Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed (2004) Poster

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Don't know why this is so hated
danmossman31 August 2022
So much of the plot and script of this film is absolute trash, but shaggy and scoob are so perfect it cancels all the other rubbish out. Even aged 25 I got so many belly laughs out of the CGI Scooby's antics. I also thought the monsters were pretty cool and the CGI is an improvement on the first film. I also really respect how directly out of the cartoon the characters and outfits are. With that being said, if you aren't ready to turn your brain off and watch a CGI dog in a fake afro do a choreographed dance. This may not be the film for you. I am surprised there was never a third film or a reboot of this franchise.
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Better climax.
shanfloyd21 May 2006
After the disappointing effort of the first Scooby-Doo film I wasn't much enthusiastic about this "Monsters Unleashed". But to tell the truth this film handled the characters better and the climax more interesting, at least in terms of the identity of the villain. It remained true to the original cartoon storyline in the sense that the character of the villain appeared earlier in the film. The dialogues also got better, though abandoning thick sense of humor was impossible. It failed to develop enough chemistry between the members of the gang, which is in fact faithful to the cartoon where in my opinion the characters are quite one-dimensional.

The CGI of Scooby himself has improved only slightly. The monsters could have been designed better, although there are touches of nice imagination e.g. the candy floss monster. The most irritating parts were unnecessary hip-hop dance sequences. Besides such points, Scooby Doo 2 deserves more praise than its prequel.
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An improvement over the first.
Boba_Fett113816 October 2005
I had seen the first movie and didn't liked it at all. Still I decided to go and give this movie a chance, to see if they had improvement anything. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that they actually did. The story is better and more interesting and the monsters and CGI-effects in general are more convincing looking. The humor has also been improved and this movie actually does have some entertaining and funny moments in it.

Not only the story itself has been improved but also the storytelling. The pace is good and the characters work better for this movie. Also the actors seemed more at ease in their roles. Freddie Prinze Jr. and Sarah Michelle Gellar certainly improved their acting compared to the first movie. Still best parts are played by Matthew Lillard and the perfectly cast Linda Cardellini. Plus of the movie is that it also has actors Alicia Silverstone, Tim Blake Nelson and Seth Green in it.

The monsters are enjoyable and are good looking. There still are some 'fake' moments but on the other hand there also are some truly spectacular looking sequences involving monsters. The character of Scooby-Doo himself is also looking more convincingly this time.

It's not really a memorable or great movie but it is simple good entertainment to watch.

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Second part with lots of fun and as amusing as the first
ma-cortes5 June 2006
Live action update of Hanna-Barbara's early 70s animated TV series with lots of entertainment and amusement . The film concerns about our friends ¨the Mystery Inc.¨ group with Scooby Doo , Shaggy ( Matthew Lillard ) and the remaining group (Sara Michelle Gellar , Freddie Prince Jr, Linda Cardellini )and takes place an eerie museum of criminology where are robbed some stuffed monsters for nefarious purposes . Meanwhile , Daphne falls in love with the museum curator (Seth Greene). The equipment members are going out to investigate with its van towards a dark mansion , whose owner is a suspect old man (Peter Boyle) . A reporter(Alicia Silverstone) accuses them as responsible a robbery . The Mystery Inc soon realize that they cannot resolve this case without help from each other .

In the picture there are comedy, tongue-in-cheek , slapstick , humorous moments , mild diversion and is pretty amusing . All are given a preteen treatment which means no gore and no bad language just some old-fashioned sympathetic scares ; being funny watching humans meld into the CG characters . However , it contains bad taste when takes place a contest about fart jokes between Shaggy and Scooby . Of course , coward Scooby steals the spectacle as food-obsessed canine anti-hero with its grimace , faces and gesture . Many gags are good however the tale sometimes drags . Special mention to gags as the tournament between Fredd ( Freddie Prince) and the monsters , besides those intervening Shaggy-Scooby , they make a likable and superb comic couple . There appears even an electrifying monster similar to ¨Forbidden planet¨ film monster . Movie combines live action with computer generator animation on Scooby Doo creation , special effects are well done . The motion picture is regularly directed by Raja Gosnell who also realized the original . Kiddies may find the corny , flat humor as bemusing , but most adults will be disappointed , exception the fans the classic cartoon series created by Hanna Barbera . It is clearly aimed at the junior audience . Protagonists' antics might provide the silly smiles , but this cartoonist physical comedy is mostly ineffective . Rating : average but entertaining with lots of fun and as amused as the first , and it will be best appreciated by preteen enthusiasts of the cartoon movies .

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Dastardly deeds and CGI hijinks ensue.
TheMovieMark18 June 2004
It's Friday afternoon, and you and your buds are trying to decide on a movie. "How about Scooby-Doo 2? Should we check it out?" Good question. Allow me to point out a few things that might help you make up your mind:

1. The word "Scooby" is in the title. 2. The word "Doo" is in the title. 3. The action takes place in a city called "Coolsville." 4. The local museum is called the "Coolsonian." 5. The phrase "Doo the fright thing" appears on the poster.

Got the picture? If so, then you should realize that this is NOT a movie that guys should see alone together. However, would it be all right to see with your significant other? Ask yourself the following questions:

1. Did I watch *and* enjoy the original Scooby TV series?

2. Did I watch *and* enjoy the first Scooby movie?

If you answered "no" to both of those questions, then it should not shock you into a heart attack to hear that you might not enjoy this Scooby sequel.


Yes, some of the jokes are pretty silly. And OK, there's enough cheese for more than a couple of Ritz crackers. And I'll admit, the inspirational "You are a hero" speeches are pretty painful. And while the CGI isn't going to make George Lucas' beard quiver, I still thought it was cool. I can't give "Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed" a whole-hearted recommendation, but it's great fun for the kids, and if you still find humor in the cartoon then you just might find yourself enjoying this live-action version. Just don't expect *too* much.

P.S. Aren't you glad I didn't say not to expect *doo* much?? BWAHAHAHAHA! I'm sorry. I officially apologize for that. It won't happen again.

Rating: 2 1/2 (out of 5)
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More Like Overworked Taffy Than Cotton Candy
gftbiloxi29 March 2005
The original live action SCOOBY DOO was rather like the cotton candy you buy at the fair: pretty to look at and fun to scarf down. But a little goes a long way, particularly when all the air has been beaten out and it emerges as overworked taffy.

Freddie Prinze Jr., Sarah Michelle Gellar, Matthew Lillard, and Linda Cardellini repeat the roles of Fred, Daphne, Shaggy, and Velma. Once again, Prinze and Gellar are hardly inspired but at least they play with tremendous energy; once again Lillard and Cardellini are so dead on target that the effect is almost spooky. They are supported by Seth Green, a truly talented actor who gives a very nice performance indeed; unfortunately, Peter Boyle is largely wasted and Alicia Silverstone is, well, Alicia Silverstone.

Silverstone aside, the cast might have recreated the lightness of the first film--but once you mix in a story about stolen costumes that come to life, huge sets, wild outfits, a dance number, and a ton of CGI effects they pretty much get lost in the shuffle. It's all about as much fun as a carnival after the crowd has gone and you're left alone with gum on the bottom of your shoe.

Kids probably won't notice the shortcomings, and older fans will be glad to see numerous references to the original cartoon series--and to be fair the film does have its moments, largely thanks to Lillard, Cardellini, and Green. The film is available to the homemarket via DVD... But by and large this is the sort of thing you watch once and then let gather dust on the shelf.

Gary F. Taylor, aka GFT, Amazon Reviewer
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The curse of the remade TV show
TVholic7 October 2005
I didn't think it was possible but this film actually made less sense than any Scooby Doo episode. I was a first generation Scooby fan, watching it every Saturday morning year in and year out in the early 1970s, until Scrappy Doo drove me away. We got to know and care for those characters. Amazingly, they're not here. Who are these people, this redhead, blond and brunette? They're certainly not Daphne, Fred and Velma. Freddie Prinze, Jr. was simply channeling Owen Wilson. Helium-voiced Sarah Michelle Gellar is all wrong for stunning Daphne. And Linda Cardinelli was too whiny to be calm, collected Velma. I'm not even going to ask about all the sudden techno-wizardry and the fighting skills. Not to mention the original Mystery Machine gang NEVER went up against actual ghosts, not even once. They always exposed the ghosts to be a fraud. This wasn't Scooby Doo. It was Ghostbusters meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The only good thing about this movie was Matthew Lillard, who was the only cast member to truly capture the spirit (and voice) of the cartoon character.

If you want to see a good kids' monster movie this Halloween, I would suggest "The Monster Squad" from 1987 instead. It was a much better and sadly overlooked film.
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Funny and Comical Live Animation
tabuno25 January 2019
28 March 2004. What makes this movie delightful is the ability of the direction and live actors to capture the essence of the animated action found in the original cartoon series. A number of the scenes appear to be lifted straight out of the cartoon series like where Scooby Doo and Shaggy are prowling around in a house and you find them carrying each other just as in the cartoon version. There are a number of such scenes that really hit the animated button and is a treat to actually see it transferred onto the large screen with real actors. Though not perfect, this movie has its obvious flaws where some scenes are so overboard that it detracts from the flow of the movie and in some places it drags abit. But overall, the tone, flavor of the movie, even the flairs of emotional drama and simple moral and juvenile dilemmas that the cast face about being a nerd, being cool, being loved add an enhanced quality to this movie targeted towards children (except for the obnoxious product placement at the beginning of the movie). Seven out of ten stars.
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lacks the charm and warmth of the first one,and it's also less fun
disdressed1225 July 2007
i was rather disappointed in this movie.i just felt it didn't have the same charm and sense of fun as the first one.i think it tries to take itself too seriously at times.don't get me wrong,there are some funny moments,but there are less of them and they don't work as well this time around.i think they just got old.there's also a bit of a subplot which i didn't think had much point.there are a lot more monsters in this one,so it should be exciting,but it it really isn' fact,i found it slow at doesn't have the same pacing as the first one.this movie also gets into the "just be yourself,we're all OK" there nothing wrong with is a good message.but this movie shouldn't really be the forum for that.this is a type of movie that should just be fun and entertaining.beside,it throws off the pacing of the movie.also,there is a bit of innuendo,some sexual,some's very subtle,but it's there.any way,i can't give "Scooby Doo 2:Monsters Unleashed" more than 5/10
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Great family movie
shauncatania4 January 2019
I have to admit as an early adult I would have rated this movie a 4. And this is where i think allot of the bad rep comes from. Adults who grew up with this and have moved on are the ones who this would have attracted only to be let down by the childish nature of the movie.

Sitting and watching it with my 6yo and 3yo, they love this and the first one because as they say, it's fun like the cartoon. And they are watching both the old and new iterations of the cartoons. This captures the spirit of the show and will keep the kids entertained. In my case, over and over again. I am glad Netflix has allowed us to rekindle the flame for some of these movies that were released with old school family entertainement flair in a time where the nostalgia effect didn't line up with the dark movie trend at release.

Shaggy and Scooby easily still the show. Watch it with your family for some fun entertainment.
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Despite it's crappyness still an improvement...
TheOtherFool18 November 2004
For the whole 'bringing Scooby to the big screen thing': They shouldn't have. And now that they've done it, they better stop now. And I mean Right Now.

'Monsters Unleashed' is a silly and childish sequel to the even worse 'Scooby Doo' two years ago. The actors (in particual Lillard) try but there isn't much joy to be found in this film. There isn't a lot of anything found in it come to think of it.

'The Gang' are faced with all the monsters they've uncovered over the years, somebody is clearly trying to stop them from doing their job. Now, from minute one on, it is completely clear who that person is, but never mind that. Film rushes through all the obligate scenes (with a good effect or two), makes sure Scooby and Shaggy do some silly stuff (the best parts in the film) and there's some sort of love story and 'being yourself' idea put in as well. I know, boring.

I'd better stop now. Please follow my lead, Gosnell. 4/10.
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Best movie ever. Can't wait fir the new scoob movie
bizkuigamer18 July 2019
This movie provided me with my tar monster fetish. Its epic
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rohanumpleby4 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First of all it is so underrated in my opinion but it is so much better then 5/10 I would give it a 6.8/10 so to the nearest ten that would be a 7/10.

first of all I will tork about the bad bits and then I will get on to the good bits, 1. Sometimes a little silly 2. To much to take in 3. And sometimes a few misfits

Now for the good bits, 1. Actors were amusing for all of it 2. No shortage of entertainment 3. A few laughs 4. Good look backs for their young selves 5. And pretty good film overall

My sister and me and my brother all think this is a great movie which is a great thing about movie choices. I loved it 15yrs ago and still love it now. so much clever and great ideas and so much poor and messed up ideas. Great film but wouldn't cool it quite a classic but still a well and truly good film, and not quite a Masterpiece overall 7/10
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I didn't think it was too shabby, better than the original
callanvass27 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Due to their illustrious accomplishments, the gang is invited as guests, at the grand opening of the Coolsville Museum of criminology, a masked man appears and wreaks havoc in the museum, stealing the costumes of the gang's notorious criminals. There are many culprits and suspects for the gang to choose from, but they have their eyes set on their nemesis, Jonathan Jacabo. A bitter news reporter Heather Jasper-Howe manages to coerce Fred into complete tomfoolery, making the gang look to be clueless. Shaggy and Scooby take responsibility for it all, vowing to become better detectives.

Perhaps, it was because I didn't care for the first movie at all. I ended that movie feeling completely embittered as a huge Scooby fan. I managed to have some decent fun with this one, probably because my expectations were null. There is plenty of corny slapstick that is desperate for cheap laughs, but they manage to pull a lot of it off. How can you not at least chuckle at the antics of Shaggy and Scooby? The scene where they mess around with formulas was my favorite. I'm not that much of a stickler, it doesn't take much to entertain me. It was a bit of a switch this time around in attitude for the gang. In the first one, they are full of themselves and condescending for a bit. This one, there is doubt and a lack of confidence with them. It made for a nice change of pace from the first one. I've always preferred the confident, but humble version of the gang. Die-hard Scooby fans will get a huge kick out of seeing villains from the past from the cartoon show. We get to see Captain Cutler, Captain Redbeard, Miner 49er, among others. It was a neat little touch that had the fan-boy in me come out. Freddie Prinze Jr, is still a bit too stupid and condescending for my liking as Fred, but he was better in this one. He didn't bother me nearly as much as he did in the first one. Sarah Michelle Gellar looks amazing, putting her martial art skills she learned in BTVS, to good use. Matthew Lillard is epic as Shaggy once more, while Linda Cardellini is great as Velma, even throwing in a little love storyline with Seth Green (Seth was good, in case you were wondering) Peter Boyle is decent in his role, it was a bit of a throwaway part. Alicia Silverstone is gorgeous to look at, not much else to say.

Overall, I had some fun. I kicked my brain to the curb, had low expectations, everything worked out fine. This is far from the ultimate Scooby movie, but this will do for now.

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This should have been the first one
williethegray1 April 2004
Two years ago I went to see SD1 at the first showing because I was exited to see one of the best cartoons on the big screen. I kind of liked it because I saw SD on the big screen and that was it. In Puerto Rico SD2 came out today and I went to see it with my niece. Let me just say I loved this movie. The SFX were way better,the acting was better, and what is all about thestory was GOOD. This movie is true to the cartoons. Mathew Lilard is just great, if Johny Depp got an academy award nomination for Pirates, I think Mathew deserves to at least be considered. Freddie Prinze although I hate him (mainly because he is maried to the beautiful Sara Michelle Gellar) really gets into the Fred character this time. Velma is greatly cast and she's hot. Sara Michelle Gellar, what can I say I love her and she kicks butt in this movie, it reminded me of the Buffy days (Sniff). The small parts by Seth Green, Alicia Silverstone, and Peter Boyle are great. All in all this movie was made for people who know that all movies are not Citizen Kane and that movies are to have FUN!!!!, so don't pay any attention to Ebert & Roper, if you liked the cartoons go see it. 9/10
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Slightly better than the first movie
Wuchakk7 April 2016
Released in 2004, "Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed" has the Mystery Inc. team taking on monsters from their past adventures brought to life by an evil masked figure.

As with the first film, Matthew Lillard and Linda Cardellini shine as Shaggy and Velma. Freddy Prinze Jr. is pretty good as Fred while Sarah Michelle Gellar as Daphne doesn't quite fit the role, although she's likable and serviceable. I'm sure she got the part because of her popularity at the time. Seth Green and Peter Boyle have significant peripheral roles, as does Alicia Silverstone, who's a highlight but unfortunately underused.

Whereas the first movie was shot on the east coast of Australia this sequel changes the locale to the Vancouver area of British Columbia. Of course, it's location is Coolsville in the story, wherever that's supposed to be. In any case, the extreme switch in locale changes the dynamics a bit.

There also seems to be more emphasis on action and paying homage to the cartoon, which makes it marginally better than the first movie, for me anyway. Plus it emphasizes the obvious – that Velma is sexier than Daphne, at least with Cardellini as Velma and Gellar as Daphne. There are some worthwhile morals as well, like simply being yourself and not trying to be someone else.

The film runs 93 minutes.

GRADE: C+ or B- (5.5/10)
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Very Frightening, Even for ME!
sweetwolf1814 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie on my portable DVD player. Whenever I watched an apparent horror movie, I use a book, just in case I have to cover up the screen. I needed it quite a few times while watching THIS movie!

Let's start with the bright side. Some parts ARE funny, such as when a girl offers Scooby some cookies, and a man nearby asks, "Have you heard the good news?" And Scooby replies, "Yeah! There's cookies!" And you know... SOME other things.

So many violent and scary scenes, to be honest, I'm surprised this movie isn't rated M! It makes my sick when the tar monster strangles the man in the car and the goblin-guy vomits on the man on the street!

My close friend, Stephanie liked this movie, but she's INTO this kind of stuff! This movie might have gained a lot more viewers if it was ACTUALLY a "CHILDREN'S" movie!!
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No where near as fun as the original 2002 live action
Hayden-860551 December 2020
The sequel is more like an action film than Scooby Doo. Sarah Michelle Gellar basically plays Buffy the Vampire slayer in this and unlike the original where she is more action based, here they go overboard and it's very ridiculous. There were some fun chase scenes but a lot of it was rather boring. The dialogue and jokes were a lot worse than in the first one and the plot wasn't interesting and the conclusion was just out of the blue and didn't make sense, the villain was not a good villain and although some of the ghosts and ghouls were funny and creative it's not enough to redeem the film.

3/10: Kids might like it but it's not very good at all.
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Sexy Velma vs. the World
aidanratesmovies11 February 2022
An incredible entertaining and nostalgic endeavor- Scooby Doo 2 gives the fans of th cartoon exactly what they hope for- even if the end result is a bit uneven. Personally, i've always enjoyed this one more than the previous film. It has tons of characters, and somehow is able to actually execute the bigger=better formula unlike so many other sequels. My main problem with the film lies with the tone, that can be all over the place at times, towards the end losing a bit of its rhythm, but thankfully by its conclusion it finds itself again and manages to still be quite fun. The CGI is also much better this time around compared to the previous film, although most audiences will still notice it is a bit dated. There are tons of good jokes and humorous moments in this one too that work way better than they should- and the references to characters and other things in the cartoon feel so cool to see on the big screen. All the performances were also fun and campy as before this time around, although the supporting cast is thankfully a lot better, even if they can be a bit overdone at times. In the end, Scooby-Doo 2 is far from perfect- but it is a very enjoyable little flick. It somehow approves upon the original to be an uneven, but quite fun little ride.

My Rating: 7.2/10.
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You have got to be kidding me
Smells_Like_Cheese28 March 2004
Oh, I wish I had my $8.75 back. Now, I did somewhat enjoy the first Scooby Doo, I had no interest to see the sequel though. But my best friend called and she badly wanted to see it. It was plans, and who knew? I might have liked it. We decided to see the 10:30 (at night) show, thinking there would be no children in the theater. Boy, were we wrong. What parents bring their 4 and 5 year old children to a 10:30 show?

The jokes are really stupid. The plot is nearly unbearable. And the leading actors have hit an all time low in their careers. I was starting to wonder about Sarah Michelle Gellar, where she was going to go. Same with Freddie, Matthew, Alicia, and Seth. I couldn't believe what they have done to themselves. The movie is a success at the box office hitting #1. But if you ask me, I think this should be on the bottom 100.

Very lame.

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Not as good as the 1st but not as bad as some say!
LeathermanCraig9 July 2004
OK.... So it's not a great 2nd edition of the potential franchise.... But it is NOT as bad as some people want you to believe it to be, either! If this had been the first film, I think that many would have thought it was much better, but, when you weigh it against the original 'Scooby Doo' movie, it pales....

We still have the cast of "Mysteries Inc" running around in the Mystery Machine van - with Scooby Doo (created in CGI), Fred (Freddie Prinze Jr.), Shaggy (Matthew Lillard), Velma (Linda Cardinelli) and Daphne (Sarah Michelle Gellar). This time, they're joined by some old favorites: Seth Green (as a love interest for Velma), Peter Boyle (as the classic 'Old Man Wickles'), Alicia Silverstone (as a great foil for Daphne), 'Inside Edition' host Pat O'Brien shows up and even 'American Idol' alum Ruben Studdard gets a turn to show us his acting chops.

The story line revolves around a reappearance of some of Mystery Inc.'s old school monsters coming back around in town. Alicia Silverstone plays a hard charging, up and coming news caster, trying to get the next big story - and she doesn't care who she crushes in her way up. Seth Green shows up as a curator of a museum to the greatness of Mystery Inc., and cares for all of the monsters that they've caught. It's HIS museum that gets robbed and the monsters come back to life!

The CGI here is just as good as the first time - but there seems to be a bit more of it.... Sure, the story isn't as flashy as the first one, but it's still pretty good on its own merits. There's a lot of flash and sizzle to this film, but it's more like a diet version of the first... still not bad, but sometimes leaving you wanting for just another bite!
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Bad bad bad
jlewiskaczor12 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Scooby Doo 2 is honestly the worst movie in the entire world, and I'm even accounting for Kool Kat. The acting might be straight from a third grade play and every actor in the movie should consider redacting it from their resumes.

First off the town that we find ourselves immersed in is named Coolsville, the lamest town ever. The characters in the movie have literally no clue what to do, and the awkward sexually confused Velma is off putting. Plus the overly girly personality of Daphne makes any normal person want to puke. Shaggy has no personality traits other than hungry dumb stoner. Fred is just a archetypal jock. And lastly Scooby Doo is a crappy CG dog that has a voice that reminds one of gurgling diarrhea.

The plot of the movie really feels like it is stitched by a two year old, who has sadly been conflicted with cataracts. I seriously have never experienced more pain in my life than when I sat through the first thirty minutes of this movie. At one point to prove that they are "good detectives" Shaggy and Scooby do to a villain disco joint where they dress as groovy dudes. Scooby then gets hit on, because somehow the villainous woman can't see through a badly tailored suit and an Afro wig, or does and is attracted to a dog. I'm not sure which is scarier. This movie should never have been approved let alone produced and everyone who is associated with it should hide somewhere in some cave in the Rocky Mountains.
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A superior sequel to an above average film.
TheLittleSongbird25 May 2009
The predecessor honestly wasn't that bad at all, but was flawed in terms of story and scripting. I really wan't expecting the sequel to be better, and it was. The plot was better, more focused, and a little more faithful to the Scooby Doo cartoons. One thing I appreciated here was that the director sensibly focused on Shaggy and Scooby, and that added to the film's charm, as nobody could resist Matthew Lilliard's goofiness as Shaggy. Sarah Michelle Gellar, Linda Cardellini and Freddie Pinze Jnr were very good too, there are some decent jokes and there were some very good action sequences. Out of the supporting cast, Seth Green was a standout as Patrick, and Alicia Silverstone is likable too. My only complaints were that one or two of the monsters could have been designed better, and also some scenes felt a bit rushed. Other than that, an enjoyable film, with an 8/10. Bethany Cox.
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Better than original
jpintar26 March 2004
The original Scooby Doo was bad. It couldn't decide if it was a straight live action version or a parody of Scooby Doo. That movie had an obnoxious tone to it. The sequel, however, is better. The action seems to be moving faster than the original. There are no fewer than three of the famous foot chases that Scooby Doo is famous for. The movie doesn't make a lot of sense, but it is going too fast for anybody to notice. The actors seem more comfortable in their roles this time around, especially Freddie Prinze, Jr. as Fred. Prinze was incredibly smug in the first movie. This time he seems to have dialed it down more. The actors are performing more as a team this time. These are people who like each other in this movie and not as five individuals. This is not a great movie, with unnecessary amounts of grotesque humor. Alicia Silverstone is wasted in a minor role. Overall, get a free ticket if you can to see in a theatre or rent it on video. 6/10
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A step up?
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews25 June 2009
I suppose I was never that crazy about the show. It just didn't really grab me. I don't have a problem with others enjoying it, and I can see the logic in making these flicks for those who loved it. The main problem is just that it really doesn't have anything to offer for anyone else. It does, in both of them, try to offer it up, and were it further developed, perhaps coupled with less thin, stereotypical characters to work with, I think they could really have something interesting. The acting tends to be over the top, which is not to say that there are no good performances, or at least moments of such. Green is a nice addition. There are more monsters than in the first one. The CGI is at the same level of quality, that being quite good. This has fairly well-done cinematography and editing. The jokes and gags are almost exclusively silly, and if you're watching this, hopefully you enjoy bodily function jokes. This has a pretty decent plot, and throws some genuine surprises your way. The twist is reasonable. Designs are imaginative and fun. The music is cool. So is it better than its predecessor? I guess it averages out to them being about equal. I recommend this to fans of Scooby-Doo and co. 5/10
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