Have our certified training courses tested for free, assess your group’s level, evaluate needs, provide complementary courses with a teacher, etc.
After the first few lessons, each learner will receive a certificate of completion detailing their level, progress and participation rate.
We offer a wide range of topics, situations and accents in order to create the best user experience possible: professional situations, business vocab (economy, finance, management, IT, marketing, sales, HR, engineering, etc.)
The Gymglish package is very well developed: courses offer relevant exercises, high-quality content and an overall storytelling that makes learners want to come back for more.
Training managers benefit from our HR support tools and services, as well as advice on the deployment of testing and training. You will be provided with a Pro account to manage and communicate with employees registered, receive monthly summaries, send out satisfaction surveys, etc.
Gymglish has developed a network of more 500 training organizations and language schools worldwide. We provide personalized support to find the organization which best suits your blended learning needs: either with a teacher and/or through self-learning. More information here.