularly.

2) All Brazilian men are artistically carved sex gods. Main protagonists (Heitor, Fernando, even Rafael) are physically perfect.

3) Everyone has sex with everyone. There is no episode without meaningless sex scene. Usually it has nothing to do with the story, it is just sex per se - for the cause of sex. You have it all - man on man, woman on woman and classic mixed couples - the trends are satisfied. I hate forcing LGBT scenes onto us in such exquisite ways, I really do not enjoy watching man pounding another man. It is blurred for now, but in a few years will probably be as sharp as other meaningless sex scenes from this content. This kind of content should not be showed before midnight.

4) Acting is average to low. Granny is catastrophically bad.

5) Screenplay is lousy - just a bunch of unrelated events, very chaotic until the climax which "explains everything" but is so unbelievable that it leaves a sour taste of "What was I watching the whole time? How did I endure all this torture?". I really feel masochistic for watching all the 10 episodes. It is so unreal it reminds me of "Televisa Presenta" soaps from 1990's. You do not know who is the parent, who is the child, who killed whom and mess. I even suspect this is usual for content made in Latin America. I hope I will watch some good Argentinian movie to erase this catastrophe.

6) The police is totally incompetent. There is no such thing as CSI squad in Brazil. Every crime is perfect.

I could go on, but have wasted enough of my time and energy explaining why is this such a bad content. People who made this should really think about doing something else with their lives, film making is not their thing.
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passable with some good twist and turns
romanm-625472 January 2023
The show has various TV-MA scenes but if you can get pass that I would recommend watching it. Once you start watching it at every last few minutes of each episodes it shows partially future events that makes you want to proceed to watch the rest of the episodes continuously to see who's behind it all . It's definitely decent with unpredictable twist and turns To say the least ( it focus mainly on Miranda a voyeur and extremely skilled hacker who spies through her window across the opposite building , who happens to meet a client of the woman she spies on as she watches and cares for her dog in her apartment which leads to her fate changing and a serious of events involving her past and the past of the two men she meets to tangle among other things) . The amount of severe sex & nudity doesn't take away the good twisted plot this show has is worth watching.

Just a side note : Netflix definitely warns about the show and its content as it begins on the top left corner language, nudity, sex, and violence is depicted in this show.
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Good but not great
sarasucic-8653529 May 2023
It is preety intrasting story and very intence. I dont understand comments like it ist soft porn. There is few scenes but it isnt too much. Just give a chance for it. It is a bit too much of everything and it is a good. I didnt see end coming like that. It was intense. In first few epizodes you can tell that everything is fishy so you dont realy know who is fishier there. I even had bad feeling for a second on the kids, couldnt tell who is good and who is not. Bur for some carecters I could tell from first scene that they would not be good at all.

You have my recomandation on this one for shore.

And I apologize for bad english it is my second language but I belive that you get the point.
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The Shocking Truth About Uncover the Mystery Behind the Lady Voyeur Series
hollywoodxtrememov2 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A Portuguese thriller series called Lady Voyeur debuted on Netflix in 2022. We follow Miranda (Débora Nascimento), the lead character, a gifted but reclusive hacker, through ten suspenseful episodes that build to an explosive conclusion. All of the cues to her reclusive personality can be found in her early years, and the episodes make it plain that she has a grandmother in a nursing home who is afflicted with the disabling condition Huntington's disease.

The first few episodes include a well-paced tale from writers Marcela Citterio and Camila Raffanti. However, when developing the plot for the crime thriller, a few crucial components are hurriedly developed or left unresolved, which has an impact on the thriller aspect over time. Interesting elements either went unanswered or turned into cliffhanger episodes, which ultimately didn't really fulfill the purpose of such a complex plot.

In the end, we understand that Miranda's life, as well as the life of her unborn child, has been in grave danger the entire time. The suspenseful conclusion reveals that Cléo is actually Miranda's long-lost sister Gabriella, who persuaded her that their mother's passing was her fault.

Cléo devised the entire plan in order to exact revenge on Miranda and ultimately murder her. She even left the window treatments open and let Miranda observe her. It turns out that Miranda's boyfriend Fernando was also complicit in Cléo's diabolical scheme. They both intended to utilize Miranda's talents to further their sinister goals before killing her. But despite their best intentions, Cléo and Fernando are both gone by the tense conclusion.

It's also unclear whether this series would be able to regain balance in its second season with such shoddy execution. Even though Lady Voyeur compromises clarity for subplots and a few half-finished ideas, it's still a fun movie to watch.
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A steamy hot erotic thriller that became compulsive viewing.
mmillington55425 April 2023
I really liked this. The plot twists and turns like an overgrown serpent, as the past collides with the present, desire and revenge take centre stage, and the viewer is taken on an adventure where reality is constantly shifting as perceptions of the characters are forced to change. A very complex web of entanglement is built up throughout the series until it reaches its final reveals. My only criticism is that the final episode seemed rushed and overly complicated, with many changing time frames that made it difficult to follow. Some scenes were very hot, almost soft porn, which certainly enlivened up a dull afternoon.
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