"Star Trek: Discovery" ...But to Connect (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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Finally we get some Star Trek, albeit not without cringe and poor setup.
nikolaynkv30 December 2021
Cronenberg as Dr. Kovich makes this episode watchable, finally a serious and emotionally mature character as expected for Starfleet, you know... the service supposed to be filled with Galaxy's very best and all. Finally Burnham and Booker stop acting like unstable teenagers... Finally some logic and duty opposed to crying, feelings and kumbaya (magically solving everything).

The premise and conflict within it was really good as well, but the execution was poor, as usual. How come Burnham and Booker are standing as equals to heads of entire planets and species? Couldn't we see some interesting ships, species representatives, actual opinions from said species?? Again the galaxy feels so damn small and insignificant.

Gray and Adira continue being the cringe and hollow LGBTQ quota. Adira used to be this super genius, that's apparently all gone now. A trill with hundreds of years of life experience? All there is to her is being trans.

Dax was non binary back in 90s as well, but she was an incredible character played by great talent too. You can literally skip every second of Adira and Gray and it will have zero effect on the story, what a joke. Way to go STD.
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Wesley Crushers to Airlock 2
rrtiverton18 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Oh, thank GOD they finally got rid of the annoying Gray / Adira story line! Both of them were like the 1st season Wesley Crusher of Discovery! Good, Gray got a synth body. Fine. GOOD BYE. Take your chicklet teeth and tight, blinky eyes and that just irritating requirement that you barge into every conversation with the bridge crew, and get the f off the ship. And take that spastic Tilly wanna-be with you. It is a shame that this plot took up so much oxygen in this episode.

Otherwise, great mid/late season cliff hanger.
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Mediocrity throughout.
michael-043131 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
One might be pleased to hear that this mid-season finale is somewhat (a big somewhat) akin to classic Trek in that there is no action in the entire episode. Instead, it focuses on most of the Milky Way Galaxy conversing on what action should be taken regarding the DMA: destroy it with the possible consequence of harm to species 10C and damaging warp sub space making warp travel impossible in the immediate area, or, locate species 10C and make first contact. Burnham advocates for peaceful first contact, while Booker moves for destroying the DMA.

There are two plots to the episode, but neither one takes precedence over the other as they both entail the destruction or preservation of the Milky Way Galaxy. The problem with Zora's plot is that it is fine on its own (in fact this is the element which makes the episode feel like classic Trek) but as part of the whole it seems like the writers needed the rest of the cast to do something equally important to the Galactic summit. As a result, this makes the Galactic Summit of HUNDEREDS OF SPECIES DECIDING THEIR OWN FATE feel unimportant: even if they do succeed, there is a chance Zora might still decline and the summit was all for naught. On the other hand, the Galactic summit feels more like a "senate episode" from the CLONE WARS than it does Star Trek. To be honest, the I know the Galaxy is massive, but this meeting of the four quadrants makes the Galaxy feel really, really small. We see multiple representatives from the same species giving different or stacked votes, it doesn't quite make sense. Unless of course that is the other element from classic Trek that is being borrowed... the recycling of props and resources!

The whole episode, in fact, most of the first half of this season goes by really slowly even though there is some action. This could be to build tension, but instead it makes the pacing of the show very slow. "The Examples" was by far the best episode of the season, with not much action, but also playing into the mystery of the DMA. By "...But To Connect" we still don't know a lot about the DMA, and yet the mystery and urgency seems gone. In a serialized show, the lack of action may be to the episode's detriment, as we only see a portion of the story and a partial conclusion. The events of this episode appear to have happened because the writers needed something to happen. We all know the conclusion of the episode before it even happens, but the obstacles for the characters seem a little contrived. There are some good elements to this episode, but overall it is mediocre, similar to the rest of season 4's first half. We shall see how season 4's second half goes, I am excited to uncover the mystery of species 10C!
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Oh dear
GabrielSymes7 January 2022
It is increasingly feeling like characters' identities are driving the story, and the Star Trek universe is just a backdrop. I'm getting a bit bored. I want Star Trek. I'm getting a teen drama. Nothing against teen dramas, some are fantastic, but if I buy a tin of beans I expect beans. I'm getting increasingly irritated by the characters Adira and Gray, for example. Not because of who they are and what they do, but because of their clumsy inclusion in the story line. The Orville handles these issues much better.
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Need to get rid of ...
kue-232321 January 2022
Two characters that that Discovery needs to get rid of are Aidra and Gray Tal. They are nothing but filler for the show. The writers could easily fill out their worthless five / ten minutes of screen time with something else, or shorten the episode.

They don't add anything to the franchise. Having them walk into the conference room when Suru et al are in discussion is case in point. Junior officers and a civilian can do that? I don't think so. It seems the writers are obligated to have them integrated to the story-line, every episode, whether it is warranted or not.

The actor who portrays Aidra can't act. Why do they feel to embellish every line that are given to read?

I hope that Adira follows Gray out of the show.
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Discovery attempt at classic ST non-action episode fails miserably
sumtim3s00n30 December 2021
This was one of the most boring episodes I have witnessed.

I guess they thought they would be clever and write an ST episode where dialogue and moral/ethical quandries are at the forefront as were with Picard often, with little to no action,yet they still held our interest intensly

There was zero subtlety or sense how to shape touching on various pol-soc (or personal) issues, that might mirror thouse of our society, in tastefully/neutraly as ST was always famous for. All perspectives, all voices,equally. ST was never in your face preachy. Even more,here it is inclusion by exclusion, as someone nicely put it...

Antithesis of quality ST writing. Writers who wrote this have no sense (talent?) how to compile an immersive tense dialogue or steer the storyline. They poured freezing cold water all over the tension they have built, big part by dragging on (talentless writers stretch the storyline and pepper the few "good" story ideas they have over the season, while quality writers just write good stories, they do NOT drag on, or mess with the audience ).

Instead we got A LOT of FORCED lgbt sandwich talks, emotions, Michael whispering and smiling ( two acting expressions she seems only to lately possess).

Horrible travesty of an episode. Writers by large lately keep forgeting they are in the business of ENTERTAINMENT (!) not forcing perspectives onto people.
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Diplomacy., F*#tor +9
stevecinwac13 December 2022
Immeasurably dense multi-species conference makes keeping the pace of this episode high enough to cater for the more childish fans a huge challenge, and in truth has probably failed them.

Subplot involves doubling-down upon a question that will have increased relevance over the next decades, and this episode certainly gives everyone a chance to explore such a complex issue.

Two dilemmas, in singular episode, both which qualify towards the ethical dilemma of.., Genocide(s).,

It's no surprise that for most of the audience, such a question is a galaxy away from their comfort zone.


Star Fleet, ethical protocol gets a special reference.

Paired with a plot extended to parallel such, which will inevitably be a driving force in coming episodes.

A tipping-point episode., which needed something extra, some backup flair that didn't arrive. As these episodes are being produced in conjunction with the writing of Picard S2, which already has the glorious return of 'Q continium' how can we not expect their arrival when such a important new species just beyond the horizon?
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...But to Connect
Prismark102 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Two stories and both deal with a moral quandary.

Zora the sentient computer is refusing to follow orders due to the safety of the crew. Stamets is anxious of the potential impact of AI turning bad.

Adira and Gray support Zora and it is left to Kovich to adjudicate.

The Federation get a plan from Ruon Tarka to blow up the DMA using banned weapons.

Book is all up for this and is prepared to betray Michael who opposes it.

This looks like another bottle episode. Again this might had been fine in a long running season format of previous Star Treks. It just halts the momentum of the shorter serial structure of Discovery.

The series arc has come to a halt. Moral debates about artificial lifeforms being treated as a new species has been done before.

It looks like Star Trek: Discovery has definitely been affected by Covid related filming restrictions. It is all so inert.
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Great dialogue episode
warpgiga31 December 2021
This episode is a bit dialogue heavy, and rides on two parallel story lines, one is a diplomatic gathering to decide how to deal with the DMA, and the other is deciding how to deal with ZORA; Discovery's new sentient system. I found the later to be the most interesting part. There is also some tension (to say the least) with Book and the Captain, which we had felt coming for some time, mostly caused by his need for swift revenge or removal of DMA and it's creators.
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A little less conversation
paultapner30 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There's a big debate about whether to try and communicate with those who made the anomaly.

Or just blow the whole thing up.

There's another debate about what to do with the new sentient Ai on the Discovery, since it's not being entirely cooperative.

Not terrible, but we've been through all these moral dilemmas before many times in other episodes. So it all feels a bit pointless. Gray and Aidra are in it again just because. Whereas the Bridge Crew are once again off doing whatever and hoping they might get some screen time next week. Maybe.

At least David Cronenburg does once again. He is always worth it. Nice to have a succinct character with certainties who doesn't dither.

Slightly unnecessary dropping of the F bomb at the end as one character does what the plot requires of them.

Ho hum.
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I fell asleep
crossx77-131 December 2021
I used to enjoy Discovery but this season is terrible and this episode was a new low because it actually sent me to sleep. I'm starting to think the only way to save this show is to get rid of the whole cast and start again!
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That might be my favorite episode this season
MagicCJK30 December 2021
And so little happened =)

One of my criticisms of Discovery is that it doesn't always earn its emotional moments, with speeches being made slightly too often and backstories being filled in after the fact. I still love the show, but I think those are valid criticisms nonetheless.

That said, this episode was different. Not that much happened, but it had a lot of weight because of all that has been done this season to set it up. I've had lingering thoughts about Zora and about the big bad, and this episode brings those to a head in the most classically Trek of ways, and it's good

There were speeches and emotions and added backstory, but it was all deserved.

So, yeah, I really enjoyed this one and it served great as a surprise mid-season cliffhanger.
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The Cinnamon Challenge of TV
Rob-O-Cop1 January 2022
Only not as funny in any way.

You try to complete the challenge only to cough yourself silly and regret trying.

This abomination of a show just consumes talented people to make horrible horrible content. Such beautiful sfx wasted on brain rot intelligence insulting non stories. I actively dislike every character. They reek of entitled misguided civilisation. Is that the point? How is that entertainment. Cancel this show now and make sure the people behind its storyline (not the capable technicians) do not work in the industry again.

Less is more and less of this will make the world a better place.
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Most boring episode of television ever
confidential-6789730 December 2021
Boring, really boring, slow and boring. Talking about feelings and more talking about feelings. Nothing happens at all in the entire episode. Micheal saves the day by whispering slowly about her feelings to anyone who would listen.
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True Star Trek.
mjackiw-165-31389612 April 2022
I really wish all the manbabies would go away already, they are the same people who bellyached about Picard being too talky and just want blasters and Klingons. It's clear they never understood Star Trek at all. This is what it was all about, new life, new ideas, cooperation, exploration! An excellent episode that would make Gene Roddenberry proud. Discovery is doing a great job.
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Awful. Plain and simply awful
thales-6304518 March 2023
I always find it amusing when some reviewers think this is science fiction. It's clearly not. It's a soap opera set in space in the future where all the characters are 21sr C stereotypes. I always blame the writers for not having the skill to think what it might be in the 31st C. But I'm now thinking it's laziness. They are all hugs and tears and emotional just like modern day soap operas. Oh for an episode of purely Klingon, Romulan or Vulcans. That's be a bit different. Instead we get the usual tripe that some reviewers adore that hugs and kisses and telling everyone your feelings will save the day. If only.
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One of the best episodes of the season
Sanctus8730 December 2021
This is some really good old fashined star trek. Building tension regarding the main plot with species 10 C and also creating some nice character based subplot with michael and book on two different sides. For the first time in a while I actually can't wait for the next episode!
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Are There Any Protections
Hitchcoc13 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The big guy says that any one of the crew has enough information to destroy Discovery. So someone like Booker (one of the most tiresome characters I've ever seen) can ignore the wishes of a whole universe and go off half cocked with that Narcissistic nut case engineer. Meanwhile, you know who, makes a speech and turns every diplomate in the galaxy around. They were so stupid until she said her piece. And then the computer is made a member of the crew and that's all it takes to give up the information. What about the danger to the crew. When did that change? There is no bigger supporter of LGBT issues than I am, and yet the constant hugging and kissing on screen by the obviously gay characters grates on me. Isn't it enough that they have embraced stereotypes from the deep past. They have to snuggle every time something is accomplished. I don't see any of the rest of the crew doing that. The gay people I know are as diverse and unique in the way they approach life as any other members of society. I suppose now that Booker is off to destroy the threat, things may come to a head. Oh, he should be brought in for treason, but it would hurt his feelings, so forget about it.
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So much better!
w_r_perry4 January 2022
After reading a lot of the early reviews for this one, I thought it would be another disaster like "all is possible", but instead this is easily a stands out episode of the entire series. Taking cues from TNG's "measure of a man" (but in no way living up to it), they finally managed to use the touchy freely nature of the show tot heir advantage.

To be clear, there is nothing wrong with having emotions and perspectives in a show. Discovery simply tends to handle them in an enormously ham-fisted way, constantly Talking about how characters feel instead of Showing. One of the principle tenants of filmmaking and scriptwriting is to show and not tell. One which they unfortunately have yet to learn on this show.

But to conclude, here we have an episode of diplomacy in one storyline, and a moral dilemma in another storyline (though arguably both are), and not a single thing was exploded! Congratulations for making an episode of Star Trek, Discovery team! Now keep doing this!

(Feel free to explode things, but that's never supposed to be the principle goal of most Star Trek episodes. The goal should be to Resolve a problem, not to Explode a problem).

Now if we can just scale back on the constant "mystery box" plot devices, we'll be good to go! (look it up if you don't know what that is...but be aware, once you're conscious of it, it's hard to watch Discovery anymore due to their rampant overuse of it).
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Appalling rubbish
namstonk1 January 2022
Terrible acting is one thing, bad directing is another, having horrible characters is pretty game changing. However the final straw is the dialogue it is so truly woke awful it's unforgivable. It's childish, boring, and appeals to a minority of a minority.
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To boldly and beautifully go as the world turns
stjhagens30 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There was not much in this episode to talk about. There were 2 plot lines and both were slow and boring.

The Federation votes for first contact with species 10-c and Zora is declared a new life form so she can stay as the computer of the Discovery. Zora was clearly brought as a metaphor for non-binary people.

The ending with Tarka and Book going rogue could be seen from 5 light years ahead. Honestly the trailer for the last 4 episodes had more excitement than this episode.

The 2nd half of season 3 and almost the entirety of season 4 don't click with me. While I certainly can understand why some people are enjoying Discovery more because of it, it resembles too much of a soap opera for me.

I really don't mind personal talks about feelings and emotions but since the last season that taken the centre stage instead of the science fiction stories and that's what bothers me. Star Trek always left me in awe about space and its wonders, the miracles of future science, time travel, all the while connecting to real world dilemmas and moral problems. It was always a nice balance but in Discovery we get barely any space travel, new species or cool stories. There is one mystery that is slowly being revealed and we get some other story snippets here and there, but 90% of the episodes are about people talking about there feelings and emotions.

It would click more with me if the characters had been developed better, but we still hardly know the bridge crew. The only time they get to shine are when they can share an anecdote about their life which makes them a convenient vehicle to drive the plot to a new stage. It is all about plot convenience.

The main character doesn't click with me either. She feels like a super hero, always being right and always bring at the centre of every problem and solution. Her actions barely have any negative consequences and that just makes her too flawless and therefore unlikeable. Plus the incessant whispering and crying doesn't make it any better.

I wouldn't mind if this is the last season of Disco. The first 2 seasons were great but the last 2 seasons were just boring for me. Going into the future I believe Disco will go down as the one Star Trek series that has almost no classic masterpiece episodes, I certainly can't name one. I hope Strange New Worlds will build on the foundation that Disco has built and improve vastly upon it. Sometimes you just need to fail to know how to make something great.
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Well written episode.
BarneyGrapes30 May 2022
I haven't loved this series as a whole, but there have been a few episodes that have been beautifully written. The season finally of last year, and this episode are examples. Slow paced, yes, but engaging dialogue, along with a wonderful handling of exploration into the emerging AI. The response to the head engineer at the resolution of this issue, and about his place on the ship, was handled nicely. Also, the growing divide between the Captain and her significant other were subtlety handled. I like the way the friction was directed, but even with the divide, their ability to still love each other. No over reactions. Very nice.

Like I say, haven't loved this series, and Brave New Worlds is a much truer ode to the original Star Trek, but this series has it's place in keeping the show relevant to a newer generation of watchers. Older generation Treckies probably won't love this series.
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Too much unfair hate for this show
stephen-thomas6430 December 2021
Not sure how this can have an average score of 1.8 when it has literally been published within hours.....As I often say to critical people. If you think you can do any better then put down the clipboard and pick up a shovel and help....
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The space Jesus saves everyone,
paulcf-510-9104629 January 2022
Oh my this is so appalling, I can't remember the plot. I don't understand what Adria and Grey have to do with this show other than to make a "statement " of some kind. But don't worry, leader of humanity, the space Jesus will save the galaxy. She is the captain, she is the producer, she is all things miserable about this show, hogging the entire screen!

Please cancel this train wreck and bring back Star Trek Enterprise.
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nt-saenz30 December 2021
It amazing me that fans who be clambering for new shows, be it trek, Star Wars, or the latest fantasy shows are the first to want tear them down. I for one enjoy new genre shows, even though they are not like the books or what you think it should be. Stop the hate and enjoy or wait another 20 years before you see anything new again...
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