December 11, 2019
Building Momentum to Hold Companies to Account
Millions of adults and children around the world suffer abuses as workers who obtain raw materials, toil on farms, and make products for the global market. They are at the bottom of global supply chains, for everything from everyday goods like vegetables and seafood to luxury items like jewelry and designer clothing that end up on store shelves worldwide.

Europe/Central Asia
December 20, 2017
January 23, 2007
December 6, 2017
Austria: Court Allows Marriage Equality
Finds Ban on Same-Sex Marriage Discriminatory
October 17, 2017
Radical Right Populist Success in Elections Endangers Human Rights in Europe
Mainstream Parties Adopting Anti-Immigrant Platforms to Win Votes
May 3, 2017
Open Letter to Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz on Libya
Migrants are Not the Enemy
December 29, 2016
For Managing Migration, Australia is No Model for Europe
March 9, 2016
Dispatches: Hungary’s New, Bigger Migrant Lockout
September 5, 2015
Dispatches: Refugees March out of Hungary
August 27, 2015
Dispatches: For Those Trying to Reach Safety in Europe, Land can be as Deadly as the Sea