“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Over the past few weeks, measles cases have surged to over 146 across nine counties, leading to the heartbreaking death of an unvaccinated school-aged child. Understandably, many questions have arisen regarding measles vaccination.
Over the past few weeks, measles cases have surged to over 146 across nine counties, leading to the heartbreaking death of an unvaccinated school-aged child. Understandably, many questions have arisen regarding measles vaccination.
Cell phones, cell phones, cell phones. What a miracle! One can carry in one hand an instant link to almost all the information in the world. Unbelievable. If you need to know what 2 + 2 equals, just ask “Siri.” If you need to know the way to your grandmother’s house, just ask “Siri.” Is the …
Of all our senses, smell is probably the least understood. For vision, there are two types of light-sensing receptors in the eye that detect and process light, rods and cones. With smell, there are at least 400 different odor receptors in your nose. Humans are thought to be capable of detect…
Mardi Gras celebrations on the island can be incredibly exciting. However, it is important to maintain healthy habits while we let the good times roll. Mardi Gras is about community, celebration and recognizing the good in life. These celebrations should not come at the expense of our health…
When someone mentions the word “bully,” images flash into your mind. The bully in the movie The Christmas Story with his raccoon hat and silver braces terrorizing Ralphie and his brother or the little girl in glasses standing in the schoolyard saying “Sticks and stones can break my bones but…
For many women, finding out that they have breast cancer is the worst news they can receive. Even worse news is if the breast cancer is termed “triple-negative,” which is a type that has no specific therapies to target it. This means women must rely on conventional treatments that include su…
In recent years, the whole food, plant-based (WFPB) diet has gained significant attention for its potential to improve health and prevent chronic diseases. This dietary approach emphasizes minimally processed plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds whil…
A century ago, a deadly outbreak gripped the remote town of Nome, Alaska. In the harsh winter of 1925, diphtheria threatened children’s lives, and without intervention, an epidemic was imminent. The town’s only doctor, Dr. Curtis Welch, sent an urgent plea for the life-saving diphtheria anti…
Most Americans know that obesity is a major health problem for Americans and their children. The world knows it is a major health problem everywhere. As is hunger. What exactly is hunger? We think we know what hunger is, but as usual, it isn’t simple.
The call goes out several times each year — the blood supply is critically low, please donate! Donated blood is essential for trauma victims and those undergoing surgeries and other medical treatments. We need even more of this precious resource in times of emergencies or natural disasters. …
With Valentine’s Day coming up soon, let me encourage you to get some flowers for your health and well-being. Flowers are the budding portion of a plant that precedes the formation of a fruit or to help the plant pollinate. They typically have beautiful colors and a sweet aroma to help attra…
There is not a reader who doesn’t know that the people of the United States are living in very troubled times. Part of this dismay that is most alarming is the hatred and violence being promoted against people who are not “white”. There are many subgroups of human beings who have hatred dire…
If you want to excite public health officials, ask them about the H5N1 avian influenza virus. This flu virus has been decimating wildfowl populations across Asia and Europe for more than 20 years. It is concerning because it is starting to make the jump into mammals and it is now in North Am…
In my last column, I shared that “joy” would be my theme for the year. The goal is to cultivate joy not only in myself but sharing it with others. Joy is not about “me” but about “us.” In the words of St. Francis, “Where there is sadness, let me sow joy.”
Following our recent column on avian (bird) flu, we received two questions. One reader inquired why poultry are not vaccinated to prevent the virus from spreading to humans.
How many times does a child hear their parents say “Are you listening to me?” As most people know there is a difference in hearing and listening. Hearing is passive. It cannot be turned on or off. The only way you cannot hear is to plug the external canals or make loud vocal blocking noises.…
The leading theory of how Covid-19 emerged in humans focuses on a “wet market” in Wuhan, China. The idea is that an infected animal was butchered, infecting those who came in contact with it, and the virus spread between people until it spread out of the city and across the world. A competin…
Over the last two weeks, I had the opportunity to try out a commercial continuous glucose monitor. This device was attached to the back of my arm and provided constant feedback on my blood glucose levels. I found the experience enlightening. I learned that rice significantly raises my blood …