Dragon Soldiers (2020) Poster

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Good for a Riff Party
zanicdu12 May 2020
I didn't have high hopes for this movie, but man... was I Riffing the hell out of it. I was having a great time. It's not the best movie in the world, but the jokes that can be made are priceless. I LOVE the fact that the movie is self aware of how bad it is. Release date, 05/11/2020 and one of the missing posters has a dude gone missing on 05/12/2020. Which was the date I was watching it on. Too funny. Now it will make sense, in future viewings but, har har. If you love doing MST3K to movies, this one's for you!
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Actually brilliant
smtempleman25 December 2020
Actually brilliant If you like terrible movies of the B kind This is for you
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Boring nonsense
Leofwine_draca11 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Another day, another indie film, this time a mix of sci-fi and fantasy. A squad of soldiers are sent into the woods to tackle a giant CGI dragon which has been going around killing all and sundry. Most of the money has gone on the number of actors in this so it's a very small scale production complete with PREDATOR-style vision effects and the like. The dragon is kept off screen for the most part, which is wise when you finally get to see it. The script is mundane and the performances anything but engaging.
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A dragon in modern time fighting mercenaries? Sure, why not...
paul_haakonsen12 May 2020
Given the movie's title and synopsis, I must admit that I wasn't having much of any high hopes for this 2020 movie titled "Dragon Soldiers" from writer Dan Sinclair and director Hank Braxtan. But since it was a movie that I hadn't already previously seen, and I was given the chance, of course I sat down to watch it.

Well, the concept idea of the movie was ludicrous. I will say that much. I mean, a dragon out somewhere in the mountains. Sure, why not? Just how did it manage to stay hidden? A dragon would consume a massive amount of food, much less be able to stay hidden whilst midflight. Nah, there just were too many plot holes here.

But the movie was actually entertaining enough for what it was - a campy movie that you shouldn't take too serious. It was actually fair enough for mindless entertainment.

The dragon was interesting in design. Sometimes the CGI were quite good, but at other times the CGI were questionable and dubious at best. It made for a strange viewing actually.

Now, a movie such as "Dragon Soldiers" wouldn't warrant any award-winning performances, and you are not in for anything out the of the extraordinary when you watch the actors and actresses perform in this movie.

If you don't mind wasting an hour and a half - give or take - and you enjoy campy movies that makes little sense, by all means go ahead and watch "Dragon Soldiers". However, if you want a movie that is a memorable experience, then this is not the right choice.

My rating of "Dragon Soldiers" lands on a very mediocre five out of ten stars.
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Very poor
bonganimonco12 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be one of the worst movies to watch...acting poor,the dragon is also poor
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Better than expected
paul_is_tall12 May 2020
Give this a solid five stars, Acting was fine, CGI was well above average for a low budget, so yes, an ok movie.
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Do not waste your time
rockitmarie12 March 2021
Had to turn it off. Horrible cast, acting and script. Just painful to endure, even for a few minutes. It will ruin your day.
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jmccann-533-2483077 March 2021
After a year in isolation we have exhausted Netflix, Prime and HULU. So we PAID $3.99 to watch this POS. AMAZON should be ashamed for charging people to watch a movie, and that is the only good thing I can say, that is this bad.

Horrible acting Bad editing The casting director should be fired

Scenery, music and the dragon were the only positive aspects of this piece of trash.

They most likely spent 90% of the budget on the CGI to create the dragon.

So if you are desperate and need to watch something, pick something you have already seen because this is HORRIBLE
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Don't waste time or money
vg-1257320 December 2020
Mind-numbing stupid. Maybe a preteen might enjoy. So fake.
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Pretty bad acting
andyonmob11 July 2020
Entertaining if you like some tongue in cheek naff movies but not in any way a good movie. Acting pretty bad, continuity poor and credibility non existent. Still I watched it till the end for comedy value. Not as bad as Ninja Shark.
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This was the worst movie I've seen in a long time!
kathryn-907667 January 2021
The dragon was ok but the acting and script were terrible!
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Great tongue in cheek movie.
shooter-2363121 July 2024
The most fun I've had watching a movie in some time. Is it corny? Sure. But it's supposed to be. If you take it, or yourself, too seriously, then you probably won't like it. But if you just turn on a movie to be entertained, this does just that. No more. No less. With a smattering of humor thrown in. All the characters were likable, and reasonably well acted. The acting fit the parts each played. And the surprise ending, involving my favorite character, had me actually laughing and clapping. As I said, if you just want to spend an evening being entertained, this one's worth a look. Relax and enjoy.
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ddbeuth6 September 2020
As stated in the title and synopsis, this is a movie about a dragon on the loose in small town America and the mercenaries hired to kill it. One does not go into such a movie expecting Dr. Zhivago caliber acting or Avengers level effects. Which is good, because this had neither. But for a B movie, the acting, at least by the main characters, was solid and the dragon, while a little cheesy, looked better than any of the beasties in the old SyFy channel Saturday night movies. The dialogue and plot were decently written, rare things in this genre. Overall, I was well entertained for an hour and half. What more could I ask for?
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More entertaining than a Political Kathy Griffin tweet
allboyzokfarm6 March 2021
More entertaining than a Political Kathy Griffin tweet. So pretty bad.
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WOW! So bad !!!
axel33522 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This one is amazing in sheer badness ! If you wanna laugh at a really bad movies this is it !

The plot is non excistent, the camera work sucks big time, the actors are useless and when the "dragon" shows up you just scream out loud in laughter to the bad CGI

So grab a few bears, get your friends togheter and have a good time

It doesnt get any better / lower than this one
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So bad it might be worth a see???
kirachloe22 September 2023
Wow, so many holes. Not the greatest action, but kinda fun?

The key to a good movie is the suspension of disbelief, sadly this movie starts out by shattering that, never tries to fix it, and even makes it worse as the movie goes on (I will avoid the spoilers).

My biggest problem is with the plot holes. Dragons are in the presented day, but its not that big of a deal? ... yet they are still trying to figure out how to defeat them? ... and would rather just send a small squad?

Sorry I can't give advice on whether to watch this or not. As I watched this I was dreading the next scene as much as I wanted to see it to see if it made sense or not.

The dialogue is at time just plain corny, although they didn't mean to be. The acting is not bad. The cinematography and directing are actually ok. The script tries to be Rambo-ish, Predator-ish, and others-ish, and fails ... but not miserably. Not sure how to describe it.
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Greater Smoke than Flames
Mysterygeneration30 March 2024
Unfortunately, "Dragon Soldiers" is a fire-breathing disappointment despite its promises of epic battles and fantastical animals. The movie has a flimsy plot full of cliches, mediocre CGI effects, and unmemorable characters.

The story is obvious from the outset. The mission assigned to our motley crew of one-dimensional soldiers is to defeat a generic bad guy who plans to unleash a dragon army. There are no shocks in this discourse, and it is full of corny one-liners that don't work.

The dragons themselves, which are the main attraction of the movie, are a huge letdown. They don't appear like the fire-breathing monsters we were promised; instead, the CGI utilized to make them feels antiquated. The animals resemble enormous lizards. You're left feeling let down by their combat sequences because they don't really convey any sense of gravity or danger.

The action scenes are monotonous and badly staged. The editing feels choppy and the unsteady camerawork makes it difficult to follow what's going on screen, which further detracts from the viewing experience.

Although there are many well-known faces in the cast, none of them get enough screen time to really stand out. Throughout the movie, their characters don't grow or form any significant relationships, which makes it difficult to care about what happens to them.

For younger audiences or ardent dragon enthusiasts with extremely low expectations, "Dragon Soldiers" might have some attraction. However, this movie is best left on the burning pyre if you're looking for a well-made action movie with a gripping plot and credible characters.
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Awesome campy fun! Needs a sequel!
peachandbatman6 July 2021
You start off not into it, by the end you are so hooked and rooting for them!! You can't wait for the sequel! This team has charisma and needs another round of monsters to battle!
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The DVD had an amazing cover!
jjames-5153630 January 2021
When I first saw the cover art for this film I thought "wow! a huge dragon, attack helicopters, All kinds of soldiers, this is going to be epic!" The tagline was "Hell came from above" Well I could not wait for this Michael Bay type of explosion extravaganza. Did it live up to the hype? Well it was about a small town mayor hiring a bunch of mercenaries to get rid of vagrants out of town. This mayor must have really hated the bums as they were outside of town, clearly outside of his jurisdiction. I thought what kind of power mad freak hates bums so much that he sends armed mercenaries after them? Well when we first see the mayor that is all too clear. He has a stare and attitude that was firm yet unyielding, like an old man backing his Lincoln town car over the handicapped parking sign. He was being suspiciously and uncharacteristically nice, like a Nazi in Brazil. I saw his motivations from the start. Manipulating the soldiers into taking the job that he knew that they would never return.

Antuone Torbert was convincing as Soldier Julius Green. He knew that the rest of the team was about as useful as a condom dispenser at the Vatican, but he would watch their backs, no matter what.

Another highlight was Arielle Brachfeld playing the part of park ranger Gwen Peters. You could tell most of the guys wanted to get with her as she She had a deep, throaty, genuine laugh, like that sound a dog makes just before it throws up.

All in all if you have time to spend on only one dragon movie this year, make it this one!
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Solid B-movie fun
sssheely21 April 2021
Has a "Tremors" vibe. So if you liked that, I don't see what's not to like about this. I don't know, I'm not a fan of dragons or soldiers or shoot-em ups, but this is surprisingly entertaining and refreshing. I mean, it isn't gonna make you think real hard, if that's what you're looking for, but it doesn't pretend to either. It doesn't take itself serious at all, but kinda manages to be endearing. Great location, great soundtrack, quirky but somehow relatable characters. Also some cringe-but-fun action and suspense throughout. Support the little guy, and check this out.
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Surprisingly good
loeikat11 May 2020
The movie avoids the clichés and other defaults of those productions. Not a blockbuster, but it's not a wasted time. Characters are quite unique, well played, and the story is plausible and unexpected.
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Very entertaining
askbigunc12 May 2020
Every movie doesn't have to be Star Wars quality to be entertaining. It had all the elements of a great movie minus a big budget and good actors, (some where ok). If you're the type of person that uses more imagination then criticism when you watch a movie, especially one with the word "Dragon" in it; then you will enjoy this movie.
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Best B-movie of 2020
joeyford-5534226 February 2021
Better than expected. Special effects and acting was on point
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nogodnomasters28 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In a small town in Colorado, campers are going missing. The mayor brings in a private militia to go after the vagrants in the forest. On the way there we get a quick character build up of what we expect to be the "final guy" per the formula.

This was a fun bad film, similar to classic Asylum production. I wish they had been a little less serious.

Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity
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"Dragon Soldier" 1 hour and 32 minutes of your life you'll never get back.
vorheecn11 June 2021
Well dragon Soldier was clearly no reign of fire or dragonheart so don't get your hopes up even a little bit. I mean when you first see the dragon the CGI doesn't appear that bad but that's probably the best they did in the entire movie other than that the rest of it is 100% ridiculous full of holes and makes very little even common sense. Granted when I watch the movie I wasn't paying much attention but they seem to leave out the part about how the dragon controls people's minds and make them turn into zombies that kill white people hey just left that issue unresolved. And these people who are being hunted by a flying lizard sure don't seem to grasp the concept of looking up to see the animal approach I meanhow many times does it have to swoop down from the sky and land on you before you start aiming your guns up instead of looking around the woods constantly and how many shots were fired by these professional soldiers before the guy in the end of fires one bullet that kills the animal you know hundreds of rounds out of machine guns and they don't hit the thing one time but then the guy shoots one bullet from a handgun and somehow it's an explosive in its stomach and kills it I mean that bullet would have killed the dragon without hitting the explosive if he shot it down its throat I mean I don't know too many animals that can swallow bullets from what looked to be essentially a desert eagle handgun and then live to tell the tale. And why did they keep showing the from the dragons viewpoint with it's crazy color vision when the dragon never saw the people from its view so why were they showing what the dragon was seeing and why did it have the crazy coloration if it didn't enhance the view to like show the people through the tree cover like heat tracking cameras infrared to show how the dragon can easily spot them no matter where they are because they can see their heat signature instead it just showed the dragon flying over the lake in Orange how did that help it you know rain tear down on these people no matter where they went what was the point of the dragon vision.and right where did the dragon come from was it a government genetic experiment that escaped how did it come to be in the woods with no parents how did it lay eggs with no mate you know and it didn't make any sense at all and I think they were kind of alluding to that fact in the end where the guy is talking to a squirrel and mentioned that he dropped the bombs in the dragon's stomach and then ran for the butthole in the skate and then he was now telling the squirrel the story I think that was just as realistic as any other part in the movie and if they were all going to go live happily ever after in the end why didn't the soldier when he went to the politicians office and shove the dog tags down his throat why didn't he get the money the other 80% of the payment so that they could all go right off into the sunset rich and heavy when that have made more sense than to just stuff the dog tags in his mouth and leave you should have also taken all the money that the politician thought he was going to get the keep now that all the soldiers were dead and his problem was gone you know kind of a Stick it to the Man I could have wrote a better plot for this movie in like 30 minutes of editing this script I could have made it a lot better I can't believe that they spent probably hundreds of thousands of dollars on this movie and this was the best that they can come up with I mean Jesus Christ how do people this dumb have access to this kind of money and I don't life is not fair that's stupid people get paid to do stupid stupid movies. Don't waste the dollar 80 at Redbox and shame on you Redbox you tricked me I thought the movie was in your box that it was up to some kind of standard this was totally a straight to Netflix movie and should have never been in a red box.
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