Fake Profile (TV Series 2023– ) Poster

(2023– )

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Don't judge me LOL I am shallow
suuch-420058 August 2023
The guys are so bloody sexy, ripped and hot & good looking!

The ladies are very beautiful! Sexy!

Scenery is beautiful.

Everything is beautiful, Everyone is beautiful. Sexy.

The plot is and can be quite happening Except that there's so many twist and turn - some parts are so irritating - the fact Camilla keeps exerting herself when she knew Miguel is married - we keep going in circles - wondering why she's still hanging around - draggy to me.

Too many twists and turns that I forget what the heck was happening.

So I just watched for the beautiful people making out. That was my motivation LOL Of course my curiosity about the ending too made me stick around but the sexy scenes kept me going.

The 5 stars I have given here is for the sexy people. I know I am shallow :p.
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I just started
fancybeachgirl31 May 2023
I'm confused why a Vegas dancer is getting obsessed with a man that she had a 4 month fling with after she finds out she's been lied to. He has a family in another country. But I lied I'm the beginning also... I'm a stage dancer

She becomes welcomed into a his rich circle and invited to an opening....oh the chef owner forgot.. It's today.

Oh I just landed but after finding out my man lied... I have a flight 4 hrs later.... Oh I guess I'll change it to tomorrow..

Next day...oh I'll not leave again. I'll move into the house next door.. With no contract and no money down.. I decided I'm actually staying..

It's like a long soap opera.. But I don't get why . What did she get out of this? He already explained why he lied. Now she's quitting her beloved job and paying what 20k because you finally had an orgasm

Otherwise it's a beautiful rich people with soap opera acting.
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One of those that easily pleases the eye.
dieuleveutkembo1 June 2023
The story is simple. I will give you that but so are the multiple movies we've seen since the 60s both in cinema and television. Something they did well was to rely on Carolina Miranda's most iconic role on "Who killed Sara?" in which she played a supporting character that helped her rise to fame, and be known internationally due to the show's success. She does the exact same thing here. She elegantly carries the story forward as the main character facing an unimaginable fate. It is emotional, thought-provoking, and allows you to stay well put as you admire a plot written for fans who thoroughly enjoys thrillers with a twist. It is yet to be determined how it will all end. I am only on episode 6 that I am watching at this very moment. It has as of writing this an unforgettable soundtrack, a scenery that only those who appreciate cinematography will enjoy, and a poetic vibe that fills the room. I will give it a fair 6.8 out of 10. Colombia have produced yet another decent show following many if their recent successes. We may have here yet another great source for international productions that one could compare to what was and is made in America.
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Viewer whiplash between profound scenery, undeveloped characters and a meandering plot.
julescaroline6 June 2023
I was interested in seeing this only after the trailer played automatically on Netflix. I went in thinking it was a film rather than a series. Carolina and Rodolfo both gave solid performances. This is in part because of adequate character development. The fact that these actors look like Greek Gods is algae dropping to the audience. You keep questioning, "How can anyone be that beautiful? This is followed by jealousy and lingering insecurity.

The writers failed other actors, it would have made for a more invested audience had they given more development to the other actors. Some performances were very tele-nova (Angelina.) We could have used a lot less of her! After tolerating a few minutes of this, the viewer is tempted to ditch the show...however they bounce back to one of the solid performances and it keeps you engaged.

I wanted to race to the end to see how it all played out. Every episode builds anticipation that then ebbs and flows. I found myself wanting more clues. The build up ends with disappointment. I'm not sure where I thought it was heading but found myself regretful having spent 10 hours watching.

It was obvious the creator spent money on this production. The scenery was breathtaking. However, the audience is quickly sucked away from imagery, bc every person's ringtone was phenomenally annoying, constantly disrupting the flow of the show and distracting the viewer. The soundtrack was lacking. They kept going back to a particularly irritating song, each time the main character is dancing. Between that and the ringtone...I had to mute and/or fast-forward content. Had they been more mindful with the music, it could have profoundly supported the relationships that seemed genuine.

I think the writers and directors relied too heavily on lengthy sex scenes, it detracted from the show.

This was particularly evident in the brother's relationships. The plot insinuated that men immediately have sex-avoiding true intimacy.

With as much sexual content, there was no feeling of angst and longing between characters-which would have helped with plot and character development. Everybody just jumped straight to bed!

Early on, I really wanted the main character to develop feelings for her pretend husband. It would have greatly enhanced their chemistry, making the main character feel torn, rather than simply pining for one person and seeking revenge. The conclusion of this thought is only unveiled in the last few minutes of the finale, leaving me pretty disappointed. The main character never vocalized her end game, her goals. The viewer just bounces between characters, desperate to tie all sun-plots together somehow.

I gave a 6 because I had been excited and invested in the first 4 episodes. The creators really could have limited this to 6 episodes.
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Great beginning, terrible ending
ragosyolanda4 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked the show in the beginning. Mysterious...Couldn't wait to see the next episode... it was so exciting to watch. Also very beautiful main characters. But then certain things started to happen without any explanation, not only one but two people were coming back from the dead. So unrealistic. I felt like I was watching a very bad telenovella. I had this feeling that they wanted so much to happen in one episode. I feel so stupid after watching the entire show because everything happend and at the same time nothing happened. Maybe if there is a part two coming, they can let the 'brothers' talk about the situation. They do not finish things, like mentioning that he had a relationship with his brother...I'm very disappointed.
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Engaging but with few loopholes
vyasajay29 March 2024
"Fake Profile" presents itself as a series brimming with entertainment value, offering viewers a thrilling and engaging narrative underscored by its well-crafted screenplay. The show's ability to keep audiences on the edge of their seats is a testament to its adept storytelling and compelling character portrayals. However, upon closer examination, there are a few elements that warrant scrutiny, particularly regarding the conclusion of the finale episode, which left much to be desired in terms of satisfaction and unpredictability.

Rodolfo Salas's portrayal of Miguel stands out as one of the highlights of the series. Salas infuses Miguel with a captivating intensity and authenticity that breathes life into the character, making him a standout presence on screen. His ability to navigate the complexities of Miguel's persona with finesse and nuance contributes significantly to the show's overall appeal. Salas's performance serves as a driving force behind the series' success, drawing viewers deeper into the intricacies of the plot.

While Salas commands attention with his stellar performance, the same cannot be said for every character, particularly Camila. Despite the actress's efforts, Camila's character lacks the depth and development needed to resonate with audiences. Her portrayal falls short of capturing the complexities and nuances that would elevate her character beyond a superficial archetype. As a result, Camila's presence feels somewhat underwhelming compared to the other characters, leaving a noticeable gap in the series' ensemble.

Furthermore, the main lead actress fails to fully embody the strength and agency that her role demands. While she delivers a competent performance, her character's trajectory feels overshadowed by the more dynamic supporting cast members. Strengthening the main lead actress's role and providing her with a more compelling arc could enrich the series and add depth to its narrative landscape.

Despite these shortcomings, "Fake Profile" excels in its exploration of online deception and the blurred lines of identity in the digital age. The series adeptly navigates themes of privacy, cyberbullying, and the psychological motivations behind creating fake profiles, offering viewers a thought-provoking glimpse into the darker aspects of online behavior. Through its timely and relevant themes, "Fake Profile" prompts audiences to reflect on their own digital footprints and the consequences of their online actions.
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So bad never gets better
kristellthetruth2 June 2023
Oh my god, this was a pain to watch throughout, was hoping it to get better, but seriously it just stays bad! The female main character has the worst ever ringtone!

Poor acting, cheap production... boring story, wasted 10 episodes of my life. Probably who said here this was good they must be related to the actors or director.

Normally Netflix tv shows are good, and by the information and title Fake Profile seemed alright, however it is a true disappointment. From the first moment to the last it was awful. It reminded me of a cheap Brasil soap opera.

If I could, I would give zero stars, it is that bad!
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Surprisingly good series!! I recommend watching!
ninaerchy31 May 2023
Overall excellent cast (Miranda is breathtaking), directing and scenery. I especially like the absence of overdramatic acting which is otherwise very typical for Southern countries. Scenes are raw and in tune with reality though so beautiful you just want to visit every background they use and live there forever. The beaches, the night life, the architecture and the atmosphere of Las Vegas and Columbia are just fantastic.

Besides all the cool stuff there's a really smart take on today's society problems like social media curs that's poisoning our world with inducing greed, lies, deception and empty mentality.

I highly recommend these series. Beautiful and eye opening.

Enjoy! :)
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Like Dallas and Dynasty on acid!
sue-062391 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Having loved those two iconic drama series years ago, I enjoyed the twists and turns in this bonkers show but the lead actress Carolina Miranda did get on my nerves. Yes, she's attractive, but the way she's always strutting around wearing revealing clothes and batting her big blue eyes gets boring. The cameramen obviously loved her!

Every character seems to have a perfect body! Lots of sex scenes - both gay and straight - but, to me, they were so highly stylised as to be completely un-erotic. If you want erotic, check out Jack Nicholson and Jessica Lange on the kitchen table in The Postman Always Rings Twice, for example.

Some serious plot holes towards the end here. How did Miguel get out of that burning car without his wife seeing him? How is the Inti character not riddled with disease when he's having it off with just about every character?

The only decent man in this is David and sadly Camilla treats him so badly when he clearly loves her. Even at the end, when it seems she's with him and he's smiling as she dances, her attention is still on that slimeball Miguel, literally behind his back!

So I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it, it just irritated me in so many ways that I can't score it higher.
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Ridiculous Story Plot
moondustmadness8 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The scenery was stunning and Carolina Miranda is gorgeous...but the plot made absolutely no sense. It was as if there were two people writing the script, but neither conversed with on another to make the scripts go together seamlessly. Camilla goes to Columbia to visits the guy she thought was a dr...but only finds out that he is not who he claimed to be and that he has a family.

The next thing you know...she starts stalking the guy....even moving next door to him in this fancy gated community that is owned by his father-in-law.

This is where the plot spins completely out of control and does not make sense.

It supposedly turns out that the father-in-law wanted to break his daughter's marriage up....so he hires Camilla to fly to Columbia...gives her a place to stay so she can cause havoc between her lover (whos name is really Miguel) and his wife.

It gets even crazier when you learn that the wife and her gay brother Adrian are having sex with the same guy who is really a gigolo who was also paid by the father to break up Adrian and his fiance's Cristo's relationship. Why does the father want to do this?

Well...it turns out that his ex-wife left him for a younger guy and don't you know it...that younger guy was no other than Cristo's father. Cristo we come to learn towards the end is actually Adrian and his sister's brother.

The inconsistencies do not stop there.

This could have been made as a movie rather than a series. The storyline could have been tightened up to make sense.

I was invested in this series, so I followed it through to the end, bur had I known beforehand what a stinker this was I would have done a hard pass.
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Better than I Imagined
ericajoyrichardson2 June 2023
The Netflix description doesn't do this show justice. It's a bit of a psychological thriller and for me it was hard to predict and I am typically good at predicting shows. There is amazing character development and getting into the minds of each character is fascinating. The ending leaves something left to the imagination but not enough for a second season although I would love to know a little more about what happened. I watched all 10 episodes in 1 day. If you only watch the first few minutes you may find it uninteresting, but I promise if you make it to the end of the first episode you'll be hooked. You really have to pay attention because things are never as you think they are.
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Started off strong but got weird
ray-200210 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It started off well and the actors are captivating to watch and the scenery is nice. Seems a bit crazy to fly to another country to surprise someone but okay...It sort of goes off the rails around episode 6. Suddenly everyone has a hidden agenda from the start. The dad for whatever reason conspiring for his daughter and family to know about her being a stripper but then him trying to also protect her? Then tracking down her ex who happened to be abusive toward her to surveil her in another country? I wanted more of the focus on Camila and Miguel and suddenly everyone is dragged into secrecy and revelations from the beginning. Also the car just happening to roll and explode.... 🤔
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Ridiculous return of the living dead
colarusso-13 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A completely unbelievable plot with mediocre performances. The last episode was the ultimate unbelievable. Who was dead, and even buried, comes back to life in a peaceful way. And what's worse, this happens twice in a row. The only consolation is the beauty of Rodolfo Salas. But a handsome actor doesn't save this plot any worse than a Mexican soap opera.

The story is so convoluted that the impression one has is that it was made by amateurs. Cheap production, with poorly filmed scenes. Without a doubt it is one of the worst Netflix series I have watched.

Above all irritating for thinking that we are stupid to believe that even with a burial a dead man comes back to life. Trash. The two stars went to the main actor's body.
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A Writing Mess
HL-UK2 March 2024
I think that what they spent on locations they saved on hiring proper writers. The scenery is breathtaking but that is all there is. The original plot is interesting and enticing. However, they spend too much time on parties and sex scenes and then seem to run out of time to unravel everything. The last episode is like an editing disaster. The acting is atrocious, except maybe for the actress playing the wife and the young gigolo waiter. All others are like glossy cardbord figurines. Very beautiful indeed but as shallow and unbelievable as they can be. However, I doubt even good actors could have done much better with such abismal writing. The final scene is a complete joke and if it is the prelude to a second season, we have to expect comedy.
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Is it good? No! Is it entertaining! You bet!
iwatchmoviesandtv16 June 2023
The writing is terrible. The acting is mediocre. The voiceovers are subpar. It's a glorified soap opera. But even with all that, it was ridiculously over the top and entertaining enough to at least have on in the background while I'm doing other stuff, and...I somehow finished the season. That's gotta be worth four stars at least, right?

On the positive side, it looks beautiful at least. It's very colorful, and the premise is somewhat intriguing.

If you want cheap, pulpy entertainment to have on while you're folding laundry or some other chore, this isn't a bad option. Just don't watch it expecting more!
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Potential To Have Been Better
omojustina26 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was drawn into watching this at the beginning but I must say the story got quite boring mid-way. Story could have been better as alot of the happenings even though fictional, were superfluous.

It is understandable for Pedro to want Adrian and Cristobal separated; but to separate an adulterous daughter from an adulterous son in-law was unfathomable. No one need spend such huge amount of money in trying to separate a union that could have easily been divided on lesser strains.

If Camila was paid by Pedro through Tina to relocate closer to the family; what was the essence of her seeking after Miguel's ex-mistress? It doesn't quite add up and that scene was the most uninteresting part of it all.

Sex scenes were intense. Don't know if that was a bad or good thing. It wasn't really porn so maybe fewer sex scenes with lesser nudity could have worked better.

Loved the plot twist at the resolution before the death of Pedro, never expected it. This would bring me to say that the resolution and climax was way more interesting than the middle of the mini series.

I must commend all other major aspects of the production itself; lighting, sound and especially costume and cinematography. All costumes were idly suited on each character; and likewise cinematography, couldn't pinpoint any odd shot. Maybe there was but in my opinion, all was well synchronized. Great work with an almost better storyline!
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Five episodes too long.
emeargeroom6716 June 2023
Take out all the scenes where characters had bedroom trysts which add nothing to the story progression and you would lost nothing in terms of plot. I am not prudish but I basically fast forwarded every such scene and still knew what was going on. It was as if the writers were given a mandate to do 10 x episodes and not one x less and ran out of ideas how to pad the script so went for the default option. Overall, not the worst show I have seen but it is a bit like soap opera grade acting and script writing. Starts off better than it finishes and the plot itself is a bit far fetched for the material it has to work with.
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abbeyroad-721801 June 2023

I don't watch soaps or anything that look like a SOAP. However I went in to check out this as it showed on once I signed into Netflix, it didn't help that it was close captioned and in Spanish which I dont understand.

I was detemined to get through the first episode painstakenly. The plot twist seemed absurd at first but it began to take a "Fatal Attraction" tone.

It kept drawing you in and did not have the typical over dramatic expressions.

A Vegas dancer gets lied to by a player of a husband based in Columbia.

She goes to check him out and he confesses hie lied and apologizes but she stays on even rents an expensive apartment..not logical?

Set design and landscapes were magicala and made you wish you were visiting the area. The love scenes were powerful and believable, It drew you in so much I ended up watching the next and the next until I finished all 10 episodes.

By the last 2 episodes, a lot of the plot twist finally make sense.

I wish the last episode was not as dramatic though.

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Unbelievably bland.
misstinda-388425 June 2023
What a belly flop!

Total waste of time with a cast that doesn't know how to act, and a plot that's all over the place.

Thinking about other Latin American productions like Narcos and Monaco, this production doesn't even deserve 1*.

The whole thing doesn't make sense..... It's like going on a very unnecessary wild goose chase - knowing you are getting nowhere with it.

The production crew should have spent more time scouting for better characters and developing a solid plot, and less time curating sex scenes.

This is the kind of acting that you'd expect in a 90s soap opera..... Not in 2023.
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Time just flew by
kigaiyuuto4 June 2023
By now you'd know if this type of show is for you. Erotic, steamy thriller soapy drama that you wish ABC primetime soaps to be, back when they're at its peak, not the cheapo garbage shows they have on currently. Haters will hate and yet they give 10/10 for the nonsensical Fast and Furious franchise and dumb superhero movies.

First episode started as predictable as you expect, but by the time of episode 3 rolls on, you'd book the rest of the time at home on your own sofa.

The main couple are drop-dead gorgeous, but that's not all, the plot, the scenery and the social commentary are all spot-on as well, which is a surprise since other Netflix steamy shows have never succeeded at being THIS good. For example: Toy Boy, High Heat, Sex/life, Obsession and even 365 days trilogy (and 50 shades movie).
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jane-mwende28 December 2023
I was glad when it was finally over, but completely mortified that it has been renewed for a second season. Terrible plot, unlikeable characters, terrible writing, terrible, terrible! No character to root for at all, even to the very end. Also the charaters felt more driven by the plot and it's was one (cringe) thing after another. The sex, the killing, the nudity, the sex was all just for shock value.

Considering this is a Latin American/Columbian produced show it has borrowed some of the typical telenovela troupes: handsome, beautiful cast with gorgeous bodies and muscles, evil rich people, villains, blackmail, sex, secrets, poisoning, kidnapping etc, but the outcome is a bad blending of all this because it's also too cramped, and even though its not a traditional story but modern exploring online dating, it all feels forced just for ratings and shock value.

I would rather recommend a traditional telenovela that goes for 100 plus episodes; there are some that are really good, and some telenovelas are bad but entertaining, but some are just bad. But this hybrid of a show has produced an bad outcome. What some of the characters did was just to drive the plot, and the actions of the characters made no sense at all.
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Could only stomach the first episode
rmmorelli31 May 2023
Out of a sense of obligation, I usually watch a production in its entirety before writing a review. I could barely make it through one episode of this. I skipped through a few scenes from later episodes to check for any obvious changes of tone, but I saw none.

As others have noted, this is basically a soap opera. But even at that, it's a poor soap opera.

First, what turned me off the most was a gratuitous number of fairly loud musical interludes. That's a no-no in my book. Music in film should be subordinate to the overall vision, not steal attention. If someone wants to listen to pop songs, there are better ways to do that. Also, the style of the music is unlikely to appeal to very many viewers. To my ears, it sounds dated and cheesy, with old fashioned vocals like "Donald Duck" sounding vocoder tracks, etc. It makes me feel like I'm watching something out of the1970's disco era, rather than a contemporary production.

Then, a cheesy and plastic romance. The two leads are physically attractive like models, but are given a lot of weak dialog and look uncomfortable and self-conscious in their roles. The sex scenes turned me on about as much as putting a Barbie doll and a Ken doll in positions would. The average viewer seeking sex scenes is going elsewhere for that anyway. On Netflix, I'm looking more for convincing and interesting character development and relationships.

Whatever plot twists awaited me in the subsequent episodes, I had to forgo. There just wasn't enough to hold my attention.
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The story it is a complete MIX.

I felt like having a messy meal - on the same plate: spaghetti + icecream + roast pork + gravy topped with caramel and sour cream.

It is not a drama - it is "an exaggerated exaggeration" - lots of overreaction and unnecessary scenes.

The name Fake profile is not the best title honestly. The first and second episodes are good and you think the story will be about it, but then everything gets messy: drama, porn, crime, all of this happening at once in one episode...

VERY DISAPPOINTING "SERIES" (by the way, I love Mexican telenovelas), but not this Netflix mess.
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Insane super soapy
ileshacherry23 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Insanely super soapy over the top show. It just kept going with weirdo twisted storylines. Lies, corruption, murder, sex, family hatred and so much more. It was ridiculous in the best way! Just when you thought it was over there were 6 more episodes of insanity. This chick meets a guy online who is definitely not who he says he is. Big whoop? Nobody online is. She decides to go find him. No! She decides to move into the family compound with a fake husband. Apparently nobody living has any locks on their doors. The fake husband falls in love with her but she is doing it with the fake guy. The actual wife is screwing one of the restaurant staff and he is screwing her brother to ruin his upcoming marriage. So many random things are thrown in. It is absurd and highly entertaining if you have the time to sit through this disaster. I won't give away the end. Let's just say Red Velvet is kind of nutso!
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Started good ended so bad
lorarigo9 June 2023
The beginning was good and they could have developed the characters a little better but the writing just got worst and worst. Someone said it was like a bad Brasilian soap opera and I have to agree. I don't recommend it as it was a complete waste of time. I feel bad for the actors as they can only work with what they are provided. The cast was beautiful but even that couldn't save this show. Had the last episode not have been so silly maybe it could have been better but the end was just ridiculous. The best part of the show was that everyone was beautiful to look at and the location was very beautiful.
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