Hannibal (2001)
Ray Liotta: Paul Krendler
Mason Verger : Oh, coulda, woulda, should. I mean what do you think about the money?
Paul Krendler : Five.
Mason Verger : Oh, let's just toss it off like 'five'! Let's say it with the respect it deserves.
Paul Krendler : Five-hundred-thousand-dollars.
Mason Verger : Well, that's better, but not much. Will it work?
Paul Krendler : It'll work. Won't be pretty.
Mason Verger : What ever is?
[Line disconnects]
Mason Verger : Cocksucker!
Paul Krendler : Jesus, Starling!
Clarice Starling : Can I help you Mr. Krendler?
Paul Krendler : What are you doing sitting in the dark, Starling?
Clarice Starling : Thinkin' about cannibalism.
Clarice Starling : Paul, what is it with you? I told you to go home to your wife, that was wrong?
Paul Krendler : Don't flatter yourself, Starling. That was a long time ago. Why would I hold that against you? Besides, this town is full of cornpone country pussy.
Clarice Starling : Aren't you curious why he dines on his victims?
Paul Krendler : And what's the point of that? What, are you writing a book or you catching a crook?
Clarice Starling : To show his contempt for those who exasperate him. Or sometimes to perform a public service. In the case of the flutist Benjamin Raspail, he did it to improve the sound of the Baltimore Philharmonic orchestra.
Paul Krendler : [saying grace] Forgive us all, even white trash like Starling here.