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HUD No. 24-172
HUD Public Affairs
(202) 708-0685
July 10, 2024

HUD Awards Over $30 Million to Connect Public Housing Residents to Employment and Education, Helping Bridge the Wealth Gap

Awards will go to Public Housing Agencies and will help increase economic mobility to families across the country.

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today awarded over $30 million to 14 Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) in 12 states to help families increase their earned income and improve their economic mobility through the Jobs Plus program. HUD’s Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, Richard Monocchio made the announcement in Jacksonville, FL.

"HUD is committed to increasing family self-sufficiency and supporting the long-term success of individuals and communities," said HUD Acting Secretary Adrianne Todman. "Improving the employment outlook for residents is the first step in helping people find and keep jobs, ultimately helping families thrive and helping bridge the wealth gap." Read more about how these PHAs will put their grant funds to work here.

The Jobs Plus program supports work readiness and connects public housing residents with employment, education, and financial empowerment services – part of an evidence-based model proven to help public housing residents find and keep jobs. This program also supports HUD’s Bridging the Wealth Gap agenda which pursues economic justice and asset building for renters.

"This Administration believes in the power of investing in people and economic opportunities in addition to their housing and neighborhoods," said Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, Richard J. Monocchio. "These grants help communities create and expand opportunities for those living in public housing now and into the future."

The Jobs Plus program is a place-based community investment that combines sector-based employment connections, comprehensive employment readiness services, and a wealth building rent incentive designed to cultivate an effective community support for work. The program requires PHAs to partner locally with Department of Labor Workforce Development Boards and American Jobs Centers. Additionally, Jobs Plus grantees are required to demonstrate a 25 percent match from community partners, providing wrap-around supportive services to improve employment and earnings outcomes. Cross-agency partnerships are essential to changing the economic prospects of public housing residents. The Jobs Plus program’s place-based model helps residents support each other through the process, enhancing economic resiliency.

The following public housing authorities are receiving funding:

Grantee Name



Amount Grant Funds

Eufaula Housing Authority



$ 1,600,000

Selma Housing Authority



$ 2,300,000

Housing Authority County of San Joaquin



$ 1,600,000

Jacksonville Housing Authority



$ 2,300,000

Housing Authority of the City of Valdosta



$ 3,000,000

Peoria Housing Authority



$ 1,600,000

Fort Wayne Housing Authority

Fort Wayne


$ 2,300,000

New Albany Housing Authority

New Albany


$ 1,911,572

Housing Authority of New Orleans

New Orleans


$ 1,422,850

Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority

Las Vegas


$ 3,000,000

New York City Housing Authority

New York

New York

$ 3,700,000

The City of Providence Housing Authority


Rhode Island

$ 2,299,981

Jackson Housing Authority



$ 2,300,000

Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority





$ 30,934,403


HUD's mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.
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