Bee Movie (2007)
Sting: Sting
Barry B. Benson : Mister Sting, thank you for coming. Your name intrigues me, I must say. Where have I heard that name before?
Sting : I was in a band called The Police.
Barry B. Benson : But, you've never been a police officer of any kind, have you?
Sting : No, I haven't.
Barry B. Benson : No, you haven't. And so you see, this is just another example of bee culture being casually stolen for nothing more than a prance-about stage name!
Sting : Oh, please.
Barry B. Benson : Have you ever been stung, Mr. Sting? Because I feel stung, Sting... or should I say, Gordon M. Sumner?
Layton T. Montgomery : That's not his real name? You idiots!
Sting : [as he gets carried by the forces] But it's a prance-about stage name!