Tokyo Revengers (2021) Poster

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Good Enough
PennyReviews30 December 2021
Japanese Movie "Tokyo Revengers" is the live-action adaption of the popular manga series with the same name.

The overall movie has a nice atmosphere and the fans of High&Low would probably love this film as well. It has plenty of great fighting scenes that were well executed and well-choreographed. The performances were all masterful too, but the main lead was especially enjoyable, funny, emotional, and diverse. The dynamics between the cast were also pretty strong and that helped creating the right team environment that the movie needed to promote right from the start.

However, and even though the film is well made and the camera work is brilliant, the story felt like it only stretched the surface, like something was missing as the movie was moving towards the final showdown. The ending was pretty rushed too.

So, overall, 7 out of 10.
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Better than I expected
TheOneThatYouWanted20 September 2023
Better than expected. The ending has issues mainly due to overpowered characters becoming weaker at the end to smooth over plot points and the inverse happening. Plus the film seems to want to set up for a sequel but is a little too loose on it. I am sure the manga or comics this is based off of is probably better or was it an anime or something like that and then I was like oh yeah.

Is this movie worth watching? Maybe.

How was the plot? Great.

Was the budget enough? Big yes.

What is this movie saying about our world? Nothing.

What is your emotional response to this movie? Joy.

What did this movie make me feel? Entertained.

What moments, character, or ideas resonated with you while watching this movie? The action. And sci-fi.
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Maybe more stars if you like harsh fighting!
Harirkhanum1 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
At first, I liked the story line, and also the mystery of toman group attracted me to follow it until the end, but the majority of movie include harsh fighting! Maybe someone enjoy this kind of action, but for me, that wasn't enough interesting, I think one of the best scene was about where hinata meets the boys, draken and maiki, for the first time and slap the boss suddenly! Reaction of maiki and draken was unpredictable. I liked it :) it would be more interesting if we saw more sequenced like this.

I also liked the main message of this story, regarding to main character, takemichi, who apparently didn't have any special ability but actually play the most important role in the occurrence, this got me thinking to individual impact that every person could influence the others, and the world , it's a real fact!
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Toyko Revengers 2021 Review
notaweeb-1954219 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is actually pretty good, I highly recommend it, which is surprising because I usually don't like live action anime adaptations. This is based on my third favorite anime, and all-time favorite manga series of which I am currently up-to-date with. I don't know a single soul who has seen this movie because no-one knows it exists, I ought to talk about the actual movie now so I guess you can call this part an introduction.

The start of this movie is really rushed, Hanegaki quickly "dies" at the five-minute mark where we also see that the CGI isn't that bad. Then his friends get introduced just like in the anime (but just worse) And then they're forced to fight some evil dudes. This first fight scene is a lot more realistic than in the anime, instead of the boys fighting in the middle of a park where everyone can see them, it's set at some abandon junk yard so that their asses can be beat privately.

One of Takemichi's friends (Akkun) Is like "Hey, you're supposed to meet up with your girlfriend or whatever", so then Takemichi runs away to see her and then when he does, she says "You always show up out of know where", which makes no sense because they were supposed to meet up together (Just because this is based on a good series, doesn't mean that it's perfect)

We then get introduced to Naoto, and the worst part is they used the same actor for him when he's an adult and a kid (He looks at least 4 years older than Hanegaki) He's meant to be thirteen! I don't care that Takemichi is the same because he looks the same as an adult anyway, but with different hair. The next day Crybaby hero gets his ass whooped and before he's killed, Mikey's stunt-double comes to save him. We also see Draken for the first time, and he looks like a cosplayer (Like Edward Elric in the live action Fullmetal Alchemist) I don't really mind Mikey in this movie, he's the same charismatic, bad-ass, murderer guy. Like seriously, when he visits Takemichi's middle-school, he throws two dudes out the window. I think I should mention now that this movie is pretty funny, if you haven't read the manga or seen the anime then these jokes will be a lot funnier. And the music fits in well with what's going on from time to time. The gang meet-up seen at the shrine was kinda boring. It just indicates that Moebius is a threat and must be stopped because they're evil.

Also, the guy that likes to beat up Hanegaki, Kiyomasa, gets kicked out of Toman for being a moron, so he decides to join Moebius after he randomly encounters Kisaki the pedophile (In some pretty cool lighting too). Afterwards Takemichi accidentally goes back to the future, then attempts to convince Naoto that Mikey isn't that bad of a guy. This doesn't really work so for a reason that I forgot they decide to go and visit Hanegaki's old friend Akkun.

He now looks like a drug-addicted rapper man with arm tattoos. They have the same conversation from the anime and essentially the exact same thing happens. But this time it is unnecessarily long, this scene easily could have been shortened, but no. After Takemichi fake cries, He somehow accidentally goes back to the past, right before he was going to learn more about Draken's death. When he goes to Naoto's apartment, it turns out that he's in Hawaii... For a school trip. What kind of lame-ass excuse is that, he could have just gone to like Kyoto or something, that's pretty far.

Now that he can't go back, Takemitchi tries to stop Mikey from brawling with Moebius because he knows that if he doesn't then Draken will die, and then Hinata will die and nothing would have changed. Mikey says no, then out of nowhere Osanai (The leader of Moebius) storms in the abandon wear-house that they're hiding in and stabs Draken in the hand. Takemitchi is all like "YATA! I did it!", but no, this wasn't the real battle.

Whilst he waits for Naoto to return, Hanegaki goes to a festival with Hinata to lose his virginity. His plans are ruined when he sees some evil Moebius guys roaming around, so he follows them leaving his girlfriend behind. He encounters Kiyomasa, who ties him up BDSM style, then leaves him in the forest where Hinata somehow finds him. She then explains the story of how they first met at 7/11 and it makes absolutely no sense (I can't be bothered explaining it) After they kiss like in the anime, he runs off to save Draken who is currently receiving a beat-down by 100 hundred men.

Mikey, Mitsuya (Who looks like a drug-addict) and the other boys from Toman arrive to save Draken because Hanegaki is too slow. Once he does get there, he just watches Draken get stabbed in the stomach by Kiyomasa, then we randomly see Hanma just watching from above weirdly. Takemichi carries ya boy Draken to the hospital, only to have the path blocked by Kiyomasa the evil dude.

For some reason they fight for an obnoxiously long amount of time, and Hanegaki doesn't get stabbed in the hand. Draken gets taken to hospital (And lives) then we see that Mikey is the only person who actually cries in the whole film. Whoever played Takemichi Hanegaki wasn't really fit for the role. And then we get this really epic shot of Takemichi running as a kid, and then he's off-screen for a bit, then he's running as an adult (I just thought that shot was really cool) Then he runs past adult Akkun who works as a barber, then we see that Hinata is alive, and the movie ends with her saying "You always show up out of know where", then the credits role (with a pretty good song too)

Damn I love that ending (I don't think they intend to make a sequel) My final verdict for Tokyo Revengers 2021 is... 7/10. If you've got a friend that doesn't really like anime, then show them this, they might like it. So might you, so try really hard to find it (Cuz you probably won't) THE END.
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Could not maintain my full intrest
RobbieRedeyez9 March 2022
It started somewhat promising , but along the way it does go downhill a bit.

Not sure maybe it was a bit too much unbelievable moments , or the script wasnt that good .

I did not really care that much anymore in the end , so to rate a 6 is maybe even slightly generous .
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The leading character is worthless
pariisaap28 January 2022
This could be better with the idea of time traveling. The beginning part was good i motivated to see the rest of the movie. But the rest of the movie wasn't as good. The leading character was really annoying. A clumsy boy without any special capability. How can a girl love someone like him.
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algamingdude25 July 2021
I wasn't expecting much but this was a massive let down. The first couple of minutes of the movie had some scenes that was so bad it was funny and I genuenly laughed but other than that I was bored to death. Most of the character design looked like terrible cosplays. Only a cople of characters looked good.
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Nearly Perfect Execution
aidenhale-1678014 September 2021
I started reading the manga a little over a year ago, long before there was an anime and live action for it. I fell for the series instantly. I was not disappointed in the least by the movie, the choreography of the fighting scenes were 98% accurate, I say 98% because I don't think they could convey the fighting from any more properly than they did, after all it's not 100% realistic. The characters, were very much akin to their manga counterparts, to the point that most of the main cast looked exactly like their manga version, it's as if they stepped out of the move pages of the books, and was impressive. The story being packed into a movie, meant that there were thing's obviously left out, but I feel like they stayed very true to the plot and didn't miss anything of importance. I don't see why you wouldn't want to watch this movie, if you are a fan of the manga/and or anime already? It's far more true to it's original counterparts than a lot of live action's out there. Hope there will be a part 2!
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Reyna0526 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The movie in some parts is inacurate from the manga like the absence of characters like emma, peh yan, baji and other division members. The first encounter with moebius supposedly pah-chin will stab osanai and the final fight is super inaccurate.

I'm sad and disappointed.
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Went in blind, came out a fan.
sjarvis1415-360-131891 January 2022
Just like when I first saw High & Low the movie, I had no idea what this was all about going into it, other than it's originally a manga. All I knew is Murayama and Yamato are in it. So, this is from the perspective of a non-manga reader. So, with that said,

I really liked this!

The way the 3 main characters - Takemichi, Mikey, and Draken - interact was really enjoyable. I especially liked Draken, particularly in the hospital scene. He's extremely loyal to Mikey, but at the same time stays true to his own principles. Very cool. Mikey is pretty chill and kicks some serious ass. The biggest surprise was Takemichi. I thought it was pretty funny/interesting having a MC who is basically useless in terms of fighting except when it comes to taking a beating.

The fights in this are pretty good, although not quite up to H&L standards. There's a pretty big brawl later on that is quite reminiscent of those films, just not quite to the same scale.

At the end of this I found myself wanting more. Is that really it? This certainly doesn't feel like enough. More like an episode in the life of. I want to see where this story goes. So, I guess I'll have to check out the anime and see where that takes me.
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not that good
madeleine_audree30 October 2021
The movie is 3x more brutal than the anime in my opinion some of the fighting scenes in the movie didn't even happen in the anime the movie is more about action while the anime is about humor.
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"You always show up so suddenly"
soeprijo1918 January 2022
Live action adaption of manga with the same title, this movie stays true to its original source. Of course, duration of movie has its limitation, so many details in manga didn't make it to the live action version. But still, this movie really worth watching whether you already read manga version or not.

Good movie 8/10.
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Tokyo revengers
yogaapratama-864117 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is very good,i really want to watch it.
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Great Live Action
ForgedLight400016 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Please don't listen to the slander from people calling this not good. This is a close to the anime as you can get and the acting was spot on. You get so frustrated with how weak Takemichi is and the live action painted that perfectly. Super excited that more is to come. This is up there with the Ruroni Kenshin live action movies.

If you have not seen the anime or read the manga, this might come off weird but still works. If you have actually taken the time to watch the anime then you should be in for a treat. It would be interesting to see scenes side by side with the anime and watch the emotion from the characters. I highly recommend checking this out and preferably after the anime.
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igustibima1 November 2021
It's amazing even have a brutal scene but wow I'm specless. I hope it's will be countinoue in next movie so it's recommended for 17 years because it's brutal like a crow zero.
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Beautiful Story
danielrsantana13 January 2022
Long time since I don't see a movie with such creative and beautiful story. Sometimes you might feel a bit sorry for the main character Takemichi but at some point everything start making some good sense and we admire his persistence. Highly recommended 10 stars movie.
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Entertaining and Inspiring
darrenchristopherb17 March 2022
Disclaimer: I have not read the manga or watched the anime of the same name.

I grew up on Shonens and this is basically a Shonen movie, therefore I like.

My inner-hero was well pleased with this film.
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Great movie
nicolasjeremia16 July 2022
Amazing movie. This is fully based on style. It's an exploration of what it means, in a certain moment in time, in a certain culture (arguably global...), to be cool.

Everything here is designed to look cool. In fact, whenever we hear about wanting to 'rule' the school, what's in fact at stake is being the coolest there. The fighting is a fundamental issue of that coolness, the best fighters gain admiration, not for their physical skill but for the coolness with what they get out of the situations - even when Genji is defeated after fighting dozens at the same time, he falls in a cool way. To underline this, we come to understand that in fact the strongest guy in the school was in fact away from the main disputes all the way, probably because he is not cool, in the notion of the cool guys (he is cool in his uncool way).

This is a thin notion, which probably will appeal to a teen mind (with 24 i'm not quite sure yet if i've ever been a teen). This film gets away with that single thin notion because it is able to support it visually. The director knows a few things about framing and pace, even though he doesn't take many risks (or none at all) in how he shoots the fights.
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kazehikaru041819 July 2024
Tokyo Revengers (2021) live-action movie is a fantastic adaptation that brings the beloved manga and anime series to life with remarkable fidelity and energy. The film captures the essence of the original story, following Takemichi Hanagaki's journey as he travels back in time to save his loved ones and change his future.

The casting is spot-on, with each actor delivering powerful and authentic performances that truly embody their characters. Takumi Kitamura, in particular, shines as Takemichi, capturing the character's vulnerability, determination, and growth throughout the story. The chemistry among the cast members adds depth to the relationships, making the emotional moments even more impactful.

Visually, the movie is impressive, with dynamic and well-choreographed action scenes that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The production design effectively recreates the gritty, urban setting of the Tokyo Manji Gang, enhancing the film's immersive quality.

The film's pacing is well-balanced, seamlessly blending intense action sequences with poignant, character-driven moments. The soundtrack and cinematography further elevate the experience, perfectly complementing the film's dramatic and emotional beats.

Overall, Tokyo Revengers (2021) live-action movie is a thrilling and heartfelt adaptation that stays true to its source material while standing strong on its own. It's a must-watch for fans of the series and a great introduction for newcomers. Highly recommended!
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