Monster High (TV Series 2022– ) Poster

(2022– )

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Okay start, But Lacks The Style Of The Original
rgkarim30 October 2022
Generation 1 may not have had the animation kicks that the second and third generations do, but the original generation knew how to tell a story that involved inclusion, acceptance, and how to solve problems. The Generation 1 stories were fun, cute, but held much more meaning, with a storytelling design that was natural and entertaining that respected the audience watching it. It conveyed the messages well and did not rub it in our faces that we were idiots, too much, always maintaining the sense of adventure.

Generation 2 tried to do the same thing, but it came at the wrong time and the stories were more forced, lamer, and just lacking the pizazz that the built up arcs had done with Generation 1. Yet, it still added character development, natural and funny writing, alongside again a decent cast of characters teaching us a lesson. A tad preachier, the movies at least added some sense of the original, but tried to add its own style, even to the point of causing a little darker atmosphere to the mix for engaging levels. Yet it still respected all audience levels it just did not have the commitment.

Generation 3 has come in this weekend and it's okay for me at the moment, though very much pales to the natural style of the originals. This particular generation is following the trend of the modern day of storytelling of being in your face, simplistic, and more about making sure to raise the banner of the messages they want you to learn. The dialogue is very in your face, cheesy, and patronizing, where all the characters feel whiney, incompetent, and sort of simple minded. I don't enjoy all the changes given how simplified and stupid they come off, but I also don't hate them the further the episodes come into play. And the episodic nature will potentially limit the growth in order to make a fun episode that feels like modern day SpongeBob, silly, over the top, and lacking the general audience the originals did.

It's going to cater to the new age very well, and the excuse that it's not for the older generation does hold some merit. However, the originals knew the importance of bringing families into the fray, and this new style of conveying be who you are and don't follow rules, advice, or other sound words makes for a very limited show. The animation is better, though the design is robbed due to copyrights, making them feel like a combination of MH and Alvin and the Chipmunks. However, the show is cute, representative, and serving the purpose of pushing more dolls for the corporation to make tons of cash.

Thus, at lest for the opening, this series gets a 7 so far, due to the potential for fun, the cuteness, and hopefully toning down the hyper aggressive modern tone for better storytelling and adventures. And please work on the dialogue to not be so juvenile, like the real life Loud House did for Christmas.
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pretty good show!
iheartrae5 November 2022
I really enjoy this show so far! Yes, i know many people don't because it's not what they remember from monster high, but it really isn't that bad. I do have to take off some points though, because there's fart jokes in one of the episodes that recently aired, and also i feel like they overuse the word "monster" & clawdeen talking about her being a werewolf so much in the episodes. But, it really is such a good show, even with its flaws. Frankie has got to be one of the best characters in the show, along with cleo too and lagoona too! I really think younger audiences will enjoy this show a lot aswell!
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Best New Show
zwbnmzrqk29 October 2022
As a hardcore g1 Stan g3 has been amazing I have all the new dolls watched the new movie 7,000 times and now I watched the new series this is the best show since gen 1 I love the diversity of bodies race sexuality and gender of it I love the different backgrounds giving more room for fans to relate to these characters ofc they can't use the normal looks due to copyright by universal studios owning them but the new looks are just Fangtastic it does not deserve All the hate it's been receiving when they just saw leaks of everything I was always had hope and promise for the new gen so should you.
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Perfect Reboot
yuni-8896719 February 2023
Monster High is a franchise that, at its core, encourages fans to live as their true selves and celebrate the things that make them unique,in this reebot does that and more,Yes it's different but it is still about a school for Monsters to learn and do Fangtastic things, everyone is given a more modern look to be realistic like body type,and the characters are a lot nicer like Cleo is with clawdeen,Manny is no longer the bully and is close with Draculaura,G1 was great years ago and it still is but now a days kids want something more than just boyfriend talk and fashion problem,G3 Has more in depth Lore adventure and monster powers.
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Hated it.
minniollikainen22 October 2023
Why change something that's already good. They changed everyting from their personalities, appereances to relationship dynamics. They changed everyting, but not for the better. Character design is important to any show and it's done poorly in this show. They made many characters change their chloting style completely from many punk characters to hipsters and many more. Also changing personalities and quirks of characters completely. For ecample the fact that Ghoulia can now speak for some reason? I just wish they would have kept even something the same. I just miss the original show. This doesn't keep the watchers attention for a long time.
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Great for the next generation
baihaqisodikin-3475026 January 2023
What i love most about this new series is more on depth Lore about monster high is more than just a school and adventure the ghouls go on,G1 was mostly about slice of life stuff like boyfriend and fashion from the early 2000s,G3 has Draculaura doing witchcraft,Body Diversity,Frankie being non binary,and Clawdeen having an interesting story about finding her mom,the Animation is great feels more modern and the characters looks like teenagers than young adults its also more realistic for making sure humans don't know monsters are real and the ghouls using there monster powers more. I can't wait to see what comes next.
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telishajosephs18 February 2023
Maybe the reason I (and a majority of long-term Monster High fans) hate this show is that we feel betrayed. We grew up with a beautiful masterpiece that did nothing but preach about how we shouldn't change ourselves for others and how we should love ourselves. Also, I understand how the characters look more diverse and whatnot, but they are MONSTERS for a reason. They aren't supposed to look like 'normal people' because they aren't. It feels like they betrayed us by changing how the characters looked and sounded.

And I know it seems like I'm overreacting but it is just difficult watching the thing that practically raised thousands of young kids change for some random parents complaining that it 'scared' their kids. It feels like everything they used to preach about is a huge lie.
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Charming show
butterycroissants14 March 2023
As an OG Monster High fan, I absolutely love this new show. I absolutely love the character designs as well as more diversity in the cast. The inclusion of lgbtq/trans characters, body diversity, cultural diversity, and racial diversity makes me so happy compared to how all of that was treated in the original 2010 version.

It makes me so happy as someone who is trans themselves to see a non-binary character in this type of media, it shows kids at a young age that being trans is okay and normalizes it preventing future transphobia from the next generation.

I'm so happy the next generation will get to grow up with this show, I already love it personally and I really hope it goes farther.
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neapet2 November 2023
Bring back the old monster high this is just horrible reboot draculara and clawd are supposed to be together like come onnnn. Deuce and Cleo are supposed to be together bring back the style it once had like just change it to a mode of a teen show it was more for the older generation when it was good now it's just horrible like please take it down remake it and it doesn't fit with all the characters like none of it's good anymore it's really bad it's a 1 it's ruined the movie is horrible like I know it can be better than this all I have to say is how bad it is nothing fits anymore nothings the same.
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mhandeahdolls20 December 2023
Such a great show. It has such a good take on the monster high franchise and I can tell you all now that the one star reviews are just miserable teens who hadn't cared about monster high for the past 5 years that are now complaining about it being different from the original. This show really does deserve to do well whether you like g3 or not because the representation in this show is so good and we're only one season in! Remember what mh has always stood for and think about how it's added all of the representation g1 lacked/Garrett wanted for the original monster high. I personally think that this show has done everything right when it would come to a monster high reboot and that's why it deserves 10 stars.
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Love it!
Floralglow15 April 2023
I love this show! I love watching the episodes and making everything work. The show is inclusive snd people may hate it, but i love it. It is inculsive and the story is engaging, and the two aprt episode shorts are so good, and the tailismsn story is soooooooo good! Anyway, this show is inspriing and betetr then the oringinak because the old one is just so short and annoying. I love all the episodes but creepover oarty is one of my favorites, food fight is good and jist i cannot wait for saison 2 coming soon! This show is so good, saison 1 is the best so far, but i hope it gets reneed for saison 3!
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Great show, you should watch it 👍
josephaltenhofel8 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The monster high show has fun characters and dynamics. The main character clawdeen is a fierce werewolf who loves casketball, fearleading, and hanging out with her friends. Her friends draculaura and frankie are also cool. Draculaura is the daughter of dracula who is super famous. Draculaura looks hanging out with her friends, fearleading, and being a witch. She is a perfectionist, and overachiever. Frankie is nonbinary and uses they/them. They love being kind and hanging out with their friends. In the future the show has queer relationships, characters of different disabilities, and more soon.
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mlopezxbts28 February 2024
I hope they cancel this show it is absolutely trash.the older generation of monster high was way BETTER.first of all the animation is terrible they basically changed the way all the characters look.the storyline or episodes suck I mean even the main character Frankie .the old version was iconic for its fashion and now it's just a bunch of bull$h:t.never in my life did I think they would ruin the image that they built for years just to end up with a cheap looking show and how do they expect kids to watch this when there is nothing to catch their attention this is why kids prefer video games and social media because now a days all the iconic cartoons are being rebranded as some wack/cheap stuff.
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i think its amazing Warning: Spoilers
I like how its different from the original and adds alot of cool creative plot lines especially in s1 ab clawdeen trying to find her mom and how everyone is down to do so xD

and not to mention the representation in it (like autism, lgbtq and more!) i was rlly happy w all of it and i think people should give this show a chance more instead of hating on it 24/7



but srs- check this show out and dont be a hater cuz its not the "same" as the original im sure you'll all like it alot js give it a chance

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