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A tense courtroom drama that embraces deceit, suspicion, and stark realism
Mickey-223 December 1998
This movie version of "Suspect" finds Cher portraying a public defender that has been given a murder case in which her client, played by Liam Neeson, is deaf, dumb, and homeless. Unable to verbally communicate in his defense, Neeson has to rely on Cher's ability to search through the evidence to prove his innocence.

Caught up in this courtroom scene is Dennis Quaid, portraying a member of the jury that is unable to keep himself from being drawn to Cher. The judge in the trial also appears to have an overly sense of apprehension in the trial, and seems bent on preventing justice from being served properly. This movie does launch the viewer from one tense situation to another, and the climatic chase scene in the darkened courthouse does keep you guessing.
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definitely worth a look - much better than I remember!
jb057927 June 2012
You know, I watched this film for the first time since I saw it in the theater years ago, and I must say that in today's cinematic atmosphere, this is a very underrated and enthralling film. I find today's movies to be so "dumbed down" to accommodate the full spectrum of moviegoers (the debt, and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy as SOME exceptions), and this thriller manages to combine a few genres (mystery, courtroom, thriller, drama, suspense) into one package.

Cher stars as a lawyer, badly in need of a vacation, who gets appointed a murder case in which a deaf and mute suspect (Played by the ever-ready Liam Neeson) seems to have perpetrated the crime. As she delves into the case, and into to case precedent, she begins to unravel a mystery that goes much higher than a homeless deaf mute.

A fresh faced Dennis Quaid is a juror who is intrigued by puzzle pieces that don't seem to fit and begins his own look at the case, culminating in a heart pounding climax that'll leave you panting and wishing there was another hour to go! Definitely worth a look - even with Cher, whom I had dismissed as a one hit movie wonder. She actually pulls this movie off.

And watch for Frasiers dad, John Mahoney, as a judge here - don't worry, you won't miss him.

Give it a look!!
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Street folks gotta eat too
helpless_dancer25 November 2001
Fine courtroom drama which appears to be about a small change murder involving a pair of street people. But is it? An attorney takes on the case and begins digging deep into the case when evidence turns up that suggests the culprit may have connections other than with simple street bums. Interesting and exciting, though improbable.
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Cher surprises
philip_vanderveken27 May 2005
Before watching this movie I had some serious doubts about it. Not only is this a courtroom drama (and as you know the streets of Hollywood seem to be paved with this kind of scripts), it also featured Cher as one of the main actresses. I'm not really a fan of her as a singer, but seeing her as a good actress is even a lot harder. As you know, almost all pop diva's, young or old, seem to have that urge to appear in one or two movies and that almost always results in complete disasters. So why would Cher be any different...?

When a judge commits suicide and his secretary is found murdered in a river, a homeless and deaf-mute man, named Carl Anderson, is arrested for her murder, because all indirect evidence points to him. Because he can't afford a lawyer, public defender Kathleen Riley is assigned by the court as his lawyer. Even though she doesn't always believes in his innocence, she still goes after the real killer. She gets help from the congressional adviser Eddie Sanger, who is called to be on the jury panel and together they find some important evidence that the murder has something to do with corruption in some high ranks...

I must admit that Cher has done a better job than I ever expected from her. She actually was very convincing and interesting to watch as the public defender. Together with Liam Neeson she makes this movie work. Their nice performances and their difficult professional relationship in this movie are actually the best thing this movie has to offer. The story on itself certainly isn't that bad, but the plot is a bit far-fetched and gives this movie an ending that is a bit too abrupt.

In the end this is a reasonably well-done courtroom drama / thriller that lacks the required tension to be fully satisfying, but which offers some nice acting and some good direction. It's not the best movie in the genre, but it is enjoyable enough to be worth a watch. I give it a 6.5/10.
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A bit silly, but enjoyable
pyenme18 August 2018
I liked this movie. Yes, the plot has holes. Yes, the actions of the characters are a bit on the implausible side. But it still has me interested in seeing what is going to happen next, which is one measure of a movie I think is worth watching. The ending ties things up too neatly and quickly, but by that time, I am okay with it. I like the chemistry between Cher and Quaid. Seeing a young Liam Neeson is nice, too. I hadn't seen this in a long time, and it was on TV this afternoon - and I was reminded of how it is a nice couple hours of not having to think too hard. Nothing wrong with that!
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Convincing performances by all. Nice surprise ending.
headhunter4616 February 2006
Cher plays the role of a dedicated public defender who is given a case just as she is about to collapse from overwork. The poor guy has been living on the street for years and is accused of killing a young woman for a lousy $9. He won't talk to police and Cher has to draw him out before she can even begin to find some way to defend him. There are several well planned surprises and I never had the feeling any of the cast were "acting". This is one movie that had me fooled as to who the real culprit was right to the end. I like that! If I can guess the outcome halfway through the movie it is a turn off and total disappointment to me. Seven stars is high for me. It takes a "Lawrence of Arabia" or "Gone with the Wind" to get 10 stars from me.
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More holes than Swiss cheese
billbrooks0222 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Not a bad film as such and Cher gives a reasonable performance as a lawyer, for someone who once believed the sun revolved around the earth(according to Sunny). The main fault is the plot. There are so many holes; for example, would a lawyer *really* get into such a relationship with a juror? What was Michael doing at the station? did he follow the juror? if so how? why did Cher go to the judges' home? to confront him? why did she back off when she saw the deputy attorney general? surely this was a chance to to present her evidence to him. Would the deputy a.g. allow all of the confrontation in the court at the end or would he have quietly called off the trial and have the judge arrested at home(he obviously knew what was happening or else why was he there?). And that sappy ending! perhaps it was a bad film after all...Really expected better from Peter Yates.
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A Hugely Enjoyable Courtroom Thriller
seymourblack-122 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"Suspect" is a hugely enjoyable courtroom thriller in which a Washington D.C. public defender becomes convinced that the suspect in a murder trial is innocent and also that the case is unwinnable. There doesn't seem to be any way out of her problem until she's offered help from an unexpected source. Unfortunately, accepting the help on offer also involves taking some extremely serious and potentially career threatening risks.

Shortly after a Supreme Court Justice commits suicide and a clerk/typist who'd also worked in the Justice Department is found brutally murdered, a homeless man called Carl Wayne Anderson (Liam Neeson) is found with some of the victim's possessions on him and is immediately arrested and accused of her murder.

Burned out public defender Kathleen Riley (Cher) is assigned to the case and soon discovers that her client is uncooperative and prone to having violent outbursts. Communication with him improves gradually when she discovers that he's actually a deaf-mute but even then, she finds it almost impossible to find any significant information or evidence that could be helpful for his defence. To make matters worse, the trial judge Matthew Helms (John Mahoney) is unsympathetic to the problems she's experiencing and also seems more preoccupied with other matters as he's said to be the President's nominee for a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

Eddie Sanger (Dennis Quaid) is a jury member whose interest in the case leads him to carry out his own investigations. He wants to assist Riley by passing information on to her but any such collusion is strictly forbidden and punishable by disbarment. The couple do, however, work together and find some pieces of evidence which reveal that the murder victim had discovered evidence of a high level conspiracy to fix a politically important court case in which the Supreme Court Justice had been involved some years earlier. Ultimately this information provides an explanation for the suicide and the murder and also leads to the discovery of the identity of the real murderer.

Cher and Dennis Quaid both give good individual performances but are even better when working together. The differences between their personalities lead to some entertaining exchanges and the high stakes involved also create a certain amount of additional tension.

Riley is overworked, lonely and in desperate need of a holiday. She's struggling to cope against what seem like insuperable odds and doesn't feel resilient enough to take risks that could lead to her being disbarred. Sanger, on the other hand, is a Capitol Hill lobbyist who's used to pursuing his goals in a ruthless manner and has no inhibitions about cutting corners or acting outside the rules if such actions are likely to produce the desired results.

"Suspect" has a good plot with many moments of real suspense and the solid performances provided by Cher and Dennis Quaid are also complemented by those of John Mahoney, Liam Neeson and Joe Mantegna.
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An Outstanding Cast And A Great Courtroom Twist At The End
sddavis632 September 2013
The highlight of this movie for me was a wonderful performance from Cher. She was playing the part of Kathleen Riley, a public defender who gets caught up in more than she bargained for when she takes on the case of a homeless man accused of murdering a 24 year old woman. The case is a lot more complicated than that, and the story keeps viewers on their toes. We're quite sure that Carl (the homeless man played by Liam Neeson) did not kill the young woman. The question is - who did? And why? The movie disorients right off the top, beginning with a Supreme Court justice committing suicide. But them that seems to disappear. But surely it's connected? Basically, we settle into a waiting game, as we look for the connection.

The movie settles down for a while into a pretty standard courtroom drama, and Cher (and Joe Mantegna as the prosecutor) are quite credible in their courtroom activity. Another twist is added to the story by Kathleen's growing involvement with juror Eddie (Dennis Quaid) - a congressional lobbyist who gets involved surreptitiously in helping to build the case for the defense. Quaid was also very good in his part, as was John Mahoney as the presiding judge. There really were no weaknesses in among the cast. I have to give real credit to Neeson. As Carl he did a magnificent job, especially given that he was playing a character who was both deaf and mute. His entire performance had to be conducted without voice, and he was very convincing. The whole thing builds up to a surprising courtroom twist that would have done Perry Mason proud, and that I didn't see coming at all.

My basic criticism of the movie is that it tries perhaps too hard to keep the viewer off balance. So many layers are added on that there is a temptation every now and then to drift away, because it's hard to keep everything straight. But in the end, when all the pieces are put together and that dramatic twist comes, you're glad you stuck with this. (7/10)
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Ridiculous and implausible movie
highwaytourist5 December 2010
This is a completely implausible legal thriller/romantic thriller. The lack of credibility becomes more obvious as the movie grinds on. The things that Cher and Dennis Quaid's characters do would get them arrested and the case thrown out, and Cher's character would get disbarred. The case involves a dead Supreme Court Justice, yet the characters do things that would embarrass a first-year law student. I realize this is fiction, but even escapism has to be somewhat believable. The Perry Mason series was not reality, but at least it was somewhat credible. Also, the climactic scene is something that Agatha Christie would have been too embarrassed to use. A defense lawyer and a juror having an affair during a trial? Some have praised the chemistry between Cher and Quaid. It does help, but not enough.
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Underrated Courtroom Drama Where the Homeless Meet the Political Elite
classicalsteve23 March 2008
Anyone who thinks that the United States legal justice system is fair and balanced has been watching too many movies. The poor and the marginalized get convicted and the rich and elite drive away from the courthouse. It's largely a matter of the size of the pocketbook. And it's still amazing how many innocent people are locked away with almost no hope of getting out. "Suspect" is how about a how a homeless man (Liam Neesom) and his public defender (Cher) find themselves in a case that has much larger ramifications than a simple matter of did a homeless person murder the victim for $9.

The aspect that makes this movie a gem is the fine acting: Cher as the overworked and underpaid public defender, Liam Neeson as the deaf/mute defendant in one of his first major roles, Dennis Quaid as a sexy lobbyist (often messing around with congresswomen to get votes for his industry) turned juror turned amateur sleuth, and John Mahoney as the stoic judge at the trial. A lot of it is pure fantasy but the moments in the courtroom are actually very much like a real courtroom in its obsessiveness with procedure and protocol.

The story begins with the suicide of a prominent Supreme Court Justice and the subsequent murder of his assistant who has been slashed to death. When police investigate the surrounding area, they find a homeless man sporting a knife and in possession of the victim's wallet which contained a king's ransom: $9. Cher is appointed to take the case, and Quaid ends up becoming one of the jurors. Because of the suicide at the beginning of the film, Judge Helms (Mahoney) becomes one of the people on the US President's short list to fill the Supreme Court vacancy. Helms requests to preside over the murder case to free up his later schedule in order that he be considered for the vacancy.

Several scenes take us into the bowels of the homeless of Washington DC. We see a lot of lawyers, a lot of law libraries and a lot of knives. Every homeless person appears to wield a knife. Cher with the unlawful help of Quaid (lawyers and jurors in the same trial are not supposed to commiserate, let alone team up) stumbles upon some evidence that makes the case much more complex. A thoroughly enjoyable courtroom drama with enough action to keep you on the edge of your seat, and an interesting commentary on the justice system and how it handles the poor and the homeless. Unfortunately, public defenders are probably not as successful as Cher appears to be.
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Low-Key But Stylish Thriller
gftbiloxi18 May 2005
When a deaf-mute homeless man is accused of murdering a federal worker in Washington DC, the public defender assigned to the case assumes he is guilty--until she begins to receive tips about the case from the most unlikely of sources: a member of the jury seated for the trial.

Any one even remotely conversant with the law will find the story so full of loopholes that it is more than a little ridiculous, but it scarcely matters: the cast carries it off in fine style, playing the script with exceptional precision and poise and generating plenty of suspense along the way. Cher is particularly noteworthy as the public defender assigned to the case.

Cher? Playing a Washington D.C. attorney? It's hardly typecasting, but once more Cher demonstrates the depth of her talent: not only is she extremely effective, she is completely believable. The same might be said for both Liam Neeson, who plays the deaf-mute on trial, and Dennis Quaid, who plays the smarmy juror who begins to put two and two together; SUSPECT is clearly Cher's picture, but her co-stars are every bit as good as she.

Although it has its share of courtroom pyrotechnics and suspenseful moments, SUSPECT is a surprisingly low-key and all the more successful for it. When all is said and done we like the characters as people, believe in them, and are glad we met them. While it will never compete with the likes of Hitchcock, SUSPECT is a good, solid, and very unpretentious courtroom thriller executed with a great deal of style. Those whose tastes run in that direction will be very pleased indeed. Recommended.

Gary F. Taylor, aka GFT, Amazon Reviewer
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pocomarc8 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This story had so many holes in it you could drive an oil tanker through each of them.

Cher wore black leather in court as a defense attorney? The suspect is deaf and dumb, but Cher talks to him constantly? The suspect overpowers several policeman before he is subdued. But then Cher goes into his cell alone to talk to him? The suspect hits her, but then she continues being around him? What a wreck of a movie.

At various points the dialogue was so bad it must have been written by a graduate of a junior high school creative writing class.

In the middle of jury selection Cher has a lengthy tete a tete with prospective juror Quaid?

In cross examinations the lawyers don't ask questions but speak in declarative sentences constantly?

How can you take a movie seriously with so many preposterous moments in it?
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Cher convinces as a lawyer in Suspect
tavm7 April 2021
After years of being curious about this movie, I finally just watched it with Mom just now. Cher is a lawyer who defends Liam Neeson who's a Vietnam vet now homeless who's also deaf and dumb. Dennis Quaid is a lobbyist who's also a juror in the case. Quite a bit of suspense is spread throughout until the reveal. Performances are good all around especially Cher. So on that note, Mom and I recommend Suspect.
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Cher and a great cast make this film pretty special
inkblot116 October 2023
In DC, a lowly clerk in the Dept of Justice is murdered on the banks of the Potomac. Gruesomely, her throat was slit by a right handed assailant. At the scene, was a homeless Vietnam Vet named Carl - Liam Neeson. He had her purse with nine bucks plus he had been found sleeping in the victims car at the nearby parking lot earlier that night. Carl is arrested and charged with murder. Chosen to represent him is public defender Kathy - Cher. At first, Carl says nothing but soon Kathy learns he is deaf from a case of meningitis at the VA. Also, he is left handed. A jury is assembled, with a high ranking lobbyist - Dennis Quaid - chosen as one of the twelve. He takes an interest in the case beyond normal and meets Kathy secretly to present critical advice. Will Carl be exonerated ? This film is aided greatly by the wonderful cast. Cher Neeson, Quaid, John Mahoney, Philip Bosco and others are very fine in their respective roles. The plot has some twists and turns which are also well plotted. If you suspect your evening will have no good choices on the tube, think again. Suspect is streaming free on Tubi.
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From a wreck to a human being.
dbdumonteil12 January 2005
The plot is far-fetched and a lot of elements might seem questionable:the whodunit,Dennis Quaid's cynical character,the umpteenth courtroom drama...

But everything vanishes when it comes to depict the Cher/Liam Neeson relationship.Both shine ,especially the latter,who ,being deaf and dumb ,has to express his emotions with his face .He is so good he seems to carry the weight of the world .He was once a man who had something in his life ,but he was betrayed by his country when he returned from Vietnam.How a man who gave the best years of his life (to mention a famous movie)can be treated like a dog ("nine dollars ,it's much when you've got to survive" says his idealistic lawyer)and end up one of the last lonely and wretched?Every scene where they are together rings true.And "suspect" becomes the story of a redemption:physically,morally and intellectually,the homeless man regains his dignity his pride and the right to be a citizen again.

There is a complex plot ,dealing with politics ,but it's the luminous Cher and the very moving Neeson,desperately trying to communicate, who will haunt the viewer after the movie.
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Entertaining, though formulaic and unexceptional...
moonspinner5529 June 2006
A no-frills role for Cher playing an over-worked public defender whose latest client (forced upon her by the court) is a homeless, deaf-mute male accused of murder. Despite the lack of sass, this is a good Cher performance: focused, unselfish on the screen and quite natural, she's charming without effort. Dennis Quaid is a decent match for her as a Capitol Hill lobbyist and juror who wants to help piece together the mystery surrounding a murdered female clerical assistant who had information regarding dirty doings in Washington, D.C. A fairly sophisticated yarn, though one cut straight from a formula. Director Peter Yates does well at keeping the pace lively, however some of the early moments with Quaid are confusing (his role is half-written) and the script is weighty with contrivances and red herrings. A handful of the supporting performances are interesting, but why are the lesser roles--particularly that of a parking lot attendant and the victim herself--so amateurish? **1/2 from ****
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More of a courtroom drama than a thriller
TuckMN5 May 1999
Exciting, suspenseful and tightly woven suspense drama.

Cher proves she can ACT.

You probably will not immediately recognize Liam Neeson in the role of the deaf, mute, shell-shocked Carl Wayne Anderson.

For someone that does not speak for the entire film he turns in a stellar performance.

Dennis Quaid is very good as the juror that steps outside his assigned duties as a juror and becomes a detective.

Also John Mahoney is almost unrecognizable as Judge Matthew Helms -- a polar opposite from his "Frasier" character.

When I spoke to Tom Barbour (Justice Lowell in this film, stage actor and the father of Dudley Moore in the "Arthur" movies) he said when he got the script he was thrilled -- the film opens with him, it took place in his office, he had every other line, and then on page three -- well I guess you will just have to see it.

Surprise ending goes right up to the last couple of minutes -- prepare to be shocked.
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Cher delivers good performance in far-fetched courtroom drama...
Doylenf18 May 2007
SUSPECT is a very watchable little courtroom mystery that deepens as it goes along spinning a plot about corruption in higher places. And there's a nice surprise at the end for anyone trying to figure out who the guilty party is. But it still seems contrived and the quirky relationship between CHER and DENNIS QUAID doesn't help. He's a cocky juror with knowledge of the judicial system who gives her help in solving the case of a man wrongly accused of murder whom she's defending.

LIAM NEESON is the wrongly accused and he's excellent in a role that has him as a homeless deaf mute accused of murdering a girl for a mere pittance. Cher is the lawyer assigned to defend him. She does so with sincerity and warmth but the plot line which has her discovering the truth is too far-fetched to be believable.

Nevertheless, the tale is constructed in a way that will have you absorbed until the courtroom ending. Good performances by JOE MANTEGNA and JOHN MAHONEY help sustain some credibility. There's a well done chase scene toward the end with the killer revealed only in shadow or shown only from shoes to knees, so that the final revelation of the killer in the courtroom does come as a surprise.

Watchable but easily forgettable, with a not too convincing relationship established between CHER and DENNIS QUAID.
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bombersflyup9 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Suspect is a dull and pointless film.

Lets get Cher to do a courtroom drama. Lets have her defend a deaf/mute and have a crooked murdering judge, okay. Lets gets Dennis Quaid in it as well, don't worry we'll find something for him to do.

Without a proper introduction, did we need to have a deaf/mute character. It's tedious to have to wait unnecessarily for back and forth. Liam Neeson's career has certainly elevated. Other than the lack of enjoyment the film offers, the biggest problem's Quaid's character. What's his interest and why do we have scenes of him in some electorate, he's annoying. Most of the characters are bad, except Cher. Also, how did she stall all that time without any case or witnesses to call, surely the judge could of shut her down quicker.
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Good story and performances
caa82118 May 2007
I had missed this film during the many years since it was made, and caught it by chance on a Friday afternoon, after a particularly long and hectic week.

I thought I might nod off, but instead I found myself engrossed in it very soon. It has some far-fetched aspects, and as the "goofs" section in this site points out, it wouldn't have been tried in a federal court, but in the local D.C. courts. However, given the rather surprise ending, this would be a necessary variation, given its circumstances.

Cher is not a person whom you reference when thinking of leading, versatile actresses -- but this isn't so. This serious role, as well as a different type in the excellent "Moonstruck," display both her competence and versatility. Dennis Quaid is always excellent, and a favorite of mine, and the remaining cast were as well. John Mahoney's performance is well-delivered, and an interesting performance, in contrast with his more pleasant persona in "Moonstruck," also -- and particularly juxtaposed with his likable presence in the long-running "Frasier" series.

As another pointed-out, there is a surprise ending, if somewhat more abrupt than seems necessary.

But overall, an interesting, entertaining film.
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The innocent shall know the glory of heaven!
hitchcockthelegend5 May 2019
Peter Yates directs and Eric Roth writes the screenplay. It stars Cher, Dennis Quaid, Liam Neeson, John Mahoney and Joe Mantegna. Music is by Michael Kamen and cinematography by Billy Williams. Pot has Cher as a public defender tasked with defending a deaf and mute homeless man accused of murder.

It's a solid legal eagle thriller is this, it opens with a dramatic suicide and the discovery of a woman's dead body, and then runs through many of the staples of feature film courtroom shenanigans. There's some spice thrown in for good measure as the lawyer and a member of the jury get too close for comfort, while the central premise of a deaf and mute person being the accused makes for fascinating viewing - the makers obviously having a social awareness of the issue.

As the mystery to be solved question holds the attention, pic does descend into the realm of the far fetched with the behaviour of Cher and Quaid's characters. It's also not something of a shock once the big reveal arrives. Yet this has enough savvy performances, nice technical touches (William's cinematography sparkles at times) and a strong pot boiling premise, to make it well worth the time invested with it. 7/10
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...the worst movie based on a criminal trial EVER!!!
jandenmarb27 July 2004
This movie was soooo bad I erased the tape before I finished recording it. Here is why: 1. Jurors cannot contact an attorney during a trial, if they do... mistrial, and if the attorney gets caught it is an ethical violation that would effect their license. 2. No police dept would leave the decedents car in the parking lot, without collecting personal effects of the victim no less. 3. No parking lot would keep a dead persons car parked in their lot for as long as it takes a murder trial to be tried. 4. No female attorney for either side would wear a short, tight, leather skirt during a trial.

For these glaring and about 10 others, this is the worst movie depicting a criminal trial EVER!!!
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Love the movie and Love Liam - but question about character
roneill-422 September 2005
I wasn't sure if the character Carl Wayne Anderson was supposed to be deaf. I thought he was only mute because of the traumas he had experienced. There were also a lot of other actors in the film who were outstanding, including Cher who was very believable.

Anyway, Liam Neeson is a great actor and is very definitely under-rated. He's also extremely appealing to a lot of women, me included. I recommend "Rob Roy" (another movie no one seems to have seen, with Tim Roth as one of the best villains in any movie, ever) and of course "Michael Collins". Not to mention "Schindler's List". It's very strange that Liam Neeson hasn't yet won an Oscar. I haven't seen Kinsey yet.
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Well-done, but not as tense as it should have been.
gridoon6 September 1999
A reasonably well-done courtroom/mystery thriller, directed and acted with professionalism. However, it lacks the required tension. The library scene, played in total silence, is the only really tense one in the movie. The film is also marred by the abrupt finale.
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