Who Killed Sara? (TV Series 2021–2022) Poster


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A sleazy entertainer
amitesh-jasrotia12 April 2021
A fast-paced show where most characters are deplorable and hide heinous secrets.

Even with all the unnecessary, b-grade sleaze thrown in, the show manages to keep you hooked. But just when you think you are nearer to the big revelation, the director moves the goalposts, leaving you with a tantalizing feeling.

The show has its fair share of plot-holes and absurdities, too. Would you ever expect a person to turn into a computer genius - capable of designing cloning apps, hacking into CCTV camers - after they have spent 18 years in a Mexican prison? No? This show makes it all possible.

A discernible viewer will likely switch over after one or two episodes. A large majority like me, will go on for the sake of cheap thrills.
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Watchable crap!
jiballini644 April 2021
Lots of sex for the sake of it and not really for any part of the story with many a naked buttock thrown in. The story is a bit all over the shop with really bad baddies, some terrible acting (especially the Radolpho character), a dopey "goodie", a gay couple (of course), a curious teenager and an evil mother. It's rubbish but can fill a few hours.
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A fun ride
tommyrizzuto3 April 2021
I think some other reviewers who were quick to call this series awful are unfamiliar with the undying influence of the telenovela on dramas from Latin America. This show isn't going to win any Golden Globes because it's not meant to be Peak TV. It's meant to be entertaining, juicy TV! I enjoyed it quite a bit because once you accept it for what it is, you can navigate the twists and turns of the mystery without overanalyzing. I've definitely seen worse and had lots of fun while watching!
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Fun first two seasons
Calicodreamin18 May 2022
The first two seasons are actually pretty interesting, but are unfortunately detracted from by the dumpster fire of the final season. Characters never develop and storylines rewrite past events with no regard to continuity. Set aside mind before watching. Decent acting.
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Nice fusion of telenovela with mystery
alex20212 May 2021
I'm not a mystery fan, but excited by this series. Obviously, this is a nice fusion of Latin telenovela with mystery and has good taste.
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Who Killed Sara?
Tweekums3 February 2022
As this Mexican series opens a group of young people having a great time on a speed boat. Sara Guzmán eagerly takes flight beneath a parachute towed by the boat. She starts screaming that something is wrong; her brother, Alex, says that they must stop but Rodolfo, her boyfriend whis is driving the boat thinks she is shouting to go faster... the harness breaks and she falls to her death. It emerges that the gear had been sabotaged... but not until Alex tells the authorities, at the behest of Rodolfo's wealthy father, that he set up the parachute... this leads to him spending the next eighteen years in jail. When he is released he is determined to do two things... find out who really killed Sara and to have his revenge on the family that led to him being jailed.

If you are after realism this won't be for you; on the other hand if you enjoy over the top melodrama it is rather fun. Just about everybody is a suspect at some point and few characters could be described as 'good'. There are lots of twists and turns and key characters frequently find themselves in danger. The plot is revealed in a somewhat non-linear fashion; most of the action takes place in the present but there are frequent flashbacks. Some of these are to events that took place before Sara's death but others are to recent events where we see the events from the perspective of other characters. If you don't like sex scenes in TV shows you are likely to hate this; just about every episode features some fairly gratuitous sex. The characters are all fairly over the top; particularly the dastardly family patriarch and his scheming 'Lady Macbeth' wife. Overall I'd say that this isn't something to be taken seriously but it is fun in an over the top way; I'll certainly be watching season three when we get it.

These comments are based on watching the series in Spanish with English subtitles.
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penofinspiratin20 July 2021
Unnecessary flashbacks, enemies keep rubbing shoulders like they are waiting for a flashback to explain the story before we get it why they haven't killed each other yet.

You don't even need to think about what may happen or what happened, just watch and see how miserable they twist their useless storyline with junk upon junk.

By the time you reach episode 5, you will have wasted so much time which could have been wasted on something better like gazing on your own thoughts.
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Very entertaining!
bpuccia8719 April 2021
It's your typical Mexican crime/thriller series with the evident influence of telenovela. Acting wasn't the best, although Eugenio Siller (who plays "Chema") did really good in my opinion. Everyone else did mediocre to "ok". Good storyline, good dialogue, a bit cliche at times but all in all the show served its purpose; kept me entertained and interested in watching the next episode.

It's not the best series, but I rated this an 8, although I understand ratings as low as 6. Anything lower than that is just people hating on it for no evident reason. You can't possibly expect every series to be the next Breaking Bad.
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Entertaining binge-watch material, in spite of some major flaws.
johannes2000-16 June 2021
There's a lot to say in favor of this Netflix-series: it's fast-paced, it has a strong premise and exciting storylines, and as the quintessential whodunnit it keeps you guessing who killed the Sara from the serie's title up until the last episodes (and even beyond). And some of the acting is pretty good, like main characters Alex and Elisa, played by Manolo Cardona and Carolina Miranda, or the evil pater familias Cesar Lazcano by Ginés García Millán.

In spite of all that, I did have some reservations too. The level of the story never surpasses that of an average telenovela. Most of the cast acts in an emotional over-drive, like for instance character Chem who is for ever on the brink of hysteria. The constant shifting between the present and the past, with in most cases different actors for the young and the older versions, gets rather confusing. As does the use of overlapping scenes, at times they repeat whole sequences again and again from different points of view. And last but not least, the twists and turns in the plot are so abundant and increasingly far-fetched, that it at (many) times became more laughable than interesting.

The result is two seasons of entertaining, non pretentious binge-watch material.
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Bad soap opera
joaosantos2021 December 2021
Everybody sleeps with everybody and they do it a lot. Bad acting, bad writing, absurd story and characters.

And by the way this is a soap opera not a crime thriller.

Stay away.
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Enjoyed It!
brittjohn-5187225 March 2021
Was bored so watched this in a day. Had fun with these diabolical characters. I can't wait for season 2!
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Should have been a limited series.
hugor27 May 2021
Interesting 'whodunnit' with the now typical flashback formula. Some decent twists and turns, albeit too "soapy" for the most part.

However, the main issue is just not knowing when to stop, and getting more absurd with each turn, trying to extend the longevity of the show. It would have been far more satisfying with an actual ending, instead of what we got.

Some nice acting for the most part, but it just got too silly and far fetched for its own good, especially throughout s2 and even more so in the ending setting up s3.
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Trashy netflix telenovela
eleester29 March 2021
I had high hopes after reading the synopsis to this series. It had quite an interesting plot. But by the 3rd episode I realised that this was an absolute trashy of a show. The narrative tried to create a sense of unpredictable plot turns, but it ended up not making any cohesive sense. It was starting to show how cheap the script was and how shallow the characters motivation were. Throw in senseless sex scenes, clearly to boost viewership, which also goes to show the shallow production mindset too. In a nutshell, this is a 'polished' telenovela with bad plots and lacking any real conviction as a murder mystery. Skip i!
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chtsimone22 May 2021
I sincerely don't understand these bad reviews. It is a telenovela, this is how telenovelas go, it's our guilty pleasure. If you want Oscar worthy content, then watch Oscar worthy movies, don't go and watch a telenovela and expect something else. And this is actually a very interesting one with good twists. Truthfully trying to save an underrated effort of the people who worked on this.
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Dark, twisted, unpredictable excellence
info-33728-3004025 March 2021
I wasn't fully sold on the series in episode one, but it definitely held my interest to continue watching which has been an unstoppable binge fest. The twists are so well done.

Just when you think the deplorable characters couldn't get any worse, my goodness. All actors did fantastic with their roles. The writing, directing and camera work also excellent. It is also really quite dark and twisted. I am surprised there isn't a trigger warning at the beginning, because this really touches on real life in so many varying ways. Really excellent writing to put all that together!!

I need season 2 right now!
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Completely absorbing but a bit unbelievable
annakillick25 March 2021
This is a Spanish whodunnit in the thriller/suspense category. I watched the whole season in one night because I was completely gripped by the cliffhangers at the end of each episode. There is a lot of drama, a ridiculous amount of sex (too much), some unbelievable dialogue and events. But very binge-worthy. Creo que QMAS es una programa con muchas misterios.
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So bad it's almost good
janenriapia3 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I ended up watching all of this in one sitting partly because I couldn't believe how unbelievable it was.

Spoiler alert.... a man called Alex goes to prison in early 2000's and comes out with computer skills that we are made to believe are state of the art in the modern day. Where did he learn how to use a computer when he had been locked up for 18 years?

Then the bad guy (who put alex in prison in the first place) sends his heavies round to shoot up Alex's home but doesn't kill him. Why in the world would the baddest man in Mexico not just have put a bullet through Alex's head and done us all a favour by meaning this could have all been wrapped up in 2 episodes?

I kept wondering if this is all lost in translation and maybe if it wasn't dubbed it would make more sense, but after watching all 10 episodes I can state it is completely nonsensical.

I was surprised to see they've left it open for season 2. There's a small part of me that wants to tune into the next season to see how the writers are going to pull this story line together. I would be surprised if Alex wakes up and it's all a dream, because dreams tend to not make sense just like this programme.
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Highly recommended
samzy-884265 April 2021
Can't wait for the second season!! :) I was sucked in from the very first minutes.
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Its not repetitive but an unexpected murder mystery.
Nand160627 March 2021
A interesting plotline. The cast is very attractive. The plot is not copied from somewhere. The representation of the lgbtq community is good. Ignore the negative reviews and its not always neccesary to watch something relatable. Watch it for murder, mystery. Waiting for Season 2.
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Really bad Telenovela
qui_j28 March 2021
This is your usual Mexican Telenovela masquerading as a murder mystery. The usual Tele characters are present e.g wealthy but evil and ruthless "Patron", his scheming wife, useless Scion son, and a few poor friends and relatives. The acting is insufferably bad, and the wigs and toupees even worse! This is standard telenovela fare where there's a lot of crying in every scene....it's just mandatory! The newer telenovelas like this one have also started to use Gay characters but they are not usually portrayed in a good light. The editing is choppy and makes no sense, as do many of the plot twists which require the viewers to suspend every bit of logic and intelligence! One has to wonder where Netflix finds these really silly series....and even worse, decides to stream them globally!
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Good start
pablo_moriano5 April 2021
Nice start for a show full of plot twists, good performances and a perfect finale as cliffhanger for (I hope) a second season.
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The good, the bad and the ugly
Just-A-Girl-149 April 2021
This show tells the story of Alex. Alex is a man seeking revenge for the death of his sister and the 18 years he spent in prison for supposedly doing it.

Note: This review contains NO spoilers. I'm giving examples but they are minors and they won't ruin anything for you.

Here is the good, the bad and the ugly:

-The Good:

1. Interesting storyline.

2. Good acting (for the most part).

3. It's a Telenovela style whodunnit (good if you like Telenovelas).

4. Lots of twists and turns.

-The Bad:

1. Unexplained things/plot holes (for example, this guy spent almost 20 years in prison but somehow he is a very talented hacker). Also, from a psychological aspect there are things that do not add up (for example, the young version and the old version seems completely different from one another).

2. No attention to details (for example, a 20 y/o toy looks brand new).

3. It's a Telenovela style whodunnit (bad if you don't like Telenovelas). You've got the rich evil patron, lots of family intrigues, betrayals, complicated love stories and every single thing you can find in your typical Telenovela.

4. Lots of unnecessary nudity (I wish I counted the amount of times I saw butts during this season, I'm pretty sure they achieved a new record).

5. It's just too long. There's a second season coming and personally I think this show could have been much better if it was wrapped up in one season.

-The Ugly: The character of Sara, Alex's sister who was murdered is developing throughout the season and the more you learn about her the less sympathy you feel. She was not a nice person (to say the least) and by the time we learn whodunnit you almost don't care. Even though the true killer is revealed by the end of the season, there's no feeling of satisfaction. At least that's how I felt. First because it was way too obvious who the killer is (at least for me). Second because while we learn the truth, Alex doesn't. Third because they complicated the storyline too much and finally as I mentioned you just stop caring. I highly doubt I'm going to watch the second season. If you do decide to watch it, better wait for the second season to air first and then binge watch it.

One last thing, as an animal lover I really like that the show takes a strong stand against hunting! It's shown as the evil thing that it is but beware there are some horrifying footage of animals been killed! I think it's a good thing because you show people the horrible shocking truth but discretion is advised.
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Who (cares) (who) killed Sara...
Sergie_c26 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
To be honest, by the end of it, I didn't even care that Sara was dead, let alone who killed her... Poor writing, shallow acting, incoherent plot...

Spoiler alert! Guess what, there's no answer to the title question. Not even in the season's finale.
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When a final ruins everything
JBingeWatcher19 May 2022
I really enjoyed the plot of season 1 and even the personal drama in season 2. I feel like the writers never understand why this show was so likeable.

Season 3 decided to take a step back of the personal drama and put in all kinds of plot points almost disconnected to our characters.

Like I said, season 1 is good, but after that it's a big mess and I will never again recommend it to anyone.
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Braindead plot Warning: Spoilers
I don't expect every show to be a masterclass in terms of acting and script but at least try! This show is an absolute travesty. He gets framed for his sisters murder , gets out , pulicly announces his intentions to get revenge against the family by hacking the casino TV's ?! Why would you want them to know you're coming but later, he establishes his base in his old house which the family knows of and reveals himself to one of the family members as soon as possible. What's the point? And then a van arrives with people shooting up the place inside out without knowing he's in there and when they have a chance to actually kill him, they spare him?! This show is like a mexican riverdale but at least Riverdale had a good first season. I couldn't make it past the first episode even. And now this travesty has a second season while the society got cancelled. I would feel sorry for you if you were actually so desperate that you watched the entire season of the show.
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