The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself (TV Series 2022) Poster

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Binged it pretty fast
raj-bhullar31 October 2022
Couldn't stop watching this show. It's very interesting. At first when I saw the title I thought it will be not be that good. I thought I will not like it. But I ended up loving this show. Storytelling is good and done at a good pace. In many shows you can skip some useless scenes and they are boring to watch but this show doesn't have that. Every scene is meaningful and moves the plot forward. I never got bored of it. And when every episode ended I really wanted to watch the next episode right away. Also the show keeps getting better as it goes. If you like fantasy, magic and witches and stuff then this is a must watch. This is one the best shows on Netflix right now.
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Better than your average Hogwarts copycat
Couchkik2029 October 2022
This show is very gripping, a fun combination of many things we love but I don't blame it.

We encounter a world divided between witches and non-witches like in Harry Potter but the racism allegory is actually inside the witches world itself divided in two as well. The main characters are teens because who cares what adults witches are doing these days? Certainly not saving the world. They possess X-men mutants-like powers and use them most of the time but they also have guns to make it easier. They also use a lot of smoke for budgetary reason I fear. But the show includes some decent cgi and good special effects when needed.

What really surprised me is that this is based on a book. But I would say "inspired" as it took me a couple of episodes to realize I had actually read the book a few years back but didn't recognized the story at all. They changed the plot so much it makes senses they even changed the title.

This comes with some issues: a lot of plot holes, an obsession with changing locations for the sake of it, spells rules invented when needed and a big gap between characters abilities. It's silly how Jessica doesn't use her key power more often for example.

Also some elements are very rushed. The school part that I found very compelling could have been more developed, so are the villain motivations or just why the leaders of the Fairborne exist within the real world. Also the Blood witches are not that well defined. Basically a lot is not explained as we move to new countries and places constantly.

But thankfully the main trio is very likable and entertaining, the love elements are subtle and the fantasy part exciting so I'll forgive the few weaknesses and hope we get a bigger budget in season 2.
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For those craving an entertaining fantasy adventure!
alice-vdb11 December 2022
What a gem!!! I have no clue why there isn't more noise about it. Binged it in a weekend and will be recommending it to everyone! The acting is superb, the premise immediately engaging and the characters interesting. It also did what Amazon's big budget fantasy shows failed to do: entertain!!!

I'd recommend it to people looking for a fantasy adventure. It's nothing high brow, but let's be honest - that's exactly what you need on a late Saturday evening!!

There is some gore so it's definitely not for the squeemish but it's not at HBO levels.

Netflix please please please give us more of this!
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amina-5223630 October 2022
This was so good. Netflix doesn't like spending money on promo for projects they don't think will do well, so I didn't know this show existed until it came up in my recommended randomly. Don't write it off by first appearance. Keep in mind that most of Netflix's best shows and movies are the ones that Netflix don't care about to begin with. Y'all, it's reallyyyy good. Like, it actually blew my expectations out of the freaking water. Best thing about the show? The complex characters, of course. The found family aspect was so heartwarming as well. The story is interesting and nuanced. I don't remember the last time Netflix did something that impressed me quite like this did. Don't let it get cancelled without giving it a chance.
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Please, Please Can We have Another Season?
fatfil-414-4517978 March 2023
I only stumbled across this series by chance, sadly in IMDB's Cancelled Series List. Which is an utter travesty, as it one of the best, most original and bingeworthy shows I have seen in a long time. It has just about everything a horror/supernatural/fantasy fan would want, Witches, magic, gore, romance some lgbtqia+ characters and humour. It's a shame more people didn't catch this series, whether it was poor promotion or a bad time slot who knows, but I would thoroughly recommend it.

It a British made series (Always a plus) with very likable, and hatable characters. It is set in a world where magic exists, albeit in the shadows. A boy is born of a Blood and Fairborn witch couple (Nathan), and the two tribes who hate each other. His father is the most powerful Witch ever, and the fairborn want him dead, but there is a prophecy says the blood of the son will kill the father, so both sides are hunting the son, to forfil, or prevent the prophecy. All the witches have different powers, which come to fruition after a ritual on their 17th birthday, and involves the blood of a relative. Nathans 17th birthday is approaching and with out a relatives blood, he'll be in trouble. Throw in the fact that the Blood kings son falls for the leader of the fairborns councils daughter, in a classic capulets and the montagues scenerio.

Please go on and watch this, hopefully it will get picked up by another streaming service for a second series.
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8/10 I am a big fan of adventure and fantasy but not everything is good, this however one tops it all.
Hellooo12343212 November 2022
This series has a good storyline, good acting, and good special effects and once you start you get dragged into the story. It's binge-watch-worthy, although I recommend not watching it in one sit, because it gets heavy sometimes. It's a 16+ series because it gets violent and very cruel. I give this series an 8,5 out of 10. It is that good, if you like fantasy, action and a good storyline this is your cup of tea. Hope season 2 is made soon. It's also price worthy of special effects for example. Netflix doesn't have good series about witches until The Bastard son and the devil himself. Thank god they finally made a good series about witches and magic because every other series with magic was meh on Netflix. Do watch The Bastard Son and the Devil himself on Netflix I recommend it 100%.
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Starts strong, but falls flat to young adult series pitfalls
AeonsLegend31 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself is a young adult TV series based on the Bad Half book trilogy by Sally Green. The premise is there's a world of Witches we don't know about and a half blood boy that is stuck between two warring factions. We follow Nathan in the first few episodes as he goes to school, gets bullied and learns about his "blood". The story quickens the pace when he and some others become hunted and need to find a secretive Witch to help them.

Upto that point the story is engaging, the dialogue sometimes witty and it's quite interesting to watch. However after getting to Paris the gang rather hangs out in bars getting drunk and doing pointless things to waste time rather than actually getting to their destination. Character interactions become weirder with each following episodes. For instance one person, who is distant and completely uninterested in the group becomes a life long friend after hanging out with the gang for 5 days when there's very little reason for his change of heart. You'll watch the rest of the episodes of them hanging out having a dandy ol' time even though the clock is ticking for Nathan and they are being hunted by people that shoot first ask questions later. It starts making less sense every episode.

One of the pitfalls here is we follow the "good guys" and the "bad guys" at the same time. Meaning the viewer has way more information than the people involved making all their decisions painful to watch and many of the things that happen are incredibly obvious and predictable. It's a young adult show in the end so all the tension is forced. The writing takes a nosedive after the first four episodes upto the point where you have to force yourself to finish the show. It does not get better.

Nathan ends up being totally unlikable and stupid. If you expect him to become some great witch in these 8 episodes don't hold your breath.

Finally you can clearly tell the story leans heavily on the series Heroes. So not much originality here if you saw that series before.

I think there's more episodes coming, but I'm not sure I'll be watching them. Shame since the start was fun. So I'd rate the first four episodes 7-8 and the last four 5-6.
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Netflix are fools
longste15 August 2023
Brilliant series 8y does everything right and the fools at Netflix cancel it after 1 season due to low viewing figures in it's first month of release. I have just binge watched it in 2 days 8 months after it's released, came across it by accident, Netflix don't give shows a chance the are to quick to cancel and only care about numbers. That's why I'm down to the lowest subscription level with them.go watch this and make the heartless suits at Netflix realize their mistake. Great story, acting, action. It could have been a classic. Far better than all the reality TV rubbish we keep getting. Hope another network picks it up.
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eduargr29 October 2022
It is nothing to write home about, there is nothing that differentiates it from any other series of its kind nor does it have anything special, but nevertheless it holds up, maybe it is not original at all but the good thing about it is that even if it is a story already counted thousands of times you get an entertain.

The series has a mission that is to attract your attention and entertain you and it does, the series seems very good to me since it achieves what it sets out to do and each character has their own characteristics and they stick to it and mold themselves to the situation, they don't have a lot of comedy, but the one that it has at least is good and gives you a casual laugh, I repeat it is not original at all, but if you want to see something and be entertained watching something in an afternoon this is your.
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We need season 2
marijaradakovic18 March 2023
This is a really, really great show! Interesting story and what I liked the most is that it really has magic. So, really witches with different powers and for me it's great and interesting to watch. And it's not just for teenagers, which is also very important. The actors did a great job. And as soon as I watched the first season, I saw that the series was cancelled. And this is what Netflix has started to do very often lately, to leave the story unfinished and it is really not fair. It's really not ok. Please stop doing that. I sincerely hope someone else renews next season. Fingers crossed. We need season 2.
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Grows weaker
geek_party22 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The series starts strong. The first four episodes feel like the creators know what they are doing with a believable world/witch society and a careful reveal that one faction is evil though it pretends to be good. The characters are engaging and feel real.

Episodes 5 and 6 have different director and they feel more comic-booky; a bit whimsical, less realistic, and the characters start to seem different from what was established before.

Episodes 7 and 8 have yet another director and they are a sharp decline. The characters start acting stupid and all of their prior authenticity is gone. They become caricatures, marionettes dangling from the strings of the director's agenda. By the time the climactic scenes unfold, it is hard to feel engaged with the outcomes since they seem to be happening to different people.
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So disappointed in Netflix
crystaljones8119 February 2023
This series is quite smart without shoving any one's side of life matters down the throat, so to speak. I love anything to do with fantasy usually and after having watched this series, I promptly watched and listened to it over and over and even Shazamming all of the songs so that I could learn of them. It got under my skin.

The 'bastard son' shows the trueness of humanity on any level. Whether that's just being born from the 'wrong side of the tracks', from the wrong type of people, or of prejudices that we can carry for any number of reasons that we do not acknowledge or know of ourselves, and ofc those that we most assuredly do. It also displays love and acceptance during trial, self growth, doing what's morally and ethically right even in the face of danger or opposite opinion. That saying art imitates life is so true and this series was a great example of that while giving us our so desired dose of grand drama. I'm so very sad Netflix canx'd the show. The adventuring that takes place spins an interwoven story of love, hate, intolerance, undying and blind loyalties, and awakenings beyond them. I know it doesn't seem like that deep of a show, yet it was.

R. I. P. to the death of another good show before it had the moment to gain traction.
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Strong start and finish with UNcompelling story in the middle
hydrocilator8 November 2022
Very strong start and finish with great ideas that could have been so much better.

This show has a brilliant surprises, clever plot devices, humor, and meaningful moments that are marred by slow pacing, insulting clichés, tired tropes, and lack of substantial character arcs. Thus, I think it should have been only 5 episodes.

Also, it is obviously written at a teenage level, however, the experimentation with drugs & sex make it difficult to recommend. I would say this show is irresponsible for glamorizing destructive behaviors, mainly because the target audiences are young people.

I'm trying to understand why hollywood & british shows portray their characters behaving in maddeningly unrealistic ways. I'm talking about ridiculous situations like: -Characters going through many extreme experiences over an extended period of time but show very little change to personality or maturity -Relationships between characters without significant changes despite many challenges & shared experiences -Impotent villains suddenly becoming strong & capable without any explanation -Main character getting in trouble without any protest -Authority figures jumping to completely idiotic conclusions without explanation -Adversaries going to great efforts to kill one another only to stop for a monologue when they finally get the upper hand, giving a way for their opponent to escape -Multi-episode odyssey for a MacGuffin only to turn away from it when it is nearly in hand for a completely illogical reason.

-Characters discovering cool powers and being hesitant about it rather than being excited about it.
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Up and down
goshin345 November 2022
A halfway decent opening, then some lame predictable BS, a better late-middle, but then the end just went full on stupid. Bad decisions, irrational behavior. Stormtrooper School of Marksmanship. Talking when you should be killing. Putting something REALLY important off (stupidly) and then, oh so predictably, the McGuffin is lost. Killing a bunch of NPCs but then suddenly we have qualms about killing one of the big bads. Making up or changing the Rules of Magic as you go. Inserting a gay affair that didn't fit the character or situation and seemed gratuitous. By the last episode I barely cared about any of the characters and mostly wanted to see them all come to a bad end, which isn't a good way to end the show. It could have been a lot better but the ending was so lame.
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Nathan Son of a Witch!
RedKidBytes30 October 2022
Created by the writer Joe Barton who also wrote the Lazarus Project, comes an 8-part series of the fantasy drama. Sunsational CGI effects, immersive backgrounds, and artistic cinematics make watching more enjoyable.

The main character is Nathan, the bastard son of a witch, a blood witch who grew up in Fairborn witch territory. Blood and Fairborn witches continuously hunt each other. Blaming each other for the blood drawn.

To be honest, this genre had been explored many times before. However, Joe Barton's version is definitely unique and very creative. He has his way of connecting multiple stories together without confusing the audience. Also, the chemistry between the main actors are clearly visible. It's a very effective fantasy-gory-drama.
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Exceptional characters, good banter, natural-feeling LGBTQ story component - finally a good Netflix show - just beware the gore if you are sensitive to that
on_the_river_flowing12 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First - this would not normally be my kind of show. I am not into gory stuff. However, the queer component of the overall story was what drew me to watch this series. If you struggle with the gore, but want to watch, I recommend a couple things - first, usually, you can tell it's coming, and I either look away or shield my screen and adjust the sound. Second, take it in steps. Although I did watch the whole set of episodes in one go. Oops. Either way, the violence can get a bit intense and, given one of the characters, downright cruel at times. So just be warned. For comparison, it is not gratuitous gore à la Suicide Squad, it does go with the story.

This show was well worth it and I've watched it probably 3 times now and am anxious for more. The character dimensionality and interaction is SUPERB. Not trite, and I love Nathan's witty comebacks. The banter between the characters is great, and the chemistry between Nathan, Annalise, and Gabriel builds naturally and very well. The LGBTQ component of the storyline is woven in naturally, and it is so rare to get stories where that is part of the story, not THE story, and as a queer person, I love it. I am so tired of the stereotypical queer stuff.

The actors excelled in their roles and in carrying the story forward.

Now - a few downsides. The first couple episodes did drag a bit. Also, why must there be loud techno pop music over certain scenes? There were just places it was unnecessary. Plus, in some instances, the music was not adjusted well so it was difficult to hear the dialogue and/or it was unclear if the music was background or in the scene. The shot on the boat with the dancing is the major example.

Lastly, there are questions (and this really should have been addressed better) about the age difference between Nathan and Gabriel. From what I have read, in the books, it is only a couple years. The show does not do a good job on clarifying this, and in fact, makes it seem more of an issue. The actors themselves are much older than the age of all of the characters. Some people have expressed concern over the age gap. I held concerns myself until I understood the novels' background. Also, there's not really predatory behavior between Nathan and Gabriel, which eased my concerns. Also, I think that, as you watch, you can see that Gabriel has an image of himself as older/more worldly that may not actually be true. In contrast, I was creeped out by the age gap in Call Me By Your Name, and that is not the dynamic here.

What I think is actually ignored as a result of the lack of clarity on the age gap is that Mercury clearly has predatory and abuser vibes, which becomes obvious from nearly every interaction between her and Gabriel, as well as her semi-interaction with Nathan. That downright creeped me out. There's still quite a bit of mystery about Mercury in this season (PLEASE LET THERE BE MORE SEASONS, AND A DECENT ENDING). Also the age gap controversy overshadows how almost every Fairborn adult mistreats and adult-ifies Nathan, especially Soul. I could go on more about the skin color dynamics and how that plays in as well, but this isn't that kind of review for now.

Do watch if you can.

(edited to add comparisons to other films for reference)
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Better than those stupid shows of Netflix like midnight club n all.
aparnashakya31 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The show is really good.

I didn't get bored a little bit to watch it.

I must say it's much better than that cringe show midnight club and that super rubbish movie SGE.

I hope they'll not cancel it further coz this series is quite interesting.

Also the One thing I want to say that I just badly hate that girl who played Jessica. Don't know what was it but I didn't like her during the entire show.

I think they tried to show Annalise stronger than anyone. Don't know if I'm wrong but I like her powers N ya there is no any episode that you should skip I guess 😄 It's a extremely interesting show for people who love content like wolf,witches n all ok...must watch .
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Awesome and binge worthy!
TheAffableFool29 October 2022
I noticed there is quite a lot of Netflix series that get very cringe-wokey so I always approach with caution. This isn't that, this turned out to be an awesome binge watch. I haven't read the books so after I finished the season I did have a little wiki read and I know they changed things around. Doesn't annoy me because I haven't read the trilogy. So from a perspective of someone who never heard of this series I loved it. Very brutal and the British vibe gives it that gritty edge that American productions always lack.. All that aside I did think the characters were well developed for a fantasy series of this type. Once I watched the first episode I couldn't stop. Can't wait for the second series!
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Deserves Better - Season 1 Review
JoshuaMercott29 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First Impressions:

The show had plenty of points that worked in its favour. It didn't quite get better, though, especially near the end, but delivered on characterization and VFX regardless.

While I enjoyed several portions in season 1 of "The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself", a handful of contrived sequences and a few hurried-over scenes made me zone out before and during the finale.

Plot Analysis:

A bastard (literally) son is raised by a Fairborn witch in what appeared to be a rather ironic twist of fate. Because this son, Nathan Byrne, was fathered by a powerful blood witch (Marcus Edge) who ensured the death of countless Fairborn witches. The justification for his deeds was later duly explored.

Such interesting plot elements made "The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself" a good lesson in adapted storytelling.

At sixteen years old, Nathan had an air of maturity and ominous portent about him, enhancing his character's value and suspense factor throughout the series. Jay Lycurgo did a great job capturing Nathan's nuances in season 1.

Will Nathan follow in his father's murderous footsteps? Will the apple fall close to the tree? These and other philosophical and paranormal themes kept tensions taut in this remarkable show, which felt like both a human and a magical coming-of-age story.

Alas, some creative deviations along the way derailed the show's overall potential; more on this soon.

If you sensed a literary aura prevailing across all eight episodes, that's because the show was adapted from Sally Green's first novel "Half Bad". The trilogy was published during 2014 and 2016, so there's plenty of existing material to explore in future seasons of this Netflix adaptation.

Bullying, discrimination, oppression, and blame-gaming played important thematic roles in the show. It was an altogether simple and linear storyline, but therein lay its charm. All the artists hit their marks, making the twists and turns in S01 feel seamless and interesting.

That said, there were a handful of rushed and contrived sequences - episodes 5 and 6 spring to mind - that deserved better attention. Season 1's final two episodes lacked the gravitas needed for a thrilling finish. The show deserved better here as well, but failed to deliver.

Final Notes:

Art direction, editing, and stunts were great. Sound effects and VFX were extraordinary. Engaging soundtracks too. Enthralling musical scoring. Hair-makeup (especially all the blood-related ones), set decoration, and production design were amazing. Costume design was notable. Cinematography was great. Writing was good. Direction was good, but could've been better.

The supernatural themes explored in "The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself" season 1 felt natural and credible. The performances were admirable and compelling. Season 1 took me by surprise in several places. Though it could've consistently impressed throughout its runtime, it failed to end on a high note. The series also contained some hasty sequences, which didn't do the overall plotline justice.

I really liked that final shot with Nathan looking at Soul's dead heart and a vengeful Jessica finding herself dealing with the ruthless witch Mercury (my favourite character in the show).

I hope they greenlight season 2. But most importantly, I hope the showrunners do better if or when the time comes.
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Where are the moderators?
WordsworthStone29 October 2022
I thought this show was another average Netflix show. I wouldn't be surprised if they cancelled it next week just because of average view counts. That's why Netflix, a tech service company, is losing media subscribers by the thousands--all the real media giants make "Netflix is a Joke."

It's important, I didn't hate the show, I still binged the season over a weekend. Far better than 'Resident Evil (2022)' could ever be.

Then I read the reviews for this, on here. I don't get how hate speech gets cleared to post. When I write anything addressing seggs in it, mine do not go through, but others can be 13 years a member, just spouting hate-watch in all their reviews.

I added points to my rating just to counter the hate.
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Dark Teen Fantasy
Mabkid6 November 2022
The Bastard Son and The Devil Himself is based on a Young Adult novel series (The first series on the first book, "Half Bad"). It's about Nathan, the son of a legendary blood witch. Unfortunately, he was born in enemy territory of the Fairborn witches. As the feud between Fairborn witches and Blood witches play out, Nathan discovers more about himself, his family, and this warring world of witches.

Catering to young viewers, it's got elements of romance, one-sided characters just to drive the drama, and plot holes that can be quite annoying. If only the villains, namely Soul and Jessica, could be more well-balanced characters. The other characters, however, are unique and interesting. But unlike many teen drama, this series is decidedly much darker and bloodier than most teen series. The darkness drives the story's intrigue, because not everything is rose petals and fairy dust, so the plot does have an element of unpredictability. There's more novels, so there's more story in this interesting world. I am looking forward to see if future series get better...
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Cutting edge supernatural drama
dnacowboys30 October 2022
There's not a lot I can add to the other positive reviews in regards to this exceptional series, just to reiterate how frustrating and annoying it would be for Netflix to cancel the show. This wonderful adaptation has taken considerable thought, skilfully combining the very well written and developed characterisation along with the actors performances mixes up a magical formula viewers will just love. Also, the plot arcs have real ' legs', in that I can't see peoples attention spans drifting nor the quality petering out any time soon. Take the above elements, add a huge pinch of triple-A special effects and the magicians (including the incredible Andy Serkis) at The Imaginarium (production company) have conjured up something truly special.
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So far some major plot issues
HorrorMoviesLover2 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Two episodes in and there's plot issues already.

When the mother died in the first episode the son was clearly more than 10 months younger than his sister. She was walking and listening to headphones, he was a new born.

But then when it comes time to receive his powers he's only 10 months behind her in receiving his?

The sister wouldn't be be in a responding squad. She's training in an Academy. Why would a trained group of 'protectors' send new trainees to sort out problems - they would send experienced squads. She can't even shot straight...!

Hopefully there's isn't too many more plot holes.

Update: I've really been enjoying this so far but like FFS massive giant huge issue.! So the vial got broken but everyone else just needed a drop of blood. There's plenty left on Gabriel's shirt and hands to collect some of it up.
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Scattershot plot. Big plot holes. Much of it didn't make sense. Poor camera work. Weird soundtrack.
jameswangusa13 November 2022
It was a below average. I had to fast forward to the end. The end was a total letdown.

It was exciting near the middle, then everything fell apart with random plot twists and unexplained events.

There were numerous scenes where Nathan, after facing setbacks/negative events, would just cheerily march on.

More than half of the show is........ just walking around and talking.

It seemed so contrived in order to move the plot along.

Things that is supposed to work out doesn't; therefore, the main actors had to go one big giant route to its destination which proved to be...... not so important after all.

Also, there was a scene with Nathan with Gabriel that... smacks of underage stuff... Recall that Nathan is 17 years old in the series.

The soundtrack is grating. It could use some work. Also, the camera work was very shaky.

The explanation of the world of witches vs witches were not believable. If "zones" of control in different areas of the country were segmented, it seemed hard to believe that the 2 main groups of witches still have a large population. They haven't yet killed each other off. Just didn't make sense.

Also, some witches supposedly were super "powerful" but died with a single bullet wound.

There was a scene where witches just stood around debating and talking while there were enemies outside. Don't these zones of control have guards guarding living areas? It's just so unrealistic.

In any case, the most important let down was that the plot was scattershot and random. If you like randomness and things not explained (well), go ahead and watch.

There is so much competing TV series out in the marketplace. This just didn't cut it.
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Season 2 ASAP please!!!
caribouster8 November 2023
OMFG can't rave about this enough. Can't believe I missed this in Netflix up till now. It's been around for ages. What a show! Fresh, funny, heartbreaking, heartwarming and riveting from the start. I had to binge it in 2 days. The characters are brilliant, brilliantly, fresh soundtrack and script. The baddies are sooooo bad and the goodies are not always good. I watch a lot of witchy supernatural stuff and you get a lot of played out stropes. This story is original and exciting. Really hope they get a second season. I might just start it from the start again straight away lol its one of those kind of shows!
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