- Barry B. Benson, a bee just graduated from college, is disillusioned at his lone career choice: making honey. On a special trip outside the hive, Barry's life is saved by Vanessa, a florist in New York City. As their relationship blossoms, he discovers humans actually eat honey and subsequently decides to sue them.
- When the bee Barry B. Benson (Jerry Seinfeld) graduates from college, he finds that he will have only one job for his entire life, and absolutely disappointed, he joins the team responsible for bringing the honey and pollination of the flowers to visit the world outside the hive. Once in Manhattan, he is saved by florist Vanessa Bloome (Renée Zellweger) and he breaks the bee law to thank Vanessa. They become friends and Barry discovers that humans exploit bees to sell the honey they produce. Barry decides to sue the human race, with destructive consequences to nature.—Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Does good necessarily follow good intentions? Barry B. Benson (Jerry Seinfeld), a bee who's just finished his education and hates the idea of picking a life-long vocation, meets a human, florist Vanessa Bloome (Renée Zellweger), while buzzing about Manhattan. She takes him to a supermarket where Barry discovers shelves and shelves of honey. Realizing it has been taken from bees - who work tirelessly and exhaust themselves for their two cups a year - he follows the delivery truck back to the honey farm, gathers evidence, and files suit against humanity. But what if Barry wins and the honey is returned to the bees, who can then slack off? An ecological cataclysm?—<[email protected]>
- Barry B. Benson (Jerry Seinfeld) graduates from college and is now working at Honex. And then, when he flies outside the hive, he meets a human florist from New York City named Vanessa Bloome (Renée Zellweger). And suddenly, Barry finds out humans eat honey, he plans to sue them.
- A young male bee does everything that he can to restore all of the honey that the humans have taken and are selling. Along the way, with the help of his family and friends, he discovers the true meaning of all of the balances that are out there in the world.—RECB3
- Barry B. Benson is a bee who just graduated from college and is disillusioned with his lone career choice: working for Honex to make honey in New Hive City. Soon, Barry decides to venture into the big wide wondrous world of Manhattan and meets the quirky Vanessa, who is a human florist who's boyfriend is allergic to bees and repeatedly tries to kill the bee. Barry soon develops a relationship with Vanessa, which started with the now infamous quote "Ya like jazz?" which broke one of the laws of beedom: never talk to humans. While living in the big city of New York, getting a crash course on humans, Barry discovers humans have been stealing and eating the honey that the bees made and subsequently decides to file a class-action lawsuit against humans for stealing their honey.
In the case, Barry goes up against Layton T. Montgomery, a lawyer protecting the companies. After verifying that yes, he is a talking bee. Barry sends a bear into the room to frighten Layton and to serve as evidence. A fight then breaks out, which results in Montgomery being stuck in a wheelchair-thing. At the second day of the trial, Layton asks why they aren't getting anywhere with the case, and soon after he pulls out a farming tool used for getting honey, which harms the bees. The case ends and the bees win.
So, Barry succeeds and demands the shutdown of all five of the major honey producers that have been using the bees as workers unfairly. The only problem is that the bees stop pollinating flowers, so all the plant life dies and the world turns barren. Barry, with the help of all of the other bees, realizes their species made a mistake and carry out a massive operation to pollinate the world. It succeeds, and the credits roll.
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