Decadent Evil (Video 2005) Poster

(2005 Video)

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Decadent Evil Dead: Heart & soul Full Moon
Platypuschow12 August 2017
I've always had a soft spot for Full Moon Productions. They are cheesy light hearted horror films with a certain charm about them that have kicked off several major horror franchises.

Though the acting is usually poor and the sfx dreadful I have to say I do far prefer creature features over modern CGI driven drivel.

Here is a vampire tale and the whole thing despite being modern for a Full Moon Production movie feels like a true loyal one of their films and holds all of the original charm.

Don't get me wrong Decadent Evil is hardly a good film but it has it's qualities if you take the time to look.

I mean for a start besides the usual Full Moon charm we have the excellent Phil Fondacaro in a role that is frighteningly similar to his in the Tales From The Crypt movie Bordello Of Blood (1996). Ontop of that we have a decent enough storyline and slightly above par cast.

Again I know it's cheesy, I know it's really not exactly a good film alike any of Full Moons stuff but it's a neat throwback to the VHS days and that to me is a good thing.

The film also contains one of the most unusual sex scenes in cinema history. Comparable to Team America World Police (2004) and that's all I'm going to say.

Dumb but harmless fun and a welcome addition to Full Moons horror library.
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Subspecies Sequel is awful but fun (possible non-specific Spoilers)
ExploitedMisfit10 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, Here ya go. This movie includes Vampires, Strippers, Midget Vampire Hunters, and gratuitous Puppet Sex! This alone made me want to see the movie. Of course i love bad movies.

The Puppets don't look terribly real, the Acting is wooden (including the puppets, heh) and the action is sketchy at parts, however the special effects are pretty darn good. All the above just adds to the fun of the movie for me.

The thing that surprised me pleasantly about this movie is that this is part of the SubSpecies set of Movies, that as far as i can tell in all in continuity. When i started watching the movie i was a bit confused since you have to sit through about 10 minutes of preamble about the Vampire Ash, and all of his brood. Is it important to the movie? No,but it is neat especially as a fan of the SubSpecies movies like me.

If you enjoy the horror movies that make you laugh, this one is a must rent.
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Decadent Sleazil
barnthebarn7 September 2008
Particularly odd movie from Charles Band and his Full Moon studio. With a cast of merely 10 people and a hour running time there is little chance to really develop the story. Debra Mayer is suitably sexy and superbly acts in the main role. Not sure what Phil Fondacaro is doing with a kind of Sherlock Gnomes (sorry, that was bad but so is his performance here) chasing vampires and the like. Mayer is not too happy at this and alongside a horny Marin (small bloody looking puppet) seeks to destroy him but then perhaps Marvin has plans of his own. Lots of sex (including ugly puppet sex) this feels more sleazy that other Band films, mainly I think, because of the awfully weak story. The first 10 minutes of the movie are merely randomly edited segments of Subspecies movie 'Vampire Journals' explaining the legend of Radu (Subspecies vampire) and Ivan's (Fondacaro) task to track vampires like Radu-his arch enemy. Charles Band takes credit for the song 'Dance Trance' though anyone who has seen 'Run, Lola, Run' will know that this is actually Franke Potente's song from this with slightly different words. Naughty. Production company is 'Astonishing Features' but that is a far off mark this time, though fun none the less.
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Vampire strippers
Dr. Gore29 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers

So there are two "naughty and nice" strippers, (named Sugar and Spyce), that are actually vampire strippers. The brunette is Spyce and the blond is Sugar. They live with their master vampire in a big house where they bring back people to feast on. They also keep one of the master vampire's old lovers in a bird cage. Apparently she felt the urge to turn him into a little red-faced doll for being such a heart-breaking man. That'll show him. A vampire slayer shows up to put an end to all of this decadent evil.

You need two key elements to make a successful vampire stripper movie: Vampires and Strippers. "Decadent Evil" gets the vampire part right but it neglects the strippers. There is one stripper scene at the beginning but the red and blue filtered lighting makes it hard to see what is going on. The two "naughty and nice" strippers were far too nice for my tastes. Neither one of them strips or otherwise gets naked which really destroys their stripper credibility. There is one great B-movie scene where the little doll gets out of his cage and finds a naked woman tied to a bed. I won't ruin what happens next but let's just say being cooped up in his birdcage has left him a very horny doll. There's also a weird and demented doll loving ending to finish off the flick.

Basically, "Decadent Evil" is a wannabe sleaze flick. It had all the right B-movie elements but it doesn't exploit them nearly enough. The movie is over before you know it and you'll have a tough time remembering what you just saw. If it had a couple of more sleaze scenes, I would give it a passing grade. But since it couldn't afford to party like it should, you can let this one go.
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This movie was entirely filmed on toilet paper!
YugoNinja12 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This unwatchable "work of art" has re-invented the word for crap. This "thing" some people unrightfully call a movie has it all: an incredibly appealing title (DECADENT EVIL; but could as well be: VAMPIRE STRIPPER WHORES SEEK IMMORTALITY BY WHIPING OUT AN ENTIRE COMMUNITY WITHOUT ANYONE NOTICING), an astonishing cast (three pseudo-actresses picked up directly from the street, a dwarf, and a guy with a broom stuck up his ass), a thought-provoking plot (a vampire queen wants to become invincible (what for?) by sucking the blood of 10 000 (or so) victims...), great lines (topless girl HAND-CUFFED to a bed: I'm calling the police!), 3 locations (a Gothic mansion, a sleazy strip club and a hotel room - all of which was probably a masterfully camouflaged director's kitchen), some memorable scenes (the "demonic doll" Marvin masturbating by the bed where the topless girl (free nudity) is handcuffed and then licking her nipples while she is dubiously trying to resist him (great actress in my humble opinion) and all the scenes where blood is not spurting from the veins of the victims but thrown by someone off-camera to the actor's throats - pure genius, I tell you), a respectful length-time (an unbearable 74 minutes), a grand finale (the demonic doll Marvin screwing the vampire queen who was herself transformed into a demonic doll with the help of Marvin's son (the dwarf actor)). By watching this thing I unfortunately (for myself and my now weak mental stability) discovered the bottom of the bottom. I discovered the dark recesses of wasted film tape. And it has come to my knowledge that Charles Band has created several masterpieces of this kind (around 200! - one of them being Gingerdead man starring Gary Busey!!!) which will eventually (and unfortunately) find their way to a DVD release, if they haven't already... But Charles Band, the director, producer, writer (and God knows what else) of this..."everything but a movie" thing has all of my respect, because he had the guts to film something so insulting to the human intellect, to good taste and to the concept of movie itself. I would be lynched for filming that in my country. I think that in some cases, especially in America, freedom of speech and the right to free expression should be controlled by some organization. Organization that (if it existed) wouldn't allow things like this to happen, not now and not in the future. Who gave Charles Band the director's chair? Why is he doing this? Why doesn't anyone tell him to change profession? And finally, what did I do wrong to deserve this? Yeah, I know, it was my fault in the first place. Next time I see a Charles Band film I'll flee the country and settle somewhere in the world where American movies are banned, especially cheap horror movies with the obligatory sex scene and a predictable plot (if any). My vote? Are you joking? This thing is "unvotable". The IMDb staff should create a new voting system for all of Charles Band "movies".
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Hurt to watch and hurt to hear
mansor58611 April 2006
I have seen bad movies. We all have. But this is one of those movies that you purchase from cable on demand because you read the title and summery and just wanted to give it a shot. Vampires. Any movie about vampires has to have some entertainment value right? All the whiskey at 7-11 couldn't make this movie enjoyable. I just want to punch my brain. I hate when I am stupid enough to pay $4 to watch something that my dog wouldn't even feel worthy enough to pee and crap on. The only entertaining part is at the end when puppets that look like they were crapped out of a fat man have some raw dogging. It hurts....... ooh aneurysm........
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Band Should Be Banned!
ghoulieguru5 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie isn't worth the time it would take me to write a proper review of it. As it is, I will only feel comfortable wasting about two minutes writing about it. I do this in the hope that I will be able to save other horror fans some time and money. I'm some kind of horror martyr. I watched this movie so you don't have to. The clock is running. Let's see if I can encapsulate why this movie stinks in 120 seconds.

The infamous Charles Band returns to Z-level horror with Decadent Evil, the story of a midget Van Helsing who's trying to hunt down a group of vampires. The ridiculous cast is rounded out by an evil puppet. It wouldn't be a Full Moon movie if it didn't have an evil puppet and some lesbian sex somewhere in there.

Full Moon Charlie tried to tie this movie into his most popular movies, the Subspecies vampire series. What this means is that for the first ten minutes of the movie, you wind up watching scenes from the other 6 Subspecies movies in a lame attempt to create some kind of continuity with this most recent piece of garbage. The thing that I find most insulting is that I actually liked a couple of the Subspecies movies. Decadent Evil besmirches what used to be a pretty fun series of vampire movies.

I couldn't really figure out how this was supposed to be related to Ash or any of his vampires except that there's like three lesbian vampires that live in a mansion and keep a homunculus around. The homunculus escapes and wanders around the house, searching for nekked women. Ultimately he finds a nekked beauty tied to a bed and proceed to lick her nipples and make weird grunting sounds. I haven't seen a puppet sex scene like that since BASKET CASE. Just pathetic. Charles Band should be banned from making any more horror movies. The horror genre was better off without him. I hope he crawls back into whatever hole he was hiding in for the last ten years.
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floppyburger24 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
johnatfarscape, i honestly can't tell if you're joking or not. please, it's not funny. because this was one of the worst movies i have ever seen, and i have seen quite a few doozies in my day!! first of all, its basically impossible to write a review on decadent evil including "spoilers." the whole plot is told on the back of the cover! this wasn't a fault of the creators of the movie, but it really gave away any possible surprises the movie might have had. the whole thing was a blur of vampires, blood, and a little green caged creature. i almost peed my pants laughing at the end when the little monsters are humping in the birdcage. seriously, what the hell was that about? and i think the only reason they had that naked stripper was to try and make people watch their crappy movie.

by the way, what in the world is a homunculus?? and was he the son of that midget ghostbuster man? they were trying so hard to make a complex plot, but it turns out to be a ridiculous string of bad one-liners and irrelevant plot twists.

overall, i wouldn't wipe my butt with this wretched movie, but it can get a couple good laughs. i recommend seeing it just to know how terrible it really is.
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iffy movie
Bobsmcg1 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This wasn't a horrible movie but was not a great movie either. The movie in itself was a weird plot line with an even weirder ending. The movie is set about vampire strippers trying to reach immunity in themselves with one vampire who had to kill 10000 people to be invincible. As always there is always a good and a bad character (sugar and spyce). Sugar was the blond vampire who fell in love with the mortal who learns about the history of his girl buy a vampire hunter. If this wasn't strange enough they throw in a weird reptile/human creature who was in there for cheating on the head vampire. the movie kept me entertained but if you are looking for a good intellectual movie to have an nonfictional story line this is obviously not your movie.
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It was pretty good
Punk192 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I was impressed by this movie, after reading so many reviews saying it wasn't good and after hearing from people who have seen it say it is not good I was expecting it to be just that.

Before I get very far I'm gonna step back a few years. I've been a fan of Full Moon for years, having watched a lot of their movies from the 80's and 90's (Troll, Puppet Master, ReAnimator, Demonic Toys, Dolls and Trancers amongst others). Lately those movies have been put away in their own category in my movie shelf, lol, I am still looking for DVDs of some of them. Anyways, amongst all the bad reviews for Decadent Evil there are some decent/good reviews - but they are hard to find as there are more bad reviews then good.

This movie is about vampires, the first 10 or so minutes is a forward to one of Full Moon's earlier films: Vampire Diaries. There's 3 vampires that it focus's on: Morella (Debra Mayer), the head vampiress and her 2 henchwomen (or vampire slaves or whatever you wanna call them) named Spyce(Raelyn Hennesse) and Sugar (Jill Michelle). Morella is on a quest to become a super vampire - if she drinks 10,000 victims she'll become invincible and she's only 2 victims away when a vampire hunter, excuse me vampire Van Helsing type guy played by Phil Fondacaro, comes in. He's been looking for Morella for a good number of years and has a grudge against her as she did something to his father when she discovered him in the arms of another woman. He and this guy who turns out to be the good vampiress's boyfriend, Dex (Daniel Lennox), who is the strip clubs DJ (the first part of the movie is set in a strip club, I'm not going to give away too many details but there is some female nudity in this film) go to the mansion that these 3 vampiresses live. Phil (or excuse me, the characters name is Ivan) kills Spyce and is about to kill Sugar when she moves and he sees this 12 inch creature locked away in a birdcage.

The creature in the cage turns out to be a Homunculus, a half reptile/human, whose been caged for a good number of years and has been put through pure hell of seeing Morella and her henchwomen, or woman - Sugar acts as a good vampire while Spyce is a bad vampire (naughty/nice routine), bring in victims (men and women). So he's pretty horny as I recall Ivan (Phil) saying that he had been searching for Morella for 30 years. The creature in the cage turns out to be Ivan's father, he thought Morella had killed him after she had turned him into what he is now but really she had turned him and encaged him and kept him as a pet. After Ivan tries to kill Morella, he has a stake hidden and is about to impale her with it when she grabs it from his hand, he asks her if he can say goodbye to his father, of which she allows him to do.

I'm not going to tell anything more on the plot, don't want to spoil the film anymore - especially the ending! I liked the ending. In all I give the film a 5 out of 10 rating, it was decent. It did have its problems, the lighting especially! In one scene where Morella has Dex on a couch the lighting is extremely bad to where it gets a blurry/fuzzy feel to it and near the beginning the red and blue filtered lighting makes it hard to see what's going on on the stage. I did feel that the beginning forward to Vampire Diaries was a bit too long, like 10 minutes, with the credits it takes about 15 minutes for the movie to start - the movie is 70-74 minutes long. This film was shot in about 6 days with a limited budget, about $6,000 I think it was. Another thing I found that I didn't like was the lighting in some places was dark, too dark in my opinion. Really in some scenes you have a hard time seeing what is going on, a good example is when Ivan (Phil) and Dex (Daniel) first meet at Dex's room. You have a hard time seeing anything as it's so dark, can you say "Dex turn on a lamp"? Sheesh! Besides those problems the film was pretty good, a good watch.
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Low budget blood 'n' boobs horror from Band.
poolandrews1 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Decadent Evil is set in Phoenix where two Vampires named Sugar (Jil Michelle) & Spyce (Raelyn Hennessee) work as a double act in a sleazy strip club, there they use their looks & seductive moves to lure unsuspecting punters back to Morella (Debra Mayer) their mistresses mansion so she can drink their arterial blood. Morella needs to drink the life force from 10,000 people to become invincible & become Queen of all Vampires, or something like that anyway. Morella is only two more victims away from achieving her goal & pint sized Vampire hunter Ivan (Phil Fondacaro) & Sugar's human boyfriend Dex (Danniel Lennox) are on the menu as Morella intends to use them as the last two victims she needs...

Executive produced, produced & directed by king of the cheapies himself Charles Band this is actually a spin-off film from Vampire Journals (1997) & the a few minutes of that film is seen at the start of this which is odd because Vampire Journals was a spin-off itself from the Subspecies series of films which were all made & released by Band's various production companies throughout the nineties. So while Decadent Evil may be a spin-off from a spin-off it has very little to do with those other films besides featuring Vampires, the dark Gothic Eastern European locations have gone & instead Decadent Evil is set mainly inside a large house in Phoenix somewhere. Whether you will enjoy Decadent Evil will depend on your expectations, if all you want is an hour long series of soft core sex scenes, a bit of blood, a comic relief dwarf Vampire hunter & the entire thing shot with bright neon lighting then you won't be disappointed. If however your looking for a plot of some description, a hint of originality or some atmosphere then prepare to be disappointed. At only an hour or so in length at least it's short, the first twenty minutes has a strip show, a threesome that turns into a foursome, two killings, blood drinking, nudity & some straight sex so if your looking for a bit of sleaze & some blood & boobs then you could do a lot worse & I haven't even mentioned the little red creature that Morella keeps in a cage in her bedroom that used to be her boyfriend yet have I?

I must say the women on show here are all universally hot & Band sure knows how to cast a stripper or a hooker. Spyce in particular is hot. There's not much gore here, a few slit throats & a bit of blood, nothing amazing. The nudity count is better with lots of bare flesh on show & even that little red creature gets in on the act & gets to lick a hooker's tittie. The entire thing is shot like a cheap 80's pop music video with glaring bright neon lighting all over the place, it sort of looks alright I suppose & adds the overall cheapness. The special effects are passable & at least there's no CGI in it. There's a nice nod to Charles Band's previous production company as the motel Spyce goes to is named the Full Moon Motel.

Filmed in Los Angeles I can't imagine how low the budget for this was as most of it takes place in one location. The acting is as good as expected although Fondacaro is fun as the Vampire hunter & surely the sexy & quite good Debra Mayer deserves better than this.

Decadent Evil passes an hour for those who know what to expect & demand little more than some blood & naked flesh, watchable in it's own right but hardly brilliant. Followed by Decadent II (2007) which I currently have & will be watching soon.
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Not one of Charles Bands best but just maybe his best story ever!
dickenscurtis21 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Now before I start off i'd like to say to some of the bad reviews that this is a low budget film and it is very good for 'corny' or B-Horror movies and maybe the best story I've EVER seen out of Charles Band.So OK now that thats out of the way lets talk about the plot.I think for once that Charles Band pulled off a solid story with the vampire sisters always in a struggle.One of the sisters is only 3 kills away from being crowned the queen of all vampires and the other is in love with a human witch the others two sisters hate because the one who wants to be the queen as already had her heart broken from a human and I think thats a very good story for such a low budget film.The only thing I didn't like about this movie is that it was to short but thats not too major.The ending was funny where that Marvin thing was humping that queen after she was shrunk to his size.So all around great movie for Charles Band and his new company Wizard.I can't wait for Doll Graveyard!!!!! Brandon, owner and CEO of El Cheapo Films and Records.
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Surprisingly not bad
konadick29 August 2005
This is a decent film for its kind. The story moves along with snappy, hardboiled dialogue and Phil Fondecaro and Raelyn Hennessee stand out as the midget Van Helsing and vampire stripper, respectively. Writer August White was known for a few stinkers (try "Petrified"), but in this one he manages to jack up the conventions of a sleazy genre and keeps what could have been a sagging storyline moving at lightning speed. To be honest, you can't help but expect a bit of T & A with straight-to-video movies like this, and in this respect Decadent Evil was disappointing. Still, there is the obligatory strip club scenery (it's rumored White was an uncredited patron in the opening scene) and plenty of nubile women to earn the "Decadent" part of the title. And there's evil in it as well, in the form of a wonderfully hideous little creature called a homunculus (just wait till you see the end!). All in all, a pretty good bit of entertainment from Full Moon.
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The "Making of" section is better than the movie.
gmerin26 March 2006
According to the commentary this movie was filmed in 6 days, and it is evident that six days was 5 days too long. Its rare for the sex and nudity in a B movie to not lower the overall quality of the film, but even this was of below average quality (I used to think there was no such thing as "bad" sex and "bad" nudity, but this movie proved me wrong on both issues). I was surprised that the entire cast and production crew was listed using their actual names; I fully expected to see that "Alan Smithee" was responsible for every role. I finally found a movie that makes SuperTwink (Howard Stern's Wack Pack production)entertaining. If you do watch this movie, be sure to stay for the commentary as it is better acted, better produced, and has a superior plot than the movie itself.
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stand up and take notice
johnatfarscape12 December 2005
I do believe that the screen play was so very well written that other studio exec's should really take a good look at the young man who made this movie at all possible.... This is a good movie for what the audience's crave for in the horror genre. Rightly so, it was given to them full force. This movie has all of the main ingredient's. This movie was not written by a novice.... Someone who knew what they were doing made this movie possible. The screen writer is the person who pulled this movie together. More studio exec's really should take a much better look at this screen play writer's potential. He could be the next great screen writer in he history of Hollywood. I have a feeling he is going to be the next Brando of screen writing. Comments by:Shister's Mister.
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Get A Grip!
joconnor84 September 2005
First, anyone who knew Full Moon Pictures know that these were B-movies made with limited funding. Their more for entertainment using horror, comedy, sexy situations or whatever else keeps them selling or renting. This picture is from Wizard Entertainment(Charles Band's new Co.) It's short, low budget, and a quick release that just came out to let old F.M. fans know that their back in business. I found it humorous and well directed for about an hour long quick flick. If you can't handle B movies, move on to something else. Besides that, remember that for a small company, Full Moon released probably a few hundred releases which about half are becoming available on DVD's. (FINALLY) Don't forget the great pictures Mr.Band was involved with such as: Puppet Master series, Subspecies, Castle Freak, Re-animator, From Beyond, etc., So you can see that for a B movie making firm they had some success in the horror and sci-fi genre. Well i'm glad for one to see Mr. Band and company back in business. Long live Full Moon Fans!
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A choice chunk of pure horror schlock
Woodyanders10 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Evil and ruthless bloodsucker Morella (seductively played with lip-smacking wicked relish by the smoldering Debra Mayer) aspires to be the queen of the vampires; she holds a cruel reign over her two sisters and keeps her pint-sized half-human, half-reptile former lover Marvin (a laughably obvious and hokey rubbery puppet) imprisoned in a cage. Director Charles Band and writer August White cover all the pleasingly drecky bases with this jaw-dropping exercise in total low-rent silliness: a sizable smattering of tasty gratuitous female nudity, snarky dialogue, a throbbing trash rock soundtrack, a pervasively goofy atmosphere, gobs of tacky gore, ridiculous plot twists, and lovably lousy (far from) special effects. A bevy of beautiful babes further ensure that this movie remains watchable throughout: sunny blonde Jill Michelle as the sweet Sugar, hot brunette Raelyn Hennessee as the sultry and insolent Spyce, attractive Hazel Dean as the enticing Tami, and buxom Harmony Rose as ditsy hooker Jazzmin. The rest of the cast struggle gamely with the absurd material: Daniel Lennox contributes a likable turn as Sugar's baffled boyfriend Dex, Phil Fondacaro does well as dedicated vampire hunter Ivan, and John F. Schaffer has a funny bit as the hopelessly geeky Lester. Moreover, the tight 67 minute running time prevents this film from ever becoming dull or overstaying its welcome. Keith J. Duggan's glossy cinematography and James T. Sales' spirited ooga-booga score are both up to par. A complete cruddy blast.
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Enjoyable if you like Charles Band & Full Moon
jamesparsons939317 November 2021
I had never heard of this Charles Band movie, probably because its not on the actual Full Moon label but its still a Charles Band movie through and through. You get several minutes of intro credits, followed by a pretty long scene of a stripper stripping and the end credits roll for 7 minutes lmao. The movie's runtime is only like 1hr5m so by the time this is all factored in, its like 45 minutes worth of movie. Still, pretty entertaining with some very funny parts and lots of T&A.
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Remember Vicky in Cleveland?
nogodnomasters19 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A female vampire leads a covey of vampire stripper babes. They get their victims from the strip club, one line, and call girls. A midget Van Helsing, who knows the ins and outs of this particular blood line, is after them. One of the vampires has a human bf that she doesn't kill. There is also Marvin, a weird foot tall bloody creature who looks like something out of the Puppet Master series. The first kill involves a real classy guy who takes his reluctant girl friend to a strip joint and gets her a lap dance. The movie is so corny it is funny. A good one to watch stoned. Not much horror.

Hardcore porn star Harmony Rose provides the nudity in a weird scene with Marvin.
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