GoldenEye 007 (Video Game 1997) Poster

(1997 Video Game)

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One of the greatest games you'll ever put in your system.
marshall8924 October 2002
Ever since I've been allowed to play Goldeneye once again, it's been impossible to get my mind off it. I'm surprised I could have gone without it. It is, without a doubt, one of the greatest games of all time. I have never played any other shooting games, but I know that this one rules above all. Most people blame it for too much violence, but I find that ridiculous. There may be a few graphic antics, but there's far worse out there.

Most importantly, it's fun. With an awesome arsenal of weapons such as the RC-P90 and the classic Golden Gun, you'll go through several challenging levels from the movie, completing crucial objectives and fending off swarms of guards. There are tons of awesome cheats to get and even two secret levels that you will only earn if you have the true skill. Goldeneye is also one of the greatest multiplayer games ever as well. You can choose several characters from the movie, classic villains from old 007 movies (Baron Samedi, Oddjob, May Day, and Jaws), and guards in the game. Chances are you and your partner(s) will be laughing so hard as you blow each other away that you'll look like Bart and Lisa Simpson watching an episode of the Itchy and Scratchy show.

So if you don't have the game, don't rent it: Just buy it. It's too good to be true. For cool Goldeneye stuff, check out's Goldeneye website. Every James Bond lover will dig this game big time.
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so far unbeaten.
nhonahoe16 December 1999
Quite simply, Goldeneye is the single greatest N64 game to date. The learning curve is just about perfect, and you'll still be playing it with your friends months on, as the multiplayer mode is nothing short of exceptional.

The system for acquiring cheats for once requires some degree of skill, rather than simply knowing which buttons to press, and the challenge of Aztec on 00 agent level is astonishing.

All in all - it's the best game I've ever played on the N64
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Best game of 1997!
shadow-5427 July 1999
007's Goldeneye is one of the best N64 releases ever.

Better than this game? Well...Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, Star Wars: Episode I-Racer and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time are far better and superior games. But I still love Goldeneye.

This is the best adaptation from a movie second only to Star Wars adaptations. The story is perfect. It's like you are in the movie itself.

The graphics are excellent. The movements are extremely realistic. The enemies' artificial intelligence are the best part in this game. I loved playing the stage in which James and Natalya break from the Janus base as the Goldeneye prepares to burn it. Escaping without sounding an alarm was very difficult. Eluding cameras and controlling your fire are great aspects in the gameplay.

It's also the toughest game I've ever played. N64 games are usually very, very easy. Goldeneye is the one exception. I'm still trying to beat the 00 Agent difficult level, but winning the easier levels was already a great victory. I loved when Alec Trevelyan asked: "For England James?". I answered: "No, for ME!" It happened just in the moment I blasted him to death. Just like in the movie. I love accomplishing every objective.

The multiplayer gaming is even better. At first I got killed every holy second. Now, I know how to win. I love forcing my playmates by playing at License to Kill.

The music and sound are astounding. Super Mario 64 looks like an Atari next to this. The only thing I still wanted to hear was the Goldeneye theme song, that plays at the end of the movie.

After Zelda was released, I nearly forgot I still had this game. It's still excellent, even if it's already surpassed. I hope other 007 games are produced.

Fantastic job Rareware! Nintendo was very smart to release this game on the N64 exclusively. Magnificent job Nintendo!
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A fantastic game on many different levels
bob the moo27 December 2005
Having seen his friend and co-agent Alex Trevelyan killed during a joint mission, Bond is scarred but works on. Assigned to look into the theft of a newly developed helicopter, Bond finds himself on the track of master criminal Janus and is drawn into a race against time to prevent the deadly Goldeneye satellite weapon being hijacked and used against the Government. Little does he know though, that the job will take him into such personal areas.

In every conceivable way, Goldeneye has been superseded. Other games play smoother, look better, have more functionality, bigger weapons, you name it; but yet somehow, in a market that makes massive technological jumps on an annual basis, Goldeneye stands up to playing eight years down the line. Newer games may have more detail but personally I loved this game because the locations looked great while also lacking the distracting detail that makers feel they have to cram in nowadays. Visually it flows really well and only occasionally did it struggle (I always found the jungle to be a nightmare of hazy visibility). The characters are not the smartest but they do the job as well as could be expected, although I would have liked less predictability in their actions, particularly at the hardest level.

The gameplay is great fun and very nicely challenging. The story pretty much follows the movie and produces levels requiring speed, thought, stealth, skill and elements of them all. My personal favourite is the facility although all are good either for a big session or just playing a level and then putting it down. The multiplayer is superb and it is only looking with hindsight that I see the need for other real people as a drawback (Perfect Dark added the ability to play against computers). At my peak I was very strong at this aspect of the game and I still love playing it when I get the chance.

Overall this is a superb game that has stood the test of time really well and can still be seen having a major influence almost a decade later. You can keep your 360 because this still impresses and challenges me.
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The greatest video game ever created.
Braveheart16269 September 2001
GoldenEye is a masterpiece. The storyline is amazingly depicted, the characters beautifully animated and the weapons are tyte. The storyline is so interesting, even when you complete every single mission, to get more levels you have to beat them on a higher difficulty. And the multiplayer mode is so tyte. You pick the weapons you want to play with, then play. Me and the three of my friends, along with my brother, always play Goldeneye. If you don't have this game, I suggest you buy it.
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Great fun
Quinoa198430 July 2000
For fans of the movie, or of video games, this is the best treat for the N64. This game is so unbelievably good it makes all the other shoot-em-up games look bad. The solo game is kinda tough, but if you play in the multi-player game, it is a whole bunch of fun just finding people and shooting them. Definitely the best game for the N64 and a nice touch for anyone's collection. A++
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really fun bond game.
kyle-mcdonald14 July 2007
This is one of my favorite James bond in games because: The missions are fun to play they have lots of action in them they can be hard that makes them fun to do the weapons you use are good. The way James bond look in this James bond games is pretty you can see pierce brosnan in him which is cool and all the other characters in this game look like the actors that played them in the movie. There is no way that you can't have a good time playing this game i loved it.Also the game follows the movie pretty much maybe a few added thing but it pretty much follows the movie. Also the this James bond game has pretty good graphics for Nintendo 64 and to bad there was no voice over actors in this game but who care as long as the game is fun to play.

Overall score ******** out of **********
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My favorite game!
Med-Jasta8 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This came out when I was in 6th grade. I was a huge Bond fan and had a 64. I was one of the few kids that knew that the movie was first. I played games but I wasn't crazy about it. Mario Kart with friends was about as intense as it got. I borrowed Goldeneye from my friend and it was great! Then for my birthday I wanted it. Then the day came and I got it! Along with the players guide. I didn't see the point but my parents were well intentioned.

I played the game and was very good at it. Multi player with my friends was a blessed event. And everyone I knew was into it! Everyone! But then something happened that had never happened to me before. I was actually good at the game. I'm pretty sure it's the first game I ever beat. Not only on Agent, but I beat it again and again till I beat it on 007 mode. Unlocking Aztec and Egypt.

This was a big moment in my early teenage days. No one else had done this. And pre internet, if your friends didn't do it, then no one did it. I remember the moment vividly. It was late, my dad was asleep in his chair and I beat the cradle on 007 mode. I was so excited with no one to share the moment with. I woke my dad up to tell him of my massive achievement. He gave as much praise as a 50 year old, on the verge of divorce, who was just woken up could. I had to keep in my excitement till I could call my friends the next day. I played the next level but it was hard and I was tired.

This is when the players guide came in handy. Because without it, you couldn't beat the Egypt level. And I did. This unlocked all the cheats and everything. News of this spread throughout my middle school. Kids would give me their games so I could beat it for them. And I did, many, many, many times. No money or anything. I just loved playing the game.

This was the first thing that I had that my older brother wanted to borrow. My whole life he had been telling me, "No," when I asked to borrow things. It was finally my chance to give him a taste of his own medicine. I knew he got it out of my room once when I was gone. So all the other times I spent the night at a friends I put the game in a suitcase and locked it. Then I hid the key inside of a box for a laser cannon to a Snowtrooper Star Wars action figure. I was proud of that one. I could have just taken it with me, now that I think about it. But oh well.

Everyone claimed that they were the best at the multiplayer. But I was actually the best. Many times I got into arguments with people at school. So then we played. I always won. To the point where it actually got boring to play with people. They claimed I cheated because I could look at their screen and knew exactly where they were. This wasn't cheating. It was experience. They can look at my screen just as much as I can look at theirs. There's actually only one person that can beat me. I win half the time. He claims I'm better, but I think we're even. It was the friend I borrowed it from in the first place. And we still play to this day.

We customized our playing to suit our master status. License to kill mode, fast mode and infinite ammo.

My video game mastery started and stopped with this game. This was pretty much my retirement from games. I knew I would never be this good at another game again. I don't know if it was James Bond or just the right place at the right time. So I never really tried. When I played Halo for the first time, after it had been out for a long time, it was very advanced, too advanced for me. It seemed like a lot of fun, but I had moved on. The advancements were well improved. I still play Goldeneye a couple times a year. And it's still fun.
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An Honest Review
generationofswine4 November 2020
I was in high school when this came out and I still have vivid memories of four people crowding around a little TV/VCR combo playing "Bond" at whatever house had the least adult supervision at the time.

I have vivid memories of Kyle memorizing the spawning patterns and being nothing but frustrating to play against. I have vivid memories of spawing, only to get the slow magnum, only to be pinned down by Jefe and his RC-P90, only to take him out with a lucky shot.

I think in later 007 games, they thought that 007 was the draw that made Goldeneye such an epic hit.... it wasn't. Sure, the solo missions were fun, but that wasn't the draw to the game.

The draw was gathering around with your friends and killing them. It was hanging out in a basement with not one, but three other players, on a split screen, and killing the friends you had since elementary school.

It was something we never could do before, it was new, and, most importantly it was fun. It was the game that got us all playing video games again after the video game world got too boring for Gen-X teens. And it's all because you could sit around and kill your best friends over and over again as you swear and yell at one another.
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Greatest Shooter Ever
matman_uber24 December 2008
We've all played Halo and Socom and GTA and Resi etc. but none of them can stand up to GE007. The game itself is great. I have literally burned out my N64 playing this great game, along with Zelda OOT. This game along alone built the mold that is essential for all modern shooters. on top of that the multi-player is great. The Story mode itself is worth playing a hundred times over and more. Its a great game for when your board and you want to just shoot up some people and there are endless unlock ables. (cheats, Aztec, Egyptian, god knows how many Multiplayer charries, and the three difficulties as well as the famous '007' difficulty Our modern games are great but when you sit down and play this game you get a certain feeling that few other games can give you. And with the Online capabilities of newer shooting games we rarely see this old two on two death match style. and when we do its no where near as good as this games. And when you get bored of the story, there are endless mysteries, glitches and easter eggs to be found and taken advantage of.

This is definitely one of the greatest shooting games of all time.
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The best console FPS ever
badtom-23 September 2000
This game requires stealth, smart, and a steady hand. The gameplay is simply the best; on top of that though are the interesting extras - bullet holes stay in the walls, enemies react to specific points where they have been hit by bullets, there are tons of motion captured animations that make the enemies seem very real (for instance when looking through a window at a guard he will stand there swatting flies away, sneezing, or scratching himself), the list goes on. This is the best licensed/movie conversion ever and it puts you in the shoes of the suavest super spy. This game is the best reason for owning an N64.
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jonstrick2130 November 2020
It was the best N64 game. The game mechanics were on point. The multiplayer was always fun with friends. A gem from gaming history.
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suubzro29 May 2021
Honestly, this has to be one of the most overrated games I have ever played. There are a few things this game does well and that's it. I guess its the nostalgia that makes people praise this game as much as they do, but if you compare this to some other games that came out in its time its just not that of a big deal.
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Better Than The Film!
Goldeneye is still a masterpiece in gaming history that ABSOLUTELY deserves a PROPER HD remake. Nintendo and Rare achieved gold here, pun intended, when they made this gaming classic. All 20 levels of the game are wonderfully designed and the multiplayer is also great fun.

The game may be under the radar for younger gamers today, but for those of us still playing this classic we deserve to pass the torch over to the new generation. They deserve to see the game that jumped FPS games from Doom over to the likes of Halo: Goldeneye 007 for the Nintendo 64!

Though the game is 20 years old, it's still incredibly playable. It's colourful, fast-paced and feels like James Bond ought to be when in a video game. Get your cartridge today.
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Blew me away in '97 and still holds up today. Top shelf N64 game.
Mr-Fusion14 November 2013
What "GoldenEye" lacked in polished graphics (faces stretched over heads) it far more than made up for in playability, replay value and all-around thrills. We're talking about the one first-person shooter that I've ever enjoyed. THE. And my god is this game fun.

Part of the charm is being able to explore the stages and environments of the movie (a flick I've always been fond of). That kind of movie archeology is always attractive to me; it's one of the reasons I've always enjoyed "Shadows of the Empire". The other big thing is the importance of stealth, and waiting out your enemies. Great news for me, 'cause I'm a total hider. And then there's the occasional stage (Archives, for example) that seems to invite rushing through doors and outrunning bullets, drawing all of the bad guys to your pick-off position and going to town.

And if that's not enough, they had to go and throw in OO7 easter eggs like Jaws and the Moonraker laser. Total catnip for a Bond fan. And I can't tell you how many hours I've spent playing and replaying the same stages. Sometimes a good run-n-gun is just what the doctor ordered.

Man, this game is incredible!

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still playing it after 3 years
james_bond_236029 July 2000
definitely the best game for N64 ever. I most say i was farely disappointed with tomorrow never dies, but the world is not enough promises to be better then goldeneye (according to the website).I love goldeneye so much i find something to do every time I play it. I have even made up my own missions for the levels. Multi player is the best of any game out there, and the graphics are astounding even now. The first day I got this I remember wishing that they would go back, and make all of the bond movies into games. Can you imagine driving that speed boat in live and let die and making those incredible jumps, or fighting off ninjas or fighting jaws in the spy who loved me and moonraker. (i think fighting him in those games would be more fun then in the aztec) what about chasing Sanchez in the gas trucks or scalling St. Cerils in for your eyes only. oh well let me get back to the game at hand. All of the levels are unique and make for very fun killing environments. there are many places to hide so you can sneek up on people (especially statue park) well this game is not worthy of renting you really need to buy it today.
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Goldeneye 007 : A Legacy
ethang-184169 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Before Halo There Was Something Better...It's Name Was Goldeneye. Goldeneye Had A Variety Of Missions,A Huge Arsenal Of Weapons,A Gripping storyline And Most of All It Was Revolutionary. 7 Missions And 2 Secret Unlock Able Ones. And A Dev Map Too. It Can Be Accessed By The Use Of A Game-shark. With A Vast Array Of Cheats,A Great Number Of Weapons It Has A Great Amount Of Features. With The Elements Of Stealth,Speed,Skill And Strategy. It's A Game That Is Easy To Play But Hard To Master. It Left A Legacy In Everyone That Played It And Will Always Be My True Best Game Of All Time. I Still Play It To This Day. I Recommend This To Every Gamer. This Is The One And Only True Classic...Goldeneye 007.
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N64s 'Goldeneye' need another glance from modern gamers. It's still pretty fun to play after all these many years.
ironhorse_iv27 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Normally, Licensed Video Games based on film, television, and celebrities' properties are pretty crap, after all, in the early 1990s, video games companies like LJN run the idea to the ground, with a number of below-average games that has game-play that little mirror the source material, it's adapted from. However, after upon first seeing this 1997 N64 game, based on the 1995 James Bond film, 'GoldenEye'. I was deeply surprised, by how groundbreaking this game was at the time. The entire game takes place from a Doom-like perspective, except that holding down the R button allows you to aim anywhere on the screen, and with the sniper rifle, zoom in for a nice, clean head shot. Add with that, each environment levels really looks good at time, with a decent amount of detail. It did show that licensed games could work, as the majority of the game's atmospheric single player missions are directly lifted from the film, with some slight alterations and omissions. Only a few, were jarring. The only ones I had a problem with, is the cavern chase and the hero visiting the Severnaya test site, as it made little sense to the story. Despite that, 'GoldenEye' still tells the story of James Bond (Computer Model after the likeness of actor Pierce Brosnan, but voiced by Kevin Bayless) having to fight a criminal syndicate from using a satellite weapon against London to cause a global financial meltdown, accurate enough. It even has the large range of music from 'GoldenEye' soundtrack. Without spoiling the game, too much, I have to say, still, there were some flaws. It was a bit weird, to see, how the game is laid out, seeing how 'GoldenEye' started as an free for all, on-rails shooter inspired by Sega's 'Virtua Cop', before being redesigned as a stealth element, free-roaming FPS. You barely see, any of that original draft. Instead, the game levels are full of objectives that will eat a lot of time. Don't get me wrong, the single-player campaign is fun to play; but some of the objectives, they want you to complete, were a bit confusing and can get boring at times. So it's very important to listen in, to the mission statement, or read the guide book that came with the console, if you want the action to continue. If not, you will get lose, as the mission has a lot of nonlinear pathways, and checkpoints that wouldn't go, any further without accessing a few specified items like gadgets or non-player characters (NPCs). Four save files are also available to track the player's progress through the game's twenty missions, each of which may be played on "Agent", "Secret Agent", or "00-Agent" difficulty settings. To be truthful, there isn't much, different, between the difficulty settlings, besides the amount of enemies and weapons, as the AI enemies act, nearly the same, regardless. 'GoldenEye', at the time, probably the most sophisticated artificial intelligence model of any first person shooter. I like, how enemies AIs can dodged bullets, set off alarms if you made too much noise, & realistically react to injuries. Yet, there was were some flaws in this programming, as enemies will not open fire unless they have a clear line of sight. Railings, glass, bottomless holes, and invisible walls count as obstacles for the purpose of aiming. So, stay near those, as it makes for some morbidly sense of entertaining, seeing some of them, make no effort to take cover or even protect themselves against your firing, as they will still stand around or patrol as if nothing happen, until they die. You will see, a lot of that. Even the boss battles has flaws, as some of them, will not shot if you cross a bridge or run up or down stairways. It's doesn't help that computer allies are also somewhat dumb, as they had poor situational awareness. Depending, who you are, rescue missions can be challenging, as fellowship AI models tend to wander into your line of fire, and get themselves killed. It's also funny to see AI models, toss grenades at and don't avoid the explosions. They're suicidal. Despite that, I do like the idea of environmental destructible, while shooting or setting off bombs, even if too many explosions can slow the resolution of the game. There is something, realistic, seeing bullet holes in walls, even if other items, like books, chairs, or locks tend to be over the top with it bursting in flames. Regardless of that, the arsenal of weapons use in the game-play, includes pistols, sub-machine guns, assault rifles, grenades, and throwing knives, were all fun to the point that playing this game in multiplayer is a must. I love how the game allows, two, three or four players to compete against each other in any map, with any character in the game in five different types of split screen death match games: Normal, 'You Only Live Twice' (two lives), 'The Living Daylights' (Flag Tag), 'The Man With the Golden Gun' (one hit kills gun), and License to Kill. (All guns one hit kills). It's the best thing about this game. Several hidden missions and characters inspired by other Bond movies were also included for gamers good enough to reach them, so that is a plus; even if Oddjob's short status is a bit annoying. What wasn't cool was Electronic Arts released Goldeneye Rogue Agent, seven years later in a blatant attempt to cash in on this game, popularity. At least, 2010's 'GoldenEye 007' made the retro shooter video game seem new, by updated it, rather than cheaply copying from it. In my opinion, regardless of the new 007 games, you play now. 'GoldenEye' is a retro game, still worth playing. A rare hit for Nintendo License Video Games. A must play for any Bond fan.
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The crown prince of first-person shooters for the N64
erthnvesl18 November 1999
Two years after its initial release, Goldeneye still sits atop the field of first-person shooters for the Nintendo 64. Even the Quake and Turok series have not had the combination of graphic detail, sound quality, enemy intelligence, challenge and overall fun that bring me back to this game over and over again. The missions each have specific objectives that force you to think as Bond, not just to shoot up every baddie that pops up on your screen, but also to avoid cameras, disable security systems, rescue hostages, protect the Bond girl, and so on. Q gadgets abound in this game, including the famous watch. The game is loosely based on the movie storyline, including all the major characters and the best scenes of the movie, from the dam bungee-jump to the prop-plane escape to the tank chase through St. Petersburg. Even the layout is preserved where possible, so you'll recognize various situations if you've seen the film. Other levels are added to challenge the player and string together the scenes a little more. With each difficulty level the mission objectives are more difficult, the enemies smarter and the bullets more lethal. I still have not gotten through the 00-Agent levels. Cheats can be opened, not by entering codes or pushing buttons, but by completing certain levels within a certain time frame, and additional characters can be opened up for the multiplayer. The multiplayer is still the best among the first-person shooters. It's not as crisp as Turok but it doesn't slow down nearly as much... tons of options give your friends reason to blow each other up over and over again, and one more time just for kicks. There are better games for the N64, such as Zelda and all things Star Wars, but Rare has continued their streak of outstanding games with a first-person shooter that has not and will not be surpassed until they top themselves in 2000 with Perfect Dark.
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I've seen better.
ajnrules15 August 2000
This game is not exactly the best N64 game ever. Sure, it's good, but only when there's 4 players. Without 4 players, the only fun thing to do is take remote mines and see how many people you can kill. But half of this game are levels where you have to save Natalya, so you'll have to limit your use of remote mines in those levels, and that gets quite boring. The graphics don't exactly reach the level of Super Mario 64 or even Mario Kart 64. And if you're talking a great multiplayer in a 1st-person shooter, you'll have to go with Perfect Dark. At least you can play "multiplayer" by yourself.
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A blast and more.
cubecutter1 January 2001
What can be said about one of the greatest N64 games ever? That the action is fast enough to keep even a seasoned FPS veteran sweating bullets quite literally? That the graphics are great, down to the explosions that everyone loves to see? That nothing is quite as fun as playing multiplayer mode, and shooting your friends and siblings in the back with submachine guns?

Very little beats Goldeneye 007. About the only thing missing was voice acting, and a bit more intelligence in the enemy soldiers. If you have an N64, and you like shooting people and things crossed with espionage, get a copy of this.
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The 007 game that keeps spawning remakes.
Aaron13757 May 2012
First off, I know I am going to have a bunch of people not like the fact I am not rating the game all that high. To me, this was a fun game, but I find it is a bit overrated. This is mainly due to the fact I am a person who usually plays a game solo. I do not like playing with other people in a room or online. I like going through the main portion of the story and if there is no story mode I do not play the game. As it is, this one has a very good story mode when you play the game on easy as it follows the movie rather well. Still, it could of been better. For reasons unknown to me, they made it so on the easy level you did not have all the different stuff you had to do on the higher difficulties. On the first stage you simply progress to a point and level over, while on higher difficulties you had to attach something to this and do that. You would probably tell me you could do that stuff on easy too, but without it being listed one could not be sure if you had done all you could in a level. Then you would probably tell me to just play the game on a higher difficulty selection. My response to that is I tried and got my butt royally kicked. I am not the best gamer in the world and this one's next highest difficulty made the enemies a bit to tough to kill. So I have to drop it points as a low level gamer like me cannot take in the full game. Still it is fun and much better than "Tomorrow Never Dies", that one is awful. I enjoyed the part of the game where I shot that one dude and got scolded for it and it was game over. I was confused at first and it took all I had not to shoot him the second time as he was raising his gun at me. So it was fun for me, I just do not put it up on high a platform as other people.
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Still As Good
The Peacemaker3 July 2000
A Great Game, very enjoyable (if you know how to use it), recommended (espesially for Bond fans), all that old good comment review stuff. Let me add it is much better than the 80s game of Octopussy, where James Bond is a stick figure and all you do is scale trains. I'm sure Pierce Brosnan is proud, and Ian Fleming is chuckling in his grave. I bet he never knew how much his life-inspired character would influence the world- and how much violence would be added to it. I think he'd be amused by the latter, however.
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One of the best, most influential shooters of all time!
Reef-Shark1 April 2009
GoldenEye 007 is not only the best movie tie-in game of all time, but it is perhaps the most influential first-person shooter ever to hit the gaming-console market. If you aren't aware of the plot of this game that's not a problem, because essential it is the same as the popular James Bond movie, GoldenEye, which was released in 1995- two years prior to this game's release.

This is a game that is filled with techniques and styles that would be mimicked in many future games to come, and it gives the player a wide variety of objectives, and difficult challenges. The A.I. is smart (especially on higher difficulty settings) and the environments are complex enough to provide entertainment, as well as difficulty to any gamer.

The introduction of logical hit-points on your enemies is a great feature. Even bosses in this game can be taken down with a well-aimed shot to the head. It is this type of realism that really makes you feel like your James Bond and that you can sneak in, sneak out, covertly taking out henchmen as you go, or springing alarms and having to go through massive shootouts. Because of this there are many ways to beat the game, and limitless possibilities for how you accomplish your tasks. AKA: You can take easy ways or hard ways of beating levels...and if you don't have a strategy guide you'll have to find out those paths by yourself (which, I might add, is incredibly fun if you want to waste a day away).

This is one of those games that the more you play it the more you're able to value its contributions to the gaming industry. Each time I play it I notice aspects that have been replicated in many following FPS games. So if you have a Nintendo 64 go ahead and dust that sucker and order a used copy of GoldenEye 007, because trust me, as a Bond fan, and a casual gamer I can say that this game is highly recommended for all those who want to step into the shoes of James Bond, or just have an awesome, intense gaming experience.

(Also make sure to look out for its sister game, Perfect Dark, which is also on the N64, following the same controls, and very similar weapon uses.)
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