Candyman (2020) Poster


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Diehard Candyman Fan - This was AWESOME!
ashleyryan-3689628 August 2021
(My take on the negative woke reviews is at the end of this review.)

Brilliant film. As a huge Candyman fan, I went in hesitant bc the trailer made it seem like they completely changed the entire story & created an entirely new Candyman. This was NOT the case. It is essentially a part 2 of the original 90s film. There were so many hype points for me, especially the ending scene with the original quotes & ... well, I won't spoil it. But the ending was the best part if you loved the original. I give it a 9 only because there is a character in this that their reasoning behind breaking the pact made no sense to me. And also bc we didn't get any "groin to gut" action. Yes, I'm a weirdo & the gore wasn't up to par for me. Lol.

About the other reviews: I'm a white girl born in 89 who grew up watching the originals. The negative reviews bc it was "woke" are banking on that Cabrini was gentrified since the 90s (like most places) & Candyman represents all of the ppl wrongly killed who live in the projects.

Who *typically* lives in the projects? People of Color.

If you're doing a part 2 to a film that took place in the projects in the 90s, the chances of that place still being the projects in our modern world is slim. It was modernized bc it makes sense. "Woke" is modernization. If you hate that, then you need to take a long look at yourself internally as a person bc your negative review of a film actually says was more negatively about you as a human being.

Good job Peele! You got people talking AGAIN!
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A beautiful teaser Warning: Spoilers
I have yet to see the Candyman remake from the year 2021, but I really liked a lot this promotional teaser which depicts the tragic backstory of the titular character via shadow puppetry.

The result is quite beautiful, depicting a harsh tale of racism and societal injustice in an incredibly stylish manner.

Without a single spoken word, it manages to deliver its message in a rather blunt manner through its haunting use of imagery.

A very creative way to promote a horror film, which captured my interest from the very first second. And personally, I think this teaser was way better than the actual trailer of the movie, which felt a bit generic in comparison.

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A fascinating expressionist narrative of the origin of the Candyman legend
Elvis-Del-Valle23 March 2023
A rather curious short film, but with a certain artistic touch that through the figures narrates the story of the Candyman legend in an expressionist way. What's fascinating about this short film is that the story hints at what Jordan Peele and Nia DaCosta tried to do in the sequel to the original film. What this short film narrates is how the death of Daniel Robitaille was just the beginning of something that would be built through the racial crimes that occurred throughout the era. This implies that Daniel has become a vengeful entity whose power grew as the souls of the victims of racial crimes joined him to the point of becoming a single being: Candyman. As the sequel states, Candyman is a metaphor for how racial discrimination ends up resulting in anger on the part of the oppressed group that begins to take the place of the oppressor. This short film narrates quite well how the Candyman legend began to grow throughout history as a consequence of inequality. Good short film, the truth and I rate it with an 8/10.
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Brilliantly done, but a little too over political
nolimit98828 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert. Was pleasantly suprised by this sequel to the original. The storyline and recap from the original was absolutley fantastic in this. The acting was spot on and theres no cheap scares here either. The candyman in this is actually creepier and scarier than the original. I did feel that there was just maybe too much focus on the political side of things though and very short scenes were candyman was actually there meaning there was less horror and much more political messaging. I know that was probably intentional but as a horror fan I would of prefered if it was the other way around. It was brilliant how some parts were based on Carbini green again. All in all way better than Candyman 2 and 3, defo was worth waiting for and love the new concepts behind him it really was scary.
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Insanely good
salahalsaki27 August 2021
10/10. Easily. Any day. Picture is gorgeous. Acting is our of this world. I don't know how to write a review. I know how. But it's much work. It's a 10/10. Take my word for it. Or don't.
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A legend is born.
Pjtaylor-96-13804419 June 2022
'Candyman (2020)' continues the trend of confusing titles in its series by being named the same thing as both the original film and its 2021 sequel. It's actually a short film depicting the history of the Candyman legend. It was released prior to Nia DaCosta's film as a sort of preview, but it actually plays during the credits of that film to compound its themes. It's a really effective short that portrays a series of vignettes depicting violence against black people, each of which added to the Candyman legend over the years and made it what it is today. Set to Phillip Glass' haunting score, the piece uses simple but effective shadow puppetry to tell its sad tale. It's a compelling film that hooks you immediately and doesn't let you go.
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All these fake lovers of the original Candyman be gone!
nvcameron13 February 2022
Im amazed that so many who claim to love the Bernard Rose artsy Candyman film think this new film is garbage...Really!!? Cmon I dont believe for a second the idiots calling this film woke and boring saw the same original Candyman film with its minimalist Phillip Glass score and its extremely slow pace and art house movie trappings and could possibly watch this new beautifully made motion picture and think it was total trash...Doesnt even make sense...I cry fake news! Hows that for being woke...Lol.
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Don't Get the Low Reviews
cyokel31 August 2021
The movie was pretty good. Scary. Good pacing and acting. Doesn't deserve the hate. Don't be fooled by that. It really is a pretty good movie and was exciting to watch.
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Good movie
ammaples1729 August 2021
Really good and I've never seen the first one. I feel like this one stands on its own.
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Woke brain food.
jashaw-5824031 August 2021
This movie is about as woke as modern horror can get. It doesn't subvert expectations and play on racial discomforts like Get Out: Candyman 2021 is literally a story about black ghosts and the responsibility that gets passed on to the supernatural when justice fails. It should be laughable and you wouldn't expect to take it seriously.

Except you do.

There isn't much runtime and the titular Candyman is more symbolic this time around. The horror is lightweight as well. The most prevailing thing is the very realistic characters and the symbolism. Basically Candyman gives you more to think about than horror.

It won't be everyone's cup of tea, but it's certainly a good movie.
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Effective and horrific short
lareval28 August 2021
It´s a compelling and perfectly done short. Leaves me wanting more and seems to fit perfectly with the new movie. Let´s see if the movie is as wonderful as this creepy short.
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Must See
mcleaver-4177628 August 2021
Candyman was creepy/ and frightening in the beginning and slowly tapered down to a mystery. I enjoyed the movie, I did smack my teeth a little. But it was still worth it, worth the money.
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Literally nonsense
mariamdaoud1 September 2021
Such a misguided version of the movie. Made no sense at all. Sounded like the movie was clearly relating to something else rather than actually focusing on the horror.
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Too bad to watch
raa-5442628 August 2021
Just Don't watch it ,not worth it.

Not good at all.
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Waste of money and time
bfzvbbzw2 September 2021
Worst movie that I've ever seen. I'm wondering how it got 8!!!!
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Uhh what?
dunefoxduran-795976 September 2021
What the heck was this movie about? The director turned this classic horror film into a disaster. More importantly, the idea of having an African-American man murdering only Caucasian victims is not a socially responsible film plot in these times. The way he portrayed the police does not send a good message to anybody. Yes, there have been horrible cases of police being POS but let me tell you...being a POS can come in any color shape and size. Not all police officers are bad. Yikes.. I thought I was going to see a cool horror movie..not whatever the **** this movie was.
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"Woke" don't want this, either.
alabasterkit1 September 2021
Stop blaming the "woke" crowd for objectively bad writing. We don't want this reductionist drivel, either. The plots were so underdeveloped and underwhelming that it felt very Suicide Squad adjacent; the movie had no idea what it wanted to be, but that didn't stop it from BEATING the racism theme into your skull every .03 seconds. Zero nuance, zero intrigue, zero creativity. You could tell the script wanted to be a whole lot deeper and more clever than it actually was. Absolutely gorgeous cinematography, but even that couldn't save this heaping pile of vapid garbage.
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Wonderful acting wasted on boring, woke plot
robshavr28 August 2021
Very little horror, a lot of woke drama scenes, and hard to get into if you're wanting to watch a supernatural horror on a Friday date night.
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jloyer-513145 September 2021
The movie is a social commentary, little horror. The plot is twisted to fit a far left agenda. White people, purposefully, are the only victims I this movie. Cops are painted in the traditional leftist colors. It was disgusting. I want my money backZ.
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So woke it hurts in the worst way
gxpsbg4 September 2021
Couldn't go 2 minutes in between talking about white supremacy, announced the color of everyone talking and really pounded in how horrible white people are. TRASH.
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Political correctness can not always make a movie a good movie
albertlabtech6 September 2021
What does this movie talk about? As An asian, i feel this movie is making the racism issue worse.
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Another Political Movie
cgomez-4627130 August 2021
Anyone expecting a horror movie Do Not Watch This! Its just another reboot with a political agenda.
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Woke horror
bigjump_air27 August 2021
Huge waste of a great franchise and of course it had to be twisted full of woke crap.
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Waste of human memory
odomhnaillsean1 September 2021
I just want it gone from my brain, worst movie I've ever seen.
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IMBD HAS BECOME A JOKE! ..7.6????? Smh
andymaranam29 August 2021
Keeps true to the original, This is the proper sequel to candyman, rather than Farewell to the flesh or the 3rd instalment, but This is worst!

It tries to blends formats from all the previous 3 films and adds a bit, but again does it poorly which is no fault of the actors, they do their best with what little they have and their in lies the problem.. Candyman is a deeply psychological horror which gave it it's acclaim as one of the best horror films ever made. This film is not, it's very shallow. As much as I was looking forward to this remake of sorts. Sometimes you need to leave a classic as a classic and..left alone.

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