Lord of the Piercing (TV Short 2002) Poster

(2002 TV Short)

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Evil_Magus19 July 2006
This is a short that's far more hilarious than most feature-length comedies. It's a fairly strait-forward concept: It takes place in the Council of Elrond and spoofs The Lord of the Rings. It's brilliantly executed (along with actual footage from the film). It might have gone a little bit far at the end, but that didn't much matter. Jack Black gives us a memorable side-splitting performance as a hapless addition to the council who doesn't seem to be taking his duties with the ring with all due seriousness.

This is a must-see for all fans of Jack Black and The Lord of the Rings. But I'm sure that most everybody else will still find this funny enough (and short enough) for at least one viewing.
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Pretty funny
rbverhoef2 July 2003
This little short movie from the MTV Awards is a parody on 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers', especially the scene with the council of Elrond. Jack Black is Sam and Sarah Michelle Gellar is Arwen. The parts involving other actors like Ian McKellen, Elijah Wood and Hugo Weaving are parts taken from the real movie. I like most of the movies MTV makes and this one is pretty funny. If you can get it it is worth the 3 minutes it takes.
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Beware where you watch this...
jbnz11 June 2003
It's smutty and rude but very funny :) The best way to see if this is for you - do you like American Pie, Road Trip, Dumb & Dummer as a bit of no brained fun? If so you will like this - although it would also help to have seen the original LOTR film. If you think its for you don't watch it in a place where you can't laugh out loud. You might pop!
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"It is a gift!"
MovieAddict20164 January 2004
Great surprise from Peter Jackson on the Fellowship of the Ring Extended DVD. Jack Black hands over the One Ring at the Council of Elrond. Problem? He got drunk with some mates the night before and got is...put somewhere personal.

Spliced together with the scene from the film, this is a great little treat for people who hate -- or love -- The Lord of the Rings.
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Laughed till I cried!
alyse_talbot29 November 2002
I believe this was done originally for the MTV movie awards. However, it has been included as an Easter egg on the Lord of the Rings special edition DVD. On the scene selection menu scroll through until you see the council meeting scene. At the bottom of the menu you will see a small ring appear. Press enter on your DVD player and this short will appear. Jack Black is hilarious!
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Anonymous_Maxine7 January 2003
I've read some pretty bad reviews of this little parody, mostly from people who thought it was simply bad taste. But Lord of the Piercing is not the title that you give to something that you expect to be entered into the Short Film Hall of Fame. Sure, it was mostly childish humor, but if there is a place for bad humor, this is it. Before you condemn this little comedy for being tasteless, keep in mind that they make full length feature films out of this same kind of humor and then charge 8 or 9 dollars to see it at the theaters.

Lord of the Piercing is a good-natured parody of The Fellowship of the Ring that has it's place as an intro skit at the Academy Awards ceremony and as a little extra tidbit on the DVD. It is nothing more than that and it knows that, and that commands some respect in itself. Besides that, it was hilarious! Jack Black continues to grow as one of the funniest men working in the movies today (which is good, considering having performed several unenviable roles, such as that in Cable Guy and, even more, The Jackal).

No one has seen him in Run Ronnie Run yet, because at the time I'm writing this review, that movie has yet to be released because of it's extremely vulgar content (much of which involves a song performance by Jack Black), but I seriously hope they get moving on that. I saw it at an advance screening almost two years ago and just about fell out of my chair laughing.

Jack Black proves himself more and more with every performance that he delivers, and even the wooden and virtually talentless Sarah Michelle Gellar had some good moments in the Lord of the Piercing. They made excellent use of original footage from the film to enhance the quality of their parody, making the story that they installed that much more impressive. Bravo.
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Strangely Entertaining
RubyAngel25 July 2003
I did not watch the 2002 MTV Movie Awards, but when I downloaded this 3-minute spoof from Kazaa, I found myself strangely entertained at this little piece. Yes, I agree, at times it can seem a little tasteless and lame but the quality of the editing and the snippets cut from the original movie was so clever and smartly put together that I couldn't help but laugh. The performances by Jack Black and Sarah Michelle Gellar were also funny in contrast to the seriousness of the other actors. I recommend this to all LOTR fans, as well as anybody else. This is a must watch!! However, if you don't like offensive material, then think twice.
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Jack Black is the embodiment of funny.
SotiCoto26 December 2005
Its simple. Its perfect. Its hilarious in an appropriately twisted sort of way, which is entirely the way it should be. Jack Black is a genius. The timing is perfect in the rearrangement of the archived footage, which while not too difficult to ad-lib in theory, is difficult to do well... and it is done perfectly here. Anyone who doesn't find this funny should pull the redwood out of their arse and invest in a sense of humour. If you can't find this funny, there's something seriously wrong. Besides that there's not much else to be saying, as lets remember that its only a rather short piece of the movie it so well satires, rearranged and twisted for the best kind of laugh. It does what its supposed to do, no more, no less.
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fred45_199216 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This was the funniest parody MTV has ever done! I fell off the couch laughing! It makes me chuckle, just thinking about it. I'm a HUGE fan of Lord of the Rings and that scene is my favorite in the movie. You don't have to be a teenage boy to appreciate it, I'm female and I still laughed my head off! Jack Black was perfect as the Elf and seeing Aragorn kneeling in front of him was so funny. Sarah's pronunciations of some of the words was a little annoying, but it can be overlooked. If you haven't seen it yet, check it out on the DVD. I'm so glad Peter Jackson put it in as an easter egg, shows he has a sense of humor. It was much better than the parody of Return of the King. Ben Stiller -- not funny!!!! Enjoy!
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Lord of the Piercing is worth a look...
BenderIsGreat1 January 2005
Wow, I had no idea that was there until I read it on this message board... So, yeah, thanks; it was really funny! I think they could have done without Sarah Michelle Gellar, or at least they could have cast someone else in her place,... maybe a female comedian instead. But Jack Black was hilarious, as usual. They couldn't have found anyone to do his part as well as he did! It's really funny to see how they fit it all into the actual scene from the movie and make it look so real. I just wish I'd seen it on the movie awards... Not sure how I missed that, exactly. Anyways, it's kind of hard to find at first but its worth the extra remote clicking.
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A Little Amusing
Rainey-Dawn14 August 2018
Jack Black and Sarah Michelle Gellar. Jack gets a piercing in his private parts and shows it to the Fellowship. The scenes from Elrond's Council are spliced in as responses to Jack's piercing. It's somewhat humorous.
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Frogfisher8 January 2003
A strange but amusing easter egg on the extended version of the Lord of the rings. You can almost put the scene in the movie instead of the original scene. Very well put together. I like Black and Gellar, normally, so it doesn't mind that much that Black doesn't look nothing like a character from the movie. But Gellar is just perfect, she could easily have pulled of the roll as Arwen.

If you ever find the easter egg on disc two of The Extended version of The Fellowship, enjoy, this piece of historic entertainment.
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Brilliant, just brilliant
saiyanloveruk27 September 2002
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** OK, first of all, i didn't actually catch this during the mtv movie awards, i found it during a random downloading session. and all i have to say is, very well done, i was pleasantly surprised that somebody would actually do something like this. jack black is amazing as the elf with the pierced genitalia, an amazingly rude but not crude plot line. and im assuming SMG was supposed to be Arwen? well whoever she was supposed to be, she was good, comical at most points, and especially at the end when she ripped the ring from jack's privates. Sheer brilliance.
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Don't taint your viewing experience of "The Fellowship of the Ring" Extended Edition DVD by watching this unfunny parody
paul-13313 September 2003
This short parody of the Council of Elrond scene, included as an "easter egg" on the "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" Extended Edition DVD, is really not worth your time. I urge you to make better use of your time than to watch this crude, unfunny, MTV-made parody, especially when there are so many great things to explore on the Extended Edition DVD. After I finished watching it, I wondered, "This is it? This is what they give us as an easter egg on the extended version DVD of one of the best movies in recent memory? Does Peter Jackson really think that this is good enough to put on the otherwise excellent DVD of a truly spectacular film?" As another reviewer said, it's like a train wreck, you want to look away and stop watching but you can't because it's so bad. Good parodies can be incredibly funny, but this, however, is not one of them.
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Jack Black and Sarah Michelle-Gellar Combine Comic Genius
mattbridges29 December 2002
I saw this on the MTV Awards, I laughed so much. Jack Black is a comic genius, the way he delivers lines in this Lord of the Rings Parody is just magic. Add to th mix Sarah Michelle-Gellar (who was of course her usual beautiful self) and you have a few minutes of absolute comedy. These two should work together more!
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Can't believe they put this on the dvd (may contain spoilers)
Moondrop_C31 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I like a good parody as much as anyone, but this was baaaaad. I love The Lord of the Rings and I'd love to see a funny parody of it, but this wasn't it. This was mostly junior high level humor. And I *never* wanted to see Jack Black's bare butt. Aragorn (love that guy) kneeling in front of him was *almost* funny. Almost. I would, however, pay to see Sarah Michelle Gellar bite off his "little hobbit" for real. >:)
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Very funny
afraidn2 December 2002
This is a very funny clip with the Queen of Beauty Sarah Michelle Gellar. I enjoyed it a lot. You can see this clip on The Extended DVD Edition hidden as An Easter Egg. You will see the clip as it was a real part of the movie. DO not miss it !!
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Pure Nasty and Sick
hmghosthost16 June 2007
This was one of the most vulgar and disgusting things I've ever seen in my life. And you straights think we gays are the freaks? You guys really need to look in the mirror. When something like this is played at an international awards ceremony and everyone laughs, you know we're near the end of the world. It's sick that everyone gets off on the genital mutilation of men. I guess since everyone is so use to mutilating the genitals of new born baby boys it comes as no shock. I'd like to see how everyone would have reacted if it was Sarah Michelle Gellar, instead of Jack Black, that had a ring ripped out of her genitals on national television. Yeah, a laugh riot. Thank God I'm Gay. You straights can do all that nasty stuff to each other, and take pleasure in each other in this sick way, all you want. Just don't EVER criticize gays as being the sick ones.

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gambitluver218 October 2003
This was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. I first saw it on the internet, and I couldn't stop laughing about it. When he pulls down his pants and the way "Arwen" reacted to the piercing. Oh my God, I loved it. The best part was when Sarah, Arwen, ripped the Ring from him and he fainted. When you see it, you can't help but laugh.
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Nobody's ever going to touch that ring again
Horst_In_Translation14 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Lord of the Piercing" is a 3-minute short film by Emmy-Award winning director Joel Gallen and Carter Bays and Craig Thomas, the writers duo from "How I Met Your Mother". Obviously, it's a little spoof of the uber-successful "Lord of the Rings" franchise that was at its peak when this short film got made. Jack Black basically got the Ring as a piercing to his genitals and they used shots of the actors from the Peter Jackson movies to make it look real as if Black's character was really in the world of Middle Earth. Sarah Michelle Gellar also appears in here and finally takes the Ring off Jack. It's a mildly entertaining short film, but nothing too memorable really. Apart from that, Jack Black simply isn't a great actor. He hosted the MTV Movie Awards that year and they included this snippet in there for fun. All in all, pretty okay, but really no reason to watch it more than once or watch it at all if you don't care about the Tolkien trilogy.
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Vile, Vulgar and NOT funny
alquawen21 January 2003
I may not know much about satire, but I know what I like, and this was just putrid. I can't imagine anyone except 13 year old boys who have been up all night finding this remotely funny. I hope someone will give us a good parody of these films on upcoming DVD's, cause the possibilities are endless!
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Tolkien is rolling
ccuster130 December 2002
In case you missed this gem on the MTV Movie Awards, you can find it as an easter egg on Disk 1 of the 4-disk LOTR Special Extended DVD Edition (for the unintiated, make sure the kids leave the room).

With that being said, this short parody of the Council of Elrond is kind of like watching a train wreck. You don't want to watch, but you can't look away.
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