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Good bye Dirty Harry
Tweekums23 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is the fifth and final film to feature San Francisco detective "Dirty" Harry Callahan, it is also the lightest of the five featuring more humour and a bit less violence.

The film opens with two plot strands; after sending a local mob boss to prison Harry is targeted by his henchmen in revenge, at the same time we see somebody writing a list of local celebrities which includes the Harry who is in the spotlight after the trial. Soon after a rock singer, played by Jim Carrey in an early role, dies and Harry and his new partner are called in to investigate. At first it looks like a routine overdose until his name is found on the "dead pool list" discovered on somebody killed in a robbery.

This leads Harry to the low budget horror film director Peter Swan on whose list the dead singer's name was along with Harry who isn't too amused. After a run in with the media Harry finds himself going to dinner with a female reporter who ends up part of the news rather than just recording it.

I thought this film was a step up from Sudden Impact, the previous film in the series, largely because the film was back where it belongs in San Francisco but also he was once again with a partner and the story was more fun. While Clint Eastwood was getting a bit old for the role he still played it well, the other actors were pretty good too. The most memorable scene in the film has to be a rather unusual take on the classic car chase, this one is different as Harry is chased by a remote controlled toy car which contains a bomb.

While this isn't one of Clint Eastwood's best films I'd certainly recommend it to fans of the early Dirty Harry films and for people for like cop films in general.
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Dirty Harry still has it
smatysia24 March 2001
Dirty Harry still has it. This film has all the mayhem, the violence, the wisecracks, the whole formula. Patricia Clarkson's delicate beauty is a good counterpoint to Eastwood's ruggedness. It was interesting to see actors like Neeson and Carrey paying their dues. When I first saw this film, I didn't realize that the "car chase" scene, running from the toy Corvette, was a spoof of Bullitt, but on viewing this time, I found the homage hilarious. No, this film isn't the equal of "Dirty Harry" but it's not bad at all for a fourth sequel.
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Pool Of Dead Critics
jldmp11 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This was altogether too simple for the critics back in '88 -- the whole idea was to point the barrel of the joke right back at the criticism.

Whereas the previous Dirty Harry features sat on a platform of utter contempt for bureaucrats and political correctness, here it's expanded to contempt for journalists, and especially the subspecies of 'media critics'. As if they couldn't make it clearer, a 'movie critic' is murdered, and treated as an occurrence of 'death of celebrities by threes'.

Yes, this is explicitly about movie making; the previous four movies suffered from poor supporting casts that only got in the way of the narrative. Here Van Horn deliberately employs good actors to play bad genre roles and thus turns the series on its head.

Along the way, we get a nice comment on "Bullitt", this time deflating the over touted car chase with a gag: an explosives laden model '63 Z06 (instead of a fastback Mustang, to drive home the point).

By this time, the .44 Magnum is treated as a character, with a 'voice' that rolls off the cityscape like thunder...the bad guys run at the mere sight of it. To put the icing on the 'man with the biggest gun' motif, Clint dispatches the villain with an earlier one liner ("you're S. O. L.") and a movie prop harpoon. The elaborate conflation of sexual double entendre, humor and cowboy justice went soaring over many heads. Arnold wishes he was half this funny in "Last Action Hero".

Ah, we miss Harry...but his retirement to Carmel was both serendipitous and necessary. By the end of this, he's killed off every cartoon bad guy left in the movie universe, paving the way for both the dimensional villains of "Die Hard" and its ilk, AND the hosannas bestowed on "Unforgiven".
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Loved them all!!!
fanaticita4 March 2005
Having just seen Dead Pool, the last of the Dirty Harry series, I have to say that I enjoyed this film as much as the other four. I don't have a favorite, I loved them all. Recently I became interested in Clint Eastwood's films and have seen a number of them including the westerns. Eastwood is an amazing guy. He has presence on the screen that is extraordinary. It's not that he is such a great actor, but I can't take my eyes off of him when he is in a scene. His face conveys such hysterical expression when he comes out with, "Swell!" or "Marvelous!" He's irreverent, gritty, rude, shoots criminals in the back, beats the sh-t out of them, antagonizes everyone, and so what. He gets the job done! I liked everyone in the cast even Patricia Clarkson and her nasal voice. Liam Neeson was great, sounding for all the world exactly like Ralph Fiennes. And the music in all five of the series was terrific -the best! What a treat!
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Dirty Harry still Has it
Mike-53619 January 1999
In one of the best sequels in the Dirty Harry films, Clint Eastwood returns in the Dead Pool. It is never a dull film, and the action starts right from the beginning. The movie begins when a drug-addicted rock star dies (played zanily by Jim Carrey). When Callahan investigates he discovers a sinister, twisted game called the Dead Pool, and his name is on the list of those expected to die. This is a great movie, and a fun one to watch. And of course, Harry has some memorable quotes; like his one on opinions. Also check out Liam Neeson in this movie as a director.
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Dirty Harry lite
Agent1029 July 2002
While this film was just pure entertainment, at least we got to see Dirty Harry doing what we all wanted to see him do: kick some serious ass. Sure, it seemed a little odd that a 60-year old man would be kicking the buts of guys of half his age, but isn't that what film is for: to escape reality? While this is somewhere in the middle in regards to the series as a whole, one cannot contend with the idea of Harry Callahan being one of the most endearing film characters ever made. A nice send-off to say the least.
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Harry Callahan might be getting older but he hasn't lost his touch.
legendaryunderdog9 May 2008
Part Five of the Dirty Harry series, now Harry Callahan must investigate the ongoings of the new game called 'The Dead Pool'. Kinda funny role by Liam Neeson as a horrible slasher movie director who rips off everything he has ever liked on film, he plays Guns and Roses while a heroin addicted Jim Carrey lip syncs to the song while stomping around next to a bed with a lady sitting there doing a rendition of the exorcist! As always, Harry gets a new partner who is a little shaky at first about working with 'Dirty' Harry. A lot of the scenes in this movie are 'Dirty Harry' inspired, talking to authority like their just somebody out on the street, the usual Dirty Harry one liners before the 44 magnum goes off, definitely good times but I think the series has seen its end. They've (the filmmakers) pretty much exhausted all the material you could rehash for another Dirty Harry film in this one and it barely ekes out in my opinion. Still very good and as always Mr. Clint Eastwood always puts on a great show. The best part has to be when Jannero's men come to keep a protective eye on Callahan (be Callahans' bodyguards) and Harry comes out of nowhere and just beats the crap out of both of them, really funny stuff. 7/10 stars, could've been eight out of ten stars if the reporter wasn't in the movie, she was very annoying.
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Eastwood's last "Dirty Harry"
blanche-215 March 2009
In the final Dirty Harry movie, Inspector Callahan (Clint Eastwood) is annoyed by his new-found fame, caused by his court testimony against an important mob figure. His next case is a real winner: an obnoxious British director (Liam Neeson) has a "dead pool" on the set of his new horror flick. Each crew member picks ten celebrities they believe will die, and the one with the most dead celebs on their list at the end of the game is the big winner.

Just one problem with this - the people on the director's list start dying at an alarming rate and mysteriously, including his leading man. And guess whose name is on the list as well - yeah, Harry's.

If this isn't enough, a TV reporter (Patricia Clarkson) wants to do a big story on him.

Directed by Buddy van Horn, "The Dead Pool" is a spoof of a sort, killing a movie critic as part of the story (ouch), and the story actually concerns movie-making. It also has a car chase that's a take-off on "Bullitt." The stereotypical characters found in this type of film are played by some excellent actors, and there's plenty of sexual innuendo to go around.

Someone mentioned that Eastwood seems a little old here for Dirty Harry. He seems old for just about every role he plays, frankly, but he keeps playing them. It's always amazing how men are able to do this with no problem, but give the man his due. He's a great presence, and in 1988, his best work as both a director and an actor was yet to come! Very entertaining and well-acted. If you can get the joke, you'll enjoy it all the more.
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Undone by a weak ending
Bob-4531 December 2010
Warning: Contains spoilers

The "Dirty Harry" series ends with a whimper thanks to a weak ending. Why conceal the identity of the killer when he turns out to be a subsidiary character who is built into the story in the last half hour?

Patricia Clarkson makes for a bland leading lady (despite a knockout figure) and has little chemistry with Eastwood. So, placing her in jeopardy creates no suspense. Also, having Harry surrender his legendary sidearm doesn't fit well with previous installments, since he has a clear head shot with the killer. Finally, having Harry find the harpoon gun shown in a previous scene is just a little too incredible.

Buddy Van Horn, as a director, is no Eastwood, but he does a pretty good job. Most of the stunts are quite good and the cinematography is excellent. Lalo Schifrin's score is bouncy, but forgettable.

Too bad, as a little script reworking would have made for a very good "Dirty Harry" effort. As it is, however, "The Dead Pool" is the weakest of the "Dirty Harry" series.
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"Your out of bullets & you know what that means... your sh*t out of luck." Solid 80's tough cop thriller.
poolandrews27 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The Dead Pool is set in San Francisco where crime-boss Lou Janero (Anthony Charnota) has put a hit out on Inspector 'Dirty' Harry Callahan (Clint Eastwood), while dodging attempts on his life & with his new partner Inspector Quan (Evan C. Kim) Harry has to investigate the death of rock star Johnny Squares (Jim Carrey) when he is discovered dead in his trailer on the set of a horror film. With help from a local new reporter Samantha Walker (Patricia Clarkson) Harry discovers the existence of a dead pool, a list of celebrities which horror film director Peter Swan (Liam Neeson) & some of his friends bet on who will die before a certain date. It quickly transpires that someone is systematically going through Peter's list & killing the celebrities off one-by-one & Harry learns that his name is on the list which makes him a potential victim...

Directed by Buddy Van Horn this was the fifth & to date final Dirty Harry film, I haven't seen all of them as yet but I thought The Dead Pool was a pretty good if unspectacular 80's tough cop thriller. The script by Steve Sharon is alright, it has a fairly good story that tries something different for the genre although one has to say I felt it had more potential than it ultimately delivered. The idea of a dead pool lottery style bet about celebrities dying could have made for a great film but here the idea is underdeveloped, it's never revealed what the point of the dead pool is in the first place. I mean it's seemingly nothing more than a silly bet between a horror director & a few of his friends, it's never revealed what the actual prize was meant to be or just how seriously those involved took it & it gets forgotten as the number of murder victims grow. What I'm trying to say is that I never felt there was sufficient reason behind the killings & the climax which reveals it was the work of a lone psychotic was somewhat underwhelming. The Dead Pool also tries to say something relevant about media coverage of crimes & cops, this is quite well handled & the point is made effectively enough. The makers could have had a lot of fun with the dead pool & turned this into a gripping thriller, as it is it's a decent action thriller that passes the time but ultimately doesn't live long in the memory once it's over.

Director Van Horn does alright, it moves along at a decent pace, there's some good action scenes & shoot-outs along with an imaginative car chase in which Dirty Harry is chased across San Francisco by a remote controlled car packed with explosives! Harry himself is still a great character & he has everything it took to be an action hero back in the 80's, the utter & total contempt for authority, the droll one-liners & the need to use excessive & deadly force at all times which he also had during the 70's of course. He has it all, he's maybe a bit old but he still holds his own as he blows bad guy's away left, right & center. There's some violence & a bit of blood which helps things along nicely.

Technically the film is good, it has that solid Hollywood big budget feel to it & it's well made especially the car chase. Shot on location in San Francisco despite, according to the IMDb, the cities residents (people with obviously too much time on their hands) protesting that 'Dirty' Harry Callahan would be a bad character to represent the city! The acting is OK, there are early roles for Liam Neeson & Jim Carrey while the members of Guns N'Roses appear as extras at the funeral of Johnny Squares.

The Dead Pool is a solid action thriller, it's not the best one ever made but it's far from the worst. Dirty Harry fans should like it & general action fans should too, worth a watch if nothing else. This was a sequel to Dirty Harry (1971), Magnum Force (1973), The Enforcer (1976) & Sudden Impact (1983).
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george-84130 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
So sad that Dirty Harry went out with such a weak bang...

Love Clint Eastwood, love Harry Callahan, but this final installment just doesn't come close to meeting the standards of the earlier movies. They all have their weak spots but but this one brings new meaning to the word "weak". A few examples:

1. We know Harry can take on all kinds of bad guys with the six bullets in his Magnum, but, cmon, 2 thugs armed with machine guns? How does lying down at the bottom of a glass-walled exterior elevator protect you from machine gun bullets, by the way?

2. Can someone really drive a vehicle in a high-speed chase thru SF and yet still be able to handle the controls of a remote-control toy car? Back in 1988 did they really have RC cars that could go 60 mph while loaded with an explosive device? What kind of battery powered that thing... plutonium?

3. Would the Mafia chief in the prison really fall for Harry's scam... to the point of hiring bodyguards for Harry? Really??

4. Weakest partner ever for Harry... Kim has done some good work in film and TV but he has very little to do here beyond the one obligatory martial arts fight scene. His becoming yet another wounded partner is becoming old,especially where this time we haven't even had a chance to get to know the guy.

5. Harry's bosses griping and complaining about Harry... again, becoming very old and tired. Especially when the actors have no personality to speak of. Bring back Leslie Nielson!

6. Liam Neeson's character... pure stereotype. Very uninteresting. The villain is a total nullity. Really bad writing here. He's not scary, not interesting and not very believable. Compare him to Andrew Robinson in the first DH movie. Wow... talk about contrasts!

7. The sub-theme about the media exploiting the pain of ordinary people to increase ratings and circulation... gee, I doubt this was ground-breaking even back in 1988. The fact that Clarkson is converted to Harry's point of view after getting machine-gunned... well, at least she catches on quick!

8. The final confrontation where Harry harpoons the bad guy... did anyone else LAUGH when Harry comes out with the harpoon gun in his hands? It's a nice twist to have the villain holding Harry's Magnum but really?! Also anyone else notice the ethical problem here: Harry kills a man he knows to be unarmed (out of bullets) and who is offering no resistance. He never did that in the first DH... that was the whole POINT of "Do you feel lucky, Punk?" Even when he shoots Robinson in the football stadium, his INTENT isn't to kill an unarmed man, it's to coerce information about the poor kidnapped girl out of him. Sure, it's extreme but it isn't an execution. IMO this presents a major degradation in Harry's character, perhaps betraying a failure in the writer's appreciation of Callahan's ethical mind-set. If they wanted the villain dead at the end, which makes some sense, why not just have him pull another knife out of his pocket and charge Harry?

9. Filmed like a one-hour TV episode of a show like Cannon or Hawaii 5-0. Actually I've seen better episodes of ordinary TV dramas than this and I'm sure they cost a LOT less to write and to film.

Ultimately, it isn't so much that one could reasonably expect "Dirty Harry 5" to come close to the quality of the first DH. But one could expect a movie of this significance to be far superior to an ordinary TV drama. Right?

Worth watching once, if for no other reason than to appreciate how great the first DH is.
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Awesome solid fifth underrated Dirty Harry action flick!
ivo-cobra813 December 2015
The Dead Pool (1988) is Clint Eastwood's most underrated and the fifth final flick in the "Dirty Harry" series. I love this movie and I think is better than The Enforcer. It is one of my personal favorite action movies of all time. It is the last Dirty Harry movie and it is well done with action sequences and great music opening theme. This was the third film I saw in my youth as a child. The first and the second movie were Dirty Harry and Magnum Force. I grew up with this film.

The scene where Rook (David Hunt) kills with a knife Walker's (Patricia Clarkson) cameraman scares the hell out of me. Evan C. Kim as Al Quan also did a great solid job Harry's partner since than I don't see him in the film business anymore. I don't agree with critics this film is bad, which is not. I have always loved this movie, I even saw the VHS tape in 2003 on a sale sadly I didn't bought it, but I have now whole collection on Blu-ray disc. Patricia Clarkson was in my opinion much better than the actress Sondra Locke.

I love the theme music in the opening scene and I love this action flick. This is the first time I see Jim Carrey in this flick as Johnny Squares who gets murdered in his trailer which the killer fills him with drugs. Liam Neeson is also in here as Peter Swan the movie director who becomes the murder suspect in this flick on a dead pool list of people who also Harry Callahan (Clint Eastwood) becomes the target as him self in it.

This movie was directed by Buddy Van Horn who directed previously Any Which Way You Can (1980) the sequel to Every Which Way but Loose (1978) Clint Eastwood films and Pink Cadillac (1989). The Dead Pool is the fifth and final installment in the Dirty Harry film franchise. The 1988 sequel finds Inspector Callahan (Clint Eastwood) trying to solve a series of murders that appears to be linked to a list of celebrities that were deemed likely to be dead in the near future. The film's cast included Liam Neeson, Evan Kim as well as the feature film debut of Jim Carrey. I think this movie is close to The Rookie (1990) another Clint Eastwood flick that Clint directed it him self and I love it. Because Michael Goodwin who plays the character Lt. Ackerman, the last name Ackerman was later used in Charlie Sheen's character The Rookie (1990). Both of the movies are each other like and they are both good. Just in The Rookie Clint plays different character than Harry Callahan. The basic plot about, this film, is more about a psychopath killer who stalks Hollywood stars including the director and making his own movies. The film does have a plot wholes, like the killer was revealed by the end of the movie and his motives. Just trough whole movie the actor David Hunt is shown by the end of the movie.

This great last chapter in the career of Inspector Harry Callahan can not be missed! You have got to check out the remote controlled car chase...reminiscent of that great Sunday drive scene in "BULLITT", with Steve McQueen! Look for the great Jim Carrey acts to GUNS N' ROSES' Welcome To The Jungle, as a junkie rock star...side splitting stuff!! Eastwood delivers the goods in his last appearance as the San Francisco cop who took care of the bad guys...HIS WAY!! BANG...with that .44 Magnum Smith & Wesson hand-cannon!! Be sure to add this movie to your collection. I got the DIRTY HARRY 5 film collection on Blu-ray !! I recommend this movie as well as the others!!

The Dead Pool is a 1988 American action film directed by Buddy Van Horn, written by Steve Sharon, and starring Clint Eastwood as Inspector "Dirty" Harry Callahan. It is the fifth and final film in the Dirty Harry film series, set in San Francisco, California.

Back in the day, Roger Ebert called this final Dirty Harry film the best since the original. I'll take it a step further: I think it's the greatest Harry film of all. And he even gets the girl at the end! An awesome end to one of the greatest film series in history...Please just don't let them start remaking these films! I'll have to smother myself! Anyway this movie is great and none, I repeat NONE of the Dirty Harry movies are bad, they are all great and I love them all. This movie deserves 9 from me. This is my fourth favorite film in the series, the last one will be The Enforcer.
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Good bye Harry!
jotix10022 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
San Francisco detective Harry Callahan had a long career in the world of movies. This was his last appearance as the law enforcer that was too quick for his enemies. By the end of the first half hour, Harry has disposed of at least eight bad guys, and that was only the start.

This time around, Harry is the target for having put away Lou Janero,a mafioso, who ran all kinds of criminal activities in the city. The man has sworn to get Harry. For that he engages his men to try to ice his enemy in any way they can.

At the same time, something is going on in the set of a new crime movie being shot in the city. Peter Swan who has specialized in gore and blood, is at it again. Strangely, things are happening in the locations he uses. Swan has attracted the attention of the media that convene like vultures to get any sensational item them can get to show their viewers on the nightly news. Samantha Walker, is one of them, although she proves to be a bit more intelligent than her fellow journalists.

Harry is asked by his superior to be nice to the press because his image is not exactly what the force would like to see. He clicks with Samantha in many ways, but their dinner date ends up with them trapped in an elevator, being attacked by machine gun from the outside. That brings them even closer. After all, the department wanted to appear to be more cooperative with the press.

The Harry Callahan saga was rewarding for Clint Eastwood, who went to make a name for himself as a tight lipped detective who could outsmart and out shoot anyone getting in his way, or interfering with his job. This final installment was directed by Buddy Van Horn. Different men had been in charge in the other Harry pictures, Don Siegel and Clint Eastwood even tried their hand at them. The film is full of action for those fans that went to see it because of it. On the other hand, Harry remains an enigma in other aspects, which probably was the intent all along.

Clint Eastwood's Harry was a man of few words and a lot of action. As the stone faced detective, he never changed, but we kind of expected it from him. The wonderful Patricia Clarkson is Samantha Walker the television reporter that happens to catch Harry's attention. Liam Neeson plays the sinister film director Swan. David Hunt has some good moments as the man behind some nasty incidents around the set.
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Harry's last entry in which he is sent to stop a vicious murderer killing celebrities
ma-cortes12 June 2009
Rock-hard and taciturn Harry Callahan is called once again , this time when occur rare deaths of celebs registered on a black pool . But also Callahan's name appears on the list . Being the first suspect a terror cinema director (an effective Liam Neeson) filming a picture titled ¨Hotel Satan¨. Two-fisted Harry and his new partner cop (Evan Kim who did all his own stunts including the martial-arts fighting) try to track down a vicious murderous . Harry Callahan strides grimly throughout streets San Francisco in pursuit of the cruel baddie . Then the killer hijacks a TV journalist (Patricia Clarson) . Silly and exciting scenes when the murderer sends a toy-car directed by remote control and strapped to an explosive onto the streets of San Francisco pursuing the cop couple . Whatever your reservations about Harry's expeditious methods we know he'll always vanquish , shooting in cold blood with his Magnum 44 pistol (in fact, it is titled the second entry : Magnum force) and abusing on civil rights .

Fifth and last entry in Harry's series is less gripping and inferior its predecessors . Tension , action-packed , crisped edition , suspenseful , thrills abound in this stirring outing . Although there are lots of action and entertainment this time doesn't feature Callahan's classic lines such as ¨Do you feel lucky¨(on Dirty Harry) or ¨Go ahead make my day¨(on Sudden impact ) ; however , here he also says some original sentences . When Clint Eastwood made this movie, he was the Mayor of Carmel, California , the picture was the third and final of three films Eastwood made whilst he was the Mayor of Carmel ; the others were Bird (1988) and Heartbreak ridge (1986) . The car chase sequence was inspired by the one in the earlier Steve McQueen movie Bullit (1968) . There was an intention to top that car chase with this film , reportedly, the sequence is Clint Eastwood's favorite from the movie . Permission was given to film in San Francisco, despite protests from citizens who thought Harry Callahan was not a good representative for the city . Jim Carrey does a brief and sympathetic apparition as a rock star . Jim Carrey, at the time still an unknown actor , was billed as "James Carrey" . Being first of two Clint Eastwood movies which feature a then unknown Jim Carrey , the second would be a cameo in Pink Cadillac (1989) where Carrey is briefly seen . And brief appearances from David Hunt , Michael Goodwin , Shawn Elliott and Justin Whalin . This was the only Dirty Harry movie not to feature Albert Popwell , an ordinary actor of the series . Thrilling musical score by Lalo Schifrin , a great musician , usual of the seventies who composed all Harry Callahan's series , and including an anti-climatic soundtrack on the main titles made by means of synthesizer . Good and evocative cinematography by Jack N. Green , Eastwood's habitual . The motion picture was regularly directed by Buddy van Horn who made with Eastwood other action films and it was the least successful of the five Dirty Harry films at the box-office . Rating : 5,5 . Acceptable and passable .
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jamesraeburn200317 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Tough San Fransisco cop "Dirty" Harry Callahan (Eastwood) is on the trail of a psychopathic killer who is obsessed with the works of British horror film director Peter Swan (Liam Neeson). Swan has developed a macabre but harmless game called "The Dead Pool", in which he drew up a list of local celebrities whom he believed would all die in nasty seemingly accidental ways. These include his harshest film critic Molly Fisher (Ronnie Claire-Edwards), drug addict rockstar Johnny Squares (Jim Carrey) and Inspector Callahan himself. The demented film buff proceeds to murder the people on the list one by one in horrific ways which correspond to Swan's movies. Callahan finds himself not only tracking down this crased psychotic, but also has to contend with various attempts on his life organised by a disgruntled crime boss whom Callahan put away and a new colleague, a Chinese American karate expert called Inspector Al Quan (Evan C Kim).

THE DEAD POOL is Eastwood's fifth and final incarnation as Dirty Harry to date. The series always reworked the seemingly routine premise of Callahan's unorthodox approach to police work, his dislike of workplace politics and his relationships with work colleagues. However, these are essential characteristics to the series no matter how much our film critics moan about them. A bit like how much the same old smutty seaside postcard humour is valuable to the Carry On films. If the filmmakers abandoned them they would lose out at the box office. THE DEAD POOL in itself has all the characteristics of it's predecessors and the action is plentiful and Eastwood is superb as always in one of his most famous roles. One of the best set-pieces involves a car chase through the streets of San Francisco with Callahan and Quan being chased by no other than a radio control car, only this is more than a harmless kid's toy, it's a bomb! The film is also memorable for featuring future stars Liam Neeson (who is excellent as the arrogant filmmaker) and Jim Carrey as the ill-fated rockstar before he went into making those overblown comedies like DUMB AND DUMBER.
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Enjoyable, But May Be Weakest of the Dirty Harry Series
actionstar-8962517 April 2019
The last and final entry in the Dirty Harry series. Here Dirty Harry Callahan (Eastwood) has gotten himself attached to a list called the dead pool. What that is is a game where a list is created of famous people, by the end of the year whoever has the most people dead on it wins the game. Harry doesn't like that his name has been attached to this morbid little game, but people are showing up dead and he must put his good cop skills to work.

This film does hit enough good marks to be enjoyable, but I thought once the villain is shown he may be the most forgettable Dirty Harry villain of all time. But, does star Jim Carrey as a drugged-out rock star named Johnny Squares. Is hilarious watching him lip-sync to the Guns N Roses classic 'Welcome to the Jungle'. Liam Neeson also stars as the director Peter Swan, who is directing the movie he is starring in. Patricia Clarkson also stars as Samantha Walker who sort of becomes Harry's love interest, which sort of works. Look fast though for the band Guns N Roses at a funeral of one of the victims.

Lalo Schifrin returns to score the music, but here it sort of seems like a reworking of the score from SUDDEN IMPACT and loaded with synthesizers.

Sadly, this was the last Dirty Harry movie. I feel they could have made one more with Harry either retired or one last case before he retired. I guess Eastwood wasn't given the right script or idea to make that happen. Anyways, this final entry is still worth a look.
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A Lottery No One Wants To Win
bkoganbing10 September 2010
I remember seeing Clint Eastwood saying that he doesn't anticipate any more movie appearances by Dirty Harry Callahan of the SFPD. At his age who would want to see Harry Callahan collecting his Social Security and maybe using Dependz.

So Inspector Callahan has probably made his final screen appearance in The Dead Pool which focuses around a series of murders in San Francisco. A number of celebrities have given there own list of celebrities they feel likely to shuffle off the mortal coil for one reason or another. Now someone seems to be hurrying a few of them along. And for one reason or another suspicion seems to fall on cult horror film director Liam Neeson, mostly because of his lovable personality.

Another celebrity on The Dead Pool list is news reporter Patricia Clarkson. Dirty Harry has never been a big fan of the media, but Clint certainly makes an exception in her case.

The Dead Pool also has a short, but memorable performance by Jim Carrey early in his career as a punk rocker whose overdose death also coincides with his appearance on The Dead Pool. It was obvious Carrey was going to have one substantial career even from this small bit.

I don't think The Dead Pool is quite up to the standards of the earlier Dirty Harry films from the Seventies. Still it will please the fans of the legendary Mr. Eastwood who are found all over the world.
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A fitting end to a great series
chvylvr8011 September 2003
The Dead Pool ended the Dirty Harry series just right. It is the worst of the movies but that in no way makes it a bad film. When you're up against greatness it makes it hard to do as well. This movie falls short of the other films in that it doesn't have the charisma or aura of the first four. It also lacks the 70' feel that I alluded to in Sudden Impact but since it was made in 1988 it can be forgiven for this. Don't miss Jim Carrey in an early role as a strung-out rock star. He was mugging at the camera then just like he does now. This movie still delivers decent action and a solid plot. A good bonus is the chase scene with the remote control car. Very exciting and inventive. Bottom Line: This is the worst of the series but is still a great film. You must get the box set and watch them all to fully experience the impact of these fine films.
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He's grouchy...but not quite so dirty.
planktonrules26 August 2017
"The Dead Pool" is the fifth and final Dirty Harry movie. While the film has more than a few silly moments, it manages to entertain and also not be so terribly sleazy and dark as the previous outing, "Sudden Impact". This previous film, in my opinion, marks the absolute lowest point for the franchise...and at least "The Dead Pool" is an improvement.

The plot is a bit overly complicated for such a short film. There's a celebrity dead pool list, a crazed psychopath as well as an angry mob boss to contend with...and it somehow manages to pack it all into the movie. The film has some interesting and likable characters, such as Harry's new partner as well as a reporter Harry initially hates...of course, Harry pretty much hates everybody so this shouldn't come as any surprise.

The bottom line is that the movie is enjoyable to watch and although violent (what Dirty Harry movie isn't???), it is less gross and slimy that I expected based on the previous film. Sadly, despite this, the movie did not do all that well at the box office.
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Strong Finish to the Series
gavin694220 September 2017
Dirty Harry Callahan (Clint Eastwood) must stop a sick secret contest to murder local celebrities, which includes himself as a target.

This is possibly Jim Carrey's best role. I mean, maybe I'm being just a tad facetious, but it is a surprise this is not one he is really remembered for, given how much he really kicks off the film.

Roger Ebert gave the film a thumbs up and said "As good as the original. Smart, quick and made with real wit." Gene Siskel also gave it a thumbs up and said "Perhaps the best Dirty Harry film since the original." Many others consider it to be the worst of the Dirty Harry movies. Those others are wrong. This is a top-notch action film, with hints of a slasher movie mixed in!
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Not so grand finale but passable
KineticSeoul11 March 2012
So this is the final movie in the Dirty Harry franchise. And for a finale it isn't that great of a final. This one just takes the great vibe it had in the series for the most part and gets way too cheesy. What this movie does is try to be entertaining and it is to some degree. But the movie as a whole just isn't a very good edition to this franchise. This franchise was never really realistic but it just comes off goofy for the most part and not really in a good way either. At least it has Liam Neeson as the probable main villain this time which is great, because he plays badass characters really well. So for Harry's probable final opponent it makes it worthwhile. So Liam Neeson character might be a evil film maker that does mostly horror films and might be the one who does some killings by playing a game called the dead pool and it's up to Harry Callahan to take the culprit down. But the thing is even for a movie like this some scenes just comes off way too absurd without it having much impact. This movie is ironic though how the main thing that drives this movie is death and violence and yet this one bashes on film makers that is infatuated with making violent movies. Harry's character is also a bit different in this, I don't know if the character changed after aging but it just didn't seem welcome. Harry Callahan seemed more like Robocop and the criminals in this is just absurdly incompetent. So sure the movie has bunch of flaws especially since it hardly has any meat in the story but it's still somewhat entertaining and worth a watch especially if you like this genre. And it's a alright finale for this tough cop thriller.

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Wow! That was lame!
mv920714 December 2018
I am sure that Eastwood probably cringes looking back on this stinker.
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Suitable finish to a classic character
BroadswordCallinDannyBoy25 February 2009
Clint Eastwood wraps up his run as what is arguably his single most famous character (or maybe that The Man with No Name) in this entertaining thriller. This fifth entry in the Dirty Harry series also has the most interesting plot - on a popular horror film director's set a list of people, whom the players of a certain bizarre game expect to die, known as the "dead pool" starts to become too much of a reality as some of the mentioned people begin to die. Of course, soon enough a copy of the list surfaces with Harry's name on it.

For a what is a straight-forward thriller formula this film packs enough memorable moments to be enjoyed by more than just Dirty Harry fans. Jim Carrey appears, in a very early role, as a crazy rock star. Harry finds out that he might have met his match in terms of partners. Harry of for once actually hunted by a bad guy giving the film slightly more suspense than previous entries. Finally there is a crazy car chase where Harry and his partner are attempting to evade a remote control car. Meaning, yes, the hard as nails Detective Harry Callahan is flooring it to get away from a toy, but you see the toy has a bomb so it is not that Harry is getting soft all of a sudden.

Also there is the interesting notion here of a film becoming a bit "too real" as people on the Dead Pool actually start to die and the list is found on a film set. It was only a few years after this that Clint Eastwood put down his .44 Magnum and badass persona for good to a more realistic set of films that continue to this day. Clint might have become a bit more real, but he was still great when he was being slightly ridiculous. --- 8/10

BsCDb Classification: 13+ --- violence
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Fifth, Final And Fun Dirty Harry Cop Thriller
ShootingShark5 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
San Francisco detective Harry Callahan is on the case when various associates of horror film director Peter Swan end up dead. Callahan is befriended by a news reporter, and the two attempt to uncover if Swan is behind the killings.

The fifth and final of the Dirty Harry movies is an enjoyable if a little predictable cop thriller, but not as good as the seventies films. I like Harry; he's your standard lovable right-wing maniac, whose idea of justice is to shoot anyone he doesn't like in the head. He's ever so slightly anachronistic these days, but he is what he is, take him or leave him. There is some nice characterisation - Clarkson does a good job as the reporter waking up to her industry's shallow cultural contribution, Neeson has fun as the bad-tempered hack filmmaker with a camp accent somewhere between Ballymena and Dick Van Dyke, and Kim is great as Harry's latest hospital-bound partner. As ever with Eastwood's slick Malpaso crew, the film looks terrific and stunt expert Van Horn turns in a nifty chase sequence involving a radio-controlled toy car rigged to explode. The subtext of the film takes some swallowing though - that ghoulish media jackals and gory horror films are to blame for a sick society; very rich in a movie with a non-stop litany of violence and popular anti-authoritarianism. But this is good old-fashioned dirty fun all the same. Watch out for an early role by Carrey as a hopped-up rockstar, and a brief cameo by seminal eighties band Guns'n'Roses.
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rmax30482312 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Plenty of action in this late Dirty Harry flick. Harry's car is hemmed in on the highway and three or four machine-gun-toting gangsters puncture his car with a thousand bullets. Finally, silence. The vehicle lies there, smoking and shattered. One of the goons walks over carefully to the wreck to make sure Harry is in the same shape as his car. Harry pops up out of the door and shoots him in the face. Then he shoots the remaining goons while they desperately fill the air with lead.

Machine guns can't kill Dirty Harry. Sound absurd? Here's another instance. Harry and his blond Boswell are descending in one of those outside elevators and another squad of thugs unloose a fusillade of slugs, turning the now immobile elevator into a spaghetti colander. It's no use. Harry and the ambitious blond has escaped simply by lying on the floor and when the elevator door opens they slither out.

The best thing about these scenes is that they have nothing to do with what appears to be the main plot -- the "dead pool" that has celebrities listed and bet on according to the order of their deaths. I know what a boat pool is. But the dead pool is never explained. That doesn't matter, though, because, as I say, it has nothing to do with the murder that precipitates the action.

It's not worth going on about the film for long. An amusing scene has a radio-controlled miniature car racing after Harry and his new, Chinese partner around the city's streets. Harry has no tag lines, like, "Make my day." The writers have given him sardonic comments like, "Swell." But no laughter could have made up for the pattern exhaustion on display here. They've simply run out of ideas, and Dirty Harry is now aging. His hair is gray and his voice coarsened by the years.

It's a sad movie -- not because of Harry's age or the throw-away plot but because this seems to be Hollywood's idea of a decent movie.
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