At Hexcel, we recognize our responsibility to help protect the planet and its resources. As such, we are committed to minimizing our impact by reducing our greenhouse gas emissions, freshwater use, and waste to landfill. Below are several projects helping us to achieve our 2030 targets.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Heat Exchange Equipment Installation: This project installs equipment to cool temperatures in working areas and heat the building in the winter by re-using energy from the cooling towers. We expect this multi-million-dollar project to be completed by the end of 2024 and contribute to our carbon reduction goal by preventing up to an estimated 2,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions per year. For more information about our initiatives to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, see Our Environmental Commitment.

Waste to Landfill

Waste to Landfill

Waste Minimization: One of the key strategies to achieve our 2030 waste minimization targets is to reduce or prevent waste at its origin. Hexcel implemented a corporate standard in 2023 that requires each Hexcel manufacturing site to conduct a systemic review of waste origin across processes. Once identified, the most significant contributors at each site must have a plan implemented to reduce source waste. In addition to creating a more efficient, profitable Hexcel, it contributes to improving circular economy within our supply chain and that of our customers. Learn more about our site-specific projects.


Energy Efficiency

U.S. Energy Assessments: Hexcel has completed energy assessments at our highest energy consuming and GHG producing sites in the U.S. and is implementing multiple efficiency projects to optimize operations, improve yields, and reduce energy use. These projects are estimated to yield a 8-15% CO2 reduction in the aggregate over the next 3-5 years.


We focus on process improvements to facilitate standardization and efficient production, which reduces material consumption and waste and have undertaken a number of other initiatives to encourage environmentally friendly work practices, such as recycling and reuse. For more information on our production waste recycling efforts, see Our Environmental Commitment.

Prepreg Recycling

Carbon Fiber Prepreg Recycling

Hexcel and Fairmat, a deep technology start-up based in France, announced a collaboration in 2021 to recycle carbon fiber prepreg from Hexcel European operations for reuse in composite panels sold into commercial markets. At the end of 2023, more than 170 tons of material had been diverted to fulfilling commercial product needs. Read more about recycled carbon fiber prepreg used in consumer health devices.

Carbon Fiber Recycling

Hexcel Corporation has had a strategic relationship with Carbon Conversions since announcing an investment in the company in 2016.  CCI reclaims carbon fiber from dry, wet, and cured structures and incorporates reclaimed carbon fibers in advanced materials that are used to make new, high-performance components.


Aircraft Fleet Recycling Association

Hexcel has become the first carbon fiber/prepreg manufacturer to join the Aircraft Fleet Recycling Association (AFRA), the leading global organization for developing and promoting the safe and sustainable management of circularity of components and aircraft in the aviation sector.


Hexcel Decatur (Alabama) has joined the RightCycle program, the first manufacturer-led recycling program for non-hazardous PPE. Through the program, any eligible Kimberly-Clark PPE and laboratory supplies such as protective clothing, nitrile gloves and safety glasses are collected and recycled into plastic pellets that are molded into consumer products. The site expects to divert a ton of waste annually from the Morgan County landill.


International Aerospace Environmental Group

Hexcel is a member of the International Aerospace Environmental Group (IAEG), the leading global aerospace forum for sharing good practices concerning key issues and developing voluntary consensus standards around the environment. This non-profit organization provides Hexcel with the opportunity to collaborate with other aerospace companies on innovative environmental solutions and promote a responsible and sustainable value chain. Hexcel maintains an active role with several work groups including GHG Management and Reporting; Impact Analysis of Global Environmental and Chemical Regulations, Policies, and Standards; Aerospace Industry ESG Engagement; and Circular Economy. By participating, not only do we provide a unique perspective as a key aerospace supplier, but we also have a seat at the table as we collaborate with key customers, supporting them as they anticipate potential business impacts from various regulations, chemical obsolescence drivers and sustainability targets. 


We believe it is of utmost importance to address environmental challenges based on data-driven scientific criteria. As a result, we regularly evaluate waste and emissions data and implement projects to work toward achieving our 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal, including: instituting on-site renewable power generation where possible, such as solar projects at our manufacturing sites at Neumarkt, Austria, Casa Grande, Arizona, and Casablanca, Morocco; optimizing our processes through third party energy assessments; retrofitting existing facilities with low-energy LED lighting and installing energy efficient equipment and systems throughout our sites; utilizing LEED (green building) guidelines for new building design; and pursuing ISO 45001 (Energy Standard) and ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) certifications. As of 2023, more than 85% of our sites are ISO 14001:2015 certified and more 50% of our sites are ISO45001:2018 certified. We are working to add the remaining sites under our Hexcel Corporate ISO 14001:2015 umbrella certificate and Hexcel Corporate ISO 45001:2018 umbrella certificate.

Hexcel RT SLC

The Hexcel Center of Research & Technology Excellence at Salt Lake City was designed and built in conformance with LEED principles.