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So close to today's society, it hurts
gorankostanski5 June 2013
When I look at the modern day West, and the 2008 financial crisis, I often see parallels with images from RoboCop: protests, mind-numbing commercials, crime as the result of huge poverty, profit as the main goal of life, no matter at what (or whose) expense. There is not one OCP today, but dozens of OCPs, huge modern mega-corporations that influence every aspect of the society and drain it of its wealth. Just like in RoboCop, the middle class is almost gone and we only have the poor and the rich.

RoboCop started out as a pure B-movie, but unlike Cyborg (1989) or The Six Million Dolar Man (1974), it kept its relevance, satire and sharpness precisely because it is so close to today that it hurts. Even as a kid, I somehow got that one of the messages of the film was how the power was slowly shifting from the government to the OCP. Let's be fair, though, Verhoeven sometimes directs a scene in a heavy, clumsy manner, and some cheap ideas slightly reduce my enjoyment whenever I re-watch this. Overall, this is still a strong film, and I stand behind what I say. Kurtwood Smith is one of the most fiendish villains of the 80s, and one of the most unorthodox ones, too, with those glasses, but we must also mention Peter Weller who is often overlooked under that armor, yet his stoic presence tells us everything we need to know. His Murphy is a character designed by the corporations, a being that is a product, not a being anymore. The way he finds his humanity, nonetheless, is still powerful. He defies the system, he defies the cold exploitation - and he becomes worthy to become recognized. And the ED-something-something robot is still cool as ever, too.
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Put down your weapons...
Peach-24 July 1999
Robocop is an unbelieveable experience. I haven't watched the film since 1988 and the other day I recieved it on DVD. So I eagerly popped it in the player and BOOM!!! The only way I can describe Robocop is ultraviolence. The film is so over the top and out of control. The film speaks of a future where big companies will run the governmental defense. Those times are upon us more and more everyday. Paul Verhoeven has made one of the most important science fiction films ever made and it's a brillant piece of cinema.
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Underrated, Misunderstood, Ingenious
Break14 June 2003
It's a shame that this movie is usually snubbed by shoving it into the "action" category. Sure, there are lot of legendary action sequences to be found, but RoboCop is a LOT more than that.

Next time when you watch it, try to shift your focus from the cyborgs, explosions and gore towards the writing. From the main theme of criticizing the modern money driven society (a topic still relevant today, and will most likely be so in the future as well) all the way to the smallest bits of dialogue, the writing is nothing short of outstanding. RoboCop is simply the most intelligent "action" film to come out of Hollywood, ever. Unfortunately, the cleverness is hidden "between the lines" of comic book action. No wonder so many people fail to see this film for what it really is.

Amazing cinematography, solid performances (especially from Kurtwood Smith and Miguel Ferrer), memorable musical score.. The list is endless. Granted, the stop motion effects of ED-209 look quite old today, but you have to remember we're talking about a movie made in 1987. RoboCop has its faults, like the rather embarrassing toxic waste scene, but they are easily forgiven compared to all the good things.

You must be thinking "What is this guy on? It's just a dumb little action flick about a cyborg!" .. Relax, take a deep breath and watch it again. I like obscure art films as much as the next guy, but I'm not going to dismiss such greatness just because it comes wrapped in cartoon violence. I'm not saying RoboCop is art, the best movie ever made or the most important film of the year/decade/millennium. But it definitely deserves to be regarded higher.

My only question is: How could Verhoeven succeed so well with this movie, and fail miserably in ALL other Hollywood titles he has worked on?
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A classic one of the best action films one of my all time favorites
ivo-cobra81 April 2017
RoboCop (1987) is the finest cyberpunk action movie one of my favorite films of all time. I grew up with this movie, it has a special place in my heart and I love it to death. Here you have everything: brilliant story, good actors, stunts, puppetry, models, and good Special Effects. This is Paul Verhoeven and Peter Weller's best movie from the 80's they ever made. I used to had this movie on VHS but over the years the tape was eaten from VHS recorder so that I couldn't watch the movie properly anymore. 3 years earlier I got this movie on Blu-ray Unrated director's cut and my Blu-ray player scratched and eat the Blu-ray disc so I purchased the director's cut again on Blu-ray and I was blown away with the movie how good it is.

RoboCop it's not an action in the film itself, that makes this be the case. This is especially odd in a movie with a $50 million budget (in 1987!), with multiple huge explosions, with hundreds of bullets fired, and scores of stuntmen used. 30 year's anniversary is coming in July since the movie was released and it is a shame that Miguel Ferrer aka Bob Morton died this year in January R.I.P. we miss you. This movie is what it is, a perfect 10, because it takes the vision of one of the most imaginative directors on Earth, and realizes them almost perfectly with all the tools that fit the task.

The movie it self has heart and soul in it, the fact is you have a human being who loses his humanity and it brought back to life, he is resurrected and he is a superhuman super cop who once again regains his humanity and his trouble been robot and human. When Alex Murphy (Peter Weller) takes off his helmet we see a sad mourning man who lost everything. I felt really sorry for Alex who was shot and killed I was really moved and sad by his death who lost his family.

Peter Weller stars in the film as Alex Murphy, a Detroit police officer who after being gunned down by a vicious gang, is resurrected by a mega-corporation as the cybernetic law enforcement officer of the future. As he begins his new life as "RoboCop", Murphy starts to regain a bit of his humanity with the help of his former partner Anne Lewis (Nancy Allen). The popularity of the RoboCop character would spawn a RoboCop franchise consisting of, among other media, two more feature films, a 1994 live-action series, two animated television series, a four-part movie miniseries as well as a 2014 remake.

Actors Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Ronny Cox, Kurtwood Smith and Miguel Ferrer do all job well and they deliver the movie as an entertaining action flick.

I love the puppetry of droid ED-209 who has a lot of fire power and the costume and the suit for RoboCop was beautiful designed. Themes that make up the basis of RoboCop include media influence, gentrification, corruption, authoritarianism, greed, privatization, capitalism, identity, dystopia, and human nature. It is an rated R action film and I wish there would be movies like this today. I love the Music score by Basil Poledouris which it is my favorite score and it is a classic orchestra.

The stunts are completely insane in scale (we have a lot of glass scenes like Ed-209 fires cannon guns on Robo and he flies trough glass door. Robo fires his gun on Dick (Ronnie Cox) and he flies trough window.) Robo punches a terrorist in mayor's office and he falls from the window. Of course, this wouldn't be an action movie without some action. There's plenty of it, and it's perfectly done. The gunplay is delivered in perfect Verhoeven style (as opposed to the slo-mo John Woo-style) -- you'll see lots of heavy automatic, shotguns and explosive cannon weapons, and you'll see them used well. The film is violent, and bloody with real blood squibs.

It is also up to the script to deliver the real substance of the movie. (One often sees great performances in mediocre films... here the story transcends the performances -- an impressive feat.) The script delivers. The film is absolutely filled with great, classic moments (I counted TEN all-star ones during my last viewing), and they're evenly spaced through the movie.

I love how RoboCop prevents two armed robberies, a rape which he shoots the rapist in the dick, he bust a drug factory on by him self, he stops and punches a terrorist and saves the hostages in the mayor office, he stops a violent gang by himself and he stops a corrupt business man.

Best scene: ED-209 moves its right gun-arm cannon on RoboCop (Peter Weller) but Robo grabs it and shoves it away just before ED fires. ED continues firing as Robo shoves the gun towards ED's left gun-arm, destroying it. ED-209 fires one of its missiles at RoboCop. The missiles were actual rockets guided with wires.

RoboCop is a 1987 American cyberpunk action film directed by Paul Verhoeven and written by Edward Neumeier and Michael Miner. The film stars Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Dan O'Herlihy, Kurtwood Smith, Miguel Ferrer, and Ronny Cox.

RoboCop (1987) is a classic one of the best action films my all time favorite action films of mine that defines my childhood. This movie has a heart, and that you cannot deny. Plus, it simply rocks. 10/10
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A brilliant mix of science fiction, action and satire that has yet to be topped.
Infofreak27 March 2003
Paul Verhoeven's career in recent years has been wildly uneven, but back in the 1980s he rocked! His movies 'Spetters', 'The Fourth Man' and 'Flesh & Blood' are all brilliant and worth tracking down. His next movie, his first Hollywood one, could have been a complete disaster. Verhoeven initially passed on it without reading the script and wasn't experienced in working with special effects or a fan of science fiction. Thankfully his wife insisted he make the picture and the end result was a triumph. Apparently this was a very tough shoot for all concerned but the bottom line is what is on screen, and it really works. Few movies if any have managed to juggle SF, action and grim satire in such an entertaining and original fashion. Verhoeven was blessed with an excellent script, a well chosen bunch of actors, and a great behind the scenes team, and added to his own vision 'RoboCop' turned out to be one of the best movies of the 1980s, whatever the genre. Peter Weller ('Buckaroo Banzai') pulls off a difficult job - making the audience care about a guy in a monster suit. Probably the best performance of its kind since Boris Karloff in James Whale's 'Frankenstein' back in the 1930s. Nancy Allen ('Dressed To Kill'), Kurtwood Smith ('12.01 PM'), Ronny Cox ('Deliverance'), Miguel Ferrer ('Twin Peaks'), and the rest of the supporting cast are all first rate, and everything about this movie is perfect. Verhoeven stumbled with his next movie 'Total Recall', and apart from 'Starship Troopers' has pretty much failed to fulfill his potential, but 'RoboCop' remains a classic SF/action movie and a fantastic way to end a great decade of work.
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Brutal but satisfying
moonspinner552 August 2002
Detroit is under siege by a corrupt CEO in the police department...also by rapists, robbers, and the group of thugs who murdered Officer Murphy. Murphy (flawlessly played by Peter Weller) was a family man with a big heart whose body is eventually 'saved' by tech-geniuses, transforming him into a robot-cop (with a big heart, natch). The violence in the film is incredibly brutal in the manner of "Death Wish", yet it can almost be overlooked--even deemed necessary--in the context of the plot. Weller exudes sensitivity (not easy to do under that coat of armor), and he's matched very well by Ronny Cox (delightfully sinister and sniveling) and spunky Nancy Allen (in her best performance). A bleak vision of the future, though one which offers hope underneath its chestplate of destruction. Followed by "RoboCop 2" in 1990, "RoboCop 3" in 1993, and a television series in 1994. ***1/2 from ****
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The mix of science-fiction, action and social satire is just brilliant!
Boba_Fett11381 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The success of this movie can be credited to one man; Paul Verhoeven. His special touch of violence, gore and social satire make the movie more than just your average B-movie, with a lame title and simple story and characters. Yes, without Verhoeven this movie seriously would had been nothing more like another B-movie on par with science-fiction/action movies like "Timecop" and Albert Pyun movies.

The main story of "RoboCop" itself is simply and not that complex, however Verhoeven manages to put many different layers for the story as well as the characters in the movie. The social satire in the movie works out brilliantly and is what makes the movie perhaps more entertaining than thrilling or tense. Especially those typical Verhoeven news sketches are brilliant! But also those who will not be able to understand or fully appreciate the social satire elements in the movie, will have plenty to enjoy while watching this. The action itself is top-class and the characters are fun as well as cool. RoboCop himself looks awesome, both in his movements and the way his costume looks. Oh and of course I may not forget his awesome gun!

The movie is not only filled with some typical Verhoeven social satire elements but also with some trademark Verhoeven gore and violence. The way Murphy gets killed is very graphic and disturbing. But as always in most Verhoeven movies is the case, the violence is so over-the-top that it's not really shocking to look at but almost more comical like because it's just so over-the-top. Especially what happens to Emil at the end, the gore is way over-the-top there and I absolutely love it!

In a movie like this the characters are also always important. Especially the villains and yes, "RoboCop" has some highly entertaining and good villains. The group of Clarence, Leon, Joe and Steve are a bunch of entertaining, charismatic stereotypical villains. But also the more educated villains like Dick Jones (Ronny Cox) and Bob Morton (a very young Miguel Ferrer) who also isn't a very nice person. But also the mechanical villain ED-209 is extremely cool and dangerous looking. The stop-motion effects for him are of course heavily outdated this days but it takes away nothing of his threatening appearance. All of the character are entertaining and well developed. Characters also worth mentioning are The Old Man (Dan O'Herlihy) who plays the president of OCP and you can tell by his face gestures that he's not very pleased with the direction Dick Jones is heading towards with the company and Johnson who is always smiling. And of course let's not forget Bixby "I'd buy that for a dollar!" Snyder, he's a real classic! They should given that guy a real show on TV.

Also the musical score by Basil Poledouris is what helps to make this movie a very memorable one. Poledouris delivers one of his best works. When will he finally get some more attention from the big awards? He has made some great stuff but he rarely has won anything of importance with it. A bit of a disgrace for such a wonderful composer.

All in all this is a brilliantly entertaining science-fiction/action movie that simply is perfect in every way, mainly thanks to Verhoeven his input.

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Surprisingly Human
the50xbomb17 August 2022
My favorite Paul Verhoeven feature by a mile. It's a decent film if you like action but everything around it makes Robocop a different film in the genre. It's a movie that's blatant and upfront about its story but depending on who you are you can interpret it in different ways. It could be about public funding, gentrification, humanism, or just a dude who goes around shooting drug dealers. But what I really like about it is even though it's a movie that might seem fascistic on the surface it surprisingly doesn't punch down, at least not like films of the era that were just military propaganda. I know not everything I'm mentioning is an intentional decision on the writer's part, and to be honest I never thought the action was that great (except during the end), but my main point is this movie deserves more thought IF you're a fan of the genre.
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80s Classic That Didn't Need Remaking
Theo Robertson8 February 2014
In a crime ridden Detroit of the near future a corporate company OCP has the answer to fighting crime - invent a new type of policeman who won't go on strike . After the death of a policeman called Murphy they stick his body in to a metal shell . Murphy however can still remember a time when he was human

I once did an evening film course called Talking Pictures which would involve watching a film then having a two hour group discussion on the film . I saw the filmography before the class started and the vast majority would be art house foreign cinema . The one exception was ROBOCOP and I knew instantly this was the one that was going to split the group right down the middle in to love it or hate it with no in between . True to form this how things worked out . Most the class despised it wondering why the class had to watch such a cartoonish commercial film . I however did state I loved it and considered it to be the third best SF movie of the 1980s behind THE TERMINATOR and ALIENS

What makes ROBOCOP such a cerebral enjoyable film is the uncommon mix of social satire and no holds barred Verhoeven excess . While " greed is good " to a certain extent the idea of corporate capitalism is something to be rejected . A small self elected clique ruling over the Universe in order to maximise profits is a bad mix of capitalism meets self serving communism . Not so much a mixed economic system but more a combination of greedy speculators from one system being merged with the unthinking party loyalty of the other system . It's greed for money plus greed for power which is a marriage made in hell and being dead isn't enough to make you escape the clutches of OCP and the film revolves around the human element of Murphy remembering who he once was and it's this that is at the core of the movie

Of course Verhoeven isn't a director who does sentimental mawkish stuff and I doubt if the audience was wanting to see a Walt Disney film . What they were wanting to see was bad things happen to very bad people and you can't help cheering as criminals get killed , maimed , mutilated and in one case melted . It's a violent film but one that is so cartoonish that the violence is not to be taken seriously , a fact reflected in the loud slightly unrealistic acting style . This attitude wasn't enough to stop its British network premiere on ITV becoming farcical with a TV version being broadcast with notorious lines like " you gonna be a bad mother crusher " along with key scenes like the ones with mister melty conspicuous by their absence

There is of course a new version of ROBOCOP hitting the cinema this week but is a film I have no interest in watching judging by the clips I've seen of it . It's strange to think that another Verhoeven classic TOTAL RECALL was also recently remade . As it stands the original ROBOCOP remains one of the greatest genre films from the 1980s containing wit , satire and enjoyably mean carnage
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Fun 80s icon
SnoopyStyle14 February 2014
In a dystopia future, crime ridden Detroit is being protected by a police force run by Omni Consumer Products. Omni is looking to replace inner city Detroit with Delta City. They want to clean up the crime with new robotic cops. When the latest robot ED 209 malfunctions, they need RoboCop as the backup plan. Officer Alex Murphy (Peter Weller) is new in the dangerous precinct, and he's paired up with the rough Officer Anne Lewis (Nancy Allen). In a wild chase with master criminal Clarence Boddicker (Kurtwood Smith), Alex is captured and seriously tortured. When he dies, Omni takes ownership of his body to create RoboCop.

This is great 80s sci-fi action. It is fun. The FX is good for the 80s. The cheese factor is high, but it's never ridiculous. RoboCop looks super cool. I wish they had better CGI back then, and better production value. Sometimes the action looks light. The production design lacks imagination with the exception of RoboCop and ED 209. There are good fun actors especially Miguel Ferrer and Ronny Cox. Miguel is great as the sleazy corporate climber. The story has just enough dark social commentary.
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One of the best films of the genre!!!
yucel81x8 February 2001
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw "Robocop" on Showtime back in 1989, I was about 8 years old. It was definitely the most violent, and one of the most sophisticated films I'd ever seen (at that time...being 8, my dad had issues with showing me "Blade Runner" though he seriously wanted me to since it was first released). Everything about the film grabbed me on some level. A lot of people seem to really like this film, though I've heard a share of people and critics say that it's a second-rate film due to the extensive violence and sappy dialogue, calling it cartoon-ish. Well, I have to say that the cartoon-ish quality to the film is part of its allure. It's not only a humorous device for the sake of entertainment, but its significance to the story is great. This is a dystopian future where big companies control almost every part of our existence, from the government to the police to our domestic lives. It's almost Orwell-ian (anybody notice how the OCP building is the tallest in the city?). It's a future where criminals run rampant in every form, from street thugs to business execs. Seriously, the head villain is a greedy business suit who uses a street gang to create trouble so he can provide a solution in the form of a droid with enough firepower to put up a fight with a tank...only to have that blow up in his face and mutilate a fellow exec at its unveiling. Bill Gates never had a bad day like this. Or how about when the gang blows Murphy into a million pieces with enough shotgun ammo to make even the NRA cringe, totally destroying any remnants of his right arm. It's cartoon-ish because it's a comentary on the direction the world could conceivably take, while at the same time being a source of entertainment. Whether the entertainment value was intended for people who love to see guns blazing or for people who like to see horrifying sights (Murphy's execution, for as long as it was and as bloody as it was, HAD to demand a lot of sympathy from people...if it didn't, there's something wrong with you, and let's not forget when Robocop was getting shot up by the swat team). This film has everything going for it. A plot that exists on more levels than its B-movie surface. It's a social commentary, a satire, an action film, a sci-fi film, and at times even a comedy (when Robocop dragged the guy away by his hair, I laughed like mad). The acting is great, the effects are great (not perfect, but that adds to the visual appeal because it's as gritty as the story), the music is great (kudos to Basil Poledouris on an amazing score), and overall...this film is one of the greatest films of its genre. I wouldn't call it "THE" greatest, but it's very high up there. I still have yet to see the uncut Director's version, but knowing Paul Verhoeven's work as I do, I know it must be far more brutal than the domestic version (hard to grasp with how far this film goes, evidently went further, showing just how cartoon-ish things can get I suppose). I give it a definite 10/10!!!
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Serious Black Comedy.
rmax30482320 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
There is a cornucopia of action scenes in this movie, so the Arnold Schwarzenegger demographic won't be disappointed. Guns of every type are deployed and powerful semi-automatic pistols are the least of them. There are heavily armed robots weighing a ton that walk with reverberating thumps. There's a van with a murderer at the wheel that embeds itself into a huge tank labeled "Toxic Waste" and we see the driver melt before our eyes. And then there's Peter Weller as the half-human cyborg cop, ripped apart by bullets, reassembled with electronic components by villainous Ronnie Cox who heads the OCP corporation.

When this first showed up on television I caught a few minutes of Weller's titanium-coated figure blasting some people to pieces and thought, "Oh, (expletive deleted), another comic strip hero brought to life." But, having just watched it through, I think it's rather more than just another mindless superhero story. Neither the director, Paul Verhoeven, nor his two writers ever went anywhere after this, but they hit the ball with "Robocop" as typical action movie, black comedy, and social commentary.

The opening is hilarious. It's a satire on the evening news. Two handsome, cheerful faces -- one bland guy and one Leeza Gibbons who looks like she could eat a man alive -- run through the news of the world in the near future -- riots here and there, police strikes, a war at the Mexican border, and so on. Cut to a commercial for some heart transplant business. Some huckster with silvery hair, a television actor's voice, and a white coat and stethoscope takes us through the corporation's offices, telling us we get to choose our own heart at a discount price, even "the Jarvik model," and he grins and holds up a model of the artificial heart, which looks like two pink plastic concertinas glued together. "And remember -- we care." Another commercial advertises the new Model 6000 "Sux" car, which boasts 8.2 miles to the gallon. Later, the news anchors tell us about a tragic incident in which dozens of satellites forming a missile shield ("the Peace Platform") have gone awry and struck the earth with lasers, killing more than one hundred people -- a human tragedy.

And who built the lasers? OCP. "Hell, we practically are the military," remarks Cox. Everything is being privatized. "The military/industrial complex" has become "the militaryindustrial complex." The corporation runs everything. Hospitals, construction, social control, security, "urban pacification", energy, the whole magilla.

And OCP makes worse mistakes than the government, if that's possible. At a board meeting, Cox introduces a two-ton super robot that will replace human cops. To demonstrate, he has a board member hold a gun. The robot orders him to put down the gun, giving him fifteen seconds to comply. The frightened suit complies but somehow the robot continues its countdown. The two dozen other board members dive out of the way as the robot blasts the innocent victim to bloody shreds. "A big glitch," somebody mutters. Nobody mentions the dead man. It's just that the failure makes the company look bad.

The basic plot has Peter Weller, who is only half a man, slowly recovering his memory and his identity. As he goes about obeying orders and trying to enforce the law, he's smitten by all sorts of objects and weapons. He's not entirely invulnerable either. Like Achilles, he has a vulnerable spot -- his lips and cheeks -- that never seem to suffer any damage. And he's human enough to bleed when his armor is punctured. By the end, he's removed his helmet so that we can see Weller's hairless face and part of his head. He's recovered his memory completely too. He answers to the name of Murphy and even smiles.

A dreadful thought occurs to me at this point. With it's sour view of privatization and corporate culture, in some sectors of social space this is going to be interpreted as socialist propaganda. That's not actually the case, though. OCP is run by the avuncular and well-meaning old Dan O'Herlihy. The flies in the corporate ointment are Ronnie Cox, Miguel Ferrer, and the smarmy henchmen they hire to do their wet work and their cocaine running. The henchmen are led by Kurtwood Smith, who has never done anything on screen but lead henchmen. When you see Kurtwood Smith headed your way, you know there's trouble. You just don't know whether it will be prolonged and debilitating like prostate cancer or quick and painless like a severe stroke. The modern screen is full of splinter-group villains. They've included Russians, the IRA, and the CIA. Not the originals but some violent cabal within the group. Let's not offend anyone who might buy a ticket.

Still -- inside this prototypical, titanium-coated, two-ton action movie behemoth there is a humanitarian trying to get out. And I get down on my knees and grovel in gratitude that the writers and director had the decency never to let Weller's half-human face show any tears, not even during the moments that were nearest the sentimental.
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Possibly the most overrated movie of all time
counterrevolutionary10 March 2003
Leaving aside the sophomoric "satire" that seems for some unfathomable reason to have impressed far too many people, ROBOCOP is just a big, dumb, overblown action flick. This would have been a perfect vehicle for Steven Seagal (who pretty much acts like a robot anyway) if it had been made a year or two later.

On the other hand, my taste and that of the American public do not exactly run parallel, thank God. Statistically speaking, given that everyone else seems to absolutely *love* this piece of garbage, you probably will too. So watch it, if you're impressed by red-colored Karo syrup and exploding stuff. But if you happen to notice that it's continually insulting your intelligence: remember, I'm the one who warned you.
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Classic science fiction film full of excess, humour and satire
bob the moo4 February 2002
In a futurist Detroit, crime is high and the police are run by a massive private company, keener to reduce running costs than reduce crime. When their new police robot ED209 develops a glitch, they turn to a prototype that blends human tissue with high-tech circuitry. Meanwhile Police officer Murphy and his partner Lewis are out gunned by criminals leaving Murphy mortally wounded. OCP take Murphy's body and use it to make Robocop. However Robocop is so successful that he is targeted by criminal Boddicker. Boddicker turns to his shadowy partners in crime, while Robocop struggles to deal with human memories and a programming system that seems designed to control him and keep him in the dark.

Verhoeven's first US film was to set the mould for how the rest of his career would pan out - extreme violence and very little idea of restraint. However this is one of his best films and has much in common with one of his other best (Starship Troopers) - ultra-violence, funny black humour, great action and tonnes of satirical digs at modern life. Here the plot revolves around the creation of Robocop and his fight against crime that goes right to the top. This is complimented by the sub-plot of him trying to rediscover his human side. This is full of great action scenes and eccentric villains.

The black comedy is funny, although sometimes you feel bad laughing at so much violence, but the sideswipes are the best. Verhoeven takes digs at TV with his advert filled news broadcasts, at privatisation by showing the crumbling police stations and the huge corporate towers and at heroism by showing Robocop creating just as much mayhem and destruction as the criminals he pursues. His strength however is the action scenes and the sense of tension he creates - I'll don't think anyone can forget the sheer terror of ED209's `glitch'.

Weller is good - cast because of his strong jaw and ability to project emotion through a suit of armour - and he does manage to bring out the human side. Allen is good but a but dry. The real support comes from the eccentric, and well known villains and corporate bosses. Ronny Cox, Smith, Ray Wise, Perry, O'Herlihy and Miguel Ferrer are all great in various capacities. Criminal or greedy corporate leader - it's hard to tell which is which at times.

A classic bit of sci-fi. Verhoeven has sadly not had a moment as fine as this since and has recently had problems being excessive in Hollywood - the land of excess! This is a landmark film that may not be to everyone's taste.
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Cracking Futuristic Action
mjw230529 January 2005
Robocop, born of technology is a cyborg, half man/half machine. The future of Law enforcement is here, and he's kicking ass.

Alex Murphy was the unfortunate candidate chosen to be robocop after he was brutally massacred by a gang of scumbag criminals. And the robocop program was brought in, after the E.D. 209 (An all robot killing machine) proto-type failed so disastrously.

Alex Murphy, now Robocop is effectively dead, but he still has a memory, and sets out on a quest to avenge his own Death, by finding the scumbags responsible.

With some quite horrific violence (E.D. 209 and Murphy scenes mainly) and some brilliant action, Robocop is character that you will warm to, as he fights crime on a personal level.

Solid entertainment 8/10
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To this day, STILL one of the best movies ever made
scheuerman11 October 2018
Has an excellent soundtrack, plenty of gore, and a twisted sense of humor that suits my personality quite well.

I first saw this when I was 5 years old when I snuck the VHS tape from my brother when my mother was at work, and I've watched it over and over countless times in the last 30 something years, each time finding something new to love about it. Peter Weller is simply fantastic, and most assuredly I'd buy that for a dollar!

If you haven't already seen it: Please buy this movie, you have 20 seconds to comply!
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It still holds up.
gumperman24 February 2014
Although it was surprisingly better than I expected, having never seen it before, I only watched this because I really liked the new version and wanted to compare the two. First I'll say, the Robo costume was pretty good for an 80's style sci-fi / action film, but the newer one is so much more sleek and mechanical looking. The story to this film is a lot better than I expected, but a lot of scenes were cheesily filmed and acted that I couldn't take most of it seriously. It was entertaining for the most part, although very violent, and still holds up today. This would have probably been one of my favorite films had I seen it in 1987, but seeing this after the impressive newer version, it doesn't quite compare to me. I know that a lot of people will disagree with me and this won't be a popular review, but it is a honest review and my own opinion. Cheers!
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You gotta love the Dutch when it comes to directing.
lee_eisenberg30 September 2005
"RoboCop" is the sort of movie that seems like it would be more than idiotic if you only hear about it once. But it turns out to actually be quite good. Less of an action movie than a look at urban decay, the movie makes the most of its potential at every turn.

Officers Alex J. Murphy (Peter Weller) and Anne Lewis (Nancy Allen) patrol the streets of crime-ridden Detroit. One day, while tracking down a gang, Murphy gets cornered and shot to death. But that's not the end of him; a group of scientists turns him into the steel-clad title character. Before too long, RoboCop is out fighting crime like never before. In the process, he not only decides to find the gang that killed him, but also investigates a conspiracy going to the city's highest levels of government.

Watching the movie, you get the feeling that everyone must have had a lot of fun making it. It's really neat now that I know that Kurtwood Smith - aka Red Foreman on "That '70s Show" - played one of the gang members. Paul Verhoeven, who turned out the masterpiece "Soldier of Orange" in his native Netherlands, created something more than cool here. You'll love it.
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Its almost as old as I am and is still relevant and creative
thisisgere30 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie can look cheap and outdated to some but i thought it was very interesting as a take on privatization of public services.

The gore is tame and the action is passable. But the story is interesting, the tech is cool and the theme song is memorable. The main actor is a plank with a face but i think its appropriate given that he plays a robot whos a human for more time in the movie than a real human.

There's this female side character who gets a good role and thankfully doesnt get romantically involved with the protagonist.

The villains are cartoonish but thats not really a bad thing as the rest of the movie has the same vibes.

The cops are spineless and the city is just trash and crawling with crime. There's no redeeming here. No amount of justice will fix this stuff in the film. And thats why the RoboCop has a reason to exist.

The acting and dialogue is not bad. This is a good film to watch more than once.
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A classic that reminds us why 80s movies rock so hard
Mcduff360124 May 2023
I rewatch this movie every couple years. I am a huge fan of sci Fi and a really huge fan of GOOD sci Fi. This is what I would consider GREAT sci Fi.

It has the perfect blend of being pretty cheesy, funny, gory and serious all at the same time. This movie comes from an era where they made movies because they had a story to tell and they had the freedom to tell it.

Most of the special effects still look great even in 2023. There are some exceptions but they are so brief and for me add to the campiness that makes this a fun movie to watch.

I forgot how gory some parts are and I am not a fan of gore but it works well in the scenes it's used in and it's practical so it looks pretty good.

This is a different take on the western gunslinger that comes into town to clean things up. They also did a fantastic job of building up the bad guy so you really feel invested when the hero goes to to toe with them.

Great movie would recommend to anyone wanting an action movie or a good sci Fi movie.
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Still very good after all those years
philip_vanderveken18 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Since I was born in the late seventies, I missed a lot of classic movies as a kid and in the eighties there just weren't made that many excellent movies. But if you ask me to name on of the movies that I saw then and which I still like, than chances are that it will be this "Robocop". It looked great back then, but still hasn't lost any of its power today.

In a futuristic Detroit, violence is everywhere. The police department isn't able to react in a proper way and every week several officers get killed in the line of duty. But a private company called OPC may have come up with an excellent alternative for a police officer. They have developed E. D. 209, a powerful and huge crime fighting robot that can be used 24 hours a day. The only problem is that the robot doesn't always do its task correctly and sometimes shoots an innocent man. So it isn't used and the human cops will have to keep doing the dirty work. While Officer Alex J. Murphy goes on his first patrol, he is ambushed and shot by the feared gang leader and cop killer Clarence Boddicker. In the hospital they try to save Murphy's life, but when that appears to be impossible, his body is used by OPC to develop an entirely new robot. They use him to create the much better RoboCop. He is very successful against criminals, but when memories of his former life begin to surface, he starts looking for revenge...

I guess that many people who now see this movie for the first time might say that some special effects could have been better. Especially the scenes with the E. D. 209 don't always look perfect (as long as it stands still, it all looks OK, but when it moves you see that the special effects weren't what they are today). Personally I didn't really have any problem with that because I kept in mind that this is still a movie from 1987. Let's be honest, in 20 years time today's special effects will probably look dated as well. But a good thing about this movie is that it didn't just rely on its special effects. The story is more than OK, and even though written almost two decades ago, still looks futuristic enough to be believable. A good thing about the story is also the fact that they don't mention a date. Some eighties Sci-Fi movies say: 'in the year 2002...' Back then that may have felt futuristic, special and believable, but when you see it today, you know that it wasn't like that at all in 2002. But what would a good story be without some good directing and acting? Absolutely nothing. It wouldn't be the first movie to fail completely because one of those things wasn't exactly great. But not in this case: Paul Verhoeven established his name in Hollywood with this movie (which is completely understandable, although he never came up with another movie that great.) and actors like Peter Weller and Nancy Allen also did a very good job (although they too weren't able to come up with another excellent project).

In the end this is a Sci-Fi / action movie that really stands out above the average movie in the genre. Normally I'm not a fan of this kind of movies, but this time I'm willing to make an exception. The acting and the directing were very good, the story still feels futuristic enough and believable... That's why I give this movie a 7.5/10.
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Incredibly ahead of its time
timurtaimur7 December 2021
Paul Verhoeven was meticulously particular about how he created this movie. From practical effects, intense character building to intrusive shadowing of the lead's emotions.

Robocop could be taken as a few different genres. But mostly, this movie is a psychological revenge thriller. It bundles much more into it without forcing narrative and/or messaging.

Much of what is in this movie has come to fruition. It simply predicted our future and an unquenchable addiction to technology, looking to it to resolve issues within society with a debilitating conclusion.

Overall, RoboCop involves several key elements for an action-sci-fi including incredible pyrotechnics and practical effects, applause worthy acting, unrivalled character building and most of all - a story yet to be dismounted.

RoboCop is a movie with something to offer everyone.
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"You are gonna be a bad".
classicsoncall3 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
If you revisit some of the sci-fi movies of the Seventies and Eighties like "Star Wars" and this one, you realize just how clunky some of the special effects were. As an example, you would think the designer of an attack droid would have given some thought to the idea that maybe it would eventually encounter a set of stairs at some point. When that attack droid flipped and started flailing it's legs it looked just hilarious.

So it's 2014 now, some twenty seven years since this movie came out, and old Detroit still hasn't been replaced. You'd think they would put a whole army of Robocops in there to straighten things out. Actually, the way things are going, we may not be far from it what with flying drones being unleashed across the country and government surveillance at an all time high. Sure wish we could turn that clock back.

Well I saw this when it first came out and again just the other day. Not much has changed in my perception of the flick; it's an entertaining blend of sci-fi and action with all manner of corporate outlaws looking to make a score with the latest in technology. Peter Weller is outstanding in the Robocop get-up, I was particularly amused each time he did one of those awkward twists with his head to signal a new direction he was going in. Ron Cox was perfect as the number two man at Omni Consumer Products, but he probably should have thought things through a bit more with his programming team. If all it took to get knocked out of the picture was getting fired, why wouldn't he simply design Robocop not to harm him under any circumstances. Pretty simple solution really.

Say, how did the Robocop armor get fixed up every time he got shot up? That's what I'd like to know.
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Original movie, but unpleasant to watch.
eldergod-19 February 2005
The first movie of the popular "RoboCop" series is considered to be the best of them and a masterpiece of science fiction. While it is really original and has strong message, it is too gory (and I say this being a horror-fan), chaotic and unpleasant to watch. The main character, RoboCop is very interesting and the villain is really ghastly and memorable, but the bad robot looks very stupid and the film is full with scenes of sadistic violence, which made it tough to watch. Unlike the sequels, the first RoboCop is considered to be a "serious scifi", but it's neither good nor as enjoyable as the best movie in the cyborg genre - The Terminator.
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