Si vis pacem, para bellum
you may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you

  • 'Masters of the Air - Strategic stability and conventional strikes' By Dan Plesch and Manuel Galileo -- "We could catch'm with their pants down." Paraphrasing a line from Dr Strangelove, analysts in London point to US non-nuclear strike power as having the potential to knock out Chinese and Russian nuclear launch sites in a crisis.

  • Endgame: The Risk of a Trump Coup and How to Prevent It By Jonathan M. Winer -- Donald Trump's plans for overturning the election result if he loses again have become increasingly visible. This year, Team Trump's attack on our election system encompasses three distinct phases....

  • Brokering a solution to the Libyan Central Bank crisis By Jonathan M. Winer -- The ongoing effort by various factions in Libya to gain control of the Central Bank of Libya (CBL) poses a clear and present danger for the entire country, threatening its safety and security as well as its economy. Already, the crisis over the control of the CBL has resulted in the closure of 60% of Libya's oil production, whose revenues are supposed to flow through the bank, with some 700,000 barrels a day of production halted and further shutdowns imminent, leading to an immediate spike of 7% in global oil prices....

  • A New Face, But an Old Tactic: History Offers Clues on Stopping Russia's African Advance by Herman J. Cohen -- The conflict in Gaza has taken center stage in global affairs. But while the eyes of the world are drawn to the Middle East, Russian President Vladimir Putin has been working in the background to expand Russia's influence in Africa. His tactics are drawn from the Soviet Union's Cold War playbook. He offers military support, now via the mercenary Wagner Group, to unstable regimes across the continent, helping them retain power in exchange for diplomatic allegiance and natural resources....


Ground Systems
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Special Weapons

The World At War

Para-Military Groups

Rohingya Genocide
Rohingya Genocide
Uighur Genocide
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World Wide Elections

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